
Showing posts from January 22, 2019


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In 2011, could a UK visa holder go to France without a French visa? [duplicate]

2 This question already has an answer here: Can you enter the Schengen area with a UK visa? 2 answers In 2011, could a Bangladeshi citizen, with a Bangladeshi passport and a valid UK visa, enter France without needing an additional French visa? visas uk france bangladeshi-citizens share | improve this question edited Nov 22 '18 at 13:31 Giorgio 31.8k 9 64 178 asked Nov 22 '18 at 13:21 ...

powershell invoke-command exchange mgmt shell from vba with stdout and stderr retrieval and no credential...

1 The following requirement(s) I have: As domain admin user logged on to an administrative client machine I want to perform some changes on an exchange server using calls from vba(excel 2013) via powershell to an exchange server (2013). The client machine runs Windows 10 (1809) and powershell v5.1.17763.1 Upon a button press in the vba excel form I want to perform a trivial task like getting all info for a specific mailbox user, reading the results back in from stdout/stderr using WSH.Shell, later on more to come. Executing the command below does what it shall, with the following two drawbacks: 1) the credentials are still asked again for though already passed to the ScriptBlock as $Cred via -ArgumentList 2) the powershell window does not close automatically after processing, it needs to be closed a...