Chess Simulation

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Part of the program I wrote simulates a Chess game choosing random moves for each player until it's a draw or win for either player. It takes 3 seconds to complete 1 simulation and since it trains this way it will be much too slow to get real progress in chess because of the insane branching factor.

I tried dividing the most lengthy function in to multiple processes. This made it much slower because the function actually isn't that complicated and starting the processes takes longer than to just run it in one process. Is there any other way to speed this up?

For anyone who might be interested in seeing all the code and running it for themselves (it is fully functioning): GitHub

This function belongs to class Node, which as the name suggests is a node on the game tree that this program explores and trains on.

Simulation function:

# Random simulation
def roll_out(self):
self.visits += 1
board = copy.deepcopy(self.state) # starting state of board
player = Player(self.state, self.color)
opponent = Player(board, self.opp)
if checkmate(board, self.color): # is the starting state already checkmate?
value, = 20, True
settings.value[self.color] = value
if opponent.draw: # is the starting state already a draw?
value, self.draw = 5, True
settings.value[self.color] = value
for i in range(1000):
self.random_move(opponent, board) # moves a random piece
player.set_moves(board) # update our legal moves
if player.draw:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
if opponent.won:
value = 0
settings.value[self.color] = value
if len(opponent.pieces) == 1 and len(player.pieces) == 1:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
self.random_move(player, board) # moves a random piece
opponent.set_moves(board) # update opponents legal moves
if opponent.draw:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
if player.won:
value = 20
settings.value[self.color] = value
if len(player.pieces) == 1 and len(opponent.pieces) == 1:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value

Move function located in Player class:

# Places chosen piece to chosen location on board
def move(self, c_pos, t_pos, board):
if self.side == 'black':
me, end_row = 'b', 7
me, end_row = 'w', 0
c_row, c_column = c_pos[0], c_pos[1]
t_row, t_column = t_pos[0], t_pos[1]
piece = board[c_row][c_column]
board[c_row][c_column] = 1
if 'P' in piece and t_row == end_row:
self.pawn_queens += 1
piece = me + 'Q' + str(self.pawn_queens)
board[t_row][t_column] = piece
if 'bK' in piece:
self.bk_moved = True
if 'bR1' in piece:
self.br1_moved = True
if 'bR2' in piece:
self.br2_moved = True
if 'wK' in piece:
self.wk_moved = True
if 'wR1' in piece:
self.wr1_moved = True
if 'wR2' in piece:
self.wr2_moved = True
if 'K' in str(piece) and t_column == c_column - 3:
rook = board[c_row][0]
board[c_row][2], board[c_row][0] = rook, 1
if 'K' in str(piece) and t_column == c_column + 2:
rook = board[c_row][7]
board[c_row][5], board[c_row][7] = rook, 1
if self.checkmate(board):
self.won = True

And then what I would think is the time consuming function, I left out the code for the queens moves since it's basically the code from the rook and bishop combined and would be I think too long to post here.

Pawn moves:

def get_pawn_moves(board, color):
for row in board:
for square in row:
if color[0] + 'P' in str(square):
key = square.replace(color[0], '')
pawn_moves[key] =
if color == 'b':
opp = 'w'
p_start, start_row = 1, 0
opp = 'b'
p_start, start_row = 6, 7
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'P' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
if color[0] == 'b':
one_step = row + 1
two_steps = row + 2
one_step = row - 1
two_steps = row - 2

p_capture_left = col - 1
p_capture_right = col + 1

if one_step in range(8):
if color[0] and opp not in str(board[one_step][col]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, col])
if row == p_start:
if opp and color[0] not in str(board[two_steps][col]):
pawn_moves[key].append([two_steps, col])

if p_capture_left != -1 and opp in str(board[one_step][p_capture_left]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, p_capture_left])

if p_capture_right != 8 and opp in str(board[one_step][p_capture_right]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, p_capture_right])
col += 1
row += 1

Rook moves:

def get_rook_moves(board, color):
for i in board:
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'R' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
rook_moves[key] =
opp = 'w' if color[0] == 'b' else 'b'
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'R' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
for i in range(row, -1, -1):
if i != row:
if color[0] not in str(board[i][col]):
rook_moves[key].append([i, col])
if opp in str(board[i][col]):
for i in range(row, 8):
if i != row:
if color[0] not in str(board[i][col]):
rook_moves[key].append([i, col])
if opp in str(board[i][col]):
for i in range(col, -1, -1):
if i != col:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][i]):
rook_moves[key].append([row, i])
if opp in str(board[row][i]):
for i in range(col, 8):
if i != col:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][i]):
rook_moves[key].append([row, i])
if opp in str(board[row][i]):
col += 1
row += 1

Knight moves:

def get_knight_moves(board, color):
for i in board:
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'N' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
knight_moves[key] =
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'N' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
if row - 2 >= 0 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 2][col + 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 2, col + 1])
if row - 2 >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 2][col - 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 2, col - 1])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col + 2 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col + 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 1, col + 2])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col - 2 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col - 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 1, col - 2])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col + 2 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col + 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 1, col + 2])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col - 2 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col - 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 1, col - 2])
if row + 2 <= 7 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 2][col + 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 2, col + 1])
if row + 2 <= 7 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 2][col - 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 2, col - 1])
col += 1
row += 1

Bishop moves:

def get_bishop_moves(board, color):
for n in board:
for j in n:
if color[0] + 'B' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
bishop_moves[key] =
opp = 'w' if color[0] == 'b' else 'b'
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'B' in str(j):
no_color = j.replace(color[0], '')
ul_stop, dl_stop = False, False
ur_stop, dr_stop = False, False
count = 0
for n in range(col, 8):
if col != n:
count += 1
u_row, d_row = row - count, row + count
if u_row >= 0:
if not ur_stop and color[0] not in str(board[u_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([u_row, n])
if opp in str(board[u_row][n]):
ur_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[u_row][n]):
ur_stop = True
if d_row <= 7:
if not dr_stop and color[0] not in str(board[d_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([d_row, n])
if opp in str(board[d_row][n]):
dr_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[d_row][n]):
dr_stop = True
count = 0
for n in range(col, -1, -1):
if col != n:
count += 1
u_row, d_row = row - count, row + count
if u_row >= 0:
if not ul_stop and color[0] not in str(board[u_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([u_row, n])
if opp in str(board[u_row][n]):
ul_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[u_row][n]):
ul_stop = True
if d_row <= 7:
if not dl_stop and color[0] not in str(board[d_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([d_row, n])
if opp in str(board[d_row][n]):
dl_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[d_row][n]):
dl_stop = True
col += 1
row += 1

King moves:

def get_king_moves(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False):
for n in board:
for j in n:
if color[0] + 'K' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
king_moves[key] =
start_row = 0 if color[0] == 'b' else 7
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'K' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
k_moves =
if row + 1 <= 7 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col + 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col + 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col])
elif row + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col])
elif col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col + 1])
if not kmoved and not r1moved:
if str(board[start_row][1]) and str(board[start_row][2]) and str(board[start_row][3]) == '1':
k_moves.append([start_row, 1])
if not kmoved and not r2moved:
if str(board[start_row][5]) and str(board[start_row][6]) == '1':
k_moves.append([start_row, 6])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col - 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col])
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col - 1])
elif row - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col])
elif col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col - 1])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col - 1 >= 0 and color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col - 1])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col + 1 <= 7 and color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col + 1])
for i in k_moves:
col += 1
row += 1

Combine all moves in one dict:

def pseudo_legal(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False):
all_moves = {}

get_pawn_moves(board, color)
get_rook_moves(board, color)
get_knight_moves(board, color)
get_bishop_moves(board, color)
get_queen_moves(board, color)
get_king_moves(board, color, kmoved=kmoved, r1moved=r1moved, r2moved=r2moved)

return all_moves

Check if moves are legal:

def get_moves(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False, opp_kmoved=False, opp_r1moved=False, opp_r2moved=False):
if color == 'w':
me, opp = 'w', 'b'
me, opp = 'b', 'w'
if not kmoved and not r1moved and not r2moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me), get_pieces(board, me)
elif kmoved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, kmoved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
elif r1moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, r1moved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
elif r2moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, r2moved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
legal_moves = {}
for key in moves:
count = 0
piece = me + key
for move in moves[key]:
t_row, t_col = move[0], move[1]
c_row, c_col = pieces[key][0], pieces[key][1]
sim_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
sim_board[t_row][t_col] = piece
sim_board[c_row][c_col] = 1
king = [t_row, t_col] if key == 'K' else pieces['K']
if not opp_kmoved and not opp_r1moved and not opp_r2moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, opp)
elif opp_kmoved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, kmoved=True)
elif opp_r1moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, r1moved=True)
elif opp_r2moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, r2moved=True)
legal = True
for opp_key in opp_moves:
for opp_move in opp_moves[opp_key]:
if king == opp_move:
legal = False
if legal:
if count == 0:
legal_moves[key] =
count += 1
if not legal_moves:
return False
return legal_moves

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  • @Reinderien I was afraid I would get that answer... Should I code it from scratch? Also, is it possible to write the chess code in C, but leave the machine learning code in python?
    – Bas Velden
    10 hours ago

  • You can do whatever you want :) You can invoke a C library through FFI, or you can run a C process and communicate with it via IPC, or you can find a pure C machine learning library... lots of options.
    – Reinderien
    9 hours ago

  • @Reinderien Allright, i'll look into the options. Thanks for the response! cheers
    – Bas Velden
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Welcome here! Would it be possible to provide more code. This seems to be part of a class but we're missing most of it? Also the other classes required such as Player could be useful if it is not too much code.
    – Josay
    8 hours ago

  • @Josay I have posted the code for getting the moves. The code might be too long though.. I'll remove them if this is the case.
    – Bas Velden
    8 hours ago

up vote
down vote


Part of the program I wrote simulates a Chess game choosing random moves for each player until it's a draw or win for either player. It takes 3 seconds to complete 1 simulation and since it trains this way it will be much too slow to get real progress in chess because of the insane branching factor.

I tried dividing the most lengthy function in to multiple processes. This made it much slower because the function actually isn't that complicated and starting the processes takes longer than to just run it in one process. Is there any other way to speed this up?

For anyone who might be interested in seeing all the code and running it for themselves (it is fully functioning): GitHub

This function belongs to class Node, which as the name suggests is a node on the game tree that this program explores and trains on.

Simulation function:

# Random simulation
def roll_out(self):
self.visits += 1
board = copy.deepcopy(self.state) # starting state of board
player = Player(self.state, self.color)
opponent = Player(board, self.opp)
if checkmate(board, self.color): # is the starting state already checkmate?
value, = 20, True
settings.value[self.color] = value
if opponent.draw: # is the starting state already a draw?
value, self.draw = 5, True
settings.value[self.color] = value
for i in range(1000):
self.random_move(opponent, board) # moves a random piece
player.set_moves(board) # update our legal moves
if player.draw:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
if opponent.won:
value = 0
settings.value[self.color] = value
if len(opponent.pieces) == 1 and len(player.pieces) == 1:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
self.random_move(player, board) # moves a random piece
opponent.set_moves(board) # update opponents legal moves
if opponent.draw:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
if player.won:
value = 20
settings.value[self.color] = value
if len(player.pieces) == 1 and len(opponent.pieces) == 1:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value

Move function located in Player class:

# Places chosen piece to chosen location on board
def move(self, c_pos, t_pos, board):
if self.side == 'black':
me, end_row = 'b', 7
me, end_row = 'w', 0
c_row, c_column = c_pos[0], c_pos[1]
t_row, t_column = t_pos[0], t_pos[1]
piece = board[c_row][c_column]
board[c_row][c_column] = 1
if 'P' in piece and t_row == end_row:
self.pawn_queens += 1
piece = me + 'Q' + str(self.pawn_queens)
board[t_row][t_column] = piece
if 'bK' in piece:
self.bk_moved = True
if 'bR1' in piece:
self.br1_moved = True
if 'bR2' in piece:
self.br2_moved = True
if 'wK' in piece:
self.wk_moved = True
if 'wR1' in piece:
self.wr1_moved = True
if 'wR2' in piece:
self.wr2_moved = True
if 'K' in str(piece) and t_column == c_column - 3:
rook = board[c_row][0]
board[c_row][2], board[c_row][0] = rook, 1
if 'K' in str(piece) and t_column == c_column + 2:
rook = board[c_row][7]
board[c_row][5], board[c_row][7] = rook, 1
if self.checkmate(board):
self.won = True

And then what I would think is the time consuming function, I left out the code for the queens moves since it's basically the code from the rook and bishop combined and would be I think too long to post here.

Pawn moves:

def get_pawn_moves(board, color):
for row in board:
for square in row:
if color[0] + 'P' in str(square):
key = square.replace(color[0], '')
pawn_moves[key] =
if color == 'b':
opp = 'w'
p_start, start_row = 1, 0
opp = 'b'
p_start, start_row = 6, 7
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'P' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
if color[0] == 'b':
one_step = row + 1
two_steps = row + 2
one_step = row - 1
two_steps = row - 2

p_capture_left = col - 1
p_capture_right = col + 1

if one_step in range(8):
if color[0] and opp not in str(board[one_step][col]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, col])
if row == p_start:
if opp and color[0] not in str(board[two_steps][col]):
pawn_moves[key].append([two_steps, col])

if p_capture_left != -1 and opp in str(board[one_step][p_capture_left]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, p_capture_left])

if p_capture_right != 8 and opp in str(board[one_step][p_capture_right]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, p_capture_right])
col += 1
row += 1

Rook moves:

def get_rook_moves(board, color):
for i in board:
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'R' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
rook_moves[key] =
opp = 'w' if color[0] == 'b' else 'b'
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'R' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
for i in range(row, -1, -1):
if i != row:
if color[0] not in str(board[i][col]):
rook_moves[key].append([i, col])
if opp in str(board[i][col]):
for i in range(row, 8):
if i != row:
if color[0] not in str(board[i][col]):
rook_moves[key].append([i, col])
if opp in str(board[i][col]):
for i in range(col, -1, -1):
if i != col:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][i]):
rook_moves[key].append([row, i])
if opp in str(board[row][i]):
for i in range(col, 8):
if i != col:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][i]):
rook_moves[key].append([row, i])
if opp in str(board[row][i]):
col += 1
row += 1

Knight moves:

def get_knight_moves(board, color):
for i in board:
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'N' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
knight_moves[key] =
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'N' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
if row - 2 >= 0 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 2][col + 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 2, col + 1])
if row - 2 >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 2][col - 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 2, col - 1])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col + 2 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col + 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 1, col + 2])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col - 2 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col - 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 1, col - 2])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col + 2 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col + 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 1, col + 2])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col - 2 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col - 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 1, col - 2])
if row + 2 <= 7 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 2][col + 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 2, col + 1])
if row + 2 <= 7 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 2][col - 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 2, col - 1])
col += 1
row += 1

Bishop moves:

def get_bishop_moves(board, color):
for n in board:
for j in n:
if color[0] + 'B' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
bishop_moves[key] =
opp = 'w' if color[0] == 'b' else 'b'
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'B' in str(j):
no_color = j.replace(color[0], '')
ul_stop, dl_stop = False, False
ur_stop, dr_stop = False, False
count = 0
for n in range(col, 8):
if col != n:
count += 1
u_row, d_row = row - count, row + count
if u_row >= 0:
if not ur_stop and color[0] not in str(board[u_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([u_row, n])
if opp in str(board[u_row][n]):
ur_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[u_row][n]):
ur_stop = True
if d_row <= 7:
if not dr_stop and color[0] not in str(board[d_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([d_row, n])
if opp in str(board[d_row][n]):
dr_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[d_row][n]):
dr_stop = True
count = 0
for n in range(col, -1, -1):
if col != n:
count += 1
u_row, d_row = row - count, row + count
if u_row >= 0:
if not ul_stop and color[0] not in str(board[u_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([u_row, n])
if opp in str(board[u_row][n]):
ul_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[u_row][n]):
ul_stop = True
if d_row <= 7:
if not dl_stop and color[0] not in str(board[d_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([d_row, n])
if opp in str(board[d_row][n]):
dl_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[d_row][n]):
dl_stop = True
col += 1
row += 1

King moves:

def get_king_moves(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False):
for n in board:
for j in n:
if color[0] + 'K' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
king_moves[key] =
start_row = 0 if color[0] == 'b' else 7
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'K' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
k_moves =
if row + 1 <= 7 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col + 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col + 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col])
elif row + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col])
elif col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col + 1])
if not kmoved and not r1moved:
if str(board[start_row][1]) and str(board[start_row][2]) and str(board[start_row][3]) == '1':
k_moves.append([start_row, 1])
if not kmoved and not r2moved:
if str(board[start_row][5]) and str(board[start_row][6]) == '1':
k_moves.append([start_row, 6])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col - 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col])
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col - 1])
elif row - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col])
elif col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col - 1])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col - 1 >= 0 and color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col - 1])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col + 1 <= 7 and color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col + 1])
for i in k_moves:
col += 1
row += 1

Combine all moves in one dict:

def pseudo_legal(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False):
all_moves = {}

get_pawn_moves(board, color)
get_rook_moves(board, color)
get_knight_moves(board, color)
get_bishop_moves(board, color)
get_queen_moves(board, color)
get_king_moves(board, color, kmoved=kmoved, r1moved=r1moved, r2moved=r2moved)

return all_moves

Check if moves are legal:

def get_moves(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False, opp_kmoved=False, opp_r1moved=False, opp_r2moved=False):
if color == 'w':
me, opp = 'w', 'b'
me, opp = 'b', 'w'
if not kmoved and not r1moved and not r2moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me), get_pieces(board, me)
elif kmoved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, kmoved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
elif r1moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, r1moved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
elif r2moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, r2moved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
legal_moves = {}
for key in moves:
count = 0
piece = me + key
for move in moves[key]:
t_row, t_col = move[0], move[1]
c_row, c_col = pieces[key][0], pieces[key][1]
sim_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
sim_board[t_row][t_col] = piece
sim_board[c_row][c_col] = 1
king = [t_row, t_col] if key == 'K' else pieces['K']
if not opp_kmoved and not opp_r1moved and not opp_r2moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, opp)
elif opp_kmoved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, kmoved=True)
elif opp_r1moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, r1moved=True)
elif opp_r2moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, r2moved=True)
legal = True
for opp_key in opp_moves:
for opp_move in opp_moves[opp_key]:
if king == opp_move:
legal = False
if legal:
if count == 0:
legal_moves[key] =
count += 1
if not legal_moves:
return False
return legal_moves

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New contributor

Bas Velden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • @Reinderien I was afraid I would get that answer... Should I code it from scratch? Also, is it possible to write the chess code in C, but leave the machine learning code in python?
    – Bas Velden
    10 hours ago

  • You can do whatever you want :) You can invoke a C library through FFI, or you can run a C process and communicate with it via IPC, or you can find a pure C machine learning library... lots of options.
    – Reinderien
    9 hours ago

  • @Reinderien Allright, i'll look into the options. Thanks for the response! cheers
    – Bas Velden
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Welcome here! Would it be possible to provide more code. This seems to be part of a class but we're missing most of it? Also the other classes required such as Player could be useful if it is not too much code.
    – Josay
    8 hours ago

  • @Josay I have posted the code for getting the moves. The code might be too long though.. I'll remove them if this is the case.
    – Bas Velden
    8 hours ago

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down vote


Part of the program I wrote simulates a Chess game choosing random moves for each player until it's a draw or win for either player. It takes 3 seconds to complete 1 simulation and since it trains this way it will be much too slow to get real progress in chess because of the insane branching factor.

I tried dividing the most lengthy function in to multiple processes. This made it much slower because the function actually isn't that complicated and starting the processes takes longer than to just run it in one process. Is there any other way to speed this up?

For anyone who might be interested in seeing all the code and running it for themselves (it is fully functioning): GitHub

This function belongs to class Node, which as the name suggests is a node on the game tree that this program explores and trains on.

Simulation function:

# Random simulation
def roll_out(self):
self.visits += 1
board = copy.deepcopy(self.state) # starting state of board
player = Player(self.state, self.color)
opponent = Player(board, self.opp)
if checkmate(board, self.color): # is the starting state already checkmate?
value, = 20, True
settings.value[self.color] = value
if opponent.draw: # is the starting state already a draw?
value, self.draw = 5, True
settings.value[self.color] = value
for i in range(1000):
self.random_move(opponent, board) # moves a random piece
player.set_moves(board) # update our legal moves
if player.draw:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
if opponent.won:
value = 0
settings.value[self.color] = value
if len(opponent.pieces) == 1 and len(player.pieces) == 1:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
self.random_move(player, board) # moves a random piece
opponent.set_moves(board) # update opponents legal moves
if opponent.draw:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
if player.won:
value = 20
settings.value[self.color] = value
if len(player.pieces) == 1 and len(opponent.pieces) == 1:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value

Move function located in Player class:

# Places chosen piece to chosen location on board
def move(self, c_pos, t_pos, board):
if self.side == 'black':
me, end_row = 'b', 7
me, end_row = 'w', 0
c_row, c_column = c_pos[0], c_pos[1]
t_row, t_column = t_pos[0], t_pos[1]
piece = board[c_row][c_column]
board[c_row][c_column] = 1
if 'P' in piece and t_row == end_row:
self.pawn_queens += 1
piece = me + 'Q' + str(self.pawn_queens)
board[t_row][t_column] = piece
if 'bK' in piece:
self.bk_moved = True
if 'bR1' in piece:
self.br1_moved = True
if 'bR2' in piece:
self.br2_moved = True
if 'wK' in piece:
self.wk_moved = True
if 'wR1' in piece:
self.wr1_moved = True
if 'wR2' in piece:
self.wr2_moved = True
if 'K' in str(piece) and t_column == c_column - 3:
rook = board[c_row][0]
board[c_row][2], board[c_row][0] = rook, 1
if 'K' in str(piece) and t_column == c_column + 2:
rook = board[c_row][7]
board[c_row][5], board[c_row][7] = rook, 1
if self.checkmate(board):
self.won = True

And then what I would think is the time consuming function, I left out the code for the queens moves since it's basically the code from the rook and bishop combined and would be I think too long to post here.

Pawn moves:

def get_pawn_moves(board, color):
for row in board:
for square in row:
if color[0] + 'P' in str(square):
key = square.replace(color[0], '')
pawn_moves[key] =
if color == 'b':
opp = 'w'
p_start, start_row = 1, 0
opp = 'b'
p_start, start_row = 6, 7
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'P' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
if color[0] == 'b':
one_step = row + 1
two_steps = row + 2
one_step = row - 1
two_steps = row - 2

p_capture_left = col - 1
p_capture_right = col + 1

if one_step in range(8):
if color[0] and opp not in str(board[one_step][col]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, col])
if row == p_start:
if opp and color[0] not in str(board[two_steps][col]):
pawn_moves[key].append([two_steps, col])

if p_capture_left != -1 and opp in str(board[one_step][p_capture_left]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, p_capture_left])

if p_capture_right != 8 and opp in str(board[one_step][p_capture_right]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, p_capture_right])
col += 1
row += 1

Rook moves:

def get_rook_moves(board, color):
for i in board:
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'R' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
rook_moves[key] =
opp = 'w' if color[0] == 'b' else 'b'
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'R' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
for i in range(row, -1, -1):
if i != row:
if color[0] not in str(board[i][col]):
rook_moves[key].append([i, col])
if opp in str(board[i][col]):
for i in range(row, 8):
if i != row:
if color[0] not in str(board[i][col]):
rook_moves[key].append([i, col])
if opp in str(board[i][col]):
for i in range(col, -1, -1):
if i != col:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][i]):
rook_moves[key].append([row, i])
if opp in str(board[row][i]):
for i in range(col, 8):
if i != col:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][i]):
rook_moves[key].append([row, i])
if opp in str(board[row][i]):
col += 1
row += 1

Knight moves:

def get_knight_moves(board, color):
for i in board:
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'N' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
knight_moves[key] =
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'N' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
if row - 2 >= 0 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 2][col + 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 2, col + 1])
if row - 2 >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 2][col - 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 2, col - 1])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col + 2 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col + 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 1, col + 2])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col - 2 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col - 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 1, col - 2])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col + 2 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col + 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 1, col + 2])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col - 2 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col - 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 1, col - 2])
if row + 2 <= 7 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 2][col + 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 2, col + 1])
if row + 2 <= 7 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 2][col - 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 2, col - 1])
col += 1
row += 1

Bishop moves:

def get_bishop_moves(board, color):
for n in board:
for j in n:
if color[0] + 'B' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
bishop_moves[key] =
opp = 'w' if color[0] == 'b' else 'b'
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'B' in str(j):
no_color = j.replace(color[0], '')
ul_stop, dl_stop = False, False
ur_stop, dr_stop = False, False
count = 0
for n in range(col, 8):
if col != n:
count += 1
u_row, d_row = row - count, row + count
if u_row >= 0:
if not ur_stop and color[0] not in str(board[u_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([u_row, n])
if opp in str(board[u_row][n]):
ur_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[u_row][n]):
ur_stop = True
if d_row <= 7:
if not dr_stop and color[0] not in str(board[d_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([d_row, n])
if opp in str(board[d_row][n]):
dr_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[d_row][n]):
dr_stop = True
count = 0
for n in range(col, -1, -1):
if col != n:
count += 1
u_row, d_row = row - count, row + count
if u_row >= 0:
if not ul_stop and color[0] not in str(board[u_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([u_row, n])
if opp in str(board[u_row][n]):
ul_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[u_row][n]):
ul_stop = True
if d_row <= 7:
if not dl_stop and color[0] not in str(board[d_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([d_row, n])
if opp in str(board[d_row][n]):
dl_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[d_row][n]):
dl_stop = True
col += 1
row += 1

King moves:

def get_king_moves(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False):
for n in board:
for j in n:
if color[0] + 'K' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
king_moves[key] =
start_row = 0 if color[0] == 'b' else 7
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'K' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
k_moves =
if row + 1 <= 7 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col + 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col + 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col])
elif row + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col])
elif col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col + 1])
if not kmoved and not r1moved:
if str(board[start_row][1]) and str(board[start_row][2]) and str(board[start_row][3]) == '1':
k_moves.append([start_row, 1])
if not kmoved and not r2moved:
if str(board[start_row][5]) and str(board[start_row][6]) == '1':
k_moves.append([start_row, 6])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col - 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col])
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col - 1])
elif row - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col])
elif col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col - 1])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col - 1 >= 0 and color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col - 1])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col + 1 <= 7 and color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col + 1])
for i in k_moves:
col += 1
row += 1

Combine all moves in one dict:

def pseudo_legal(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False):
all_moves = {}

get_pawn_moves(board, color)
get_rook_moves(board, color)
get_knight_moves(board, color)
get_bishop_moves(board, color)
get_queen_moves(board, color)
get_king_moves(board, color, kmoved=kmoved, r1moved=r1moved, r2moved=r2moved)

return all_moves

Check if moves are legal:

def get_moves(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False, opp_kmoved=False, opp_r1moved=False, opp_r2moved=False):
if color == 'w':
me, opp = 'w', 'b'
me, opp = 'b', 'w'
if not kmoved and not r1moved and not r2moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me), get_pieces(board, me)
elif kmoved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, kmoved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
elif r1moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, r1moved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
elif r2moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, r2moved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
legal_moves = {}
for key in moves:
count = 0
piece = me + key
for move in moves[key]:
t_row, t_col = move[0], move[1]
c_row, c_col = pieces[key][0], pieces[key][1]
sim_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
sim_board[t_row][t_col] = piece
sim_board[c_row][c_col] = 1
king = [t_row, t_col] if key == 'K' else pieces['K']
if not opp_kmoved and not opp_r1moved and not opp_r2moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, opp)
elif opp_kmoved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, kmoved=True)
elif opp_r1moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, r1moved=True)
elif opp_r2moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, r2moved=True)
legal = True
for opp_key in opp_moves:
for opp_move in opp_moves[opp_key]:
if king == opp_move:
legal = False
if legal:
if count == 0:
legal_moves[key] =
count += 1
if not legal_moves:
return False
return legal_moves

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New contributor

Bas Velden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Part of the program I wrote simulates a Chess game choosing random moves for each player until it's a draw or win for either player. It takes 3 seconds to complete 1 simulation and since it trains this way it will be much too slow to get real progress in chess because of the insane branching factor.

I tried dividing the most lengthy function in to multiple processes. This made it much slower because the function actually isn't that complicated and starting the processes takes longer than to just run it in one process. Is there any other way to speed this up?

For anyone who might be interested in seeing all the code and running it for themselves (it is fully functioning): GitHub

This function belongs to class Node, which as the name suggests is a node on the game tree that this program explores and trains on.

Simulation function:

# Random simulation
def roll_out(self):
self.visits += 1
board = copy.deepcopy(self.state) # starting state of board
player = Player(self.state, self.color)
opponent = Player(board, self.opp)
if checkmate(board, self.color): # is the starting state already checkmate?
value, = 20, True
settings.value[self.color] = value
if opponent.draw: # is the starting state already a draw?
value, self.draw = 5, True
settings.value[self.color] = value
for i in range(1000):
self.random_move(opponent, board) # moves a random piece
player.set_moves(board) # update our legal moves
if player.draw:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
if opponent.won:
value = 0
settings.value[self.color] = value
if len(opponent.pieces) == 1 and len(player.pieces) == 1:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
self.random_move(player, board) # moves a random piece
opponent.set_moves(board) # update opponents legal moves
if opponent.draw:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value
if player.won:
value = 20
settings.value[self.color] = value
if len(player.pieces) == 1 and len(opponent.pieces) == 1:
value = 5
settings.value[self.color] = value

Move function located in Player class:

# Places chosen piece to chosen location on board
def move(self, c_pos, t_pos, board):
if self.side == 'black':
me, end_row = 'b', 7
me, end_row = 'w', 0
c_row, c_column = c_pos[0], c_pos[1]
t_row, t_column = t_pos[0], t_pos[1]
piece = board[c_row][c_column]
board[c_row][c_column] = 1
if 'P' in piece and t_row == end_row:
self.pawn_queens += 1
piece = me + 'Q' + str(self.pawn_queens)
board[t_row][t_column] = piece
if 'bK' in piece:
self.bk_moved = True
if 'bR1' in piece:
self.br1_moved = True
if 'bR2' in piece:
self.br2_moved = True
if 'wK' in piece:
self.wk_moved = True
if 'wR1' in piece:
self.wr1_moved = True
if 'wR2' in piece:
self.wr2_moved = True
if 'K' in str(piece) and t_column == c_column - 3:
rook = board[c_row][0]
board[c_row][2], board[c_row][0] = rook, 1
if 'K' in str(piece) and t_column == c_column + 2:
rook = board[c_row][7]
board[c_row][5], board[c_row][7] = rook, 1
if self.checkmate(board):
self.won = True

And then what I would think is the time consuming function, I left out the code for the queens moves since it's basically the code from the rook and bishop combined and would be I think too long to post here.

Pawn moves:

def get_pawn_moves(board, color):
for row in board:
for square in row:
if color[0] + 'P' in str(square):
key = square.replace(color[0], '')
pawn_moves[key] =
if color == 'b':
opp = 'w'
p_start, start_row = 1, 0
opp = 'b'
p_start, start_row = 6, 7
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'P' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
if color[0] == 'b':
one_step = row + 1
two_steps = row + 2
one_step = row - 1
two_steps = row - 2

p_capture_left = col - 1
p_capture_right = col + 1

if one_step in range(8):
if color[0] and opp not in str(board[one_step][col]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, col])
if row == p_start:
if opp and color[0] not in str(board[two_steps][col]):
pawn_moves[key].append([two_steps, col])

if p_capture_left != -1 and opp in str(board[one_step][p_capture_left]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, p_capture_left])

if p_capture_right != 8 and opp in str(board[one_step][p_capture_right]):
pawn_moves[key].append([one_step, p_capture_right])
col += 1
row += 1

Rook moves:

def get_rook_moves(board, color):
for i in board:
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'R' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
rook_moves[key] =
opp = 'w' if color[0] == 'b' else 'b'
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'R' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
for i in range(row, -1, -1):
if i != row:
if color[0] not in str(board[i][col]):
rook_moves[key].append([i, col])
if opp in str(board[i][col]):
for i in range(row, 8):
if i != row:
if color[0] not in str(board[i][col]):
rook_moves[key].append([i, col])
if opp in str(board[i][col]):
for i in range(col, -1, -1):
if i != col:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][i]):
rook_moves[key].append([row, i])
if opp in str(board[row][i]):
for i in range(col, 8):
if i != col:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][i]):
rook_moves[key].append([row, i])
if opp in str(board[row][i]):
col += 1
row += 1

Knight moves:

def get_knight_moves(board, color):
for i in board:
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'N' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
knight_moves[key] =
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'N' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
if row - 2 >= 0 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 2][col + 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 2, col + 1])
if row - 2 >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 2][col - 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 2, col - 1])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col + 2 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col + 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 1, col + 2])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col - 2 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col - 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row - 1, col - 2])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col + 2 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col + 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 1, col + 2])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col - 2 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col - 2]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 1, col - 2])
if row + 2 <= 7 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 2][col + 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 2, col + 1])
if row + 2 <= 7 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 2][col - 1]):
knight_moves[key].append([row + 2, col - 1])
col += 1
row += 1

Bishop moves:

def get_bishop_moves(board, color):
for n in board:
for j in n:
if color[0] + 'B' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
bishop_moves[key] =
opp = 'w' if color[0] == 'b' else 'b'
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'B' in str(j):
no_color = j.replace(color[0], '')
ul_stop, dl_stop = False, False
ur_stop, dr_stop = False, False
count = 0
for n in range(col, 8):
if col != n:
count += 1
u_row, d_row = row - count, row + count
if u_row >= 0:
if not ur_stop and color[0] not in str(board[u_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([u_row, n])
if opp in str(board[u_row][n]):
ur_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[u_row][n]):
ur_stop = True
if d_row <= 7:
if not dr_stop and color[0] not in str(board[d_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([d_row, n])
if opp in str(board[d_row][n]):
dr_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[d_row][n]):
dr_stop = True
count = 0
for n in range(col, -1, -1):
if col != n:
count += 1
u_row, d_row = row - count, row + count
if u_row >= 0:
if not ul_stop and color[0] not in str(board[u_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([u_row, n])
if opp in str(board[u_row][n]):
ul_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[u_row][n]):
ul_stop = True
if d_row <= 7:
if not dl_stop and color[0] not in str(board[d_row][n]):
bishop_moves[no_color].append([d_row, n])
if opp in str(board[d_row][n]):
dl_stop = True
if color[0] in str(board[d_row][n]):
dl_stop = True
col += 1
row += 1

King moves:

def get_king_moves(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False):
for n in board:
for j in n:
if color[0] + 'K' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
king_moves[key] =
start_row = 0 if color[0] == 'b' else 7
row = 0
for i in board:
col = 0
for j in i:
if color[0] + 'K' in str(j):
key = j.replace(color[0], '')
k_moves =
if row + 1 <= 7 and col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col + 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col + 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col])
elif row + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col])
elif col + 1 <= 7:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col + 1])
if not kmoved and not r1moved:
if str(board[start_row][1]) and str(board[start_row][2]) and str(board[start_row][3]) == '1':
k_moves.append([start_row, 1])
if not kmoved and not r2moved:
if str(board[start_row][5]) and str(board[start_row][6]) == '1':
k_moves.append([start_row, 6])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col - 1])
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col])
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col - 1])
elif row - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col])
elif col - 1 >= 0:
if color[0] not in str(board[row][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row, col - 1])
if row + 1 <= 7 and col - 1 >= 0 and color[0] not in str(board[row + 1][col - 1]):
k_moves.append([row + 1, col - 1])
if row - 1 >= 0 and col + 1 <= 7 and color[0] not in str(board[row - 1][col + 1]):
k_moves.append([row - 1, col + 1])
for i in k_moves:
col += 1
row += 1

Combine all moves in one dict:

def pseudo_legal(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False):
all_moves = {}

get_pawn_moves(board, color)
get_rook_moves(board, color)
get_knight_moves(board, color)
get_bishop_moves(board, color)
get_queen_moves(board, color)
get_king_moves(board, color, kmoved=kmoved, r1moved=r1moved, r2moved=r2moved)

return all_moves

Check if moves are legal:

def get_moves(board, color, kmoved=False, r1moved=False, r2moved=False, opp_kmoved=False, opp_r1moved=False, opp_r2moved=False):
if color == 'w':
me, opp = 'w', 'b'
me, opp = 'b', 'w'
if not kmoved and not r1moved and not r2moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me), get_pieces(board, me)
elif kmoved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, kmoved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
elif r1moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, r1moved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
elif r2moved:
moves, pieces = pseudo_legal(board, me, r2moved=True), get_pieces(board, me)
legal_moves = {}
for key in moves:
count = 0
piece = me + key
for move in moves[key]:
t_row, t_col = move[0], move[1]
c_row, c_col = pieces[key][0], pieces[key][1]
sim_board = copy.deepcopy(board)
sim_board[t_row][t_col] = piece
sim_board[c_row][c_col] = 1
king = [t_row, t_col] if key == 'K' else pieces['K']
if not opp_kmoved and not opp_r1moved and not opp_r2moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, opp)
elif opp_kmoved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, kmoved=True)
elif opp_r1moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, r1moved=True)
elif opp_r2moved:
opp_moves = pseudo_legal(board, color, r2moved=True)
legal = True
for opp_key in opp_moves:
for opp_move in opp_moves[opp_key]:
if king == opp_move:
legal = False
if legal:
if count == 0:
legal_moves[key] =
count += 1
if not legal_moves:
return False
return legal_moves

python performance python-3.x simulation chess

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edited 22 mins ago




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asked 10 hours ago

Bas Velden



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Bas Velden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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Bas Velden is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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  • @Reinderien I was afraid I would get that answer... Should I code it from scratch? Also, is it possible to write the chess code in C, but leave the machine learning code in python?
    – Bas Velden
    10 hours ago

  • You can do whatever you want :) You can invoke a C library through FFI, or you can run a C process and communicate with it via IPC, or you can find a pure C machine learning library... lots of options.
    – Reinderien
    9 hours ago

  • @Reinderien Allright, i'll look into the options. Thanks for the response! cheers
    – Bas Velden
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Welcome here! Would it be possible to provide more code. This seems to be part of a class but we're missing most of it? Also the other classes required such as Player could be useful if it is not too much code.
    – Josay
    8 hours ago

  • @Josay I have posted the code for getting the moves. The code might be too long though.. I'll remove them if this is the case.
    – Bas Velden
    8 hours ago

  • @Reinderien I was afraid I would get that answer... Should I code it from scratch? Also, is it possible to write the chess code in C, but leave the machine learning code in python?
    – Bas Velden
    10 hours ago

  • You can do whatever you want :) You can invoke a C library through FFI, or you can run a C process and communicate with it via IPC, or you can find a pure C machine learning library... lots of options.
    – Reinderien
    9 hours ago

  • @Reinderien Allright, i'll look into the options. Thanks for the response! cheers
    – Bas Velden
    8 hours ago

  • 1

    Welcome here! Would it be possible to provide more code. This seems to be part of a class but we're missing most of it? Also the other classes required such as Player could be useful if it is not too much code.
    – Josay
    8 hours ago

  • @Josay I have posted the code for getting the moves. The code might be too long though.. I'll remove them if this is the case.
    – Bas Velden
    8 hours ago

@Reinderien I was afraid I would get that answer... Should I code it from scratch? Also, is it possible to write the chess code in C, but leave the machine learning code in python?
– Bas Velden
10 hours ago

@Reinderien I was afraid I would get that answer... Should I code it from scratch? Also, is it possible to write the chess code in C, but leave the machine learning code in python?
– Bas Velden
10 hours ago

You can do whatever you want :) You can invoke a C library through FFI, or you can run a C process and communicate with it via IPC, or you can find a pure C machine learning library... lots of options.
– Reinderien
9 hours ago

You can do whatever you want :) You can invoke a C library through FFI, or you can run a C process and communicate with it via IPC, or you can find a pure C machine learning library... lots of options.
– Reinderien
9 hours ago

@Reinderien Allright, i'll look into the options. Thanks for the response! cheers
– Bas Velden
8 hours ago

@Reinderien Allright, i'll look into the options. Thanks for the response! cheers
– Bas Velden
8 hours ago



Welcome here! Would it be possible to provide more code. This seems to be part of a class but we're missing most of it? Also the other classes required such as Player could be useful if it is not too much code.
– Josay
8 hours ago

Welcome here! Would it be possible to provide more code. This seems to be part of a class but we're missing most of it? Also the other classes required such as Player could be useful if it is not too much code.
– Josay
8 hours ago

@Josay I have posted the code for getting the moves. The code might be too long though.. I'll remove them if this is the case.
– Bas Velden
8 hours ago

@Josay I have posted the code for getting the moves. The code might be too long though.. I'll remove them if this is the case.
– Bas Velden
8 hours ago

1 Answer




up vote
down vote

If you are mainly looking for performance while sticking with python, you should check out python-chess. It's board class has attributes like board.legal_moves and functions like board.is_game_over() which use bitboards for their low-level storage. It won't be as fast as C, but it will be a ton easier to use.

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    up vote
    down vote

    If you are mainly looking for performance while sticking with python, you should check out python-chess. It's board class has attributes like board.legal_moves and functions like board.is_game_over() which use bitboards for their low-level storage. It won't be as fast as C, but it will be a ton easier to use.

    share|improve this answer

      up vote
      down vote

      If you are mainly looking for performance while sticking with python, you should check out python-chess. It's board class has attributes like board.legal_moves and functions like board.is_game_over() which use bitboards for their low-level storage. It won't be as fast as C, but it will be a ton easier to use.

      share|improve this answer

        up vote
        down vote

        up vote
        down vote

        If you are mainly looking for performance while sticking with python, you should check out python-chess. It's board class has attributes like board.legal_moves and functions like board.is_game_over() which use bitboards for their low-level storage. It won't be as fast as C, but it will be a ton easier to use.

        share|improve this answer

        If you are mainly looking for performance while sticking with python, you should check out python-chess. It's board class has attributes like board.legal_moves and functions like board.is_game_over() which use bitboards for their low-level storage. It won't be as fast as C, but it will be a ton easier to use.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered 7 hours ago

        Oscar Smith



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