
Showing posts from November 23, 2018

Qualities of an ideal bride?

up vote 5 down vote favorite Are there any qualities of an ideal woman that should be kept in mind, by a man before taking the decision of marriage? Please quote references from Hindu Shastras. marriage women share | improve this question edited 1 hour ago Surya Kanta Bose Chowdhury 5,860 3 10 50 asked 1 hour ago Numero Uno 126 1 New contributor Numero Uno is a ne...

Passing the translate value to the React component using react2angular

up vote 1 down vote favorite 1 This is the component that I'm using: <my-component data="" ></my-component> I would like to pass it a translated string, but I get a syntax error: <my-component data="" string="{{ 'TOP_FIVE' | translate }}" // throws error in browser console ></my-component> How can I pass along the translated string value? angularjs reactjs share | improve this question asked Jan 9 at 19:01 rk919 142 1 3 12 ...