ef core 2.2 preview migration change
we just updated Entity Framework Core from 2.1 to 2.2.Preview3. It seems that the migrator / modelbuilder changed and I am wondering if it is a bug or fix. If have the following Entity: public class User { public string UserName { get; set; } public Guid? PasswordGUID { get; set; } [ForeignKey("PasswordGUID")] public Password Password { get; set; } } The entity class Password has no navigation property to the entity class User. With EfCore 2.1 the User Password relationship got the following lines in the modelsnapshot: ... u.Property<Guid?>("PasswordGUID"); ... u.HasIndex("PasswordGUID"); ... u.HasOne("Password", "Password") .WithMany() .HasForeignKey("PasswordGUID"); Now after the update from EfC...