Make a dropdown menu to choose an object in array?


I am new to using javascript and d3. I have a csv file of colleges and have created an array of each of these college object along with the attributes that belong to each college. I wan to create a drop down menu for the user to be able to select the college they would like to view the statistics of. I know how to make a bar graph given the statistic but do not know how to give the user the option of a drop down menu to select the college object and then how to pass the data from the selected object a graph. Could someone help me out. I will file and the code I have so far.

Here is a snippet of the csv file I am working with

Name,Predominant Degree,Highest Degree,Control,Region,Locale,Admission Rate,ACT Median,SAT Average,Undergrad Population,% White,% Black,% Hispanic,% Asian,% American Indian,% Pacific Islander,% Biracial,% Nonresident Aliens,% Part-time Undergrads,Average Cost,Expenditure Per Student,Average Faculty Salary,% Full-time Faculty,% Undergrads with Pell Grant,Completion Rate 150% time,Retention Rate (First Time Students),% Undergrads 25+ y.o.,3 Year Default Rate,Median Debt,Median Debt on Graduation,Median Debt on Withdrawal,% Federal Loans,% Pell Grant Recipients,Average Age of Entry,Average Family Income,Median Family Income,Poverty Rate,Number of Unemployed 8 years after entry,Number of Employed 8 years after entry,Mean Earnings 8 years After Entry,Median Earnings 8 years After Entry
Abilene Christian University,3,4,Private,Southwest,Mid-size City,0.4894,24,1087,3647,0.7069,0.076,0.1206,0.0099,0.0036,0.0005,0.0373,0.0417,0.0398,39811,8737,5508,0.9204,0.2347,0.5637,0.7941,0.0381,7.5,20698.5,26237.5,9500,0.970000029,0.439999998,20.22999954,86392,75873.5,7.800000191,130,1327,39800,37200
Adams State University,3,4,Public,Rocky Mountains,Remote Town,0.526,20,939,2227,0.5123,0.0768,0.3026,0.0112,0.0153,0.0063,0.04,0,0.1612,17759,7996,5986,0.5088,0.5029,0.227,0.5592,0.2106,9.3,11000,0,11000,0.829999983,0.730000019,24.12999916,45711.23,34243,11.84000015,99,752,33600,30700
Adelphi University,3,4,Private,Mid-Atlantic,Large Suburb,0.6814,22,1098,5000,0.5296,0.1062,0.1336,0.0756,0.0016,0.002,0.022,0.0396,0.0952,41559,12142,11315,0.3203,0.2951,0.6251,0.8112,0.1562,3.7,21325,25000,13000,0.949999988,0.449999988,23.12999916,74831.68,54115,7.46999979,152,1524,52200,49400
Adrian College,3,3,Private,Great Lakes,Distant Town,0.5628,22,1007,1616,0.7605,0.1002,0.0217,0.0056,0.0037,0.0006,0.0384,0.0006,0.021,40199,7091,7453,0.4767,0.4368,0.5445,0.5811,0.023,7.7,14250,27000,7655,0.99000001,0.479999989,19.62999916,77959.35,71008.5,5.710000038,34,393,35000,33800

and here is the code I have so far.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>D3: All vehicles</title>
<script src=""></script>
<style type="text/css">
h1 {
font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: bold;
.area {
stroke: none;
.area:hover {
fill: yellow;

<script type="text/javascript">
//Width and height
var width = 1000;
var height = 1000;
var padding = 20;

var dataset, xScale, yScale, xAxis, yAxis, area; //Empty, for now
//For converting strings to Dates
var parseTime = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m");
//For converting Dates to strings
var formatTime = d3.timeFormat("%b %Y");
//Set up stack method
var stack = d3.stack()
.order(d3.stackOrderDescending); // <-- Flipped stacking order

//Setting up the scales
//Load in data
.get(function(response) {
//Parse each row of the CSV into an array of string values
var rows = d3.csvParseRows(response.responseText);

//Make dataset an empty array, so we can start adding values
dataset = ;
schoolvsSATvsACT =

//Loop once for each row of the CSV, starting at row 3,
//since rows 0-2 contain only vehicle info, not sales values.
for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {


//Create a new object
dataset[i - 1] = {
// school: rows[i][0] //Make a new School object for each school
school: rows[i][0]
//Loop once for each vehicle in this row (i.e., for this date)
//for (var j = 1; j < rows[i].length; j++) {
var school = rows[i][0];
var predominantDegree = rows[i][1]; //'Make' from 1st row in CSV
var highestDegree = rows[i][2]; //'Model' from 2nd row in CSV
var control = rows[i][3]; //'Make' + 'Model' will serve as our key
var region = rows[i][4]; //'Type' from 3rd row in CSV
var local = rows[i][5]; //Sales value for this vehicle and month
var act = parseInt(rows[i][7]);
var sat = parseInt(rows[i][8]);
var white = parseFloat(rows[i][10]);
var black = parseFloat(rows[i][11]);
var hispanic = parseFloat(rows[i][12]);
var asian = parseFloat(rows[i][13]);

// //If sales value exists…
// if (sales) {
// sales = parseInt(sales); //Convert from string to int
// } else { //Otherwise…
// sales = 0; //Set to zero
// }
//Append a new object with data for this vehicle and month
dataset[i - 1] = {
"School" : school,
"PredominantDegree": predominantDegree,
"HighestDegree": highestDegree,
"Control": control,
"Region": region,
"Local": local,
"ACT" : act,
"SAT" : sat,
"White" : white,
"Black" : black,
"Hispanic" : hispanic,
"Asian" : asian
//Log out the final state of dataset
// console.log(dataset);
// console.log(rows[0].school);

xScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,d3.max(dataset,function(d){
return d.ACT; })]).range([0,height]);
yScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,d3.max(dataset,function(d){
return d.SAT; })]).range([0,width]);
var maxValue = d3.max(dataset,function(d){
return d.SAT;


var svg ="body")

.attr("cx", function(d) {
return xScale(d.ACT);
.attr("cy", function(d) {
return yScale(d.SAT);
.attr("r", 1);

// svg.selectAll("text")
// .data(dataset)
// .enter()
// .append("text")
// .text(function(d){
// return d.ACT + "," + d.SAT;
// })
// .attr("x", function(d){
// return xScale(d.ACT);
// })
// .attr("y", function(d){
// return yScale(d.SAT);
// }).attr("font-family", "sans-serif")
// .attr("font-size", "11px")
// .attr("fill","red");

// var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xScale);
// var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yScale);

for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {

//Create a new object
schoolvsSATvsACT[i - 1] = {
school: rows[i][0] //Make a new Date object for each year + month
//Loop once for each vehicle in this row (i.e., for this date)
//for (var j = 1; j < rows[i].length; j++) {

var ACT = rows[i][7];
var SAT = rows[i][8]; //'Make' from 1st row in CSV

// //If sales value exists…
// if (sales) {
// sales = parseInt(sales); //Convert from string to int
// } else { //Otherwise…
// sales = 0; //Set to zero
// }
//Append a new object with data for this vehicle and month
// dataset[i - 1][school] = {
// "predominant Degree": predominantDegree,
// "Highest Degree": highestDegree,
// "Control": control,
// "Region": region,
// "Local": local
// };


share|improve this question


    I am new to using javascript and d3. I have a csv file of colleges and have created an array of each of these college object along with the attributes that belong to each college. I wan to create a drop down menu for the user to be able to select the college they would like to view the statistics of. I know how to make a bar graph given the statistic but do not know how to give the user the option of a drop down menu to select the college object and then how to pass the data from the selected object a graph. Could someone help me out. I will file and the code I have so far.

    Here is a snippet of the csv file I am working with

    Name,Predominant Degree,Highest Degree,Control,Region,Locale,Admission Rate,ACT Median,SAT Average,Undergrad Population,% White,% Black,% Hispanic,% Asian,% American Indian,% Pacific Islander,% Biracial,% Nonresident Aliens,% Part-time Undergrads,Average Cost,Expenditure Per Student,Average Faculty Salary,% Full-time Faculty,% Undergrads with Pell Grant,Completion Rate 150% time,Retention Rate (First Time Students),% Undergrads 25+ y.o.,3 Year Default Rate,Median Debt,Median Debt on Graduation,Median Debt on Withdrawal,% Federal Loans,% Pell Grant Recipients,Average Age of Entry,Average Family Income,Median Family Income,Poverty Rate,Number of Unemployed 8 years after entry,Number of Employed 8 years after entry,Mean Earnings 8 years After Entry,Median Earnings 8 years After Entry
    Abilene Christian University,3,4,Private,Southwest,Mid-size City,0.4894,24,1087,3647,0.7069,0.076,0.1206,0.0099,0.0036,0.0005,0.0373,0.0417,0.0398,39811,8737,5508,0.9204,0.2347,0.5637,0.7941,0.0381,7.5,20698.5,26237.5,9500,0.970000029,0.439999998,20.22999954,86392,75873.5,7.800000191,130,1327,39800,37200
    Adams State University,3,4,Public,Rocky Mountains,Remote Town,0.526,20,939,2227,0.5123,0.0768,0.3026,0.0112,0.0153,0.0063,0.04,0,0.1612,17759,7996,5986,0.5088,0.5029,0.227,0.5592,0.2106,9.3,11000,0,11000,0.829999983,0.730000019,24.12999916,45711.23,34243,11.84000015,99,752,33600,30700
    Adelphi University,3,4,Private,Mid-Atlantic,Large Suburb,0.6814,22,1098,5000,0.5296,0.1062,0.1336,0.0756,0.0016,0.002,0.022,0.0396,0.0952,41559,12142,11315,0.3203,0.2951,0.6251,0.8112,0.1562,3.7,21325,25000,13000,0.949999988,0.449999988,23.12999916,74831.68,54115,7.46999979,152,1524,52200,49400
    Adrian College,3,3,Private,Great Lakes,Distant Town,0.5628,22,1007,1616,0.7605,0.1002,0.0217,0.0056,0.0037,0.0006,0.0384,0.0006,0.021,40199,7091,7453,0.4767,0.4368,0.5445,0.5811,0.023,7.7,14250,27000,7655,0.99000001,0.479999989,19.62999916,77959.35,71008.5,5.710000038,34,393,35000,33800

    and here is the code I have so far.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>D3: All vehicles</title>
    <script src=""></script>
    <style type="text/css">
    h1 {
    font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 14px;
    font-weight: bold;
    .area {
    stroke: none;
    .area:hover {
    fill: yellow;

    <script type="text/javascript">
    //Width and height
    var width = 1000;
    var height = 1000;
    var padding = 20;

    var dataset, xScale, yScale, xAxis, yAxis, area; //Empty, for now
    //For converting strings to Dates
    var parseTime = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m");
    //For converting Dates to strings
    var formatTime = d3.timeFormat("%b %Y");
    //Set up stack method
    var stack = d3.stack()
    .order(d3.stackOrderDescending); // <-- Flipped stacking order

    //Setting up the scales
    //Load in data
    .get(function(response) {
    //Parse each row of the CSV into an array of string values
    var rows = d3.csvParseRows(response.responseText);

    //Make dataset an empty array, so we can start adding values
    dataset = ;
    schoolvsSATvsACT =

    //Loop once for each row of the CSV, starting at row 3,
    //since rows 0-2 contain only vehicle info, not sales values.
    for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {


    //Create a new object
    dataset[i - 1] = {
    // school: rows[i][0] //Make a new School object for each school
    school: rows[i][0]
    //Loop once for each vehicle in this row (i.e., for this date)
    //for (var j = 1; j < rows[i].length; j++) {
    var school = rows[i][0];
    var predominantDegree = rows[i][1]; //'Make' from 1st row in CSV
    var highestDegree = rows[i][2]; //'Model' from 2nd row in CSV
    var control = rows[i][3]; //'Make' + 'Model' will serve as our key
    var region = rows[i][4]; //'Type' from 3rd row in CSV
    var local = rows[i][5]; //Sales value for this vehicle and month
    var act = parseInt(rows[i][7]);
    var sat = parseInt(rows[i][8]);
    var white = parseFloat(rows[i][10]);
    var black = parseFloat(rows[i][11]);
    var hispanic = parseFloat(rows[i][12]);
    var asian = parseFloat(rows[i][13]);

    // //If sales value exists…
    // if (sales) {
    // sales = parseInt(sales); //Convert from string to int
    // } else { //Otherwise…
    // sales = 0; //Set to zero
    // }
    //Append a new object with data for this vehicle and month
    dataset[i - 1] = {
    "School" : school,
    "PredominantDegree": predominantDegree,
    "HighestDegree": highestDegree,
    "Control": control,
    "Region": region,
    "Local": local,
    "ACT" : act,
    "SAT" : sat,
    "White" : white,
    "Black" : black,
    "Hispanic" : hispanic,
    "Asian" : asian
    //Log out the final state of dataset
    // console.log(dataset);
    // console.log(rows[0].school);

    xScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,d3.max(dataset,function(d){
    return d.ACT; })]).range([0,height]);
    yScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,d3.max(dataset,function(d){
    return d.SAT; })]).range([0,width]);
    var maxValue = d3.max(dataset,function(d){
    return d.SAT;


    var svg ="body")

    .attr("cx", function(d) {
    return xScale(d.ACT);
    .attr("cy", function(d) {
    return yScale(d.SAT);
    .attr("r", 1);

    // svg.selectAll("text")
    // .data(dataset)
    // .enter()
    // .append("text")
    // .text(function(d){
    // return d.ACT + "," + d.SAT;
    // })
    // .attr("x", function(d){
    // return xScale(d.ACT);
    // })
    // .attr("y", function(d){
    // return yScale(d.SAT);
    // }).attr("font-family", "sans-serif")
    // .attr("font-size", "11px")
    // .attr("fill","red");

    // var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xScale);
    // var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yScale);

    for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {

    //Create a new object
    schoolvsSATvsACT[i - 1] = {
    school: rows[i][0] //Make a new Date object for each year + month
    //Loop once for each vehicle in this row (i.e., for this date)
    //for (var j = 1; j < rows[i].length; j++) {

    var ACT = rows[i][7];
    var SAT = rows[i][8]; //'Make' from 1st row in CSV

    // //If sales value exists…
    // if (sales) {
    // sales = parseInt(sales); //Convert from string to int
    // } else { //Otherwise…
    // sales = 0; //Set to zero
    // }
    //Append a new object with data for this vehicle and month
    // dataset[i - 1][school] = {
    // "predominant Degree": predominantDegree,
    // "Highest Degree": highestDegree,
    // "Control": control,
    // "Region": region,
    // "Local": local
    // };


    share|improve this question




      I am new to using javascript and d3. I have a csv file of colleges and have created an array of each of these college object along with the attributes that belong to each college. I wan to create a drop down menu for the user to be able to select the college they would like to view the statistics of. I know how to make a bar graph given the statistic but do not know how to give the user the option of a drop down menu to select the college object and then how to pass the data from the selected object a graph. Could someone help me out. I will file and the code I have so far.

      Here is a snippet of the csv file I am working with

      Name,Predominant Degree,Highest Degree,Control,Region,Locale,Admission Rate,ACT Median,SAT Average,Undergrad Population,% White,% Black,% Hispanic,% Asian,% American Indian,% Pacific Islander,% Biracial,% Nonresident Aliens,% Part-time Undergrads,Average Cost,Expenditure Per Student,Average Faculty Salary,% Full-time Faculty,% Undergrads with Pell Grant,Completion Rate 150% time,Retention Rate (First Time Students),% Undergrads 25+ y.o.,3 Year Default Rate,Median Debt,Median Debt on Graduation,Median Debt on Withdrawal,% Federal Loans,% Pell Grant Recipients,Average Age of Entry,Average Family Income,Median Family Income,Poverty Rate,Number of Unemployed 8 years after entry,Number of Employed 8 years after entry,Mean Earnings 8 years After Entry,Median Earnings 8 years After Entry
      Abilene Christian University,3,4,Private,Southwest,Mid-size City,0.4894,24,1087,3647,0.7069,0.076,0.1206,0.0099,0.0036,0.0005,0.0373,0.0417,0.0398,39811,8737,5508,0.9204,0.2347,0.5637,0.7941,0.0381,7.5,20698.5,26237.5,9500,0.970000029,0.439999998,20.22999954,86392,75873.5,7.800000191,130,1327,39800,37200
      Adams State University,3,4,Public,Rocky Mountains,Remote Town,0.526,20,939,2227,0.5123,0.0768,0.3026,0.0112,0.0153,0.0063,0.04,0,0.1612,17759,7996,5986,0.5088,0.5029,0.227,0.5592,0.2106,9.3,11000,0,11000,0.829999983,0.730000019,24.12999916,45711.23,34243,11.84000015,99,752,33600,30700
      Adelphi University,3,4,Private,Mid-Atlantic,Large Suburb,0.6814,22,1098,5000,0.5296,0.1062,0.1336,0.0756,0.0016,0.002,0.022,0.0396,0.0952,41559,12142,11315,0.3203,0.2951,0.6251,0.8112,0.1562,3.7,21325,25000,13000,0.949999988,0.449999988,23.12999916,74831.68,54115,7.46999979,152,1524,52200,49400
      Adrian College,3,3,Private,Great Lakes,Distant Town,0.5628,22,1007,1616,0.7605,0.1002,0.0217,0.0056,0.0037,0.0006,0.0384,0.0006,0.021,40199,7091,7453,0.4767,0.4368,0.5445,0.5811,0.023,7.7,14250,27000,7655,0.99000001,0.479999989,19.62999916,77959.35,71008.5,5.710000038,34,393,35000,33800

      and here is the code I have so far.

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>D3: All vehicles</title>
      <script src=""></script>
      <style type="text/css">
      h1 {
      font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
      font-size: 14px;
      font-weight: bold;
      .area {
      stroke: none;
      .area:hover {
      fill: yellow;

      <script type="text/javascript">
      //Width and height
      var width = 1000;
      var height = 1000;
      var padding = 20;

      var dataset, xScale, yScale, xAxis, yAxis, area; //Empty, for now
      //For converting strings to Dates
      var parseTime = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m");
      //For converting Dates to strings
      var formatTime = d3.timeFormat("%b %Y");
      //Set up stack method
      var stack = d3.stack()
      .order(d3.stackOrderDescending); // <-- Flipped stacking order

      //Setting up the scales
      //Load in data
      .get(function(response) {
      //Parse each row of the CSV into an array of string values
      var rows = d3.csvParseRows(response.responseText);

      //Make dataset an empty array, so we can start adding values
      dataset = ;
      schoolvsSATvsACT =

      //Loop once for each row of the CSV, starting at row 3,
      //since rows 0-2 contain only vehicle info, not sales values.
      for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {


      //Create a new object
      dataset[i - 1] = {
      // school: rows[i][0] //Make a new School object for each school
      school: rows[i][0]
      //Loop once for each vehicle in this row (i.e., for this date)
      //for (var j = 1; j < rows[i].length; j++) {
      var school = rows[i][0];
      var predominantDegree = rows[i][1]; //'Make' from 1st row in CSV
      var highestDegree = rows[i][2]; //'Model' from 2nd row in CSV
      var control = rows[i][3]; //'Make' + 'Model' will serve as our key
      var region = rows[i][4]; //'Type' from 3rd row in CSV
      var local = rows[i][5]; //Sales value for this vehicle and month
      var act = parseInt(rows[i][7]);
      var sat = parseInt(rows[i][8]);
      var white = parseFloat(rows[i][10]);
      var black = parseFloat(rows[i][11]);
      var hispanic = parseFloat(rows[i][12]);
      var asian = parseFloat(rows[i][13]);

      // //If sales value exists…
      // if (sales) {
      // sales = parseInt(sales); //Convert from string to int
      // } else { //Otherwise…
      // sales = 0; //Set to zero
      // }
      //Append a new object with data for this vehicle and month
      dataset[i - 1] = {
      "School" : school,
      "PredominantDegree": predominantDegree,
      "HighestDegree": highestDegree,
      "Control": control,
      "Region": region,
      "Local": local,
      "ACT" : act,
      "SAT" : sat,
      "White" : white,
      "Black" : black,
      "Hispanic" : hispanic,
      "Asian" : asian
      //Log out the final state of dataset
      // console.log(dataset);
      // console.log(rows[0].school);

      xScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,d3.max(dataset,function(d){
      return d.ACT; })]).range([0,height]);
      yScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,d3.max(dataset,function(d){
      return d.SAT; })]).range([0,width]);
      var maxValue = d3.max(dataset,function(d){
      return d.SAT;


      var svg ="body")

      .attr("cx", function(d) {
      return xScale(d.ACT);
      .attr("cy", function(d) {
      return yScale(d.SAT);
      .attr("r", 1);

      // svg.selectAll("text")
      // .data(dataset)
      // .enter()
      // .append("text")
      // .text(function(d){
      // return d.ACT + "," + d.SAT;
      // })
      // .attr("x", function(d){
      // return xScale(d.ACT);
      // })
      // .attr("y", function(d){
      // return yScale(d.SAT);
      // }).attr("font-family", "sans-serif")
      // .attr("font-size", "11px")
      // .attr("fill","red");

      // var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xScale);
      // var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yScale);

      for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {

      //Create a new object
      schoolvsSATvsACT[i - 1] = {
      school: rows[i][0] //Make a new Date object for each year + month
      //Loop once for each vehicle in this row (i.e., for this date)
      //for (var j = 1; j < rows[i].length; j++) {

      var ACT = rows[i][7];
      var SAT = rows[i][8]; //'Make' from 1st row in CSV

      // //If sales value exists…
      // if (sales) {
      // sales = parseInt(sales); //Convert from string to int
      // } else { //Otherwise…
      // sales = 0; //Set to zero
      // }
      //Append a new object with data for this vehicle and month
      // dataset[i - 1][school] = {
      // "predominant Degree": predominantDegree,
      // "Highest Degree": highestDegree,
      // "Control": control,
      // "Region": region,
      // "Local": local
      // };


      share|improve this question

      I am new to using javascript and d3. I have a csv file of colleges and have created an array of each of these college object along with the attributes that belong to each college. I wan to create a drop down menu for the user to be able to select the college they would like to view the statistics of. I know how to make a bar graph given the statistic but do not know how to give the user the option of a drop down menu to select the college object and then how to pass the data from the selected object a graph. Could someone help me out. I will file and the code I have so far.

      Here is a snippet of the csv file I am working with

      Name,Predominant Degree,Highest Degree,Control,Region,Locale,Admission Rate,ACT Median,SAT Average,Undergrad Population,% White,% Black,% Hispanic,% Asian,% American Indian,% Pacific Islander,% Biracial,% Nonresident Aliens,% Part-time Undergrads,Average Cost,Expenditure Per Student,Average Faculty Salary,% Full-time Faculty,% Undergrads with Pell Grant,Completion Rate 150% time,Retention Rate (First Time Students),% Undergrads 25+ y.o.,3 Year Default Rate,Median Debt,Median Debt on Graduation,Median Debt on Withdrawal,% Federal Loans,% Pell Grant Recipients,Average Age of Entry,Average Family Income,Median Family Income,Poverty Rate,Number of Unemployed 8 years after entry,Number of Employed 8 years after entry,Mean Earnings 8 years After Entry,Median Earnings 8 years After Entry
      Abilene Christian University,3,4,Private,Southwest,Mid-size City,0.4894,24,1087,3647,0.7069,0.076,0.1206,0.0099,0.0036,0.0005,0.0373,0.0417,0.0398,39811,8737,5508,0.9204,0.2347,0.5637,0.7941,0.0381,7.5,20698.5,26237.5,9500,0.970000029,0.439999998,20.22999954,86392,75873.5,7.800000191,130,1327,39800,37200
      Adams State University,3,4,Public,Rocky Mountains,Remote Town,0.526,20,939,2227,0.5123,0.0768,0.3026,0.0112,0.0153,0.0063,0.04,0,0.1612,17759,7996,5986,0.5088,0.5029,0.227,0.5592,0.2106,9.3,11000,0,11000,0.829999983,0.730000019,24.12999916,45711.23,34243,11.84000015,99,752,33600,30700
      Adelphi University,3,4,Private,Mid-Atlantic,Large Suburb,0.6814,22,1098,5000,0.5296,0.1062,0.1336,0.0756,0.0016,0.002,0.022,0.0396,0.0952,41559,12142,11315,0.3203,0.2951,0.6251,0.8112,0.1562,3.7,21325,25000,13000,0.949999988,0.449999988,23.12999916,74831.68,54115,7.46999979,152,1524,52200,49400
      Adrian College,3,3,Private,Great Lakes,Distant Town,0.5628,22,1007,1616,0.7605,0.1002,0.0217,0.0056,0.0037,0.0006,0.0384,0.0006,0.021,40199,7091,7453,0.4767,0.4368,0.5445,0.5811,0.023,7.7,14250,27000,7655,0.99000001,0.479999989,19.62999916,77959.35,71008.5,5.710000038,34,393,35000,33800

      and here is the code I have so far.

      <!DOCTYPE html>
      <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>D3: All vehicles</title>
      <script src=""></script>
      <style type="text/css">
      h1 {
      font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;
      font-size: 14px;
      font-weight: bold;
      .area {
      stroke: none;
      .area:hover {
      fill: yellow;

      <script type="text/javascript">
      //Width and height
      var width = 1000;
      var height = 1000;
      var padding = 20;

      var dataset, xScale, yScale, xAxis, yAxis, area; //Empty, for now
      //For converting strings to Dates
      var parseTime = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m");
      //For converting Dates to strings
      var formatTime = d3.timeFormat("%b %Y");
      //Set up stack method
      var stack = d3.stack()
      .order(d3.stackOrderDescending); // <-- Flipped stacking order

      //Setting up the scales
      //Load in data
      .get(function(response) {
      //Parse each row of the CSV into an array of string values
      var rows = d3.csvParseRows(response.responseText);

      //Make dataset an empty array, so we can start adding values
      dataset = ;
      schoolvsSATvsACT =

      //Loop once for each row of the CSV, starting at row 3,
      //since rows 0-2 contain only vehicle info, not sales values.
      for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {


      //Create a new object
      dataset[i - 1] = {
      // school: rows[i][0] //Make a new School object for each school
      school: rows[i][0]
      //Loop once for each vehicle in this row (i.e., for this date)
      //for (var j = 1; j < rows[i].length; j++) {
      var school = rows[i][0];
      var predominantDegree = rows[i][1]; //'Make' from 1st row in CSV
      var highestDegree = rows[i][2]; //'Model' from 2nd row in CSV
      var control = rows[i][3]; //'Make' + 'Model' will serve as our key
      var region = rows[i][4]; //'Type' from 3rd row in CSV
      var local = rows[i][5]; //Sales value for this vehicle and month
      var act = parseInt(rows[i][7]);
      var sat = parseInt(rows[i][8]);
      var white = parseFloat(rows[i][10]);
      var black = parseFloat(rows[i][11]);
      var hispanic = parseFloat(rows[i][12]);
      var asian = parseFloat(rows[i][13]);

      // //If sales value exists…
      // if (sales) {
      // sales = parseInt(sales); //Convert from string to int
      // } else { //Otherwise…
      // sales = 0; //Set to zero
      // }
      //Append a new object with data for this vehicle and month
      dataset[i - 1] = {
      "School" : school,
      "PredominantDegree": predominantDegree,
      "HighestDegree": highestDegree,
      "Control": control,
      "Region": region,
      "Local": local,
      "ACT" : act,
      "SAT" : sat,
      "White" : white,
      "Black" : black,
      "Hispanic" : hispanic,
      "Asian" : asian
      //Log out the final state of dataset
      // console.log(dataset);
      // console.log(rows[0].school);

      xScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,d3.max(dataset,function(d){
      return d.ACT; })]).range([0,height]);
      yScale = d3.scaleLinear().domain([0,d3.max(dataset,function(d){
      return d.SAT; })]).range([0,width]);
      var maxValue = d3.max(dataset,function(d){
      return d.SAT;


      var svg ="body")

      .attr("cx", function(d) {
      return xScale(d.ACT);
      .attr("cy", function(d) {
      return yScale(d.SAT);
      .attr("r", 1);

      // svg.selectAll("text")
      // .data(dataset)
      // .enter()
      // .append("text")
      // .text(function(d){
      // return d.ACT + "," + d.SAT;
      // })
      // .attr("x", function(d){
      // return xScale(d.ACT);
      // })
      // .attr("y", function(d){
      // return yScale(d.SAT);
      // }).attr("font-family", "sans-serif")
      // .attr("font-size", "11px")
      // .attr("fill","red");

      // var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(xScale);
      // var yAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(yScale);

      for (var i = 1; i < rows.length; i++) {

      //Create a new object
      schoolvsSATvsACT[i - 1] = {
      school: rows[i][0] //Make a new Date object for each year + month
      //Loop once for each vehicle in this row (i.e., for this date)
      //for (var j = 1; j < rows[i].length; j++) {

      var ACT = rows[i][7];
      var SAT = rows[i][8]; //'Make' from 1st row in CSV

      // //If sales value exists…
      // if (sales) {
      // sales = parseInt(sales); //Convert from string to int
      // } else { //Otherwise…
      // sales = 0; //Set to zero
      // }
      //Append a new object with data for this vehicle and month
      // dataset[i - 1][school] = {
      // "predominant Degree": predominantDegree,
      // "Highest Degree": highestDegree,
      // "Control": control,
      // "Region": region,
      // "Local": local
      // };


      javascript d3.js

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 25 '18 at 3:15




      asked Nov 25 '18 at 2:14




          1 Answer





          To create a drop down with D3, you want something like this -

          var dropdown ="#your-dropdown-location")
          .insert("select", "svg")
          .on("change", dropdownChange);

          .attr("value", function (d) { return; });

          function dropdownChange() {

          var newSchool ='value');
          //Update bar graph...


          May require small tweak to the setting of the value to accommodate the format of your data set.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you for the help. This did the job!

            – Trea704
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:43

          • No problem! Glad I could help. If it did answer your question, you should "accept" the answer so others viewing later with a similar concern can know how to solve it.

            – A Zibuda
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:46

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer











          To create a drop down with D3, you want something like this -

          var dropdown ="#your-dropdown-location")
          .insert("select", "svg")
          .on("change", dropdownChange);

          .attr("value", function (d) { return; });

          function dropdownChange() {

          var newSchool ='value');
          //Update bar graph...


          May require small tweak to the setting of the value to accommodate the format of your data set.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you for the help. This did the job!

            – Trea704
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:43

          • No problem! Glad I could help. If it did answer your question, you should "accept" the answer so others viewing later with a similar concern can know how to solve it.

            – A Zibuda
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:46


          To create a drop down with D3, you want something like this -

          var dropdown ="#your-dropdown-location")
          .insert("select", "svg")
          .on("change", dropdownChange);

          .attr("value", function (d) { return; });

          function dropdownChange() {

          var newSchool ='value');
          //Update bar graph...


          May require small tweak to the setting of the value to accommodate the format of your data set.

          share|improve this answer

          • Thank you for the help. This did the job!

            – Trea704
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:43

          • No problem! Glad I could help. If it did answer your question, you should "accept" the answer so others viewing later with a similar concern can know how to solve it.

            – A Zibuda
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:46




          To create a drop down with D3, you want something like this -

          var dropdown ="#your-dropdown-location")
          .insert("select", "svg")
          .on("change", dropdownChange);

          .attr("value", function (d) { return; });

          function dropdownChange() {

          var newSchool ='value');
          //Update bar graph...


          May require small tweak to the setting of the value to accommodate the format of your data set.

          share|improve this answer

          To create a drop down with D3, you want something like this -

          var dropdown ="#your-dropdown-location")
          .insert("select", "svg")
          .on("change", dropdownChange);

          .attr("value", function (d) { return; });

          function dropdownChange() {

          var newSchool ='value');
          //Update bar graph...


          May require small tweak to the setting of the value to accommodate the format of your data set.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Nov 26 '18 at 14:37

          A ZibudaA Zibuda



          • Thank you for the help. This did the job!

            – Trea704
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:43

          • No problem! Glad I could help. If it did answer your question, you should "accept" the answer so others viewing later with a similar concern can know how to solve it.

            – A Zibuda
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:46

          • Thank you for the help. This did the job!

            – Trea704
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:43

          • No problem! Glad I could help. If it did answer your question, you should "accept" the answer so others viewing later with a similar concern can know how to solve it.

            – A Zibuda
            Nov 28 '18 at 20:46

          Thank you for the help. This did the job!

          – Trea704
          Nov 28 '18 at 20:43

          Thank you for the help. This did the job!

          – Trea704
          Nov 28 '18 at 20:43

          No problem! Glad I could help. If it did answer your question, you should "accept" the answer so others viewing later with a similar concern can know how to solve it.

          – A Zibuda
          Nov 28 '18 at 20:46

          No problem! Glad I could help. If it did answer your question, you should "accept" the answer so others viewing later with a similar concern can know how to solve it.

          – A Zibuda
          Nov 28 '18 at 20:46

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