Unity: convert 3d mesh level generator code to 2d sprite level generator
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Currently have a script that generates a level using 3d mesh to create hills for a side scroller game that follows the camera.
I would like to work on this script and get help on how to convert it to a 2d level generator using sprites and 2d polygon colliders.
If you use a 2DCollider player it will go through the level because its 3D collider.
How time worthy does the conversion look?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Endless2DTerrain;
public class TerrainDisplayer : MonoBehaviour {
//Length of preview in design view
public float PreviewLength;
//Our list of terrain generation and prefab generation rules
public List<TerrainRule> Rules;
public List<PrefabRule> PrefabRules;
//The front plane material, tiling, etc.
public Material MainMaterial;
public float MainMaterialXTiling;
public float MainMaterialYTiling;
public float MainMaterialRotation;
public float MainPlaneHeight;
public bool MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
//Top plane settings
public Material TopMaterial;
public float TopMaterialXTiling;
public float TopMaterialYTiling;
public float TopMaterialRotation;
public bool DrawTopMeshCollider;
public bool DrawTopMeshRenderer;
public float TopPlaneHeight;
//Detail plane settings
public Material DetailMaterial;
public float DetailMaterialXTiling;
public float DetailMaterialYTiling;
public float DetailMaterialRotation;
public bool DrawDetailMeshRenderer;
public float DetailPlaneHeight;
public bool DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
public Vector3 DetailPlaneOffset;
//Width for corner mesh where two planes with different angles meet
public float CornerMeshWidth;
private Vector3 OriginalStartPoint { get; set; }
float currentX { get; set; }
private bool coroutineRunning = false;
//References to the terrain and prefab managers
public TerrainManager TerrainManager { get; set; }
public PrefabManager PrefabManager { get; set; }
void Awake()
public void Setup()
if (Rules != null)
Settings s = new Settings();
s.Rules = Rules;
s.PrefabRules = PrefabRules;
s.MainMaterial = MainMaterial;
s.MainMaterialXTiling = MainMaterialXTiling;
s.MainMaterialYTiling = MainMaterialYTiling;
s.MainMaterialRotation = MainMaterialRotation;
s.TopMaterial = TopMaterial;
s.TopMaterialXTiling = TopMaterialXTiling;
s.TopMaterialYTiling = TopMaterialYTiling;
s.TopMaterialRotation = TopMaterialRotation;
s.DrawTopMeshCollider = DrawTopMeshCollider;
s.DrawTopMeshRenderer = DrawTopMeshRenderer;
s.DetailMaterial = DetailMaterial;
s.DetailMaterialXTiling = DetailMaterialXTiling;
s.DetailMaterialYTiling = DetailMaterialYTiling;
s.DetailMaterialRotation = DetailMaterialRotation;
s.DrawDetailMeshRenderer = DrawDetailMeshRenderer;
s.MainPlaneHeight = MainPlaneHeight;
s.TopPlaneHeight = TopPlaneHeight;
s.DetailPlaneHeight = DetailPlaneHeight;
s.CornerMeshWidth = CornerMeshWidth;
s.OriginalStartPoint = this.transform.position;
s.DetailPlaneOffset = new Vector3(0,.1f,-.2f);
s.MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve = MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
s.DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve = DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
s.ParentGameObjectName = this.name;
s.terrainDisplayer = this;
TerrainManager = new TerrainManager(s);
PrefabManager = new PrefabManager(s);
//Remove the terrain and prefab managers and reset what we need to for the rules. This is called when we switch between edit and play modes
public void Cleanup()
if (TerrainManager != null)
if (PrefabManager != null)
for (int i = 0; i < PrefabRules.Count; i++)
PrefabRules[i].CurrentLocation = Vector3.zero;
PrefabRules[i].LastPrefabLocation = Vector3.zero;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
//Generate the initial terrain to avoid slowdown once we start
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (!coroutineRunning)
private IEnumerator GenerateTerrainCoroutine(float leadAmount)
coroutineRunning = true;
//No need to run this every frame...just run it every so often
yield return new WaitForSeconds(.2f);
coroutineRunning = false;
public void GenerateTerrain(float leadAmount)
//Track the right and left sides of the screen so we know how much terrain to generate
Vector3 rightSide = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 0, -Camera.main.transform.position.z));
Vector3 leftSide = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, -Camera.main.transform.position.z));
float endX = rightSide.x + leadAmount;
while (TerrainManager.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule != null && TerrainManager.GetFarthestX() < endX)
//Update our prefabs with the current terrain info
TerrainManager.Cleanup(leftSide.x - leadAmount);
PrefabManager.Cleanup(leftSide.x - leadAmount);
//Only need this when we are no longer generating any new terrain but still need to do the final object cleanup
if (TerrainManager.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule == null && TerrainManager.Pool != null && TerrainManager.Pool.TerrainPieces.Count > 0)
c# unity3d
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up vote
down vote
Currently have a script that generates a level using 3d mesh to create hills for a side scroller game that follows the camera.
I would like to work on this script and get help on how to convert it to a 2d level generator using sprites and 2d polygon colliders.
If you use a 2DCollider player it will go through the level because its 3D collider.
How time worthy does the conversion look?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Endless2DTerrain;
public class TerrainDisplayer : MonoBehaviour {
//Length of preview in design view
public float PreviewLength;
//Our list of terrain generation and prefab generation rules
public List<TerrainRule> Rules;
public List<PrefabRule> PrefabRules;
//The front plane material, tiling, etc.
public Material MainMaterial;
public float MainMaterialXTiling;
public float MainMaterialYTiling;
public float MainMaterialRotation;
public float MainPlaneHeight;
public bool MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
//Top plane settings
public Material TopMaterial;
public float TopMaterialXTiling;
public float TopMaterialYTiling;
public float TopMaterialRotation;
public bool DrawTopMeshCollider;
public bool DrawTopMeshRenderer;
public float TopPlaneHeight;
//Detail plane settings
public Material DetailMaterial;
public float DetailMaterialXTiling;
public float DetailMaterialYTiling;
public float DetailMaterialRotation;
public bool DrawDetailMeshRenderer;
public float DetailPlaneHeight;
public bool DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
public Vector3 DetailPlaneOffset;
//Width for corner mesh where two planes with different angles meet
public float CornerMeshWidth;
private Vector3 OriginalStartPoint { get; set; }
float currentX { get; set; }
private bool coroutineRunning = false;
//References to the terrain and prefab managers
public TerrainManager TerrainManager { get; set; }
public PrefabManager PrefabManager { get; set; }
void Awake()
public void Setup()
if (Rules != null)
Settings s = new Settings();
s.Rules = Rules;
s.PrefabRules = PrefabRules;
s.MainMaterial = MainMaterial;
s.MainMaterialXTiling = MainMaterialXTiling;
s.MainMaterialYTiling = MainMaterialYTiling;
s.MainMaterialRotation = MainMaterialRotation;
s.TopMaterial = TopMaterial;
s.TopMaterialXTiling = TopMaterialXTiling;
s.TopMaterialYTiling = TopMaterialYTiling;
s.TopMaterialRotation = TopMaterialRotation;
s.DrawTopMeshCollider = DrawTopMeshCollider;
s.DrawTopMeshRenderer = DrawTopMeshRenderer;
s.DetailMaterial = DetailMaterial;
s.DetailMaterialXTiling = DetailMaterialXTiling;
s.DetailMaterialYTiling = DetailMaterialYTiling;
s.DetailMaterialRotation = DetailMaterialRotation;
s.DrawDetailMeshRenderer = DrawDetailMeshRenderer;
s.MainPlaneHeight = MainPlaneHeight;
s.TopPlaneHeight = TopPlaneHeight;
s.DetailPlaneHeight = DetailPlaneHeight;
s.CornerMeshWidth = CornerMeshWidth;
s.OriginalStartPoint = this.transform.position;
s.DetailPlaneOffset = new Vector3(0,.1f,-.2f);
s.MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve = MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
s.DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve = DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
s.ParentGameObjectName = this.name;
s.terrainDisplayer = this;
TerrainManager = new TerrainManager(s);
PrefabManager = new PrefabManager(s);
//Remove the terrain and prefab managers and reset what we need to for the rules. This is called when we switch between edit and play modes
public void Cleanup()
if (TerrainManager != null)
if (PrefabManager != null)
for (int i = 0; i < PrefabRules.Count; i++)
PrefabRules[i].CurrentLocation = Vector3.zero;
PrefabRules[i].LastPrefabLocation = Vector3.zero;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
//Generate the initial terrain to avoid slowdown once we start
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (!coroutineRunning)
private IEnumerator GenerateTerrainCoroutine(float leadAmount)
coroutineRunning = true;
//No need to run this every frame...just run it every so often
yield return new WaitForSeconds(.2f);
coroutineRunning = false;
public void GenerateTerrain(float leadAmount)
//Track the right and left sides of the screen so we know how much terrain to generate
Vector3 rightSide = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 0, -Camera.main.transform.position.z));
Vector3 leftSide = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, -Camera.main.transform.position.z));
float endX = rightSide.x + leadAmount;
while (TerrainManager.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule != null && TerrainManager.GetFarthestX() < endX)
//Update our prefabs with the current terrain info
TerrainManager.Cleanup(leftSide.x - leadAmount);
PrefabManager.Cleanup(leftSide.x - leadAmount);
//Only need this when we are no longer generating any new terrain but still need to do the final object cleanup
if (TerrainManager.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule == null && TerrainManager.Pool != null && TerrainManager.Pool.TerrainPieces.Count > 0)
c# unity3d
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up vote
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up vote
down vote
Currently have a script that generates a level using 3d mesh to create hills for a side scroller game that follows the camera.
I would like to work on this script and get help on how to convert it to a 2d level generator using sprites and 2d polygon colliders.
If you use a 2DCollider player it will go through the level because its 3D collider.
How time worthy does the conversion look?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Endless2DTerrain;
public class TerrainDisplayer : MonoBehaviour {
//Length of preview in design view
public float PreviewLength;
//Our list of terrain generation and prefab generation rules
public List<TerrainRule> Rules;
public List<PrefabRule> PrefabRules;
//The front plane material, tiling, etc.
public Material MainMaterial;
public float MainMaterialXTiling;
public float MainMaterialYTiling;
public float MainMaterialRotation;
public float MainPlaneHeight;
public bool MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
//Top plane settings
public Material TopMaterial;
public float TopMaterialXTiling;
public float TopMaterialYTiling;
public float TopMaterialRotation;
public bool DrawTopMeshCollider;
public bool DrawTopMeshRenderer;
public float TopPlaneHeight;
//Detail plane settings
public Material DetailMaterial;
public float DetailMaterialXTiling;
public float DetailMaterialYTiling;
public float DetailMaterialRotation;
public bool DrawDetailMeshRenderer;
public float DetailPlaneHeight;
public bool DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
public Vector3 DetailPlaneOffset;
//Width for corner mesh where two planes with different angles meet
public float CornerMeshWidth;
private Vector3 OriginalStartPoint { get; set; }
float currentX { get; set; }
private bool coroutineRunning = false;
//References to the terrain and prefab managers
public TerrainManager TerrainManager { get; set; }
public PrefabManager PrefabManager { get; set; }
void Awake()
public void Setup()
if (Rules != null)
Settings s = new Settings();
s.Rules = Rules;
s.PrefabRules = PrefabRules;
s.MainMaterial = MainMaterial;
s.MainMaterialXTiling = MainMaterialXTiling;
s.MainMaterialYTiling = MainMaterialYTiling;
s.MainMaterialRotation = MainMaterialRotation;
s.TopMaterial = TopMaterial;
s.TopMaterialXTiling = TopMaterialXTiling;
s.TopMaterialYTiling = TopMaterialYTiling;
s.TopMaterialRotation = TopMaterialRotation;
s.DrawTopMeshCollider = DrawTopMeshCollider;
s.DrawTopMeshRenderer = DrawTopMeshRenderer;
s.DetailMaterial = DetailMaterial;
s.DetailMaterialXTiling = DetailMaterialXTiling;
s.DetailMaterialYTiling = DetailMaterialYTiling;
s.DetailMaterialRotation = DetailMaterialRotation;
s.DrawDetailMeshRenderer = DrawDetailMeshRenderer;
s.MainPlaneHeight = MainPlaneHeight;
s.TopPlaneHeight = TopPlaneHeight;
s.DetailPlaneHeight = DetailPlaneHeight;
s.CornerMeshWidth = CornerMeshWidth;
s.OriginalStartPoint = this.transform.position;
s.DetailPlaneOffset = new Vector3(0,.1f,-.2f);
s.MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve = MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
s.DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve = DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
s.ParentGameObjectName = this.name;
s.terrainDisplayer = this;
TerrainManager = new TerrainManager(s);
PrefabManager = new PrefabManager(s);
//Remove the terrain and prefab managers and reset what we need to for the rules. This is called when we switch between edit and play modes
public void Cleanup()
if (TerrainManager != null)
if (PrefabManager != null)
for (int i = 0; i < PrefabRules.Count; i++)
PrefabRules[i].CurrentLocation = Vector3.zero;
PrefabRules[i].LastPrefabLocation = Vector3.zero;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
//Generate the initial terrain to avoid slowdown once we start
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (!coroutineRunning)
private IEnumerator GenerateTerrainCoroutine(float leadAmount)
coroutineRunning = true;
//No need to run this every frame...just run it every so often
yield return new WaitForSeconds(.2f);
coroutineRunning = false;
public void GenerateTerrain(float leadAmount)
//Track the right and left sides of the screen so we know how much terrain to generate
Vector3 rightSide = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 0, -Camera.main.transform.position.z));
Vector3 leftSide = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, -Camera.main.transform.position.z));
float endX = rightSide.x + leadAmount;
while (TerrainManager.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule != null && TerrainManager.GetFarthestX() < endX)
//Update our prefabs with the current terrain info
TerrainManager.Cleanup(leftSide.x - leadAmount);
PrefabManager.Cleanup(leftSide.x - leadAmount);
//Only need this when we are no longer generating any new terrain but still need to do the final object cleanup
if (TerrainManager.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule == null && TerrainManager.Pool != null && TerrainManager.Pool.TerrainPieces.Count > 0)
c# unity3d
Currently have a script that generates a level using 3d mesh to create hills for a side scroller game that follows the camera.
I would like to work on this script and get help on how to convert it to a 2d level generator using sprites and 2d polygon colliders.
If you use a 2DCollider player it will go through the level because its 3D collider.
How time worthy does the conversion look?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Endless2DTerrain;
public class TerrainDisplayer : MonoBehaviour {
//Length of preview in design view
public float PreviewLength;
//Our list of terrain generation and prefab generation rules
public List<TerrainRule> Rules;
public List<PrefabRule> PrefabRules;
//The front plane material, tiling, etc.
public Material MainMaterial;
public float MainMaterialXTiling;
public float MainMaterialYTiling;
public float MainMaterialRotation;
public float MainPlaneHeight;
public bool MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
//Top plane settings
public Material TopMaterial;
public float TopMaterialXTiling;
public float TopMaterialYTiling;
public float TopMaterialRotation;
public bool DrawTopMeshCollider;
public bool DrawTopMeshRenderer;
public float TopPlaneHeight;
//Detail plane settings
public Material DetailMaterial;
public float DetailMaterialXTiling;
public float DetailMaterialYTiling;
public float DetailMaterialRotation;
public bool DrawDetailMeshRenderer;
public float DetailPlaneHeight;
public bool DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
public Vector3 DetailPlaneOffset;
//Width for corner mesh where two planes with different angles meet
public float CornerMeshWidth;
private Vector3 OriginalStartPoint { get; set; }
float currentX { get; set; }
private bool coroutineRunning = false;
//References to the terrain and prefab managers
public TerrainManager TerrainManager { get; set; }
public PrefabManager PrefabManager { get; set; }
void Awake()
public void Setup()
if (Rules != null)
Settings s = new Settings();
s.Rules = Rules;
s.PrefabRules = PrefabRules;
s.MainMaterial = MainMaterial;
s.MainMaterialXTiling = MainMaterialXTiling;
s.MainMaterialYTiling = MainMaterialYTiling;
s.MainMaterialRotation = MainMaterialRotation;
s.TopMaterial = TopMaterial;
s.TopMaterialXTiling = TopMaterialXTiling;
s.TopMaterialYTiling = TopMaterialYTiling;
s.TopMaterialRotation = TopMaterialRotation;
s.DrawTopMeshCollider = DrawTopMeshCollider;
s.DrawTopMeshRenderer = DrawTopMeshRenderer;
s.DetailMaterial = DetailMaterial;
s.DetailMaterialXTiling = DetailMaterialXTiling;
s.DetailMaterialYTiling = DetailMaterialYTiling;
s.DetailMaterialRotation = DetailMaterialRotation;
s.DrawDetailMeshRenderer = DrawDetailMeshRenderer;
s.MainPlaneHeight = MainPlaneHeight;
s.TopPlaneHeight = TopPlaneHeight;
s.DetailPlaneHeight = DetailPlaneHeight;
s.CornerMeshWidth = CornerMeshWidth;
s.OriginalStartPoint = this.transform.position;
s.DetailPlaneOffset = new Vector3(0,.1f,-.2f);
s.MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve = MainPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
s.DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve = DetailPlaneFollowTerrainCurve;
s.ParentGameObjectName = this.name;
s.terrainDisplayer = this;
TerrainManager = new TerrainManager(s);
PrefabManager = new PrefabManager(s);
//Remove the terrain and prefab managers and reset what we need to for the rules. This is called when we switch between edit and play modes
public void Cleanup()
if (TerrainManager != null)
if (PrefabManager != null)
for (int i = 0; i < PrefabRules.Count; i++)
PrefabRules[i].CurrentLocation = Vector3.zero;
PrefabRules[i].LastPrefabLocation = Vector3.zero;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
//Generate the initial terrain to avoid slowdown once we start
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (!coroutineRunning)
private IEnumerator GenerateTerrainCoroutine(float leadAmount)
coroutineRunning = true;
//No need to run this every frame...just run it every so often
yield return new WaitForSeconds(.2f);
coroutineRunning = false;
public void GenerateTerrain(float leadAmount)
//Track the right and left sides of the screen so we know how much terrain to generate
Vector3 rightSide = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 0, -Camera.main.transform.position.z));
Vector3 leftSide = Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, -Camera.main.transform.position.z));
float endX = rightSide.x + leadAmount;
while (TerrainManager.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule != null && TerrainManager.GetFarthestX() < endX)
//Update our prefabs with the current terrain info
TerrainManager.Cleanup(leftSide.x - leadAmount);
PrefabManager.Cleanup(leftSide.x - leadAmount);
//Only need this when we are no longer generating any new terrain but still need to do the final object cleanup
if (TerrainManager.VertexGen.CurrentTerrainRule == null && TerrainManager.Pool != null && TerrainManager.Pool.TerrainPieces.Count > 0)
c# unity3d
c# unity3d
asked 10 mins ago


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