
Showing posts from March 2, 2019

Escaping Shell Command Arguments in Vim

0 I'm trying to fully understand the following command in Vim: :exe "grep -R " . shellescape(expand("<cWORD>")) . " ."<cr> I got the use of expand function (force the expansion of into the actual string before it gets passed to shellescape) and shellescape command itself ( from Vim help page: Escape {string} for use as a shell command argument). What I do not understand, from help itself either, is that use of dots, one before and one after shellescape command. Again, both of the dots are preceeded and followed by an empty space. And if I use : :exe "grep -R "shellescape(expand("<cWORD>"))" ."<cr> which is the same command without those dots, I (apparently) get the same result. Can anybody give a detaile...

Problem with reading file in content provider when app opens first time

0 I am new to android and I working on one application in which I am using Custom Content Provider for passing data. I am using JsonReader in onCreate method but it gives error that JSON file has some issue , End of input as file is empty when I open application for first time. Any one help me for this problem. android android-studio android-contentprovider share | improve this question asked Nov 25 '18 at 16:23 PATEL MEET PATEL MEET 20 5 add a commen...