Design a object oriented parking lot


I solved this system design interview question.

The problem description

Constraints and assumptions

  • What types of vehicles should we support?

    • Motorcycle, Car, Bus

  • Does each vehicle type take up a different amount of parking spots?

    • Yes

    • Motorcycle spot -> Motorcycle

    • Compact spot -> Motorcycle, Car

    • Large spot -> Motorcycle, Car

    • Bus can park if we have 5 consecutive "large" spots

  • Does the parking lot have multiple levels?

    • Yes

  • To make the solution more adaptable to future business rules I decided to represent the parking space required for each vehicle type as a continuous set of parking spots.

  • To keep track of the continuous set of parking spots and their types I used a sorted set to find a particular range of parking spots and also to merge with continuous ranges to it's left and right during freeing a particular range of parking spots.

The main interfaces

public interface IParkingLot
int FreeSpots { get; }
bool ParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, ParkingSpot parkingSpot);
bool UnParkvehicle(Vehicle vehicle);
ParkingSpot GetOptimalParkingSpot(Vehicle vehicle);
ParkingSpotStatus GetParkingSpotStatus(ParkingSpot spot);

public interface IParkingSpaceMapper
ParkingSpaceRequirment GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(Vehicle vehicle);

Concrete Implementation of Interfaces (Business Logic)

public class ParkingLotCore : IParkingLot
private ImmutableSortedSet<ParkingSpot> freeParkingSpots;
private ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParkingSpot> parkedVehicles;
private readonly IEnumerable<List<List<ParkingSpot>>> parkingLotLayout;
private readonly IParkingSpaceMapper parkingSpaceMapper;
private int _freeSpots = 0;
public int FreeSpots => _freeSpots;
private int _totalSpots = 0;
public int TotalSpots => _totalSpots;

public ParkingLotCore(IEnumerable<List<List<ParkingSpot>>> parkingLotLayout, IParkingSpaceMapper parkingSpaceMapper)
var comparer = Comparer<ParkingSpot>.Create((x, y) =>
x.Floor == y.Floor ?
x.Row == y.Row ?
: x.Row.CompareTo(y.Row)
: x.Floor.CompareTo(y.Floor)
freeParkingSpots = ImmutableSortedSet.Create<ParkingSpot>(comparer);
parkedVehicles = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParkingSpot>();
this.parkingLotLayout = parkingLotLayout;
this.parkingSpaceMapper = parkingSpaceMapper;

private void InitializeParkingLot()
foreach (var floor in parkingLotLayout)
foreach (var row in floor)
foreach (var spot in row)
freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(spot);
Interlocked.Add(ref _totalSpots, spot.SpotCount);
Interlocked.Add(ref _freeSpots, spot.SpotCount);

public ParkingSpot GetOptimalParkingSpot(Vehicle vehicle)
ParkingSpaceRequirment requiredSpace = parkingSpaceMapper.GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(vehicle);
var vacantSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ParkingSpotTypes >= requiredSpace.ParkingSpot
&& m.SpotCount >= requiredSpace.ParkingSpotsCount
if (vacantSpot != null)
vacantSpot.SpotCount = Math.Min(vacantSpot.SpotCount, requiredSpace.ParkingSpotsCount);
return vacantSpot;

public bool ParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, ParkingSpot parkingSpot)
if (parkedVehicles.ContainsKey(vehicle.VehicleNumber))
throw new InvalidOperationException($"Vehicle with number {vehicle.VehicleNumber} is already parked");
ParkingSpot vacantSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == parkingSpot.Floor
&& spot.Row == parkingSpot.Row
&& spot.ParkingSpotTypes == parkingSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
&& spot.StartPosition <= parkingSpot.StartPosition
&& spot.SpotCount >= parkingSpot.SpotCount
if (vacantSpot == null)
throw new KeyNotFoundException("The spot could not be found");

freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(vacantSpot);
parkedVehicles.TryAdd(vehicle.VehicleNumber, parkingSpot);
if (parkingSpot.StartPosition > vacantSpot.StartPosition)
var newSpot = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = vacantSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = vacantSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = vacantSpot.Row, StartPosition = vacantSpot.StartPosition};
newSpot.SpotCount = parkingSpot.StartPosition - vacantSpot.StartPosition;
freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpot);
if (vacantSpot.SpotCount > parkingSpot.SpotCount)
var newSpot = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = vacantSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = vacantSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = vacantSpot.Row};
newSpot.StartPosition = parkingSpot.StartPosition + parkingSpot.SpotCount;
newSpot.SpotCount = vacantSpot.SpotCount - newSpot.StartPosition + 1;
freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpot);
Interlocked.Add(ref _freeSpots, parkingSpot.SpotCount * -1);
return true;

public bool UnParkvehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
parkedVehicles.TryRemove(vehicle.VehicleNumber, out ParkingSpot currentSpot);
if (currentSpot == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"vehicle {vehicle.VehicleNumber} is not parked");

var leftSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == currentSpot.Floor
&& spot.Row == currentSpot.Row
&& spot.ParkingSpotTypes == currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
&& spot.StartPosition + spot.SpotCount == currentSpot.StartPosition
ParkingSpot newSpotToUpdate = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = currentSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = currentSpot.Row, StartPosition = currentSpot.StartPosition, SpotCount = currentSpot.SpotCount };
if (leftSpot != null)
newSpotToUpdate.StartPosition = leftSpot.StartPosition;
newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount = currentSpot.SpotCount + leftSpot.SpotCount;
freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(leftSpot);
var rightSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == currentSpot.Floor
&& spot.Row == currentSpot.Row
&& spot.ParkingSpotTypes == currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
&& spot.StartPosition == currentSpot.StartPosition + currentSpot.SpotCount

if (rightSpot != null)
newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount = newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount + rightSpot.SpotCount;
freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(rightSpot);
freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpotToUpdate);
return true;

public ParkingSpotStatus GetParkingSpotStatus(ParkingSpot parkingSpot)
var rightSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == parkingSpot.Floor
&& spot.Row == parkingSpot.Row
&& spot.ParkingSpotTypes == parkingSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
&& spot.StartPosition <= parkingSpot.StartPosition
&& spot.StartPosition + spot.SpotCount >= parkingSpot.SpotCount + parkingSpot.StartPosition
if (rightSpot != null)
return ParkingSpotStatus.Vacant;
return ParkingSpotStatus.Occupied;
public class ParkingSpaceMapper : IParkingSpaceMapper
public ParkingSpaceRequirment GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(Vehicle vehicle)
switch (vehicle.vehicleType)
case VehicleTypes.MotorCycle:
return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Motorcycle, ParkingSpotsCount = 1 };
case VehicleTypes.Car:
return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Compact, ParkingSpotsCount = 1 };
case VehicleTypes.Bus:
return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Large, ParkingSpotsCount = 5 };
throw new ArgumentException($"vehicleType {vehicle.vehicleType} is invalid.");

The enum's used

public enum ParkingSpotStatus
Occupied = 0,
Vacant = 1
public enum ParkingSpotTypes
Motorcycle = 0,
Compact = 1,
Large = 2
public enum VehicleTypes
MotorCycle = 0,
Car = 1,
Bus = 2

The data transfer objects used

public class ParkingLotStatus
public int TotalParkingSpots { get; set; }
public int OccupiedSpots { get; set; }
public int FreeSpots { get; set; }
public class ParkingSpaceRequirment
public ParkingSpotTypes ParkingSpot { get; set; }
public int ParkingSpotsCount { get; set; }
public class ParkingSpot
public int Floor { get; set; }
public int Row { get; set; }
public int StartPosition { get; set; }
public int SpotCount { get; set; }
public ParkingSpotTypes ParkingSpotTypes { get; set; }
public class Vehicle
public string VehicleNumber { get; set; }
public VehicleTypes vehicleType { get; set; }

The code along with the unit tests are available at GitHub to make it easier to read.



    I solved this system design interview question.

    The problem description

    Constraints and assumptions

    • What types of vehicles should we support?

      • Motorcycle, Car, Bus

    • Does each vehicle type take up a different amount of parking spots?

      • Yes

      • Motorcycle spot -> Motorcycle

      • Compact spot -> Motorcycle, Car

      • Large spot -> Motorcycle, Car

      • Bus can park if we have 5 consecutive "large" spots

    • Does the parking lot have multiple levels?

      • Yes

    • To make the solution more adaptable to future business rules I decided to represent the parking space required for each vehicle type as a continuous set of parking spots.

    • To keep track of the continuous set of parking spots and their types I used a sorted set to find a particular range of parking spots and also to merge with continuous ranges to it's left and right during freeing a particular range of parking spots.

    The main interfaces

    public interface IParkingLot
    int FreeSpots { get; }
    bool ParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, ParkingSpot parkingSpot);
    bool UnParkvehicle(Vehicle vehicle);
    ParkingSpot GetOptimalParkingSpot(Vehicle vehicle);
    ParkingSpotStatus GetParkingSpotStatus(ParkingSpot spot);

    public interface IParkingSpaceMapper
    ParkingSpaceRequirment GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(Vehicle vehicle);

    Concrete Implementation of Interfaces (Business Logic)

    public class ParkingLotCore : IParkingLot
    private ImmutableSortedSet<ParkingSpot> freeParkingSpots;
    private ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParkingSpot> parkedVehicles;
    private readonly IEnumerable<List<List<ParkingSpot>>> parkingLotLayout;
    private readonly IParkingSpaceMapper parkingSpaceMapper;
    private int _freeSpots = 0;
    public int FreeSpots => _freeSpots;
    private int _totalSpots = 0;
    public int TotalSpots => _totalSpots;

    public ParkingLotCore(IEnumerable<List<List<ParkingSpot>>> parkingLotLayout, IParkingSpaceMapper parkingSpaceMapper)
    var comparer = Comparer<ParkingSpot>.Create((x, y) =>
    x.Floor == y.Floor ?
    x.Row == y.Row ?
    : x.Row.CompareTo(y.Row)
    : x.Floor.CompareTo(y.Floor)
    freeParkingSpots = ImmutableSortedSet.Create<ParkingSpot>(comparer);
    parkedVehicles = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParkingSpot>();
    this.parkingLotLayout = parkingLotLayout;
    this.parkingSpaceMapper = parkingSpaceMapper;

    private void InitializeParkingLot()
    foreach (var floor in parkingLotLayout)
    foreach (var row in floor)
    foreach (var spot in row)
    freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(spot);
    Interlocked.Add(ref _totalSpots, spot.SpotCount);
    Interlocked.Add(ref _freeSpots, spot.SpotCount);

    public ParkingSpot GetOptimalParkingSpot(Vehicle vehicle)
    ParkingSpaceRequirment requiredSpace = parkingSpaceMapper.GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(vehicle);
    var vacantSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ParkingSpotTypes >= requiredSpace.ParkingSpot
    && m.SpotCount >= requiredSpace.ParkingSpotsCount
    if (vacantSpot != null)
    vacantSpot.SpotCount = Math.Min(vacantSpot.SpotCount, requiredSpace.ParkingSpotsCount);
    return vacantSpot;

    public bool ParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, ParkingSpot parkingSpot)
    if (parkedVehicles.ContainsKey(vehicle.VehicleNumber))
    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Vehicle with number {vehicle.VehicleNumber} is already parked");
    ParkingSpot vacantSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == parkingSpot.Floor
    && spot.Row == parkingSpot.Row
    && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == parkingSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
    && spot.StartPosition <= parkingSpot.StartPosition
    && spot.SpotCount >= parkingSpot.SpotCount
    if (vacantSpot == null)
    throw new KeyNotFoundException("The spot could not be found");

    freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(vacantSpot);
    parkedVehicles.TryAdd(vehicle.VehicleNumber, parkingSpot);
    if (parkingSpot.StartPosition > vacantSpot.StartPosition)
    var newSpot = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = vacantSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = vacantSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = vacantSpot.Row, StartPosition = vacantSpot.StartPosition};
    newSpot.SpotCount = parkingSpot.StartPosition - vacantSpot.StartPosition;
    freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpot);
    if (vacantSpot.SpotCount > parkingSpot.SpotCount)
    var newSpot = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = vacantSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = vacantSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = vacantSpot.Row};
    newSpot.StartPosition = parkingSpot.StartPosition + parkingSpot.SpotCount;
    newSpot.SpotCount = vacantSpot.SpotCount - newSpot.StartPosition + 1;
    freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpot);
    Interlocked.Add(ref _freeSpots, parkingSpot.SpotCount * -1);
    return true;

    public bool UnParkvehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
    parkedVehicles.TryRemove(vehicle.VehicleNumber, out ParkingSpot currentSpot);
    if (currentSpot == null)
    throw new ArgumentException($"vehicle {vehicle.VehicleNumber} is not parked");

    var leftSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == currentSpot.Floor
    && spot.Row == currentSpot.Row
    && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
    && spot.StartPosition + spot.SpotCount == currentSpot.StartPosition
    ParkingSpot newSpotToUpdate = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = currentSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = currentSpot.Row, StartPosition = currentSpot.StartPosition, SpotCount = currentSpot.SpotCount };
    if (leftSpot != null)
    newSpotToUpdate.StartPosition = leftSpot.StartPosition;
    newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount = currentSpot.SpotCount + leftSpot.SpotCount;
    freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(leftSpot);
    var rightSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == currentSpot.Floor
    && spot.Row == currentSpot.Row
    && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
    && spot.StartPosition == currentSpot.StartPosition + currentSpot.SpotCount

    if (rightSpot != null)
    newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount = newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount + rightSpot.SpotCount;
    freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(rightSpot);
    freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpotToUpdate);
    return true;

    public ParkingSpotStatus GetParkingSpotStatus(ParkingSpot parkingSpot)
    var rightSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == parkingSpot.Floor
    && spot.Row == parkingSpot.Row
    && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == parkingSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
    && spot.StartPosition <= parkingSpot.StartPosition
    && spot.StartPosition + spot.SpotCount >= parkingSpot.SpotCount + parkingSpot.StartPosition
    if (rightSpot != null)
    return ParkingSpotStatus.Vacant;
    return ParkingSpotStatus.Occupied;
    public class ParkingSpaceMapper : IParkingSpaceMapper
    public ParkingSpaceRequirment GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(Vehicle vehicle)
    switch (vehicle.vehicleType)
    case VehicleTypes.MotorCycle:
    return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Motorcycle, ParkingSpotsCount = 1 };
    case VehicleTypes.Car:
    return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Compact, ParkingSpotsCount = 1 };
    case VehicleTypes.Bus:
    return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Large, ParkingSpotsCount = 5 };
    throw new ArgumentException($"vehicleType {vehicle.vehicleType} is invalid.");

    The enum's used

    public enum ParkingSpotStatus
    Occupied = 0,
    Vacant = 1
    public enum ParkingSpotTypes
    Motorcycle = 0,
    Compact = 1,
    Large = 2
    public enum VehicleTypes
    MotorCycle = 0,
    Car = 1,
    Bus = 2

    The data transfer objects used

    public class ParkingLotStatus
    public int TotalParkingSpots { get; set; }
    public int OccupiedSpots { get; set; }
    public int FreeSpots { get; set; }
    public class ParkingSpaceRequirment
    public ParkingSpotTypes ParkingSpot { get; set; }
    public int ParkingSpotsCount { get; set; }
    public class ParkingSpot
    public int Floor { get; set; }
    public int Row { get; set; }
    public int StartPosition { get; set; }
    public int SpotCount { get; set; }
    public ParkingSpotTypes ParkingSpotTypes { get; set; }
    public class Vehicle
    public string VehicleNumber { get; set; }
    public VehicleTypes vehicleType { get; set; }

    The code along with the unit tests are available at GitHub to make it easier to read.





      I solved this system design interview question.

      The problem description

      Constraints and assumptions

      • What types of vehicles should we support?

        • Motorcycle, Car, Bus

      • Does each vehicle type take up a different amount of parking spots?

        • Yes

        • Motorcycle spot -> Motorcycle

        • Compact spot -> Motorcycle, Car

        • Large spot -> Motorcycle, Car

        • Bus can park if we have 5 consecutive "large" spots

      • Does the parking lot have multiple levels?

        • Yes

      • To make the solution more adaptable to future business rules I decided to represent the parking space required for each vehicle type as a continuous set of parking spots.

      • To keep track of the continuous set of parking spots and their types I used a sorted set to find a particular range of parking spots and also to merge with continuous ranges to it's left and right during freeing a particular range of parking spots.

      The main interfaces

      public interface IParkingLot
      int FreeSpots { get; }
      bool ParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, ParkingSpot parkingSpot);
      bool UnParkvehicle(Vehicle vehicle);
      ParkingSpot GetOptimalParkingSpot(Vehicle vehicle);
      ParkingSpotStatus GetParkingSpotStatus(ParkingSpot spot);

      public interface IParkingSpaceMapper
      ParkingSpaceRequirment GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(Vehicle vehicle);

      Concrete Implementation of Interfaces (Business Logic)

      public class ParkingLotCore : IParkingLot
      private ImmutableSortedSet<ParkingSpot> freeParkingSpots;
      private ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParkingSpot> parkedVehicles;
      private readonly IEnumerable<List<List<ParkingSpot>>> parkingLotLayout;
      private readonly IParkingSpaceMapper parkingSpaceMapper;
      private int _freeSpots = 0;
      public int FreeSpots => _freeSpots;
      private int _totalSpots = 0;
      public int TotalSpots => _totalSpots;

      public ParkingLotCore(IEnumerable<List<List<ParkingSpot>>> parkingLotLayout, IParkingSpaceMapper parkingSpaceMapper)
      var comparer = Comparer<ParkingSpot>.Create((x, y) =>
      x.Floor == y.Floor ?
      x.Row == y.Row ?
      : x.Row.CompareTo(y.Row)
      : x.Floor.CompareTo(y.Floor)
      freeParkingSpots = ImmutableSortedSet.Create<ParkingSpot>(comparer);
      parkedVehicles = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParkingSpot>();
      this.parkingLotLayout = parkingLotLayout;
      this.parkingSpaceMapper = parkingSpaceMapper;

      private void InitializeParkingLot()
      foreach (var floor in parkingLotLayout)
      foreach (var row in floor)
      foreach (var spot in row)
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(spot);
      Interlocked.Add(ref _totalSpots, spot.SpotCount);
      Interlocked.Add(ref _freeSpots, spot.SpotCount);

      public ParkingSpot GetOptimalParkingSpot(Vehicle vehicle)
      ParkingSpaceRequirment requiredSpace = parkingSpaceMapper.GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(vehicle);
      var vacantSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ParkingSpotTypes >= requiredSpace.ParkingSpot
      && m.SpotCount >= requiredSpace.ParkingSpotsCount
      if (vacantSpot != null)
      vacantSpot.SpotCount = Math.Min(vacantSpot.SpotCount, requiredSpace.ParkingSpotsCount);
      return vacantSpot;

      public bool ParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, ParkingSpot parkingSpot)
      if (parkedVehicles.ContainsKey(vehicle.VehicleNumber))
      throw new InvalidOperationException($"Vehicle with number {vehicle.VehicleNumber} is already parked");
      ParkingSpot vacantSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == parkingSpot.Floor
      && spot.Row == parkingSpot.Row
      && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == parkingSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
      && spot.StartPosition <= parkingSpot.StartPosition
      && spot.SpotCount >= parkingSpot.SpotCount
      if (vacantSpot == null)
      throw new KeyNotFoundException("The spot could not be found");

      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(vacantSpot);
      parkedVehicles.TryAdd(vehicle.VehicleNumber, parkingSpot);
      if (parkingSpot.StartPosition > vacantSpot.StartPosition)
      var newSpot = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = vacantSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = vacantSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = vacantSpot.Row, StartPosition = vacantSpot.StartPosition};
      newSpot.SpotCount = parkingSpot.StartPosition - vacantSpot.StartPosition;
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpot);
      if (vacantSpot.SpotCount > parkingSpot.SpotCount)
      var newSpot = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = vacantSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = vacantSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = vacantSpot.Row};
      newSpot.StartPosition = parkingSpot.StartPosition + parkingSpot.SpotCount;
      newSpot.SpotCount = vacantSpot.SpotCount - newSpot.StartPosition + 1;
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpot);
      Interlocked.Add(ref _freeSpots, parkingSpot.SpotCount * -1);
      return true;

      public bool UnParkvehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
      parkedVehicles.TryRemove(vehicle.VehicleNumber, out ParkingSpot currentSpot);
      if (currentSpot == null)
      throw new ArgumentException($"vehicle {vehicle.VehicleNumber} is not parked");

      var leftSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == currentSpot.Floor
      && spot.Row == currentSpot.Row
      && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
      && spot.StartPosition + spot.SpotCount == currentSpot.StartPosition
      ParkingSpot newSpotToUpdate = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = currentSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = currentSpot.Row, StartPosition = currentSpot.StartPosition, SpotCount = currentSpot.SpotCount };
      if (leftSpot != null)
      newSpotToUpdate.StartPosition = leftSpot.StartPosition;
      newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount = currentSpot.SpotCount + leftSpot.SpotCount;
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(leftSpot);
      var rightSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == currentSpot.Floor
      && spot.Row == currentSpot.Row
      && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
      && spot.StartPosition == currentSpot.StartPosition + currentSpot.SpotCount

      if (rightSpot != null)
      newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount = newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount + rightSpot.SpotCount;
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(rightSpot);
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpotToUpdate);
      return true;

      public ParkingSpotStatus GetParkingSpotStatus(ParkingSpot parkingSpot)
      var rightSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == parkingSpot.Floor
      && spot.Row == parkingSpot.Row
      && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == parkingSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
      && spot.StartPosition <= parkingSpot.StartPosition
      && spot.StartPosition + spot.SpotCount >= parkingSpot.SpotCount + parkingSpot.StartPosition
      if (rightSpot != null)
      return ParkingSpotStatus.Vacant;
      return ParkingSpotStatus.Occupied;
      public class ParkingSpaceMapper : IParkingSpaceMapper
      public ParkingSpaceRequirment GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(Vehicle vehicle)
      switch (vehicle.vehicleType)
      case VehicleTypes.MotorCycle:
      return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Motorcycle, ParkingSpotsCount = 1 };
      case VehicleTypes.Car:
      return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Compact, ParkingSpotsCount = 1 };
      case VehicleTypes.Bus:
      return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Large, ParkingSpotsCount = 5 };
      throw new ArgumentException($"vehicleType {vehicle.vehicleType} is invalid.");

      The enum's used

      public enum ParkingSpotStatus
      Occupied = 0,
      Vacant = 1
      public enum ParkingSpotTypes
      Motorcycle = 0,
      Compact = 1,
      Large = 2
      public enum VehicleTypes
      MotorCycle = 0,
      Car = 1,
      Bus = 2

      The data transfer objects used

      public class ParkingLotStatus
      public int TotalParkingSpots { get; set; }
      public int OccupiedSpots { get; set; }
      public int FreeSpots { get; set; }
      public class ParkingSpaceRequirment
      public ParkingSpotTypes ParkingSpot { get; set; }
      public int ParkingSpotsCount { get; set; }
      public class ParkingSpot
      public int Floor { get; set; }
      public int Row { get; set; }
      public int StartPosition { get; set; }
      public int SpotCount { get; set; }
      public ParkingSpotTypes ParkingSpotTypes { get; set; }
      public class Vehicle
      public string VehicleNumber { get; set; }
      public VehicleTypes vehicleType { get; set; }

      The code along with the unit tests are available at GitHub to make it easier to read.


      I solved this system design interview question.

      The problem description

      Constraints and assumptions

      • What types of vehicles should we support?

        • Motorcycle, Car, Bus

      • Does each vehicle type take up a different amount of parking spots?

        • Yes

        • Motorcycle spot -> Motorcycle

        • Compact spot -> Motorcycle, Car

        • Large spot -> Motorcycle, Car

        • Bus can park if we have 5 consecutive "large" spots

      • Does the parking lot have multiple levels?

        • Yes

      • To make the solution more adaptable to future business rules I decided to represent the parking space required for each vehicle type as a continuous set of parking spots.

      • To keep track of the continuous set of parking spots and their types I used a sorted set to find a particular range of parking spots and also to merge with continuous ranges to it's left and right during freeing a particular range of parking spots.

      The main interfaces

      public interface IParkingLot
      int FreeSpots { get; }
      bool ParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, ParkingSpot parkingSpot);
      bool UnParkvehicle(Vehicle vehicle);
      ParkingSpot GetOptimalParkingSpot(Vehicle vehicle);
      ParkingSpotStatus GetParkingSpotStatus(ParkingSpot spot);

      public interface IParkingSpaceMapper
      ParkingSpaceRequirment GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(Vehicle vehicle);

      Concrete Implementation of Interfaces (Business Logic)

      public class ParkingLotCore : IParkingLot
      private ImmutableSortedSet<ParkingSpot> freeParkingSpots;
      private ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParkingSpot> parkedVehicles;
      private readonly IEnumerable<List<List<ParkingSpot>>> parkingLotLayout;
      private readonly IParkingSpaceMapper parkingSpaceMapper;
      private int _freeSpots = 0;
      public int FreeSpots => _freeSpots;
      private int _totalSpots = 0;
      public int TotalSpots => _totalSpots;

      public ParkingLotCore(IEnumerable<List<List<ParkingSpot>>> parkingLotLayout, IParkingSpaceMapper parkingSpaceMapper)
      var comparer = Comparer<ParkingSpot>.Create((x, y) =>
      x.Floor == y.Floor ?
      x.Row == y.Row ?
      : x.Row.CompareTo(y.Row)
      : x.Floor.CompareTo(y.Floor)
      freeParkingSpots = ImmutableSortedSet.Create<ParkingSpot>(comparer);
      parkedVehicles = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, ParkingSpot>();
      this.parkingLotLayout = parkingLotLayout;
      this.parkingSpaceMapper = parkingSpaceMapper;

      private void InitializeParkingLot()
      foreach (var floor in parkingLotLayout)
      foreach (var row in floor)
      foreach (var spot in row)
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(spot);
      Interlocked.Add(ref _totalSpots, spot.SpotCount);
      Interlocked.Add(ref _freeSpots, spot.SpotCount);

      public ParkingSpot GetOptimalParkingSpot(Vehicle vehicle)
      ParkingSpaceRequirment requiredSpace = parkingSpaceMapper.GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(vehicle);
      var vacantSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(m => m.ParkingSpotTypes >= requiredSpace.ParkingSpot
      && m.SpotCount >= requiredSpace.ParkingSpotsCount
      if (vacantSpot != null)
      vacantSpot.SpotCount = Math.Min(vacantSpot.SpotCount, requiredSpace.ParkingSpotsCount);
      return vacantSpot;

      public bool ParkVehicle(Vehicle vehicle, ParkingSpot parkingSpot)
      if (parkedVehicles.ContainsKey(vehicle.VehicleNumber))
      throw new InvalidOperationException($"Vehicle with number {vehicle.VehicleNumber} is already parked");
      ParkingSpot vacantSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == parkingSpot.Floor
      && spot.Row == parkingSpot.Row
      && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == parkingSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
      && spot.StartPosition <= parkingSpot.StartPosition
      && spot.SpotCount >= parkingSpot.SpotCount
      if (vacantSpot == null)
      throw new KeyNotFoundException("The spot could not be found");

      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(vacantSpot);
      parkedVehicles.TryAdd(vehicle.VehicleNumber, parkingSpot);
      if (parkingSpot.StartPosition > vacantSpot.StartPosition)
      var newSpot = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = vacantSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = vacantSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = vacantSpot.Row, StartPosition = vacantSpot.StartPosition};
      newSpot.SpotCount = parkingSpot.StartPosition - vacantSpot.StartPosition;
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpot);
      if (vacantSpot.SpotCount > parkingSpot.SpotCount)
      var newSpot = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = vacantSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = vacantSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = vacantSpot.Row};
      newSpot.StartPosition = parkingSpot.StartPosition + parkingSpot.SpotCount;
      newSpot.SpotCount = vacantSpot.SpotCount - newSpot.StartPosition + 1;
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpot);
      Interlocked.Add(ref _freeSpots, parkingSpot.SpotCount * -1);
      return true;

      public bool UnParkvehicle(Vehicle vehicle)
      parkedVehicles.TryRemove(vehicle.VehicleNumber, out ParkingSpot currentSpot);
      if (currentSpot == null)
      throw new ArgumentException($"vehicle {vehicle.VehicleNumber} is not parked");

      var leftSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == currentSpot.Floor
      && spot.Row == currentSpot.Row
      && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
      && spot.StartPosition + spot.SpotCount == currentSpot.StartPosition
      ParkingSpot newSpotToUpdate = new ParkingSpot() { Floor = currentSpot.Floor, ParkingSpotTypes = currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes, Row = currentSpot.Row, StartPosition = currentSpot.StartPosition, SpotCount = currentSpot.SpotCount };
      if (leftSpot != null)
      newSpotToUpdate.StartPosition = leftSpot.StartPosition;
      newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount = currentSpot.SpotCount + leftSpot.SpotCount;
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(leftSpot);
      var rightSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == currentSpot.Floor
      && spot.Row == currentSpot.Row
      && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == currentSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
      && spot.StartPosition == currentSpot.StartPosition + currentSpot.SpotCount

      if (rightSpot != null)
      newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount = newSpotToUpdate.SpotCount + rightSpot.SpotCount;
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Remove(rightSpot);
      freeParkingSpots = freeParkingSpots.Add(newSpotToUpdate);
      return true;

      public ParkingSpotStatus GetParkingSpotStatus(ParkingSpot parkingSpot)
      var rightSpot = freeParkingSpots.FirstOrDefault(spot => spot.Floor == parkingSpot.Floor
      && spot.Row == parkingSpot.Row
      && spot.ParkingSpotTypes == parkingSpot.ParkingSpotTypes
      && spot.StartPosition <= parkingSpot.StartPosition
      && spot.StartPosition + spot.SpotCount >= parkingSpot.SpotCount + parkingSpot.StartPosition
      if (rightSpot != null)
      return ParkingSpotStatus.Vacant;
      return ParkingSpotStatus.Occupied;
      public class ParkingSpaceMapper : IParkingSpaceMapper
      public ParkingSpaceRequirment GetSmallestParkingSpaceRequired(Vehicle vehicle)
      switch (vehicle.vehicleType)
      case VehicleTypes.MotorCycle:
      return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Motorcycle, ParkingSpotsCount = 1 };
      case VehicleTypes.Car:
      return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Compact, ParkingSpotsCount = 1 };
      case VehicleTypes.Bus:
      return new ParkingSpaceRequirment() { ParkingSpot = ParkingSpotTypes.Large, ParkingSpotsCount = 5 };
      throw new ArgumentException($"vehicleType {vehicle.vehicleType} is invalid.");

      The enum's used

      public enum ParkingSpotStatus
      Occupied = 0,
      Vacant = 1
      public enum ParkingSpotTypes
      Motorcycle = 0,
      Compact = 1,
      Large = 2
      public enum VehicleTypes
      MotorCycle = 0,
      Car = 1,
      Bus = 2

      The data transfer objects used

      public class ParkingLotStatus
      public int TotalParkingSpots { get; set; }
      public int OccupiedSpots { get; set; }
      public int FreeSpots { get; set; }
      public class ParkingSpaceRequirment
      public ParkingSpotTypes ParkingSpot { get; set; }
      public int ParkingSpotsCount { get; set; }
      public class ParkingSpot
      public int Floor { get; set; }
      public int Row { get; set; }
      public int StartPosition { get; set; }
      public int SpotCount { get; set; }
      public ParkingSpotTypes ParkingSpotTypes { get; set; }
      public class Vehicle
      public string VehicleNumber { get; set; }
      public VehicleTypes vehicleType { get; set; }

      The code along with the unit tests are available at GitHub to make it easier to read.

      c# algorithm object-oriented





      asked 9 mins ago







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