
Showing posts from December 27, 2018

Conselho de Reconciliação e Restauração da Somália

Conselho de Reconciliação e Restauração da Somália foi um movimento político e organização paramilitar ativo no período de 2001 a 2004, baseada no sul da Somália. Fundado em 2001 por Hussein Mohamed Farrah Aidid, filho do notório senhor da guerra Mohamed Farrah Aidid, [ 1 ] tem suas origens na Aliança Nacional Somali liderada por Aidid. O Conselho de Reconciliação e Restauração da Somália foi originalmente formado para se opor ao nascente Governo Nacional de Transição [ 2 ] e a Aliança do Vale de Juba. No entanto, finalmente resolveria as diferenças com o governo e alguns líderes moderados seriam incorporados à nova administração interina. Referências ↑ «Conseil de réconciliation et de restauration somalien». Perspective monde   ↑ «Somali warlords form unity council». BBC News   Portal da Somália This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

Iframe content load in Chrome browser

1 I am trying to launch my application which loads iframe as soon as url completely gets loaded. The iframe has 3 fields: username, password next button. When I pass the details and click on the next button, it should load otp content ( ajax call ) in the same iframe, when I use chrome I can pass a username and password, but upon clicking on next button, it's going to some private site instead of loading the otp content in the same iframe, whereas things are working fine in IE browser. I am not getting any exception also. What could be the reason? ajax selenium google-chrome iframe share | improve this question edited Nov 21 at 8:33 ...

Order complexity of a pairing function

0 I have a code that involves a 2 to 1 pairing of numbers. The code for this is function [ A ] = CantorPairing( B ) [~, b] =(size(B)); %b=sqrt(b); k=1; A=zeros(1,b/2); for i=1:2:(b) if( B(i)< B(i+1)) A(k)= B(i)+(B(i+1))^2; else A(k)= (B(i))^2+B(i)+B(i+1); end k=k+1; end This is a matlab code that i am implementing. What this code does is, it pairs the adjacent elements of an array B depending on which is greater. So for an n size array the number of elements it returns is n/2. I have a few questions for this code. Since I am new to computer science, I don't think this is a very efficient code in MATLAB, can I optimize this code. What is the order complexity of...