
Showing posts from March 7, 2019

Flicker scrolling problem (Safari/Firefox) for a fixed logo

0 I'm trying to overcome a flickering problem that occurs just in Safari/Firefox (not Chrome). I have a long page scroll, a fixed position logo that after a transition to the next section change with an absolute position logo that behaves like a fixed through jquery (you can have a look here). The problem is that jquery it is calculating it's offset top while scrolling but seems it is not being able to keep up with the scroll and the logo flickers a lot. What it looks if checking with inspector it's that the position it is changing but for some reason not at the same pace of the scrolling. I also tried a different solution using .css(transform, traslateY()) instead of .css("top") (ex here) but still shows the same result. The code: <script src="

pandas reading data from column in as float or int and not str despite dtype setting

2 i have an issue with pandas (0.23.4) on python 3.7 where the data is being read in as scientific notation instead of just a string despite setting the dtype setting. Here is an example of the data that is being read in ------------------- codes ------------------- 001234544 00023455 123456789 A1253532 780E9000 00678E10 The problem comes with lines 5 and 6 of the above because they contain, i think, 'E' characters and they are being turned into scientific notation. My reader is setup as follows. accounts = pd.read_excel('gym_accounts.xlsx', sheet_name='Sheet1', dtype=str) despite that dtype=str setting, it appears that pandas using something called ... a "sniffer" that detects the data type automatically and its being changed back to what I assume is float or i...