JIT-based programming language

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I'm working on JIT-based programming language using DynASM (before I was generating instructions directly). Review of the code would be really appreciated - It's my first time fiddling with DynASM. Code was written to be tight and readable. You can find github repository here. Code consists mostly of one file as code is pretty small:


#define _BSD_SOURCE
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <time.h>
#if !defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_ANON)
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#ifndef Dst_DECL
#define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst
#ifndef Dst_REF
#define Dst_REF (*Dst)
#ifndef DASM_FDEF
#define DASM_FDEF extern
#ifndef DASM_M_GROW
#define DASM_M_GROW(ctx, t, p, sz, need)
do {
size_t _sz = (sz), _need = (need);
if (_sz < _need) {
if (_sz < 16) _sz = 16;
while (_sz < _need) _sz += _sz;
(p) = (t *)realloc((p), _sz);
if ((p) == NULL) exit(1);
(sz) = _sz;
} while(0)
#ifndef DASM_M_FREE
#define DASM_M_FREE(ctx, p, sz) free(p)
/* Maximum number of section buffer positions for a single dasm_put() call. */

/* DynASM encoder status codes. Action list offset or number are or'ed in. */
#define DASM_S_OK 0x00000000
#define DASM_S_NOMEM 0x01000000
#define DASM_S_PHASE 0x02000000
#define DASM_S_MATCH_SEC 0x03000000
#define DASM_S_RANGE_I 0x11000000
#define DASM_S_RANGE_SEC 0x12000000
#define DASM_S_RANGE_LG 0x13000000
#define DASM_S_RANGE_PC 0x14000000
#define DASM_S_RANGE_VREG 0x15000000
#define DASM_S_UNDEF_L 0x21000000
#define DASM_S_UNDEF_PC 0x22000000

/* Macros to convert positions (8 bit section + 24 bit index). */
#define DASM_POS2IDX(pos) ((pos)&0x00ffffff)
#define DASM_POS2BIAS(pos) ((pos)&0xff000000)
#define DASM_SEC2POS(sec) ((sec)<<24)
#define DASM_POS2SEC(pos) ((pos)>>24)
#define DASM_POS2PTR(D, pos) (D->sections[DASM_POS2SEC(pos)].rbuf + (pos))
typedef struct dasm_State dasm_State;
DASM_FDEF void dasm_init(Dst_DECL, int maxsection);
DASM_FDEF void dasm_free(Dst_DECL);
DASM_FDEF void dasm_setupglobal(Dst_DECL, void **gl, unsigned int maxgl);
DASM_FDEF void dasm_growpc(Dst_DECL, unsigned int maxpc);
DASM_FDEF void dasm_setup(Dst_DECL, const void *actionlist);
DASM_FDEF void dasm_put(Dst_DECL, int start, ...);
DASM_FDEF int dasm_link(Dst_DECL, size_t *szp);
DASM_FDEF int dasm_encode(Dst_DECL, void *buffer);
DASM_FDEF int dasm_getpclabel(Dst_DECL, unsigned int pc);
DASM_FDEF int dasm_checkstep(Dst_DECL, int secmatch);
#define dasm_checkstep(a, b) 0

#define DASM_ARCH "x86"

#define DASM_EXTERN(a,b,c,d) 0

/* Action definitions. DASM_STOP must be 255. */
enum {
DASM_DISP = 233,

/* Action list type. */
typedef const unsigned char * dasm_ActList;

/* Per-section structure. */
typedef struct dasm_Section {
int * rbuf; /* Biased buffer pointer (negative section bias). */
int * buf; /* True buffer pointer. */
size_t bsize; /* Buffer size in bytes. */
int pos; /* Biased buffer position. */
int epos; /* End of biased buffer position - max single put. */
int ofs; /* Byte offset into section. */
} dasm_Section;

/* Core structure holding the DynASM encoding state. */
struct dasm_State {
size_t psize; /* Allocated size of this structure. */
dasm_ActList actionlist; /* Current actionlist pointer. */
int * lglabels; /* Local/global chain/pos ptrs. */
size_t lgsize;
int * pclabels; /* PC label chains/pos ptrs. */
size_t pcsize;
void ** globals; /* Array of globals (bias -10). */
dasm_Section * section; /* Pointer to active section. */
size_t codesize; /* Total size of all code sections. */
int maxsection; /* 0 <= sectionidx < maxsection. */
int status; /* Status code. */
dasm_Section sections[1]; /* All sections. Alloc-extended. */

/* The size of the core structure depends on the max. number of sections. */
#define DASM_PSZ(ms) (sizeof(dasm_State)+(ms-1)*sizeof(dasm_Section))

/* Initialize DynASM state. */
void dasm_init(Dst_DECL, int maxsection) {
dasm_State * D;
size_t psz = 0;
int i;
DASM_M_GROW(Dst, struct dasm_State, Dst_REF, psz, DASM_PSZ(maxsection));
D = Dst_REF;
D->psize = psz;
D->lglabels = NULL;
D->lgsize = 0;
D->pclabels = NULL;
D->pcsize = 0;
D->globals = NULL;
D->maxsection = maxsection;
for (i = 0; i < maxsection; i++) {
D->sections[i].buf = NULL; /* Need this for pass3. */
D->sections[i].rbuf = D->sections[i].buf - DASM_SEC2POS(i);
D->sections[i].bsize = 0;
D->sections[i].epos = 0; /* Wrong, but is recalculated after resize. */

/* Free DynASM state. */
void dasm_free(Dst_DECL) {
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < D->maxsection; i++)
if (D->sections[i].buf)
DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->sections[i].buf, D->sections[i].bsize);
if (D->pclabels) DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->pclabels, D->pcsize);
if (D->lglabels) DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->lglabels, D->lgsize);
DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D, D->psize);

/* Setup global label array. Must be called before dasm_setup(). */
void dasm_setupglobal(Dst_DECL, void ** gl, unsigned int maxgl) {
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
D->globals = gl - 10; /* Negative bias to compensate for locals. */
DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, D->lglabels, D->lgsize, (10+maxgl)*sizeof(int));

/* Grow PC label array. Can be called after dasm_setup(), too. */
void dasm_growpc(Dst_DECL, unsigned int maxpc) {
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
size_t osz = D->pcsize;
DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, D->pclabels, D->pcsize, maxpc*sizeof(int));
memset((void *)(((unsigned char *)D->pclabels)+osz), 0, D->pcsize-osz);

/* Setup encoder. */
void dasm_setup(Dst_DECL, const void * actionlist) {
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
int i;
D->actionlist = (dasm_ActList)actionlist;
D->status = DASM_S_OK;
D->section = &D->sections[0];
memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
if (D->pclabels) memset((void *)D->pclabels, 0, D->pcsize);
for (i = 0; i < D->maxsection; i++) {
D->sections[i].pos = DASM_SEC2POS(i);
D->sections[i].ofs = 0;

#define CK(x, st)
do { if (!(x)) {
D->status = DASM_S_##st|(int)(p-D->actionlist-1); return; } } while (0)
#define CKPL(kind, st)
do { if ((size_t)((char *)pl-(char *)D->kind##labels) >= D->kind##size) {
D->status=DASM_S_RANGE_##st|(int)(p-D->actionlist-1); return; } } while (0)
#define CK(x, st) ((void)0)
#define CKPL(kind, st) ((void)0)

/* Pass 1: Store actions and args, link branches/labels, estimate offsets. */
void dasm_put(Dst_DECL, int start, ...) {
va_list ap;
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + start;
dasm_Section * sec = D->section;
int pos = sec->pos, ofs = sec->ofs, mrm = 4;
int * b;
if (pos >= sec->epos) {
DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, sec->buf, sec->bsize,
sec->bsize + 2*DASM_MAXSECPOS*sizeof(int));
sec->rbuf = sec->buf - DASM_POS2BIAS(pos);
sec->epos = (int)sec->bsize/sizeof(int) - DASM_MAXSECPOS+DASM_POS2BIAS(pos);
b = sec->rbuf;
b[pos++] = start;
va_start(ap, start);
while (1) {
int action = *p++;
if (action < DASM_DISP)

else if (action <= DASM_REL_A) {
int n = va_arg(ap, int);
b[pos++] = n;
switch (action) {
if (n == 0) { if ((mrm&7) == 4) mrm = p[-2]; if ((mrm&7) != 5) break; }
case DASM_IMM_DB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) goto ob;
case DASM_REL_A: /* Assumes ptrdiff_t is int. !x64 */
case DASM_IMM_D: ofs += 4; break;
case DASM_IMM_S: CK(((n+128)&-256) == 0, RANGE_I); goto ob;
case DASM_IMM_B: CK((n&-256) == 0, RANGE_I); ob: ofs++; break;
case DASM_VREG: CK((n&-8) == 0 && (n != 4 || (*p&1) == 0), RANGE_VREG);
mrm = 4;
} else {
int * pl, n;
switch (action) {
n = *p++; pl = D->lglabels + n;
/* Bkwd rel or global. */
if (n <= 246) { CK(n>=10||*pl<0, RANGE_LG); CKPL(lg, LG); goto putrel; }
pl -= 246; n = *pl;
if (n < 0) n = 0; /* Start new chain for fwd rel if label exists. */
goto linkrel;
case DASM_IMM_PC: pl = D->pclabels + va_arg(ap, int); CKPL(pc, PC);
n = *pl;
if (n < 0) /* Label exists. Get label pos and store it. */
b[pos] = -n;

else {
b[pos] = n; /* Else link to rel chain, anchored at label. */
*pl = pos;
ofs += 4; /* Maximum offset needed. */
if (action == DASM_REL_LG || action == DASM_REL_PC)
b[pos++] = ofs; /* Store pass1 offset estimate. */
case DASM_LABEL_LG: pl = D->lglabels + *p++; CKPL(lg, LG); goto putlabel;
case DASM_LABEL_PC: pl = D->pclabels + va_arg(ap, int); CKPL(pc, PC);
n = *pl; /* n > 0: Collapse rel chain and replace with label pos. */
while (n > 0) { int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n); n = *pb; *pb = pos; }
*pl = -pos; /* Label exists now. */
b[pos++] = ofs; /* Store pass1 offset estimate. */
case DASM_ESC: p++; ofs++; break;
case DASM_MARK: mrm = p[-2]; break;
case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
sec->pos = pos;
sec->ofs = ofs;
#undef CK

/* Pass 2: Link sections, shrink branches/aligns, fix label offsets. */
int dasm_link(Dst_DECL, size_t * szp) {
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
int secnum;
int ofs = 0;
*szp = 0;
if (D->status != DASM_S_OK) return D->status;
int pc;
for (pc = 0; pc*sizeof(int) < D->pcsize; pc++)
if (D->pclabels[pc] > 0) return DASM_S_UNDEF_PC|pc;
/* Handle globals not defined in this translation unit. */
int idx;
for (idx = 10; idx*sizeof(int) < D->lgsize; idx++) {
int n = D->lglabels[idx];
/* Undefined label: Collapse rel chain and replace with marker (< 0). */
while (n > 0) { int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n); n = *pb; *pb = -idx; }
/* Combine all code sections. No support for data sections (yet). */
for (secnum = 0; secnum < D->maxsection; secnum++) {
dasm_Section * sec = D->sections + secnum;
int * b = sec->rbuf;
int pos = DASM_SEC2POS(secnum);
int lastpos = sec->pos;
while (pos != lastpos) {
dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + b[pos++];
while (1) {
int op, action = *p++;
switch (action) {
case DASM_REL_LG: p++; op = p[-3]; goto rel_pc;
case DASM_REL_PC: op = p[-2]; rel_pc: {
int shrink = op == 0xe9 ? 3 : ((op&0xf0) == 0x80 ? 4 : 0);
if (shrink) { /* Shrinkable branch opcode? */
int lofs, lpos = b[pos];
if (lpos < 0) goto noshrink; /* Ext global? */
lofs = *DASM_POS2PTR(D, lpos);
if (lpos > pos) { /* Fwd label: add cumulative section offsets. */
int i;
for (i = secnum; i < DASM_POS2SEC(lpos); i++)
lofs += D->sections[i].ofs;
} else {
lofs -= ofs; /* Bkwd label: unfix offset. */
lofs -= b[pos+1]; /* Short branch ok? */
if (lofs >= -128-shrink && lofs <= 127) ofs -= shrink; /* Yes. */
else noshrink: shrink = 0; /* No, cannot shrink op. */
b[pos+1] = shrink;
pos += 2;
case DASM_SPACE: case DASM_IMM_LG: case DASM_VREG: p++;
case DASM_DISP: case DASM_IMM_S: case DASM_IMM_B: case DASM_IMM_W:
case DASM_IMM_D: case DASM_IMM_WB: case DASM_IMM_DB:
case DASM_SETLABEL: case DASM_REL_A: case DASM_IMM_PC: pos++; break;
case DASM_LABEL_LG: p++;
case DASM_LABEL_PC: b[pos++] += ofs; break; /* Fix label offset. */
case DASM_ALIGN: ofs -= (b[pos++]+ofs)&*p++; break; /* Adjust ofs. */
case DASM_EXTERN: p += 2; break;
case DASM_ESC: p++; break;
case DASM_MARK: break;
case DASM_SECTION: case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
stop: (void)0;
ofs += sec->ofs; /* Next section starts right after current section. */
D->codesize = ofs; /* Total size of all code sections */
*szp = ofs;
return DASM_S_OK;

#define dasmb(x) *cp++ = (unsigned char)(x)
#define dasmw(x)
do { *((unsigned short *)cp) = (unsigned short)(x); cp+=2; } while (0)
#define dasmd(x)
do { *((unsigned int *)cp) = (unsigned int)(x); cp+=4; } while (0)
#define dasmw(x) do { dasmb(x); dasmb((x)>>8); } while (0)
#define dasmd(x) do { dasmw(x); dasmw((x)>>16); } while (0)

/* Pass 3: Encode sections. */
int dasm_encode(Dst_DECL, void * buffer) {
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
unsigned char * base = (unsigned char *)buffer;
unsigned char * cp = base;
int secnum;
/* Encode all code sections. No support for data sections (yet). */
for (secnum = 0; secnum < D->maxsection; secnum++) {
dasm_Section * sec = D->sections + secnum;
int * b = sec->buf;
int * endb = sec->rbuf + sec->pos;
while (b != endb) {
dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + *b++;
unsigned char * mark = NULL;
while (1) {
int action = *p++;
int n = (action >= DASM_DISP && action <= DASM_ALIGN) ? *b++ : 0;
switch (action) {
case DASM_DISP: if (!mark) mark = cp; {
unsigned char * mm = mark;
if (*p != DASM_IMM_DB && *p != DASM_IMM_WB) mark = NULL;
if (n == 0) {
int mrm = mm[-1]&7;
if (mrm == 4) mrm = mm[0]&7;
if (mrm != 5) { mm[-1] -= 0x80; break; }
if (((n+128) & -256) != 0) goto wd;
else mm[-1] -= 0x40;
case DASM_IMM_S: case DASM_IMM_B: wb: dasmb(n); break;
case DASM_IMM_DB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) {
if (!mark) mark = cp; mark[-2] += 2; mark = NULL; goto wb;
} else mark = NULL;
case DASM_IMM_D: wd: dasmd(n); break;
case DASM_IMM_WB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) goto db;
else mark = NULL;
case DASM_IMM_W: dasmw(n); break;
case DASM_VREG: { int t = *p++; if (t >= 2) n<<=3; cp[-1] |= n; break; }
case DASM_REL_LG: p++;
if (n >= 0) goto rel_pc;
b++; n = (int)(ptrdiff_t)D->globals[-n];
case DASM_REL_A: rel_a: n -= (int)(ptrdiff_t)(cp+4); goto wd; /* !x64 */
case DASM_REL_PC: rel_pc: {
int shrink = *b++;
int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n);
if (*pb < 0) { n = pb[1]; goto rel_a; }
n = *pb - ((int)(cp-base) + 4-shrink);
if (shrink == 0) goto wd;
if (shrink == 4) { cp--; cp[-1] = *cp-0x10; } else cp[-1] = 0xeb;
goto wb;
if (n < 0) { n = (int)(ptrdiff_t)D->globals[-n]; goto wd; }
case DASM_IMM_PC: {
int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n);
n = *pb < 0 ? pb[1] : (*pb + (int)(ptrdiff_t)base);
goto wd;
int idx = *p++;
if (idx >= 10)
D->globals[idx] = (void *)(base + (*p == DASM_SETLABEL ? *b : n));
case DASM_LABEL_PC: case DASM_SETLABEL: break;
case DASM_SPACE: { int fill = *p++; while (n--) *cp++ = fill; break; }
n = *p++;
while (((cp-base) & n)) *cp++ = 0x90; /* nop */
case DASM_EXTERN: n = DASM_EXTERN(Dst, cp, p[1], *p); p += 2; goto wd;
case DASM_MARK: mark = cp; break;
case DASM_ESC: action = *p++;
default: *cp++ = action; break;
case DASM_SECTION: case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
stop: (void)0;
if (base + D->codesize != cp) /* Check for phase errors. */
return DASM_S_PHASE;
return DASM_S_OK;

int dasm_getpclabel(Dst_DECL, unsigned int pc) {
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
if (pc*sizeof(int) < D->pcsize) {
int pos = D->pclabels[pc];
if (pos < 0) return *DASM_POS2PTR(D, -pos);
if (pos > 0) return -1; /* Undefined. */
return -2; /* Unused or out of range. */

/* Optional sanity checker to call between isolated encoding steps. */
int dasm_checkstep(Dst_DECL, int secmatch) {
dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
if (D->status == DASM_S_OK) {
int i;
for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
if (D->lglabels[i] > 0) { D->status = DASM_S_UNDEF_L|i; break; }
D->lglabels[i] = 0;
if (D->status == DASM_S_OK && secmatch >= 0 &&
D->section != &D->sections[secmatch])
D->status = DASM_S_MATCH_SEC|(int)(D->section-D->sections);
return D->status;

extern void * jit_buf;
extern size_t jit_sz;
extern int npc;

enum { IN_GLOBAL = 0, IN_FUNC };
enum { BLOCK_LOOP = 1, BLOCK_FUNC };
enum { V_LOCAL, V_GLOBAL };

typedef struct {
int address, args, espBgn;
char name[0xFF];
} func_t;

typedef struct {
char name[32];
unsigned int id;
int type;
int loctype;
} var_t;

typedef struct {
char val[128];
int nline;
} token_t;

struct {
token_t * tok_t;
int size, pos;
} tok_t;

struct {
unsigned int * addr;
int count;
} brks_t, rets_t;

int error(char *, ...);
int lex(char *);
int32_t skip(char * s);
void asmexpr();
int isassign();
int assignment();
int expression(int, int);
int (*parser())(int *, void **);
char * getstr();
func_t * getfn(char *);
var_t * getvar(char *);
void cmpexpr();
static unsigned int w;

struct {
uint32_t addr[0xff];
int count;
} memory;

static void setxor() {
w = 1234 + (getpid() ^ 0xFFBA9285);

void init() {
tok_t.pos = 0;
tok_t.size = 0xfff;
tok_t.tok_t = calloc(sizeof(token_t), tok_t.size);
brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);
rets_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

static void freeadd() {
if (memory.count > 0) {
for (--memory.count; memory.count >= 0; --memory.count)
free((void *)memory.addr[memory.count]);
memory.count = 0;

void dispose() {
munmap(jit_buf, jit_sz);

static void put_i32(int32_t n) {
printf("%d", n);

static void put_str(int32_t * n) {
printf("%s", (char *) n);

static void put_ln() {

static void add_mem(int32_t addr) {
memory.addr[memory.count++] = addr;

static int xor128() {
static uint32_t x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629;
uint32_t t;
t = x ^ (x << 11);
x = y; y = z; z = w;
w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
return ((int32_t) w < 0) ? -(int32_t) w : (int32_t) w;

static void * funcTable = {
put_i32, /* 0 */ put_str, /* 4 */ put_ln, /* 8 */ malloc, /* 12 */
xor128, /* 16 */ printf, /* 20 */ add_mem, /* 24 */ usleep, /* 28 */
read, /* 32 */ fprintf, /* 36 */ write, /* 40 */ fgets, /* 44 */
free, /* 48 */ freeadd, /* 52 */ exit, /* 56 */ abort, /* 60 */
close /* 72 */

int32_t lex(char * code) {
int32_t codeSize = strlen(code), line = 1, i = 0;
int is_crlf = 0;
for (; i < codeSize; i++) {
if (tok_t.size <= i)
tok_t.tok_t = realloc(tok_t.tok_t, (tok_t.size += 512 * sizeof(token_t)));
if (isdigit(code[i])) {
for (; isdigit(code[i]); i++)
strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
} else if (isalpha(code[i])) {
char * str = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
for (; isalpha(code[i]) || isdigit(code[i]) || code[i] == '_'; i++)
*str++ = code[i];
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
} else if (code[i] == ' ' || code[i] == 't') {
} else if (code[i] == '#') {
for (i++; code[i] != 'n'; i++) line++;
} else if (code[i] == '"') {
strcpy(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, """);
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].nline = line;
for (i++; code[i] != '"' && code[i] != ''; i++)
strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
if (code[i] == '')
error("%d: expected expression '"'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
} else if (code[i] == 'n' || (is_crlf = (code[i] == 'r' && code[i + 1] == 'n'))) {
i += is_crlf;
strcpy(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, ";");
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line++;
} else {
strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
if (code[i + 1] == '=' || (code[i] == '+' && code[i + 1] == '+') || (code[i] == '-' && code[i + 1] == '-'))
strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[++i]), 1);
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
tok_t.size = tok_t.pos - 1;
return 0;

static int execute(char * source) {
int (*jit_main)(int *, void **);
jit_main = parser();
jit_main(0, funcTable);
return 0;

enum {

static const unsigned char euboeaactions[269] = {

dasm_State * d;

static dasm_State ** Dst = &d;

void * euboealabels[L__MAX];
void * jit_buf;

size_t jit_sz;
int npc;
static int main_address, mainFunc;

struct {
var_t var[0xFF];
int count;
int data[0xFF];
} gvar_t;

struct {
var_t var[0xFF][0xFF];
int count, size[0xFF];
} lvar_t;

struct {
char * text[0xff];
int * addr;
int count;
} str_t;

struct {
func_t func[0xff];
int count, inside, now;
} fnc_t;

void initjit() {
dasm_init(&d, 1);
dasm_setupglobal(&d, euboealabels, L__MAX);
dasm_setup(&d, euboeaactions);

void * deinitjit() {
dasm_link(&d, &jit_sz);
jit_buf = mmap(0, jit_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
dasm_encode(&d, jit_buf);
mprotect(jit_buf, jit_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
return jit_buf;

char * getstr() {
str_t.text[str_t.count] = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val) + 1);
strcpy(str_t.text[str_t.count], tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val);
return str_t.text[str_t.count++];

var_t * getvar(char * name) {
int i = 0;
for (; i < lvar_t.count; i++) {
if (!strcmp(name, lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][i].name))
return &lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][i];
for (i = 0; i < gvar_t.count; i++) {
if (!strcmp(name, gvar_t.var[i].name))
return &gvar_t.var[i];
return NULL;

static var_t * appvar(char * name, int type) {
if (fnc_t.inside == IN_FUNC) {
int32_t sz = 1 + ++lvar_t.size[fnc_t.now];
strcpy(lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].name, name);
lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].type = type;
lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].id = sz;
lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].loctype = V_LOCAL;
return &lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count++];
} else if (fnc_t.inside == IN_GLOBAL) {
strcpy(gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].name, name);
gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].type = type;
gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].loctype = V_GLOBAL;
gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].id = (int)&gvar_t.data[gvar_t.count];
return &gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count++];
return NULL;

func_t * getfn(char * name) {
int i = 0;
for (; i < fnc_t.count; i++) {
if (!strcmp(fnc_t.func[i].name, name))
return &fnc_t.func[i];
return NULL;

static func_t * appfn(char * name, int address, int espBgn, int args) {
fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].address = address;
fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].espBgn = espBgn;
fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].args = args;
strcpy(fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].name, name);
return &fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count++];

static int32_t mkbrk() {
uint32_t lbl = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 0, lbl);
brks_t.addr = realloc(brks_t.addr, 4 * (brks_t.count + 1));
brks_t.addr[brks_t.count] = lbl;
return brks_t.count++;

static int32_t mkret() {
int lbl = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 0, lbl);
rets_t.addr = realloc(rets_t.addr, 4 * (rets_t.count + 1));
if (rets_t.addr == NULL) error("no enough memory");
rets_t.addr[rets_t.count] = lbl;
return rets_t.count++;

int32_t skip(char * s) {
if (!strcmp(s, tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val)) {
return 1;
return 0;

int32_t error(char * errs, ...) {
va_list args;
va_start(args, errs);
printf("error: ");
vprintf(errs, args);
return 0;

static int eval(int pos, int status) {
while (tok_t.pos < tok_t.size)
if (expression(pos, status)) return 1;
return 0;

static var_t * mkvar() {
int32_t npos = tok_t.pos;
if (isalpha(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0])) {
if (skip(":")) {
if (skip("int")) {
return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_INT);
if (skip("string")) {
return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_STRING);
if (skip("double")) {
return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_DOUBLE);
} else {
return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_INT);
} else error("%d: can't declare variable", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
return NULL;

static int chkstmt() {
uint32_t end = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
return eval(end, 0);

static int whilestmt() {
uint32_t loopBgn = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 16, loopBgn);
uint32_t stepBgn[2], stepOn = 0;
if (skip(",")) {
stepOn = 1;
stepBgn[0] = tok_t.pos;
for (; tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0] != ';'; tok_t.pos++);
uint32_t end = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
if (skip(":")) expression(0, BLOCK_LOOP);
else eval(0, BLOCK_LOOP);
if (stepOn) {
stepBgn[1] = tok_t.pos;
tok_t.pos = stepBgn[0];
if (isassign()) assignment();
tok_t.pos = stepBgn[1];
dasm_put(Dst, 18, loopBgn, end);
for (--brks_t.count; brks_t.count >= 0; brks_t.count--)
dasm_put(Dst, 16, brks_t.addr[brks_t.count]);
brks_t.count = 0;
return 0;

static int32_t fnstmt() {
int32_t argsc = 0;
int i = 0;
char * funcName = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val;
fnc_t.now++; fnc_t.inside = IN_FUNC;
if (skip("(")) {
do {
} while (skip(","));
if (!skip(")"))
error("%d: expecting ')'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
int func_addr = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
int func_esp = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
appfn(funcName, func_addr, func_esp, argsc);
dasm_put(Dst, 23, func_addr, func_esp);
for (; i < argsc; i++)
dasm_put(Dst, 36, ((argsc - i - 1) * sizeof(int32_t) + 8), - (i + 2)*4);
eval(0, BLOCK_FUNC);
for (--rets_t.count; rets_t.count >= 0; --rets_t.count)
dasm_put(Dst, 16, rets_t.addr[rets_t.count]);
rets_t.count = 0;
dasm_put(Dst, 43);
return 0;

int expression(int pos, int status) {
int isputs = 0;
if (skip("$")) {
if (isassign()) assignment();
} else if (skip("def"))
else if (fnc_t.inside == IN_GLOBAL &&
strcmp("def", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val) &&
strcmp("$", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val) &&
(tok_t.pos+1 == tok_t.size || strcmp(";", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val))) {
fnc_t.inside = IN_FUNC;
mainFunc = ++fnc_t.now;
int main_esp = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
appfn("main", main_address, main_esp, 0);
dasm_put(Dst, 46, main_address, main_esp, 12);
eval(0, 0);
dasm_put(Dst, 43);
fnc_t.inside = IN_GLOBAL;
} else if (isassign())
else if ((isputs = skip("puts")) || skip("output")) {
do {
int isstring = 0;
if (skip(""")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 62, getstr());
isstring = 1;
} else
dasm_put(Dst, 65);
if (isstring)
dasm_put(Dst, 67, 4);

dasm_put(Dst, 72);
dasm_put(Dst, 76);
} while (skip(","));
if (isputs)
dasm_put(Dst, 67, 0x8);
} else if (skip("printf")) {
if (skip("""))
dasm_put(Dst, 80, getstr());
if (skip(",")) {
uint32_t a = 4;
do {
dasm_put(Dst, 86, a);
a += 4;
} while (skip(","));
dasm_put(Dst, 67, 0x14);
} else if (skip("for")) {
if (!skip(","))
error("%d: expecting ','", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
} else if (skip("while"))
else if (skip("return"))
else if (skip("if"))
else if (skip("else")) {
int32_t end = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 18, end, pos);
eval(end, 0);
return 1;
} else if (skip("elsif")) {
int32_t endif = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 18, endif, pos);
uint32_t end = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
eval(end, 0);
dasm_put(Dst, 16, endif);
return 1;
} else if (skip("break"))
else if (skip("end")) {
if (status == 0)
dasm_put(Dst, 16, pos);

else if (status == BLOCK_FUNC) fnc_t.inside = IN_GLOBAL;
return 1;
} else if (!skip(";")) cmpexpr();
return 0;

static char * repescape(char * str) {
char escape[14][3] = {
"\a", "a", "\r", "r", "\f", "f",
"\n", "n", "\t", "t", "\b", "b",
"\q", """
int32_t i = 0;
for (; i < 12; i += 2) {
char * pos;
while ((pos = strstr(str, escape[i])) != NULL) {
*pos = escape[i + 1][0];
memmove(pos + 1, pos + 2, strlen(pos + 2) + 1);
return str;

int (*parser())(int *, void **) {
int i;
uint8_t * buf;
tok_t.pos = 0;
str_t.addr = calloc(0xFF, sizeof(int32_t));
main_address = npc++;
dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
dasm_put(Dst, 92, main_address);
eval(0, 0);
for (i = 0; i < str_t.count; ++i)
buf = (uint8_t *)deinitjit();
for (i = 0; i < fnc_t.count; i++)
*(int *)(buf + dasm_getpclabel(&d, fnc_t.func[i].espBgn) - 4) = (lvar_t.size[i+1] + 6)*4;
return ((int (*)(int *, void **))euboealabels[L_START]);

int32_t isassign() {
char * val = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos + 1].val;
if (!strcmp(val, "=") || !strcmp(val, "++") || !strcmp(val, "--")) return 1;
if (!strcmp(val, "[")) {
int32_t i = tok_t.pos + 2, t = 1;
while (t) {
val = tok_t.tok_t[i].val;
if (!strcmp(val, "[")) t++;
if (!strcmp(val, "]")) t--;
if (!strcmp(val, ";"))
error("%d: invalid expression", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
if (!strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[i].val, "=")) return 1;
} else if (!strcmp(val, ":") && !strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos + 3].val, "="))
return 1;
return 0;

int32_t assignment() {
var_t * v = getvar(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val);
int32_t inc = 0, dec = 0, declare = 0;
if (v == NULL) {
v = mkvar();
int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);
if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL) {
if (skip("[")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 65);
if (skip("]") && skip("=")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 98, - siz*v->id);
if (v->type == T_INT)
dasm_put(Dst, 103);

dasm_put(Dst, 107);
} else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
} else
error("%d: invalid assignment", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
} else {
if (skip("="))
else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
dasm_put(Dst, 111, - siz*v->id);
if (inc)
dasm_put(Dst, 116);
else if (dec)
dasm_put(Dst, 118);
dasm_put(Dst, 39, - siz*v->id);
if (inc || dec)
dasm_put(Dst, 120);
} else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL) {
if (declare) {
if (skip("=")) {
unsigned * m = (unsigned *) v->id;
*m = atoi(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val);
} else {
if (skip("[")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 65);
if (skip("]") && skip("=")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 122, v->id);
if (v->type == T_INT)
dasm_put(Dst, 103);

dasm_put(Dst, 127);
} else error("%d: invalid assignment",
} else if (skip("=")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 131, v->id);
} else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
dasm_put(Dst, 134, v->id);
if (inc)
dasm_put(Dst, 116);
else if (dec)
dasm_put(Dst, 118);
dasm_put(Dst, 131, v->id);
if (inc || dec)
dasm_put(Dst, 120);
return 0;
extern int buildstd(char *);

static int32_t isidx() {
return !strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, "[");

static void priexp() {
if (isdigit(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0]))
dasm_put(Dst, 62, atoi(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val));

else if (skip("'")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 62, tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val[0]);
} else if (skip("""))
dasm_put(Dst, 62, getstr());

else if (isalpha(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0])) {
char * name = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
var_t * v;
if (isassign()) assignment();
else {
if (skip("[")) {
if ((v = getvar(name)) == NULL)
error("%d: '%s' was not declared",
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline, name);
dasm_put(Dst, 138);
if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL)
dasm_put(Dst, 141, - v->id*4);

else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL)
dasm_put(Dst, 145, v->id);
if (v->type == T_INT)
dasm_put(Dst, 149);

dasm_put(Dst, 153);
if (!skip("]"))
error("%d: expected expression ']'",
} else if (skip("(")) {
if (!buildstd(name)) {
func_t * function = getfn(name);
char * val = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
int i = 0;
if (isalpha(val[0]) || isdigit(val[0]) ||
!strcmp(val, """) || !strcmp(val, "(")) {
for (; i < function->args; i++) {
dasm_put(Dst, 65);
dasm_put(Dst, 158, function->address, function->args * sizeof(int32_t));
if (!skip(")"))
error("func: %d: expected expression ')'",
} else {
if ((v = getvar(name)) == NULL)
error("var: %d: '%s' was not declared",
tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline, name);
if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL)
dasm_put(Dst, 164, - v->id*4);

else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL)
dasm_put(Dst, 168, v->id);
} else if (skip("(")) {
if (isassign()) assignment();
else cmpexpr();
if (!skip(")")) error("%d: expected expression ')'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
while (isidx()) {
dasm_put(Dst, 138);
dasm_put(Dst, 171);

static void muldivexp() {
int32_t mul = 0, div = 0;
while ((mul = skip("*")) || (div = skip("/")) || skip("%")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 65);
dasm_put(Dst, 175);
if (mul)
dasm_put(Dst, 179);

else if (div)
dasm_put(Dst, 184);

dasm_put(Dst, 191);

static void addSubExpr() {
int32_t add;
while ((add = skip("+")) || skip("-")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 65);
dasm_put(Dst, 175);
if (add)
dasm_put(Dst, 200);

dasm_put(Dst, 203);

static void logicexp() {
int32_t lt = 0, gt = 0, ne = 0, eql = 0, fle = 0;
if ((lt = skip("<")) || (gt = skip(">")) || (ne = skip("!=")) ||
(eql = skip("==")) || (fle = skip("<=")) || skip(">=")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 65);
dasm_put(Dst, 206);
if (lt)
dasm_put(Dst, 212);
else if (gt)
dasm_put(Dst, 216);
else if (ne)
dasm_put(Dst, 220);
else if (eql)
dasm_put(Dst, 224);
else if (fle)
dasm_put(Dst, 228);
dasm_put(Dst, 232);
dasm_put(Dst, 236);

void cmpexpr() {
int and = 0, or = 0;
while ((and = skip("and") || skip("&")) ||
(or = skip("or") || skip("|")) || (skip("xor") || skip("^"))) {
dasm_put(Dst, 65);
dasm_put(Dst, 175);
if (and)
dasm_put(Dst, 240);
else if (or)
dasm_put(Dst, 243);
dasm_put(Dst, 246);

typedef struct {
char * name;
int args, addr;
} stdfn;

static stdfn stdfuncts = {
{"Array", 1, 12},
{"rand", 0, 16}, {"printf", -1, 20}, {"usleep", 1, 28},
{"fprintf", -1, 36}, {"fgets", 3, 44},
{"free", 1, 48}, {"freeLocal", 0, 52}, {"malloc", 1, 12}, {"exit", 1, 56},
{"abort", 0, 60}, {"read", 3, 32}, {"write", 3, 40}, {"close", 1, 64}

int buildstd(char * name) {
size_t i = 0;
for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {
if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
if (!strcmp(name, "Array")) {
dasm_put(Dst, 249, 12, 24);
} else {
if (stdfuncts[i].args == -1) {
uint32_t a = 0;
do {
dasm_put(Dst, 86, a);
a += 4;
} while (skip(","));
} else {
int arg = 0;
for (; arg < stdfuncts[i].args; arg++) {
dasm_put(Dst, 86, arg*4);
dasm_put(Dst, 67, stdfuncts[i].addr);
return 1;
return 0;

int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
char * src;
FILE * fp;
size_t ssz;
if (argc < 2) error("no given filename");
fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
ssz = 0;
if (!fp) {
struct stat sbuf;
stat(argv[1], &sbuf);
if (S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
printf("Error: %s is a directory.n", argv[1]);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
ssz = ftell(fp);
fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
src = calloc(sizeof(char), ssz + 2);
fread(src, sizeof(char), ssz, fp);
return execute(src);

Currently I'm working on splitting the code logically into source files because it could be a bit more readable anyway. Any tips would be appreciated.

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    I'm working on JIT-based programming language using DynASM (before I was generating instructions directly). Review of the code would be really appreciated - It's my first time fiddling with DynASM. Code was written to be tight and readable. You can find github repository here. Code consists mostly of one file as code is pretty small:


    #define _BSD_SOURCE
    #include <sys/mman.h>
    #include <sys/stat.h>
    #include <sys/types.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #if !defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_ANON)
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <stdarg.h>
    #ifndef Dst_DECL
    #define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst
    #ifndef Dst_REF
    #define Dst_REF (*Dst)
    #ifndef DASM_FDEF
    #define DASM_FDEF extern
    #ifndef DASM_M_GROW
    #define DASM_M_GROW(ctx, t, p, sz, need)
    do {
    size_t _sz = (sz), _need = (need);
    if (_sz < _need) {
    if (_sz < 16) _sz = 16;
    while (_sz < _need) _sz += _sz;
    (p) = (t *)realloc((p), _sz);
    if ((p) == NULL) exit(1);
    (sz) = _sz;
    } while(0)
    #ifndef DASM_M_FREE
    #define DASM_M_FREE(ctx, p, sz) free(p)
    /* Maximum number of section buffer positions for a single dasm_put() call. */
    #define DASM_MAXSECPOS 25

    /* DynASM encoder status codes. Action list offset or number are or'ed in. */
    #define DASM_S_OK 0x00000000
    #define DASM_S_NOMEM 0x01000000
    #define DASM_S_PHASE 0x02000000
    #define DASM_S_MATCH_SEC 0x03000000
    #define DASM_S_RANGE_I 0x11000000
    #define DASM_S_RANGE_SEC 0x12000000
    #define DASM_S_RANGE_LG 0x13000000
    #define DASM_S_RANGE_PC 0x14000000
    #define DASM_S_RANGE_VREG 0x15000000
    #define DASM_S_UNDEF_L 0x21000000
    #define DASM_S_UNDEF_PC 0x22000000

    /* Macros to convert positions (8 bit section + 24 bit index). */
    #define DASM_POS2IDX(pos) ((pos)&0x00ffffff)
    #define DASM_POS2BIAS(pos) ((pos)&0xff000000)
    #define DASM_SEC2POS(sec) ((sec)<<24)
    #define DASM_POS2SEC(pos) ((pos)>>24)
    #define DASM_POS2PTR(D, pos) (D->sections[DASM_POS2SEC(pos)].rbuf + (pos))
    typedef struct dasm_State dasm_State;
    DASM_FDEF void dasm_init(Dst_DECL, int maxsection);
    DASM_FDEF void dasm_free(Dst_DECL);
    DASM_FDEF void dasm_setupglobal(Dst_DECL, void **gl, unsigned int maxgl);
    DASM_FDEF void dasm_growpc(Dst_DECL, unsigned int maxpc);
    DASM_FDEF void dasm_setup(Dst_DECL, const void *actionlist);
    DASM_FDEF void dasm_put(Dst_DECL, int start, ...);
    DASM_FDEF int dasm_link(Dst_DECL, size_t *szp);
    DASM_FDEF int dasm_encode(Dst_DECL, void *buffer);
    DASM_FDEF int dasm_getpclabel(Dst_DECL, unsigned int pc);
    #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
    DASM_FDEF int dasm_checkstep(Dst_DECL, int secmatch);
    #define dasm_checkstep(a, b) 0

    #define DASM_ARCH "x86"

    #ifndef DASM_EXTERN
    #define DASM_EXTERN(a,b,c,d) 0

    /* Action definitions. DASM_STOP must be 255. */
    enum {
    DASM_DISP = 233,

    /* Action list type. */
    typedef const unsigned char * dasm_ActList;

    /* Per-section structure. */
    typedef struct dasm_Section {
    int * rbuf; /* Biased buffer pointer (negative section bias). */
    int * buf; /* True buffer pointer. */
    size_t bsize; /* Buffer size in bytes. */
    int pos; /* Biased buffer position. */
    int epos; /* End of biased buffer position - max single put. */
    int ofs; /* Byte offset into section. */
    } dasm_Section;

    /* Core structure holding the DynASM encoding state. */
    struct dasm_State {
    size_t psize; /* Allocated size of this structure. */
    dasm_ActList actionlist; /* Current actionlist pointer. */
    int * lglabels; /* Local/global chain/pos ptrs. */
    size_t lgsize;
    int * pclabels; /* PC label chains/pos ptrs. */
    size_t pcsize;
    void ** globals; /* Array of globals (bias -10). */
    dasm_Section * section; /* Pointer to active section. */
    size_t codesize; /* Total size of all code sections. */
    int maxsection; /* 0 <= sectionidx < maxsection. */
    int status; /* Status code. */
    dasm_Section sections[1]; /* All sections. Alloc-extended. */

    /* The size of the core structure depends on the max. number of sections. */
    #define DASM_PSZ(ms) (sizeof(dasm_State)+(ms-1)*sizeof(dasm_Section))

    /* Initialize DynASM state. */
    void dasm_init(Dst_DECL, int maxsection) {
    dasm_State * D;
    size_t psz = 0;
    int i;
    Dst_REF = NULL;
    DASM_M_GROW(Dst, struct dasm_State, Dst_REF, psz, DASM_PSZ(maxsection));
    D = Dst_REF;
    D->psize = psz;
    D->lglabels = NULL;
    D->lgsize = 0;
    D->pclabels = NULL;
    D->pcsize = 0;
    D->globals = NULL;
    D->maxsection = maxsection;
    for (i = 0; i < maxsection; i++) {
    D->sections[i].buf = NULL; /* Need this for pass3. */
    D->sections[i].rbuf = D->sections[i].buf - DASM_SEC2POS(i);
    D->sections[i].bsize = 0;
    D->sections[i].epos = 0; /* Wrong, but is recalculated after resize. */

    /* Free DynASM state. */
    void dasm_free(Dst_DECL) {
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < D->maxsection; i++)
    if (D->sections[i].buf)
    DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->sections[i].buf, D->sections[i].bsize);
    if (D->pclabels) DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->pclabels, D->pcsize);
    if (D->lglabels) DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->lglabels, D->lgsize);
    DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D, D->psize);

    /* Setup global label array. Must be called before dasm_setup(). */
    void dasm_setupglobal(Dst_DECL, void ** gl, unsigned int maxgl) {
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    D->globals = gl - 10; /* Negative bias to compensate for locals. */
    DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, D->lglabels, D->lgsize, (10+maxgl)*sizeof(int));

    /* Grow PC label array. Can be called after dasm_setup(), too. */
    void dasm_growpc(Dst_DECL, unsigned int maxpc) {
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    size_t osz = D->pcsize;
    DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, D->pclabels, D->pcsize, maxpc*sizeof(int));
    memset((void *)(((unsigned char *)D->pclabels)+osz), 0, D->pcsize-osz);

    /* Setup encoder. */
    void dasm_setup(Dst_DECL, const void * actionlist) {
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    int i;
    D->actionlist = (dasm_ActList)actionlist;
    D->status = DASM_S_OK;
    D->section = &D->sections[0];
    memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
    if (D->pclabels) memset((void *)D->pclabels, 0, D->pcsize);
    for (i = 0; i < D->maxsection; i++) {
    D->sections[i].pos = DASM_SEC2POS(i);
    D->sections[i].ofs = 0;

    #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
    #define CK(x, st)
    do { if (!(x)) {
    D->status = DASM_S_##st|(int)(p-D->actionlist-1); return; } } while (0)
    #define CKPL(kind, st)
    do { if ((size_t)((char *)pl-(char *)D->kind##labels) >= D->kind##size) {
    D->status=DASM_S_RANGE_##st|(int)(p-D->actionlist-1); return; } } while (0)
    #define CK(x, st) ((void)0)
    #define CKPL(kind, st) ((void)0)

    /* Pass 1: Store actions and args, link branches/labels, estimate offsets. */
    void dasm_put(Dst_DECL, int start, ...) {
    va_list ap;
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + start;
    dasm_Section * sec = D->section;
    int pos = sec->pos, ofs = sec->ofs, mrm = 4;
    int * b;
    if (pos >= sec->epos) {
    DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, sec->buf, sec->bsize,
    sec->bsize + 2*DASM_MAXSECPOS*sizeof(int));
    sec->rbuf = sec->buf - DASM_POS2BIAS(pos);
    sec->epos = (int)sec->bsize/sizeof(int) - DASM_MAXSECPOS+DASM_POS2BIAS(pos);
    b = sec->rbuf;
    b[pos++] = start;
    va_start(ap, start);
    while (1) {
    int action = *p++;
    if (action < DASM_DISP)

    else if (action <= DASM_REL_A) {
    int n = va_arg(ap, int);
    b[pos++] = n;
    switch (action) {
    case DASM_DISP:
    if (n == 0) { if ((mrm&7) == 4) mrm = p[-2]; if ((mrm&7) != 5) break; }
    case DASM_IMM_DB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) goto ob;
    case DASM_REL_A: /* Assumes ptrdiff_t is int. !x64 */
    case DASM_IMM_D: ofs += 4; break;
    case DASM_IMM_S: CK(((n+128)&-256) == 0, RANGE_I); goto ob;
    case DASM_IMM_B: CK((n&-256) == 0, RANGE_I); ob: ofs++; break;
    case DASM_VREG: CK((n&-8) == 0 && (n != 4 || (*p&1) == 0), RANGE_VREG);
    mrm = 4;
    } else {
    int * pl, n;
    switch (action) {
    case DASM_REL_LG:
    case DASM_IMM_LG:
    n = *p++; pl = D->lglabels + n;
    /* Bkwd rel or global. */
    if (n <= 246) { CK(n>=10||*pl<0, RANGE_LG); CKPL(lg, LG); goto putrel; }
    pl -= 246; n = *pl;
    if (n < 0) n = 0; /* Start new chain for fwd rel if label exists. */
    goto linkrel;
    case DASM_REL_PC:
    case DASM_IMM_PC: pl = D->pclabels + va_arg(ap, int); CKPL(pc, PC);
    n = *pl;
    if (n < 0) /* Label exists. Get label pos and store it. */
    b[pos] = -n;

    else {
    b[pos] = n; /* Else link to rel chain, anchored at label. */
    *pl = pos;
    ofs += 4; /* Maximum offset needed. */
    if (action == DASM_REL_LG || action == DASM_REL_PC)
    b[pos++] = ofs; /* Store pass1 offset estimate. */
    case DASM_LABEL_LG: pl = D->lglabels + *p++; CKPL(lg, LG); goto putlabel;
    case DASM_LABEL_PC: pl = D->pclabels + va_arg(ap, int); CKPL(pc, PC);
    n = *pl; /* n > 0: Collapse rel chain and replace with label pos. */
    while (n > 0) { int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n); n = *pb; *pb = pos; }
    *pl = -pos; /* Label exists now. */
    b[pos++] = ofs; /* Store pass1 offset estimate. */
    case DASM_ALIGN:
    case DASM_ESC: p++; ofs++; break;
    case DASM_MARK: mrm = p[-2]; break;
    case DASM_SECTION:
    case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
    sec->pos = pos;
    sec->ofs = ofs;
    #undef CK

    /* Pass 2: Link sections, shrink branches/aligns, fix label offsets. */
    int dasm_link(Dst_DECL, size_t * szp) {
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    int secnum;
    int ofs = 0;
    #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
    *szp = 0;
    if (D->status != DASM_S_OK) return D->status;
    int pc;
    for (pc = 0; pc*sizeof(int) < D->pcsize; pc++)
    if (D->pclabels[pc] > 0) return DASM_S_UNDEF_PC|pc;
    /* Handle globals not defined in this translation unit. */
    int idx;
    for (idx = 10; idx*sizeof(int) < D->lgsize; idx++) {
    int n = D->lglabels[idx];
    /* Undefined label: Collapse rel chain and replace with marker (< 0). */
    while (n > 0) { int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n); n = *pb; *pb = -idx; }
    /* Combine all code sections. No support for data sections (yet). */
    for (secnum = 0; secnum < D->maxsection; secnum++) {
    dasm_Section * sec = D->sections + secnum;
    int * b = sec->rbuf;
    int pos = DASM_SEC2POS(secnum);
    int lastpos = sec->pos;
    while (pos != lastpos) {
    dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + b[pos++];
    while (1) {
    int op, action = *p++;
    switch (action) {
    case DASM_REL_LG: p++; op = p[-3]; goto rel_pc;
    case DASM_REL_PC: op = p[-2]; rel_pc: {
    int shrink = op == 0xe9 ? 3 : ((op&0xf0) == 0x80 ? 4 : 0);
    if (shrink) { /* Shrinkable branch opcode? */
    int lofs, lpos = b[pos];
    if (lpos < 0) goto noshrink; /* Ext global? */
    lofs = *DASM_POS2PTR(D, lpos);
    if (lpos > pos) { /* Fwd label: add cumulative section offsets. */
    int i;
    for (i = secnum; i < DASM_POS2SEC(lpos); i++)
    lofs += D->sections[i].ofs;
    } else {
    lofs -= ofs; /* Bkwd label: unfix offset. */
    lofs -= b[pos+1]; /* Short branch ok? */
    if (lofs >= -128-shrink && lofs <= 127) ofs -= shrink; /* Yes. */
    else noshrink: shrink = 0; /* No, cannot shrink op. */
    b[pos+1] = shrink;
    pos += 2;
    case DASM_SPACE: case DASM_IMM_LG: case DASM_VREG: p++;
    case DASM_DISP: case DASM_IMM_S: case DASM_IMM_B: case DASM_IMM_W:
    case DASM_IMM_D: case DASM_IMM_WB: case DASM_IMM_DB:
    case DASM_SETLABEL: case DASM_REL_A: case DASM_IMM_PC: pos++; break;
    case DASM_LABEL_LG: p++;
    case DASM_LABEL_PC: b[pos++] += ofs; break; /* Fix label offset. */
    case DASM_ALIGN: ofs -= (b[pos++]+ofs)&*p++; break; /* Adjust ofs. */
    case DASM_EXTERN: p += 2; break;
    case DASM_ESC: p++; break;
    case DASM_MARK: break;
    case DASM_SECTION: case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
    stop: (void)0;
    ofs += sec->ofs; /* Next section starts right after current section. */
    D->codesize = ofs; /* Total size of all code sections */
    *szp = ofs;
    return DASM_S_OK;

    #define dasmb(x) *cp++ = (unsigned char)(x)
    #define dasmw(x)
    do { *((unsigned short *)cp) = (unsigned short)(x); cp+=2; } while (0)
    #define dasmd(x)
    do { *((unsigned int *)cp) = (unsigned int)(x); cp+=4; } while (0)
    #define dasmw(x) do { dasmb(x); dasmb((x)>>8); } while (0)
    #define dasmd(x) do { dasmw(x); dasmw((x)>>16); } while (0)

    /* Pass 3: Encode sections. */
    int dasm_encode(Dst_DECL, void * buffer) {
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    unsigned char * base = (unsigned char *)buffer;
    unsigned char * cp = base;
    int secnum;
    /* Encode all code sections. No support for data sections (yet). */
    for (secnum = 0; secnum < D->maxsection; secnum++) {
    dasm_Section * sec = D->sections + secnum;
    int * b = sec->buf;
    int * endb = sec->rbuf + sec->pos;
    while (b != endb) {
    dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + *b++;
    unsigned char * mark = NULL;
    while (1) {
    int action = *p++;
    int n = (action >= DASM_DISP && action <= DASM_ALIGN) ? *b++ : 0;
    switch (action) {
    case DASM_DISP: if (!mark) mark = cp; {
    unsigned char * mm = mark;
    if (*p != DASM_IMM_DB && *p != DASM_IMM_WB) mark = NULL;
    if (n == 0) {
    int mrm = mm[-1]&7;
    if (mrm == 4) mrm = mm[0]&7;
    if (mrm != 5) { mm[-1] -= 0x80; break; }
    if (((n+128) & -256) != 0) goto wd;
    else mm[-1] -= 0x40;
    case DASM_IMM_S: case DASM_IMM_B: wb: dasmb(n); break;
    case DASM_IMM_DB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) {
    if (!mark) mark = cp; mark[-2] += 2; mark = NULL; goto wb;
    } else mark = NULL;
    case DASM_IMM_D: wd: dasmd(n); break;
    case DASM_IMM_WB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) goto db;
    else mark = NULL;
    case DASM_IMM_W: dasmw(n); break;
    case DASM_VREG: { int t = *p++; if (t >= 2) n<<=3; cp[-1] |= n; break; }
    case DASM_REL_LG: p++;
    if (n >= 0) goto rel_pc;
    b++; n = (int)(ptrdiff_t)D->globals[-n];
    case DASM_REL_A: rel_a: n -= (int)(ptrdiff_t)(cp+4); goto wd; /* !x64 */
    case DASM_REL_PC: rel_pc: {
    int shrink = *b++;
    int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n);
    if (*pb < 0) { n = pb[1]; goto rel_a; }
    n = *pb - ((int)(cp-base) + 4-shrink);
    if (shrink == 0) goto wd;
    if (shrink == 4) { cp--; cp[-1] = *cp-0x10; } else cp[-1] = 0xeb;
    goto wb;
    case DASM_IMM_LG:
    if (n < 0) { n = (int)(ptrdiff_t)D->globals[-n]; goto wd; }
    case DASM_IMM_PC: {
    int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n);
    n = *pb < 0 ? pb[1] : (*pb + (int)(ptrdiff_t)base);
    goto wd;
    case DASM_LABEL_LG: {
    int idx = *p++;
    if (idx >= 10)
    D->globals[idx] = (void *)(base + (*p == DASM_SETLABEL ? *b : n));
    case DASM_LABEL_PC: case DASM_SETLABEL: break;
    case DASM_SPACE: { int fill = *p++; while (n--) *cp++ = fill; break; }
    case DASM_ALIGN:
    n = *p++;
    while (((cp-base) & n)) *cp++ = 0x90; /* nop */
    case DASM_EXTERN: n = DASM_EXTERN(Dst, cp, p[1], *p); p += 2; goto wd;
    case DASM_MARK: mark = cp; break;
    case DASM_ESC: action = *p++;
    default: *cp++ = action; break;
    case DASM_SECTION: case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
    stop: (void)0;
    if (base + D->codesize != cp) /* Check for phase errors. */
    return DASM_S_PHASE;
    return DASM_S_OK;

    int dasm_getpclabel(Dst_DECL, unsigned int pc) {
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    if (pc*sizeof(int) < D->pcsize) {
    int pos = D->pclabels[pc];
    if (pos < 0) return *DASM_POS2PTR(D, -pos);
    if (pos > 0) return -1; /* Undefined. */
    return -2; /* Unused or out of range. */

    #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
    /* Optional sanity checker to call between isolated encoding steps. */
    int dasm_checkstep(Dst_DECL, int secmatch) {
    dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
    if (D->status == DASM_S_OK) {
    int i;
    for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
    if (D->lglabels[i] > 0) { D->status = DASM_S_UNDEF_L|i; break; }
    D->lglabels[i] = 0;
    if (D->status == DASM_S_OK && secmatch >= 0 &&
    D->section != &D->sections[secmatch])
    D->status = DASM_S_MATCH_SEC|(int)(D->section-D->sections);
    return D->status;

    extern void * jit_buf;
    extern size_t jit_sz;
    extern int npc;

    enum { IN_GLOBAL = 0, IN_FUNC };
    enum { BLOCK_LOOP = 1, BLOCK_FUNC };
    enum { V_LOCAL, V_GLOBAL };
    enum { T_INT, T_STRING, T_DOUBLE };

    typedef struct {
    int address, args, espBgn;
    char name[0xFF];
    } func_t;

    typedef struct {
    char name[32];
    unsigned int id;
    int type;
    int loctype;
    } var_t;

    typedef struct {
    char val[128];
    int nline;
    } token_t;

    struct {
    token_t * tok_t;
    int size, pos;
    } tok_t;

    struct {
    unsigned int * addr;
    int count;
    } brks_t, rets_t;

    int error(char *, ...);
    int lex(char *);
    int32_t skip(char * s);
    void asmexpr();
    int isassign();
    int assignment();
    int expression(int, int);
    int (*parser())(int *, void **);
    char * getstr();
    func_t * getfn(char *);
    var_t * getvar(char *);
    void cmpexpr();
    static unsigned int w;

    struct {
    uint32_t addr[0xff];
    int count;
    } memory;

    static void setxor() {
    w = 1234 + (getpid() ^ 0xFFBA9285);

    void init() {
    tok_t.pos = 0;
    tok_t.size = 0xfff;
    tok_t.tok_t = calloc(sizeof(token_t), tok_t.size);
    brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);
    rets_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

    static void freeadd() {
    if (memory.count > 0) {
    for (--memory.count; memory.count >= 0; --memory.count)
    free((void *)memory.addr[memory.count]);
    memory.count = 0;

    void dispose() {
    munmap(jit_buf, jit_sz);

    static void put_i32(int32_t n) {
    printf("%d", n);

    static void put_str(int32_t * n) {
    printf("%s", (char *) n);

    static void put_ln() {

    static void add_mem(int32_t addr) {
    memory.addr[memory.count++] = addr;

    static int xor128() {
    static uint32_t x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629;
    uint32_t t;
    t = x ^ (x << 11);
    x = y; y = z; z = w;
    w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
    return ((int32_t) w < 0) ? -(int32_t) w : (int32_t) w;

    static void * funcTable = {
    put_i32, /* 0 */ put_str, /* 4 */ put_ln, /* 8 */ malloc, /* 12 */
    xor128, /* 16 */ printf, /* 20 */ add_mem, /* 24 */ usleep, /* 28 */
    read, /* 32 */ fprintf, /* 36 */ write, /* 40 */ fgets, /* 44 */
    free, /* 48 */ freeadd, /* 52 */ exit, /* 56 */ abort, /* 60 */
    close /* 72 */

    int32_t lex(char * code) {
    int32_t codeSize = strlen(code), line = 1, i = 0;
    int is_crlf = 0;
    for (; i < codeSize; i++) {
    if (tok_t.size <= i)
    tok_t.tok_t = realloc(tok_t.tok_t, (tok_t.size += 512 * sizeof(token_t)));
    if (isdigit(code[i])) {
    for (; isdigit(code[i]); i++)
    strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
    } else if (isalpha(code[i])) {
    char * str = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
    for (; isalpha(code[i]) || isdigit(code[i]) || code[i] == '_'; i++)
    *str++ = code[i];
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
    } else if (code[i] == ' ' || code[i] == 't') {
    } else if (code[i] == '#') {
    for (i++; code[i] != 'n'; i++) line++;
    } else if (code[i] == '"') {
    strcpy(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, """);
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].nline = line;
    for (i++; code[i] != '"' && code[i] != ''; i++)
    strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
    if (code[i] == '')
    error("%d: expected expression '"'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
    } else if (code[i] == 'n' || (is_crlf = (code[i] == 'r' && code[i + 1] == 'n'))) {
    i += is_crlf;
    strcpy(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, ";");
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line++;
    } else {
    strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
    if (code[i + 1] == '=' || (code[i] == '+' && code[i + 1] == '+') || (code[i] == '-' && code[i + 1] == '-'))
    strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[++i]), 1);
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
    tok_t.size = tok_t.pos - 1;
    return 0;

    static int execute(char * source) {
    int (*jit_main)(int *, void **);
    jit_main = parser();
    jit_main(0, funcTable);
    return 0;

    enum {

    static const unsigned char euboeaactions[269] = {

    dasm_State * d;

    static dasm_State ** Dst = &d;

    void * euboealabels[L__MAX];
    void * jit_buf;

    size_t jit_sz;
    int npc;
    static int main_address, mainFunc;

    struct {
    var_t var[0xFF];
    int count;
    int data[0xFF];
    } gvar_t;

    struct {
    var_t var[0xFF][0xFF];
    int count, size[0xFF];
    } lvar_t;

    struct {
    char * text[0xff];
    int * addr;
    int count;
    } str_t;

    struct {
    func_t func[0xff];
    int count, inside, now;
    } fnc_t;

    void initjit() {
    dasm_init(&d, 1);
    dasm_setupglobal(&d, euboealabels, L__MAX);
    dasm_setup(&d, euboeaactions);

    void * deinitjit() {
    dasm_link(&d, &jit_sz);
    jit_buf = mmap(0, jit_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
    dasm_encode(&d, jit_buf);
    mprotect(jit_buf, jit_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
    return jit_buf;

    char * getstr() {
    str_t.text[str_t.count] = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val) + 1);
    strcpy(str_t.text[str_t.count], tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val);
    return str_t.text[str_t.count++];

    var_t * getvar(char * name) {
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < lvar_t.count; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(name, lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][i].name))
    return &lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][i];
    for (i = 0; i < gvar_t.count; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(name, gvar_t.var[i].name))
    return &gvar_t.var[i];
    return NULL;

    static var_t * appvar(char * name, int type) {
    if (fnc_t.inside == IN_FUNC) {
    int32_t sz = 1 + ++lvar_t.size[fnc_t.now];
    strcpy(lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].name, name);
    lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].type = type;
    lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].id = sz;
    lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].loctype = V_LOCAL;
    return &lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count++];
    } else if (fnc_t.inside == IN_GLOBAL) {
    strcpy(gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].name, name);
    gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].type = type;
    gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].loctype = V_GLOBAL;
    gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].id = (int)&gvar_t.data[gvar_t.count];
    return &gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count++];
    return NULL;

    func_t * getfn(char * name) {
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < fnc_t.count; i++) {
    if (!strcmp(fnc_t.func[i].name, name))
    return &fnc_t.func[i];
    return NULL;

    static func_t * appfn(char * name, int address, int espBgn, int args) {
    fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].address = address;
    fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].espBgn = espBgn;
    fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].args = args;
    strcpy(fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].name, name);
    return &fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count++];

    static int32_t mkbrk() {
    uint32_t lbl = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 0, lbl);
    brks_t.addr = realloc(brks_t.addr, 4 * (brks_t.count + 1));
    brks_t.addr[brks_t.count] = lbl;
    return brks_t.count++;

    static int32_t mkret() {
    int lbl = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 0, lbl);
    rets_t.addr = realloc(rets_t.addr, 4 * (rets_t.count + 1));
    if (rets_t.addr == NULL) error("no enough memory");
    rets_t.addr[rets_t.count] = lbl;
    return rets_t.count++;

    int32_t skip(char * s) {
    if (!strcmp(s, tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val)) {
    return 1;
    return 0;

    int32_t error(char * errs, ...) {
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, errs);
    printf("error: ");
    vprintf(errs, args);
    return 0;

    static int eval(int pos, int status) {
    while (tok_t.pos < tok_t.size)
    if (expression(pos, status)) return 1;
    return 0;

    static var_t * mkvar() {
    int32_t npos = tok_t.pos;
    if (isalpha(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0])) {
    if (skip(":")) {
    if (skip("int")) {
    return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_INT);
    if (skip("string")) {
    return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_STRING);
    if (skip("double")) {
    return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_DOUBLE);
    } else {
    return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_INT);
    } else error("%d: can't declare variable", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
    return NULL;

    static int chkstmt() {
    uint32_t end = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
    return eval(end, 0);

    static int whilestmt() {
    uint32_t loopBgn = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 16, loopBgn);
    uint32_t stepBgn[2], stepOn = 0;
    if (skip(",")) {
    stepOn = 1;
    stepBgn[0] = tok_t.pos;
    for (; tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0] != ';'; tok_t.pos++);
    uint32_t end = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
    if (skip(":")) expression(0, BLOCK_LOOP);
    else eval(0, BLOCK_LOOP);
    if (stepOn) {
    stepBgn[1] = tok_t.pos;
    tok_t.pos = stepBgn[0];
    if (isassign()) assignment();
    tok_t.pos = stepBgn[1];
    dasm_put(Dst, 18, loopBgn, end);
    for (--brks_t.count; brks_t.count >= 0; brks_t.count--)
    dasm_put(Dst, 16, brks_t.addr[brks_t.count]);
    brks_t.count = 0;
    return 0;

    static int32_t fnstmt() {
    int32_t argsc = 0;
    int i = 0;
    char * funcName = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val;
    fnc_t.now++; fnc_t.inside = IN_FUNC;
    if (skip("(")) {
    do {
    } while (skip(","));
    if (!skip(")"))
    error("%d: expecting ')'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
    int func_addr = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    int func_esp = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    appfn(funcName, func_addr, func_esp, argsc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 23, func_addr, func_esp);
    for (; i < argsc; i++)
    dasm_put(Dst, 36, ((argsc - i - 1) * sizeof(int32_t) + 8), - (i + 2)*4);
    eval(0, BLOCK_FUNC);
    for (--rets_t.count; rets_t.count >= 0; --rets_t.count)
    dasm_put(Dst, 16, rets_t.addr[rets_t.count]);
    rets_t.count = 0;
    dasm_put(Dst, 43);
    return 0;

    int expression(int pos, int status) {
    int isputs = 0;
    if (skip("$")) {
    if (isassign()) assignment();
    } else if (skip("def"))
    else if (fnc_t.inside == IN_GLOBAL &&
    strcmp("def", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val) &&
    strcmp("$", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val) &&
    (tok_t.pos+1 == tok_t.size || strcmp(";", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val))) {
    fnc_t.inside = IN_FUNC;
    mainFunc = ++fnc_t.now;
    int main_esp = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    appfn("main", main_address, main_esp, 0);
    dasm_put(Dst, 46, main_address, main_esp, 12);
    eval(0, 0);
    dasm_put(Dst, 43);
    fnc_t.inside = IN_GLOBAL;
    } else if (isassign())
    else if ((isputs = skip("puts")) || skip("output")) {
    do {
    int isstring = 0;
    if (skip(""")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 62, getstr());
    isstring = 1;
    } else
    dasm_put(Dst, 65);
    if (isstring)
    dasm_put(Dst, 67, 4);

    dasm_put(Dst, 72);
    dasm_put(Dst, 76);
    } while (skip(","));
    if (isputs)
    dasm_put(Dst, 67, 0x8);
    } else if (skip("printf")) {
    if (skip("""))
    dasm_put(Dst, 80, getstr());
    if (skip(",")) {
    uint32_t a = 4;
    do {
    dasm_put(Dst, 86, a);
    a += 4;
    } while (skip(","));
    dasm_put(Dst, 67, 0x14);
    } else if (skip("for")) {
    if (!skip(","))
    error("%d: expecting ','", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
    } else if (skip("while"))
    else if (skip("return"))
    else if (skip("if"))
    else if (skip("else")) {
    int32_t end = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 18, end, pos);
    eval(end, 0);
    return 1;
    } else if (skip("elsif")) {
    int32_t endif = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 18, endif, pos);
    uint32_t end = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
    eval(end, 0);
    dasm_put(Dst, 16, endif);
    return 1;
    } else if (skip("break"))
    else if (skip("end")) {
    if (status == 0)
    dasm_put(Dst, 16, pos);

    else if (status == BLOCK_FUNC) fnc_t.inside = IN_GLOBAL;
    return 1;
    } else if (!skip(";")) cmpexpr();
    return 0;

    static char * repescape(char * str) {
    char escape[14][3] = {
    "\a", "a", "\r", "r", "\f", "f",
    "\n", "n", "\t", "t", "\b", "b",
    "\q", """
    int32_t i = 0;
    for (; i < 12; i += 2) {
    char * pos;
    while ((pos = strstr(str, escape[i])) != NULL) {
    *pos = escape[i + 1][0];
    memmove(pos + 1, pos + 2, strlen(pos + 2) + 1);
    return str;

    int (*parser())(int *, void **) {
    int i;
    uint8_t * buf;
    tok_t.pos = 0;
    str_t.addr = calloc(0xFF, sizeof(int32_t));
    main_address = npc++;
    dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
    dasm_put(Dst, 92, main_address);
    eval(0, 0);
    for (i = 0; i < str_t.count; ++i)
    buf = (uint8_t *)deinitjit();
    for (i = 0; i < fnc_t.count; i++)
    *(int *)(buf + dasm_getpclabel(&d, fnc_t.func[i].espBgn) - 4) = (lvar_t.size[i+1] + 6)*4;
    return ((int (*)(int *, void **))euboealabels[L_START]);

    int32_t isassign() {
    char * val = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos + 1].val;
    if (!strcmp(val, "=") || !strcmp(val, "++") || !strcmp(val, "--")) return 1;
    if (!strcmp(val, "[")) {
    int32_t i = tok_t.pos + 2, t = 1;
    while (t) {
    val = tok_t.tok_t[i].val;
    if (!strcmp(val, "[")) t++;
    if (!strcmp(val, "]")) t--;
    if (!strcmp(val, ";"))
    error("%d: invalid expression", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
    if (!strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[i].val, "=")) return 1;
    } else if (!strcmp(val, ":") && !strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos + 3].val, "="))
    return 1;
    return 0;

    int32_t assignment() {
    var_t * v = getvar(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val);
    int32_t inc = 0, dec = 0, declare = 0;
    if (v == NULL) {
    v = mkvar();
    int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);
    if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL) {
    if (skip("[")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 65);
    if (skip("]") && skip("=")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 98, - siz*v->id);
    if (v->type == T_INT)
    dasm_put(Dst, 103);

    dasm_put(Dst, 107);
    } else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
    } else
    error("%d: invalid assignment", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
    } else {
    if (skip("="))
    else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 111, - siz*v->id);
    if (inc)
    dasm_put(Dst, 116);
    else if (dec)
    dasm_put(Dst, 118);
    dasm_put(Dst, 39, - siz*v->id);
    if (inc || dec)
    dasm_put(Dst, 120);
    } else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL) {
    if (declare) {
    if (skip("=")) {
    unsigned * m = (unsigned *) v->id;
    *m = atoi(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val);
    } else {
    if (skip("[")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 65);
    if (skip("]") && skip("=")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 122, v->id);
    if (v->type == T_INT)
    dasm_put(Dst, 103);

    dasm_put(Dst, 127);
    } else error("%d: invalid assignment",
    } else if (skip("=")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 131, v->id);
    } else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 134, v->id);
    if (inc)
    dasm_put(Dst, 116);
    else if (dec)
    dasm_put(Dst, 118);
    dasm_put(Dst, 131, v->id);
    if (inc || dec)
    dasm_put(Dst, 120);
    return 0;
    extern int buildstd(char *);

    static int32_t isidx() {
    return !strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, "[");

    static void priexp() {
    if (isdigit(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0]))
    dasm_put(Dst, 62, atoi(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val));

    else if (skip("'")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 62, tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val[0]);
    } else if (skip("""))
    dasm_put(Dst, 62, getstr());

    else if (isalpha(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0])) {
    char * name = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
    var_t * v;
    if (isassign()) assignment();
    else {
    if (skip("[")) {
    if ((v = getvar(name)) == NULL)
    error("%d: '%s' was not declared",
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline, name);
    dasm_put(Dst, 138);
    if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL)
    dasm_put(Dst, 141, - v->id*4);

    else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL)
    dasm_put(Dst, 145, v->id);
    if (v->type == T_INT)
    dasm_put(Dst, 149);

    dasm_put(Dst, 153);
    if (!skip("]"))
    error("%d: expected expression ']'",
    } else if (skip("(")) {
    if (!buildstd(name)) {
    func_t * function = getfn(name);
    char * val = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
    int i = 0;
    if (isalpha(val[0]) || isdigit(val[0]) ||
    !strcmp(val, """) || !strcmp(val, "(")) {
    for (; i < function->args; i++) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 65);
    dasm_put(Dst, 158, function->address, function->args * sizeof(int32_t));
    if (!skip(")"))
    error("func: %d: expected expression ')'",
    } else {
    if ((v = getvar(name)) == NULL)
    error("var: %d: '%s' was not declared",
    tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline, name);
    if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL)
    dasm_put(Dst, 164, - v->id*4);

    else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL)
    dasm_put(Dst, 168, v->id);
    } else if (skip("(")) {
    if (isassign()) assignment();
    else cmpexpr();
    if (!skip(")")) error("%d: expected expression ')'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
    while (isidx()) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 138);
    dasm_put(Dst, 171);

    static void muldivexp() {
    int32_t mul = 0, div = 0;
    while ((mul = skip("*")) || (div = skip("/")) || skip("%")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 65);
    dasm_put(Dst, 175);
    if (mul)
    dasm_put(Dst, 179);

    else if (div)
    dasm_put(Dst, 184);

    dasm_put(Dst, 191);

    static void addSubExpr() {
    int32_t add;
    while ((add = skip("+")) || skip("-")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 65);
    dasm_put(Dst, 175);
    if (add)
    dasm_put(Dst, 200);

    dasm_put(Dst, 203);

    static void logicexp() {
    int32_t lt = 0, gt = 0, ne = 0, eql = 0, fle = 0;
    if ((lt = skip("<")) || (gt = skip(">")) || (ne = skip("!=")) ||
    (eql = skip("==")) || (fle = skip("<=")) || skip(">=")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 65);
    dasm_put(Dst, 206);
    if (lt)
    dasm_put(Dst, 212);
    else if (gt)
    dasm_put(Dst, 216);
    else if (ne)
    dasm_put(Dst, 220);
    else if (eql)
    dasm_put(Dst, 224);
    else if (fle)
    dasm_put(Dst, 228);
    dasm_put(Dst, 232);
    dasm_put(Dst, 236);

    void cmpexpr() {
    int and = 0, or = 0;
    while ((and = skip("and") || skip("&")) ||
    (or = skip("or") || skip("|")) || (skip("xor") || skip("^"))) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 65);
    dasm_put(Dst, 175);
    if (and)
    dasm_put(Dst, 240);
    else if (or)
    dasm_put(Dst, 243);
    dasm_put(Dst, 246);

    typedef struct {
    char * name;
    int args, addr;
    } stdfn;

    static stdfn stdfuncts = {
    {"Array", 1, 12},
    {"rand", 0, 16}, {"printf", -1, 20}, {"usleep", 1, 28},
    {"fprintf", -1, 36}, {"fgets", 3, 44},
    {"free", 1, 48}, {"freeLocal", 0, 52}, {"malloc", 1, 12}, {"exit", 1, 56},
    {"abort", 0, 60}, {"read", 3, 32}, {"write", 3, 40}, {"close", 1, 64}

    int buildstd(char * name) {
    size_t i = 0;
    for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {
    if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
    if (!strcmp(name, "Array")) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 249, 12, 24);
    } else {
    if (stdfuncts[i].args == -1) {
    uint32_t a = 0;
    do {
    dasm_put(Dst, 86, a);
    a += 4;
    } while (skip(","));
    } else {
    int arg = 0;
    for (; arg < stdfuncts[i].args; arg++) {
    dasm_put(Dst, 86, arg*4);
    dasm_put(Dst, 67, stdfuncts[i].addr);
    return 1;
    return 0;

    int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
    char * src;
    FILE * fp;
    size_t ssz;
    if (argc < 2) error("no given filename");
    fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
    ssz = 0;
    if (!fp) {
    struct stat sbuf;
    stat(argv[1], &sbuf);
    if (S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
    printf("Error: %s is a directory.n", argv[1]);
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
    ssz = ftell(fp);
    fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
    src = calloc(sizeof(char), ssz + 2);
    fread(src, sizeof(char), ssz, fp);
    return execute(src);

    Currently I'm working on splitting the code logically into source files because it could be a bit more readable anyway. Any tips would be appreciated.

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      I'm working on JIT-based programming language using DynASM (before I was generating instructions directly). Review of the code would be really appreciated - It's my first time fiddling with DynASM. Code was written to be tight and readable. You can find github repository here. Code consists mostly of one file as code is pretty small:


      #define _BSD_SOURCE
      #include <sys/mman.h>
      #include <sys/stat.h>
      #include <sys/types.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <stdint.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <unistd.h>
      #include <string.h>
      #include <ctype.h>
      #include <time.h>
      #if !defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_ANON)
      #include <stddef.h>
      #include <stdarg.h>
      #ifndef Dst_DECL
      #define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst
      #ifndef Dst_REF
      #define Dst_REF (*Dst)
      #ifndef DASM_FDEF
      #define DASM_FDEF extern
      #ifndef DASM_M_GROW
      #define DASM_M_GROW(ctx, t, p, sz, need)
      do {
      size_t _sz = (sz), _need = (need);
      if (_sz < _need) {
      if (_sz < 16) _sz = 16;
      while (_sz < _need) _sz += _sz;
      (p) = (t *)realloc((p), _sz);
      if ((p) == NULL) exit(1);
      (sz) = _sz;
      } while(0)
      #ifndef DASM_M_FREE
      #define DASM_M_FREE(ctx, p, sz) free(p)
      /* Maximum number of section buffer positions for a single dasm_put() call. */
      #define DASM_MAXSECPOS 25

      /* DynASM encoder status codes. Action list offset or number are or'ed in. */
      #define DASM_S_OK 0x00000000
      #define DASM_S_NOMEM 0x01000000
      #define DASM_S_PHASE 0x02000000
      #define DASM_S_MATCH_SEC 0x03000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_I 0x11000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_SEC 0x12000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_LG 0x13000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_PC 0x14000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_VREG 0x15000000
      #define DASM_S_UNDEF_L 0x21000000
      #define DASM_S_UNDEF_PC 0x22000000

      /* Macros to convert positions (8 bit section + 24 bit index). */
      #define DASM_POS2IDX(pos) ((pos)&0x00ffffff)
      #define DASM_POS2BIAS(pos) ((pos)&0xff000000)
      #define DASM_SEC2POS(sec) ((sec)<<24)
      #define DASM_POS2SEC(pos) ((pos)>>24)
      #define DASM_POS2PTR(D, pos) (D->sections[DASM_POS2SEC(pos)].rbuf + (pos))
      typedef struct dasm_State dasm_State;
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_init(Dst_DECL, int maxsection);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_free(Dst_DECL);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_setupglobal(Dst_DECL, void **gl, unsigned int maxgl);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_growpc(Dst_DECL, unsigned int maxpc);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_setup(Dst_DECL, const void *actionlist);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_put(Dst_DECL, int start, ...);
      DASM_FDEF int dasm_link(Dst_DECL, size_t *szp);
      DASM_FDEF int dasm_encode(Dst_DECL, void *buffer);
      DASM_FDEF int dasm_getpclabel(Dst_DECL, unsigned int pc);
      #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
      DASM_FDEF int dasm_checkstep(Dst_DECL, int secmatch);
      #define dasm_checkstep(a, b) 0

      #define DASM_ARCH "x86"

      #ifndef DASM_EXTERN
      #define DASM_EXTERN(a,b,c,d) 0

      /* Action definitions. DASM_STOP must be 255. */
      enum {
      DASM_DISP = 233,

      /* Action list type. */
      typedef const unsigned char * dasm_ActList;

      /* Per-section structure. */
      typedef struct dasm_Section {
      int * rbuf; /* Biased buffer pointer (negative section bias). */
      int * buf; /* True buffer pointer. */
      size_t bsize; /* Buffer size in bytes. */
      int pos; /* Biased buffer position. */
      int epos; /* End of biased buffer position - max single put. */
      int ofs; /* Byte offset into section. */
      } dasm_Section;

      /* Core structure holding the DynASM encoding state. */
      struct dasm_State {
      size_t psize; /* Allocated size of this structure. */
      dasm_ActList actionlist; /* Current actionlist pointer. */
      int * lglabels; /* Local/global chain/pos ptrs. */
      size_t lgsize;
      int * pclabels; /* PC label chains/pos ptrs. */
      size_t pcsize;
      void ** globals; /* Array of globals (bias -10). */
      dasm_Section * section; /* Pointer to active section. */
      size_t codesize; /* Total size of all code sections. */
      int maxsection; /* 0 <= sectionidx < maxsection. */
      int status; /* Status code. */
      dasm_Section sections[1]; /* All sections. Alloc-extended. */

      /* The size of the core structure depends on the max. number of sections. */
      #define DASM_PSZ(ms) (sizeof(dasm_State)+(ms-1)*sizeof(dasm_Section))

      /* Initialize DynASM state. */
      void dasm_init(Dst_DECL, int maxsection) {
      dasm_State * D;
      size_t psz = 0;
      int i;
      Dst_REF = NULL;
      DASM_M_GROW(Dst, struct dasm_State, Dst_REF, psz, DASM_PSZ(maxsection));
      D = Dst_REF;
      D->psize = psz;
      D->lglabels = NULL;
      D->lgsize = 0;
      D->pclabels = NULL;
      D->pcsize = 0;
      D->globals = NULL;
      D->maxsection = maxsection;
      for (i = 0; i < maxsection; i++) {
      D->sections[i].buf = NULL; /* Need this for pass3. */
      D->sections[i].rbuf = D->sections[i].buf - DASM_SEC2POS(i);
      D->sections[i].bsize = 0;
      D->sections[i].epos = 0; /* Wrong, but is recalculated after resize. */

      /* Free DynASM state. */
      void dasm_free(Dst_DECL) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < D->maxsection; i++)
      if (D->sections[i].buf)
      DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->sections[i].buf, D->sections[i].bsize);
      if (D->pclabels) DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->pclabels, D->pcsize);
      if (D->lglabels) DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->lglabels, D->lgsize);
      DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D, D->psize);

      /* Setup global label array. Must be called before dasm_setup(). */
      void dasm_setupglobal(Dst_DECL, void ** gl, unsigned int maxgl) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      D->globals = gl - 10; /* Negative bias to compensate for locals. */
      DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, D->lglabels, D->lgsize, (10+maxgl)*sizeof(int));

      /* Grow PC label array. Can be called after dasm_setup(), too. */
      void dasm_growpc(Dst_DECL, unsigned int maxpc) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      size_t osz = D->pcsize;
      DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, D->pclabels, D->pcsize, maxpc*sizeof(int));
      memset((void *)(((unsigned char *)D->pclabels)+osz), 0, D->pcsize-osz);

      /* Setup encoder. */
      void dasm_setup(Dst_DECL, const void * actionlist) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      int i;
      D->actionlist = (dasm_ActList)actionlist;
      D->status = DASM_S_OK;
      D->section = &D->sections[0];
      memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
      if (D->pclabels) memset((void *)D->pclabels, 0, D->pcsize);
      for (i = 0; i < D->maxsection; i++) {
      D->sections[i].pos = DASM_SEC2POS(i);
      D->sections[i].ofs = 0;

      #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
      #define CK(x, st)
      do { if (!(x)) {
      D->status = DASM_S_##st|(int)(p-D->actionlist-1); return; } } while (0)
      #define CKPL(kind, st)
      do { if ((size_t)((char *)pl-(char *)D->kind##labels) >= D->kind##size) {
      D->status=DASM_S_RANGE_##st|(int)(p-D->actionlist-1); return; } } while (0)
      #define CK(x, st) ((void)0)
      #define CKPL(kind, st) ((void)0)

      /* Pass 1: Store actions and args, link branches/labels, estimate offsets. */
      void dasm_put(Dst_DECL, int start, ...) {
      va_list ap;
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + start;
      dasm_Section * sec = D->section;
      int pos = sec->pos, ofs = sec->ofs, mrm = 4;
      int * b;
      if (pos >= sec->epos) {
      DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, sec->buf, sec->bsize,
      sec->bsize + 2*DASM_MAXSECPOS*sizeof(int));
      sec->rbuf = sec->buf - DASM_POS2BIAS(pos);
      sec->epos = (int)sec->bsize/sizeof(int) - DASM_MAXSECPOS+DASM_POS2BIAS(pos);
      b = sec->rbuf;
      b[pos++] = start;
      va_start(ap, start);
      while (1) {
      int action = *p++;
      if (action < DASM_DISP)

      else if (action <= DASM_REL_A) {
      int n = va_arg(ap, int);
      b[pos++] = n;
      switch (action) {
      case DASM_DISP:
      if (n == 0) { if ((mrm&7) == 4) mrm = p[-2]; if ((mrm&7) != 5) break; }
      case DASM_IMM_DB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) goto ob;
      case DASM_REL_A: /* Assumes ptrdiff_t is int. !x64 */
      case DASM_IMM_D: ofs += 4; break;
      case DASM_IMM_S: CK(((n+128)&-256) == 0, RANGE_I); goto ob;
      case DASM_IMM_B: CK((n&-256) == 0, RANGE_I); ob: ofs++; break;
      case DASM_VREG: CK((n&-8) == 0 && (n != 4 || (*p&1) == 0), RANGE_VREG);
      mrm = 4;
      } else {
      int * pl, n;
      switch (action) {
      case DASM_REL_LG:
      case DASM_IMM_LG:
      n = *p++; pl = D->lglabels + n;
      /* Bkwd rel or global. */
      if (n <= 246) { CK(n>=10||*pl<0, RANGE_LG); CKPL(lg, LG); goto putrel; }
      pl -= 246; n = *pl;
      if (n < 0) n = 0; /* Start new chain for fwd rel if label exists. */
      goto linkrel;
      case DASM_REL_PC:
      case DASM_IMM_PC: pl = D->pclabels + va_arg(ap, int); CKPL(pc, PC);
      n = *pl;
      if (n < 0) /* Label exists. Get label pos and store it. */
      b[pos] = -n;

      else {
      b[pos] = n; /* Else link to rel chain, anchored at label. */
      *pl = pos;
      ofs += 4; /* Maximum offset needed. */
      if (action == DASM_REL_LG || action == DASM_REL_PC)
      b[pos++] = ofs; /* Store pass1 offset estimate. */
      case DASM_LABEL_LG: pl = D->lglabels + *p++; CKPL(lg, LG); goto putlabel;
      case DASM_LABEL_PC: pl = D->pclabels + va_arg(ap, int); CKPL(pc, PC);
      n = *pl; /* n > 0: Collapse rel chain and replace with label pos. */
      while (n > 0) { int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n); n = *pb; *pb = pos; }
      *pl = -pos; /* Label exists now. */
      b[pos++] = ofs; /* Store pass1 offset estimate. */
      case DASM_ALIGN:
      case DASM_ESC: p++; ofs++; break;
      case DASM_MARK: mrm = p[-2]; break;
      case DASM_SECTION:
      case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
      sec->pos = pos;
      sec->ofs = ofs;
      #undef CK

      /* Pass 2: Link sections, shrink branches/aligns, fix label offsets. */
      int dasm_link(Dst_DECL, size_t * szp) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      int secnum;
      int ofs = 0;
      #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
      *szp = 0;
      if (D->status != DASM_S_OK) return D->status;
      int pc;
      for (pc = 0; pc*sizeof(int) < D->pcsize; pc++)
      if (D->pclabels[pc] > 0) return DASM_S_UNDEF_PC|pc;
      /* Handle globals not defined in this translation unit. */
      int idx;
      for (idx = 10; idx*sizeof(int) < D->lgsize; idx++) {
      int n = D->lglabels[idx];
      /* Undefined label: Collapse rel chain and replace with marker (< 0). */
      while (n > 0) { int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n); n = *pb; *pb = -idx; }
      /* Combine all code sections. No support for data sections (yet). */
      for (secnum = 0; secnum < D->maxsection; secnum++) {
      dasm_Section * sec = D->sections + secnum;
      int * b = sec->rbuf;
      int pos = DASM_SEC2POS(secnum);
      int lastpos = sec->pos;
      while (pos != lastpos) {
      dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + b[pos++];
      while (1) {
      int op, action = *p++;
      switch (action) {
      case DASM_REL_LG: p++; op = p[-3]; goto rel_pc;
      case DASM_REL_PC: op = p[-2]; rel_pc: {
      int shrink = op == 0xe9 ? 3 : ((op&0xf0) == 0x80 ? 4 : 0);
      if (shrink) { /* Shrinkable branch opcode? */
      int lofs, lpos = b[pos];
      if (lpos < 0) goto noshrink; /* Ext global? */
      lofs = *DASM_POS2PTR(D, lpos);
      if (lpos > pos) { /* Fwd label: add cumulative section offsets. */
      int i;
      for (i = secnum; i < DASM_POS2SEC(lpos); i++)
      lofs += D->sections[i].ofs;
      } else {
      lofs -= ofs; /* Bkwd label: unfix offset. */
      lofs -= b[pos+1]; /* Short branch ok? */
      if (lofs >= -128-shrink && lofs <= 127) ofs -= shrink; /* Yes. */
      else noshrink: shrink = 0; /* No, cannot shrink op. */
      b[pos+1] = shrink;
      pos += 2;
      case DASM_SPACE: case DASM_IMM_LG: case DASM_VREG: p++;
      case DASM_DISP: case DASM_IMM_S: case DASM_IMM_B: case DASM_IMM_W:
      case DASM_IMM_D: case DASM_IMM_WB: case DASM_IMM_DB:
      case DASM_SETLABEL: case DASM_REL_A: case DASM_IMM_PC: pos++; break;
      case DASM_LABEL_LG: p++;
      case DASM_LABEL_PC: b[pos++] += ofs; break; /* Fix label offset. */
      case DASM_ALIGN: ofs -= (b[pos++]+ofs)&*p++; break; /* Adjust ofs. */
      case DASM_EXTERN: p += 2; break;
      case DASM_ESC: p++; break;
      case DASM_MARK: break;
      case DASM_SECTION: case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
      stop: (void)0;
      ofs += sec->ofs; /* Next section starts right after current section. */
      D->codesize = ofs; /* Total size of all code sections */
      *szp = ofs;
      return DASM_S_OK;

      #define dasmb(x) *cp++ = (unsigned char)(x)
      #define dasmw(x)
      do { *((unsigned short *)cp) = (unsigned short)(x); cp+=2; } while (0)
      #define dasmd(x)
      do { *((unsigned int *)cp) = (unsigned int)(x); cp+=4; } while (0)
      #define dasmw(x) do { dasmb(x); dasmb((x)>>8); } while (0)
      #define dasmd(x) do { dasmw(x); dasmw((x)>>16); } while (0)

      /* Pass 3: Encode sections. */
      int dasm_encode(Dst_DECL, void * buffer) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      unsigned char * base = (unsigned char *)buffer;
      unsigned char * cp = base;
      int secnum;
      /* Encode all code sections. No support for data sections (yet). */
      for (secnum = 0; secnum < D->maxsection; secnum++) {
      dasm_Section * sec = D->sections + secnum;
      int * b = sec->buf;
      int * endb = sec->rbuf + sec->pos;
      while (b != endb) {
      dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + *b++;
      unsigned char * mark = NULL;
      while (1) {
      int action = *p++;
      int n = (action >= DASM_DISP && action <= DASM_ALIGN) ? *b++ : 0;
      switch (action) {
      case DASM_DISP: if (!mark) mark = cp; {
      unsigned char * mm = mark;
      if (*p != DASM_IMM_DB && *p != DASM_IMM_WB) mark = NULL;
      if (n == 0) {
      int mrm = mm[-1]&7;
      if (mrm == 4) mrm = mm[0]&7;
      if (mrm != 5) { mm[-1] -= 0x80; break; }
      if (((n+128) & -256) != 0) goto wd;
      else mm[-1] -= 0x40;
      case DASM_IMM_S: case DASM_IMM_B: wb: dasmb(n); break;
      case DASM_IMM_DB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) {
      if (!mark) mark = cp; mark[-2] += 2; mark = NULL; goto wb;
      } else mark = NULL;
      case DASM_IMM_D: wd: dasmd(n); break;
      case DASM_IMM_WB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) goto db;
      else mark = NULL;
      case DASM_IMM_W: dasmw(n); break;
      case DASM_VREG: { int t = *p++; if (t >= 2) n<<=3; cp[-1] |= n; break; }
      case DASM_REL_LG: p++;
      if (n >= 0) goto rel_pc;
      b++; n = (int)(ptrdiff_t)D->globals[-n];
      case DASM_REL_A: rel_a: n -= (int)(ptrdiff_t)(cp+4); goto wd; /* !x64 */
      case DASM_REL_PC: rel_pc: {
      int shrink = *b++;
      int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n);
      if (*pb < 0) { n = pb[1]; goto rel_a; }
      n = *pb - ((int)(cp-base) + 4-shrink);
      if (shrink == 0) goto wd;
      if (shrink == 4) { cp--; cp[-1] = *cp-0x10; } else cp[-1] = 0xeb;
      goto wb;
      case DASM_IMM_LG:
      if (n < 0) { n = (int)(ptrdiff_t)D->globals[-n]; goto wd; }
      case DASM_IMM_PC: {
      int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n);
      n = *pb < 0 ? pb[1] : (*pb + (int)(ptrdiff_t)base);
      goto wd;
      case DASM_LABEL_LG: {
      int idx = *p++;
      if (idx >= 10)
      D->globals[idx] = (void *)(base + (*p == DASM_SETLABEL ? *b : n));
      case DASM_LABEL_PC: case DASM_SETLABEL: break;
      case DASM_SPACE: { int fill = *p++; while (n--) *cp++ = fill; break; }
      case DASM_ALIGN:
      n = *p++;
      while (((cp-base) & n)) *cp++ = 0x90; /* nop */
      case DASM_EXTERN: n = DASM_EXTERN(Dst, cp, p[1], *p); p += 2; goto wd;
      case DASM_MARK: mark = cp; break;
      case DASM_ESC: action = *p++;
      default: *cp++ = action; break;
      case DASM_SECTION: case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
      stop: (void)0;
      if (base + D->codesize != cp) /* Check for phase errors. */
      return DASM_S_PHASE;
      return DASM_S_OK;

      int dasm_getpclabel(Dst_DECL, unsigned int pc) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      if (pc*sizeof(int) < D->pcsize) {
      int pos = D->pclabels[pc];
      if (pos < 0) return *DASM_POS2PTR(D, -pos);
      if (pos > 0) return -1; /* Undefined. */
      return -2; /* Unused or out of range. */

      #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
      /* Optional sanity checker to call between isolated encoding steps. */
      int dasm_checkstep(Dst_DECL, int secmatch) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      if (D->status == DASM_S_OK) {
      int i;
      for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
      if (D->lglabels[i] > 0) { D->status = DASM_S_UNDEF_L|i; break; }
      D->lglabels[i] = 0;
      if (D->status == DASM_S_OK && secmatch >= 0 &&
      D->section != &D->sections[secmatch])
      D->status = DASM_S_MATCH_SEC|(int)(D->section-D->sections);
      return D->status;

      extern void * jit_buf;
      extern size_t jit_sz;
      extern int npc;

      enum { IN_GLOBAL = 0, IN_FUNC };
      enum { BLOCK_LOOP = 1, BLOCK_FUNC };
      enum { V_LOCAL, V_GLOBAL };
      enum { T_INT, T_STRING, T_DOUBLE };

      typedef struct {
      int address, args, espBgn;
      char name[0xFF];
      } func_t;

      typedef struct {
      char name[32];
      unsigned int id;
      int type;
      int loctype;
      } var_t;

      typedef struct {
      char val[128];
      int nline;
      } token_t;

      struct {
      token_t * tok_t;
      int size, pos;
      } tok_t;

      struct {
      unsigned int * addr;
      int count;
      } brks_t, rets_t;

      int error(char *, ...);
      int lex(char *);
      int32_t skip(char * s);
      void asmexpr();
      int isassign();
      int assignment();
      int expression(int, int);
      int (*parser())(int *, void **);
      char * getstr();
      func_t * getfn(char *);
      var_t * getvar(char *);
      void cmpexpr();
      static unsigned int w;

      struct {
      uint32_t addr[0xff];
      int count;
      } memory;

      static void setxor() {
      w = 1234 + (getpid() ^ 0xFFBA9285);

      void init() {
      tok_t.pos = 0;
      tok_t.size = 0xfff;
      tok_t.tok_t = calloc(sizeof(token_t), tok_t.size);
      brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);
      rets_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

      static void freeadd() {
      if (memory.count > 0) {
      for (--memory.count; memory.count >= 0; --memory.count)
      free((void *)memory.addr[memory.count]);
      memory.count = 0;

      void dispose() {
      munmap(jit_buf, jit_sz);

      static void put_i32(int32_t n) {
      printf("%d", n);

      static void put_str(int32_t * n) {
      printf("%s", (char *) n);

      static void put_ln() {

      static void add_mem(int32_t addr) {
      memory.addr[memory.count++] = addr;

      static int xor128() {
      static uint32_t x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629;
      uint32_t t;
      t = x ^ (x << 11);
      x = y; y = z; z = w;
      w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
      return ((int32_t) w < 0) ? -(int32_t) w : (int32_t) w;

      static void * funcTable = {
      put_i32, /* 0 */ put_str, /* 4 */ put_ln, /* 8 */ malloc, /* 12 */
      xor128, /* 16 */ printf, /* 20 */ add_mem, /* 24 */ usleep, /* 28 */
      read, /* 32 */ fprintf, /* 36 */ write, /* 40 */ fgets, /* 44 */
      free, /* 48 */ freeadd, /* 52 */ exit, /* 56 */ abort, /* 60 */
      close /* 72 */

      int32_t lex(char * code) {
      int32_t codeSize = strlen(code), line = 1, i = 0;
      int is_crlf = 0;
      for (; i < codeSize; i++) {
      if (tok_t.size <= i)
      tok_t.tok_t = realloc(tok_t.tok_t, (tok_t.size += 512 * sizeof(token_t)));
      if (isdigit(code[i])) {
      for (; isdigit(code[i]); i++)
      strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      } else if (isalpha(code[i])) {
      char * str = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
      for (; isalpha(code[i]) || isdigit(code[i]) || code[i] == '_'; i++)
      *str++ = code[i];
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      } else if (code[i] == ' ' || code[i] == 't') {
      } else if (code[i] == '#') {
      for (i++; code[i] != 'n'; i++) line++;
      } else if (code[i] == '"') {
      strcpy(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, """);
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].nline = line;
      for (i++; code[i] != '"' && code[i] != ''; i++)
      strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      if (code[i] == '')
      error("%d: expected expression '"'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      } else if (code[i] == 'n' || (is_crlf = (code[i] == 'r' && code[i + 1] == 'n'))) {
      i += is_crlf;
      strcpy(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, ";");
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line++;
      } else {
      strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
      if (code[i + 1] == '=' || (code[i] == '+' && code[i + 1] == '+') || (code[i] == '-' && code[i + 1] == '-'))
      strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[++i]), 1);
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      tok_t.size = tok_t.pos - 1;
      return 0;

      static int execute(char * source) {
      int (*jit_main)(int *, void **);
      jit_main = parser();
      jit_main(0, funcTable);
      return 0;

      enum {

      static const unsigned char euboeaactions[269] = {

      dasm_State * d;

      static dasm_State ** Dst = &d;

      void * euboealabels[L__MAX];
      void * jit_buf;

      size_t jit_sz;
      int npc;
      static int main_address, mainFunc;

      struct {
      var_t var[0xFF];
      int count;
      int data[0xFF];
      } gvar_t;

      struct {
      var_t var[0xFF][0xFF];
      int count, size[0xFF];
      } lvar_t;

      struct {
      char * text[0xff];
      int * addr;
      int count;
      } str_t;

      struct {
      func_t func[0xff];
      int count, inside, now;
      } fnc_t;

      void initjit() {
      dasm_init(&d, 1);
      dasm_setupglobal(&d, euboealabels, L__MAX);
      dasm_setup(&d, euboeaactions);

      void * deinitjit() {
      dasm_link(&d, &jit_sz);
      jit_buf = mmap(0, jit_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
      dasm_encode(&d, jit_buf);
      mprotect(jit_buf, jit_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
      return jit_buf;

      char * getstr() {
      str_t.text[str_t.count] = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val) + 1);
      strcpy(str_t.text[str_t.count], tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val);
      return str_t.text[str_t.count++];

      var_t * getvar(char * name) {
      int i = 0;
      for (; i < lvar_t.count; i++) {
      if (!strcmp(name, lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][i].name))
      return &lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][i];
      for (i = 0; i < gvar_t.count; i++) {
      if (!strcmp(name, gvar_t.var[i].name))
      return &gvar_t.var[i];
      return NULL;

      static var_t * appvar(char * name, int type) {
      if (fnc_t.inside == IN_FUNC) {
      int32_t sz = 1 + ++lvar_t.size[fnc_t.now];
      strcpy(lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].name, name);
      lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].type = type;
      lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].id = sz;
      lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].loctype = V_LOCAL;
      return &lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count++];
      } else if (fnc_t.inside == IN_GLOBAL) {
      strcpy(gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].name, name);
      gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].type = type;
      gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].loctype = V_GLOBAL;
      gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].id = (int)&gvar_t.data[gvar_t.count];
      return &gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count++];
      return NULL;

      func_t * getfn(char * name) {
      int i = 0;
      for (; i < fnc_t.count; i++) {
      if (!strcmp(fnc_t.func[i].name, name))
      return &fnc_t.func[i];
      return NULL;

      static func_t * appfn(char * name, int address, int espBgn, int args) {
      fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].address = address;
      fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].espBgn = espBgn;
      fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].args = args;
      strcpy(fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].name, name);
      return &fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count++];

      static int32_t mkbrk() {
      uint32_t lbl = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 0, lbl);
      brks_t.addr = realloc(brks_t.addr, 4 * (brks_t.count + 1));
      brks_t.addr[brks_t.count] = lbl;
      return brks_t.count++;

      static int32_t mkret() {
      int lbl = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 0, lbl);
      rets_t.addr = realloc(rets_t.addr, 4 * (rets_t.count + 1));
      if (rets_t.addr == NULL) error("no enough memory");
      rets_t.addr[rets_t.count] = lbl;
      return rets_t.count++;

      int32_t skip(char * s) {
      if (!strcmp(s, tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val)) {
      return 1;
      return 0;

      int32_t error(char * errs, ...) {
      va_list args;
      va_start(args, errs);
      printf("error: ");
      vprintf(errs, args);
      return 0;

      static int eval(int pos, int status) {
      while (tok_t.pos < tok_t.size)
      if (expression(pos, status)) return 1;
      return 0;

      static var_t * mkvar() {
      int32_t npos = tok_t.pos;
      if (isalpha(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0])) {
      if (skip(":")) {
      if (skip("int")) {
      return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_INT);
      if (skip("string")) {
      return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_STRING);
      if (skip("double")) {
      return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_DOUBLE);
      } else {
      return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_INT);
      } else error("%d: can't declare variable", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      return NULL;

      static int chkstmt() {
      uint32_t end = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
      return eval(end, 0);

      static int whilestmt() {
      uint32_t loopBgn = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, loopBgn);
      uint32_t stepBgn[2], stepOn = 0;
      if (skip(",")) {
      stepOn = 1;
      stepBgn[0] = tok_t.pos;
      for (; tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0] != ';'; tok_t.pos++);
      uint32_t end = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
      if (skip(":")) expression(0, BLOCK_LOOP);
      else eval(0, BLOCK_LOOP);
      if (stepOn) {
      stepBgn[1] = tok_t.pos;
      tok_t.pos = stepBgn[0];
      if (isassign()) assignment();
      tok_t.pos = stepBgn[1];
      dasm_put(Dst, 18, loopBgn, end);
      for (--brks_t.count; brks_t.count >= 0; brks_t.count--)
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, brks_t.addr[brks_t.count]);
      brks_t.count = 0;
      return 0;

      static int32_t fnstmt() {
      int32_t argsc = 0;
      int i = 0;
      char * funcName = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val;
      fnc_t.now++; fnc_t.inside = IN_FUNC;
      if (skip("(")) {
      do {
      } while (skip(","));
      if (!skip(")"))
      error("%d: expecting ')'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      int func_addr = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      int func_esp = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      appfn(funcName, func_addr, func_esp, argsc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 23, func_addr, func_esp);
      for (; i < argsc; i++)
      dasm_put(Dst, 36, ((argsc - i - 1) * sizeof(int32_t) + 8), - (i + 2)*4);
      eval(0, BLOCK_FUNC);
      for (--rets_t.count; rets_t.count >= 0; --rets_t.count)
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, rets_t.addr[rets_t.count]);
      rets_t.count = 0;
      dasm_put(Dst, 43);
      return 0;

      int expression(int pos, int status) {
      int isputs = 0;
      if (skip("$")) {
      if (isassign()) assignment();
      } else if (skip("def"))
      else if (fnc_t.inside == IN_GLOBAL &&
      strcmp("def", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val) &&
      strcmp("$", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val) &&
      (tok_t.pos+1 == tok_t.size || strcmp(";", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val))) {
      fnc_t.inside = IN_FUNC;
      mainFunc = ++fnc_t.now;
      int main_esp = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      appfn("main", main_address, main_esp, 0);
      dasm_put(Dst, 46, main_address, main_esp, 12);
      eval(0, 0);
      dasm_put(Dst, 43);
      fnc_t.inside = IN_GLOBAL;
      } else if (isassign())
      else if ((isputs = skip("puts")) || skip("output")) {
      do {
      int isstring = 0;
      if (skip(""")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 62, getstr());
      isstring = 1;
      } else
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      if (isstring)
      dasm_put(Dst, 67, 4);

      dasm_put(Dst, 72);
      dasm_put(Dst, 76);
      } while (skip(","));
      if (isputs)
      dasm_put(Dst, 67, 0x8);
      } else if (skip("printf")) {
      if (skip("""))
      dasm_put(Dst, 80, getstr());
      if (skip(",")) {
      uint32_t a = 4;
      do {
      dasm_put(Dst, 86, a);
      a += 4;
      } while (skip(","));
      dasm_put(Dst, 67, 0x14);
      } else if (skip("for")) {
      if (!skip(","))
      error("%d: expecting ','", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      } else if (skip("while"))
      else if (skip("return"))
      else if (skip("if"))
      else if (skip("else")) {
      int32_t end = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 18, end, pos);
      eval(end, 0);
      return 1;
      } else if (skip("elsif")) {
      int32_t endif = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 18, endif, pos);
      uint32_t end = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
      eval(end, 0);
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, endif);
      return 1;
      } else if (skip("break"))
      else if (skip("end")) {
      if (status == 0)
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, pos);

      else if (status == BLOCK_FUNC) fnc_t.inside = IN_GLOBAL;
      return 1;
      } else if (!skip(";")) cmpexpr();
      return 0;

      static char * repescape(char * str) {
      char escape[14][3] = {
      "\a", "a", "\r", "r", "\f", "f",
      "\n", "n", "\t", "t", "\b", "b",
      "\q", """
      int32_t i = 0;
      for (; i < 12; i += 2) {
      char * pos;
      while ((pos = strstr(str, escape[i])) != NULL) {
      *pos = escape[i + 1][0];
      memmove(pos + 1, pos + 2, strlen(pos + 2) + 1);
      return str;

      int (*parser())(int *, void **) {
      int i;
      uint8_t * buf;
      tok_t.pos = 0;
      str_t.addr = calloc(0xFF, sizeof(int32_t));
      main_address = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 92, main_address);
      eval(0, 0);
      for (i = 0; i < str_t.count; ++i)
      buf = (uint8_t *)deinitjit();
      for (i = 0; i < fnc_t.count; i++)
      *(int *)(buf + dasm_getpclabel(&d, fnc_t.func[i].espBgn) - 4) = (lvar_t.size[i+1] + 6)*4;
      return ((int (*)(int *, void **))euboealabels[L_START]);

      int32_t isassign() {
      char * val = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos + 1].val;
      if (!strcmp(val, "=") || !strcmp(val, "++") || !strcmp(val, "--")) return 1;
      if (!strcmp(val, "[")) {
      int32_t i = tok_t.pos + 2, t = 1;
      while (t) {
      val = tok_t.tok_t[i].val;
      if (!strcmp(val, "[")) t++;
      if (!strcmp(val, "]")) t--;
      if (!strcmp(val, ";"))
      error("%d: invalid expression", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      if (!strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[i].val, "=")) return 1;
      } else if (!strcmp(val, ":") && !strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos + 3].val, "="))
      return 1;
      return 0;

      int32_t assignment() {
      var_t * v = getvar(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val);
      int32_t inc = 0, dec = 0, declare = 0;
      if (v == NULL) {
      v = mkvar();
      int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);
      if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL) {
      if (skip("[")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      if (skip("]") && skip("=")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 98, - siz*v->id);
      if (v->type == T_INT)
      dasm_put(Dst, 103);

      dasm_put(Dst, 107);
      } else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
      } else
      error("%d: invalid assignment", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      } else {
      if (skip("="))
      else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 111, - siz*v->id);
      if (inc)
      dasm_put(Dst, 116);
      else if (dec)
      dasm_put(Dst, 118);
      dasm_put(Dst, 39, - siz*v->id);
      if (inc || dec)
      dasm_put(Dst, 120);
      } else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL) {
      if (declare) {
      if (skip("=")) {
      unsigned * m = (unsigned *) v->id;
      *m = atoi(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val);
      } else {
      if (skip("[")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      if (skip("]") && skip("=")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 122, v->id);
      if (v->type == T_INT)
      dasm_put(Dst, 103);

      dasm_put(Dst, 127);
      } else error("%d: invalid assignment",
      } else if (skip("=")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 131, v->id);
      } else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 134, v->id);
      if (inc)
      dasm_put(Dst, 116);
      else if (dec)
      dasm_put(Dst, 118);
      dasm_put(Dst, 131, v->id);
      if (inc || dec)
      dasm_put(Dst, 120);
      return 0;
      extern int buildstd(char *);

      static int32_t isidx() {
      return !strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, "[");

      static void priexp() {
      if (isdigit(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0]))
      dasm_put(Dst, 62, atoi(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val));

      else if (skip("'")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 62, tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val[0]);
      } else if (skip("""))
      dasm_put(Dst, 62, getstr());

      else if (isalpha(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0])) {
      char * name = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
      var_t * v;
      if (isassign()) assignment();
      else {
      if (skip("[")) {
      if ((v = getvar(name)) == NULL)
      error("%d: '%s' was not declared",
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline, name);
      dasm_put(Dst, 138);
      if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL)
      dasm_put(Dst, 141, - v->id*4);

      else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL)
      dasm_put(Dst, 145, v->id);
      if (v->type == T_INT)
      dasm_put(Dst, 149);

      dasm_put(Dst, 153);
      if (!skip("]"))
      error("%d: expected expression ']'",
      } else if (skip("(")) {
      if (!buildstd(name)) {
      func_t * function = getfn(name);
      char * val = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
      int i = 0;
      if (isalpha(val[0]) || isdigit(val[0]) ||
      !strcmp(val, """) || !strcmp(val, "(")) {
      for (; i < function->args; i++) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 158, function->address, function->args * sizeof(int32_t));
      if (!skip(")"))
      error("func: %d: expected expression ')'",
      } else {
      if ((v = getvar(name)) == NULL)
      error("var: %d: '%s' was not declared",
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline, name);
      if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL)
      dasm_put(Dst, 164, - v->id*4);

      else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL)
      dasm_put(Dst, 168, v->id);
      } else if (skip("(")) {
      if (isassign()) assignment();
      else cmpexpr();
      if (!skip(")")) error("%d: expected expression ')'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      while (isidx()) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 138);
      dasm_put(Dst, 171);

      static void muldivexp() {
      int32_t mul = 0, div = 0;
      while ((mul = skip("*")) || (div = skip("/")) || skip("%")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 175);
      if (mul)
      dasm_put(Dst, 179);

      else if (div)
      dasm_put(Dst, 184);

      dasm_put(Dst, 191);

      static void addSubExpr() {
      int32_t add;
      while ((add = skip("+")) || skip("-")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 175);
      if (add)
      dasm_put(Dst, 200);

      dasm_put(Dst, 203);

      static void logicexp() {
      int32_t lt = 0, gt = 0, ne = 0, eql = 0, fle = 0;
      if ((lt = skip("<")) || (gt = skip(">")) || (ne = skip("!=")) ||
      (eql = skip("==")) || (fle = skip("<=")) || skip(">=")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 206);
      if (lt)
      dasm_put(Dst, 212);
      else if (gt)
      dasm_put(Dst, 216);
      else if (ne)
      dasm_put(Dst, 220);
      else if (eql)
      dasm_put(Dst, 224);
      else if (fle)
      dasm_put(Dst, 228);
      dasm_put(Dst, 232);
      dasm_put(Dst, 236);

      void cmpexpr() {
      int and = 0, or = 0;
      while ((and = skip("and") || skip("&")) ||
      (or = skip("or") || skip("|")) || (skip("xor") || skip("^"))) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 175);
      if (and)
      dasm_put(Dst, 240);
      else if (or)
      dasm_put(Dst, 243);
      dasm_put(Dst, 246);

      typedef struct {
      char * name;
      int args, addr;
      } stdfn;

      static stdfn stdfuncts = {
      {"Array", 1, 12},
      {"rand", 0, 16}, {"printf", -1, 20}, {"usleep", 1, 28},
      {"fprintf", -1, 36}, {"fgets", 3, 44},
      {"free", 1, 48}, {"freeLocal", 0, 52}, {"malloc", 1, 12}, {"exit", 1, 56},
      {"abort", 0, 60}, {"read", 3, 32}, {"write", 3, 40}, {"close", 1, 64}

      int buildstd(char * name) {
      size_t i = 0;
      for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {
      if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
      if (!strcmp(name, "Array")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 249, 12, 24);
      } else {
      if (stdfuncts[i].args == -1) {
      uint32_t a = 0;
      do {
      dasm_put(Dst, 86, a);
      a += 4;
      } while (skip(","));
      } else {
      int arg = 0;
      for (; arg < stdfuncts[i].args; arg++) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 86, arg*4);
      dasm_put(Dst, 67, stdfuncts[i].addr);
      return 1;
      return 0;

      int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
      char * src;
      FILE * fp;
      size_t ssz;
      if (argc < 2) error("no given filename");
      fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
      ssz = 0;
      if (!fp) {
      struct stat sbuf;
      stat(argv[1], &sbuf);
      if (S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
      printf("Error: %s is a directory.n", argv[1]);
      fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
      ssz = ftell(fp);
      fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
      src = calloc(sizeof(char), ssz + 2);
      fread(src, sizeof(char), ssz, fp);
      return execute(src);

      Currently I'm working on splitting the code logically into source files because it could be a bit more readable anyway. Any tips would be appreciated.

      share|improve this question

      I'm working on JIT-based programming language using DynASM (before I was generating instructions directly). Review of the code would be really appreciated - It's my first time fiddling with DynASM. Code was written to be tight and readable. You can find github repository here. Code consists mostly of one file as code is pretty small:


      #define _BSD_SOURCE
      #include <sys/mman.h>
      #include <sys/stat.h>
      #include <sys/types.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <stdint.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <unistd.h>
      #include <string.h>
      #include <ctype.h>
      #include <time.h>
      #if !defined(MAP_ANONYMOUS) && defined(MAP_ANON)
      #include <stddef.h>
      #include <stdarg.h>
      #ifndef Dst_DECL
      #define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst
      #ifndef Dst_REF
      #define Dst_REF (*Dst)
      #ifndef DASM_FDEF
      #define DASM_FDEF extern
      #ifndef DASM_M_GROW
      #define DASM_M_GROW(ctx, t, p, sz, need)
      do {
      size_t _sz = (sz), _need = (need);
      if (_sz < _need) {
      if (_sz < 16) _sz = 16;
      while (_sz < _need) _sz += _sz;
      (p) = (t *)realloc((p), _sz);
      if ((p) == NULL) exit(1);
      (sz) = _sz;
      } while(0)
      #ifndef DASM_M_FREE
      #define DASM_M_FREE(ctx, p, sz) free(p)
      /* Maximum number of section buffer positions for a single dasm_put() call. */
      #define DASM_MAXSECPOS 25

      /* DynASM encoder status codes. Action list offset or number are or'ed in. */
      #define DASM_S_OK 0x00000000
      #define DASM_S_NOMEM 0x01000000
      #define DASM_S_PHASE 0x02000000
      #define DASM_S_MATCH_SEC 0x03000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_I 0x11000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_SEC 0x12000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_LG 0x13000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_PC 0x14000000
      #define DASM_S_RANGE_VREG 0x15000000
      #define DASM_S_UNDEF_L 0x21000000
      #define DASM_S_UNDEF_PC 0x22000000

      /* Macros to convert positions (8 bit section + 24 bit index). */
      #define DASM_POS2IDX(pos) ((pos)&0x00ffffff)
      #define DASM_POS2BIAS(pos) ((pos)&0xff000000)
      #define DASM_SEC2POS(sec) ((sec)<<24)
      #define DASM_POS2SEC(pos) ((pos)>>24)
      #define DASM_POS2PTR(D, pos) (D->sections[DASM_POS2SEC(pos)].rbuf + (pos))
      typedef struct dasm_State dasm_State;
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_init(Dst_DECL, int maxsection);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_free(Dst_DECL);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_setupglobal(Dst_DECL, void **gl, unsigned int maxgl);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_growpc(Dst_DECL, unsigned int maxpc);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_setup(Dst_DECL, const void *actionlist);
      DASM_FDEF void dasm_put(Dst_DECL, int start, ...);
      DASM_FDEF int dasm_link(Dst_DECL, size_t *szp);
      DASM_FDEF int dasm_encode(Dst_DECL, void *buffer);
      DASM_FDEF int dasm_getpclabel(Dst_DECL, unsigned int pc);
      #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
      DASM_FDEF int dasm_checkstep(Dst_DECL, int secmatch);
      #define dasm_checkstep(a, b) 0

      #define DASM_ARCH "x86"

      #ifndef DASM_EXTERN
      #define DASM_EXTERN(a,b,c,d) 0

      /* Action definitions. DASM_STOP must be 255. */
      enum {
      DASM_DISP = 233,

      /* Action list type. */
      typedef const unsigned char * dasm_ActList;

      /* Per-section structure. */
      typedef struct dasm_Section {
      int * rbuf; /* Biased buffer pointer (negative section bias). */
      int * buf; /* True buffer pointer. */
      size_t bsize; /* Buffer size in bytes. */
      int pos; /* Biased buffer position. */
      int epos; /* End of biased buffer position - max single put. */
      int ofs; /* Byte offset into section. */
      } dasm_Section;

      /* Core structure holding the DynASM encoding state. */
      struct dasm_State {
      size_t psize; /* Allocated size of this structure. */
      dasm_ActList actionlist; /* Current actionlist pointer. */
      int * lglabels; /* Local/global chain/pos ptrs. */
      size_t lgsize;
      int * pclabels; /* PC label chains/pos ptrs. */
      size_t pcsize;
      void ** globals; /* Array of globals (bias -10). */
      dasm_Section * section; /* Pointer to active section. */
      size_t codesize; /* Total size of all code sections. */
      int maxsection; /* 0 <= sectionidx < maxsection. */
      int status; /* Status code. */
      dasm_Section sections[1]; /* All sections. Alloc-extended. */

      /* The size of the core structure depends on the max. number of sections. */
      #define DASM_PSZ(ms) (sizeof(dasm_State)+(ms-1)*sizeof(dasm_Section))

      /* Initialize DynASM state. */
      void dasm_init(Dst_DECL, int maxsection) {
      dasm_State * D;
      size_t psz = 0;
      int i;
      Dst_REF = NULL;
      DASM_M_GROW(Dst, struct dasm_State, Dst_REF, psz, DASM_PSZ(maxsection));
      D = Dst_REF;
      D->psize = psz;
      D->lglabels = NULL;
      D->lgsize = 0;
      D->pclabels = NULL;
      D->pcsize = 0;
      D->globals = NULL;
      D->maxsection = maxsection;
      for (i = 0; i < maxsection; i++) {
      D->sections[i].buf = NULL; /* Need this for pass3. */
      D->sections[i].rbuf = D->sections[i].buf - DASM_SEC2POS(i);
      D->sections[i].bsize = 0;
      D->sections[i].epos = 0; /* Wrong, but is recalculated after resize. */

      /* Free DynASM state. */
      void dasm_free(Dst_DECL) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      int i;
      for (i = 0; i < D->maxsection; i++)
      if (D->sections[i].buf)
      DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->sections[i].buf, D->sections[i].bsize);
      if (D->pclabels) DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->pclabels, D->pcsize);
      if (D->lglabels) DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D->lglabels, D->lgsize);
      DASM_M_FREE(Dst, D, D->psize);

      /* Setup global label array. Must be called before dasm_setup(). */
      void dasm_setupglobal(Dst_DECL, void ** gl, unsigned int maxgl) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      D->globals = gl - 10; /* Negative bias to compensate for locals. */
      DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, D->lglabels, D->lgsize, (10+maxgl)*sizeof(int));

      /* Grow PC label array. Can be called after dasm_setup(), too. */
      void dasm_growpc(Dst_DECL, unsigned int maxpc) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      size_t osz = D->pcsize;
      DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, D->pclabels, D->pcsize, maxpc*sizeof(int));
      memset((void *)(((unsigned char *)D->pclabels)+osz), 0, D->pcsize-osz);

      /* Setup encoder. */
      void dasm_setup(Dst_DECL, const void * actionlist) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      int i;
      D->actionlist = (dasm_ActList)actionlist;
      D->status = DASM_S_OK;
      D->section = &D->sections[0];
      memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
      if (D->pclabels) memset((void *)D->pclabels, 0, D->pcsize);
      for (i = 0; i < D->maxsection; i++) {
      D->sections[i].pos = DASM_SEC2POS(i);
      D->sections[i].ofs = 0;

      #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
      #define CK(x, st)
      do { if (!(x)) {
      D->status = DASM_S_##st|(int)(p-D->actionlist-1); return; } } while (0)
      #define CKPL(kind, st)
      do { if ((size_t)((char *)pl-(char *)D->kind##labels) >= D->kind##size) {
      D->status=DASM_S_RANGE_##st|(int)(p-D->actionlist-1); return; } } while (0)
      #define CK(x, st) ((void)0)
      #define CKPL(kind, st) ((void)0)

      /* Pass 1: Store actions and args, link branches/labels, estimate offsets. */
      void dasm_put(Dst_DECL, int start, ...) {
      va_list ap;
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + start;
      dasm_Section * sec = D->section;
      int pos = sec->pos, ofs = sec->ofs, mrm = 4;
      int * b;
      if (pos >= sec->epos) {
      DASM_M_GROW(Dst, int, sec->buf, sec->bsize,
      sec->bsize + 2*DASM_MAXSECPOS*sizeof(int));
      sec->rbuf = sec->buf - DASM_POS2BIAS(pos);
      sec->epos = (int)sec->bsize/sizeof(int) - DASM_MAXSECPOS+DASM_POS2BIAS(pos);
      b = sec->rbuf;
      b[pos++] = start;
      va_start(ap, start);
      while (1) {
      int action = *p++;
      if (action < DASM_DISP)

      else if (action <= DASM_REL_A) {
      int n = va_arg(ap, int);
      b[pos++] = n;
      switch (action) {
      case DASM_DISP:
      if (n == 0) { if ((mrm&7) == 4) mrm = p[-2]; if ((mrm&7) != 5) break; }
      case DASM_IMM_DB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) goto ob;
      case DASM_REL_A: /* Assumes ptrdiff_t is int. !x64 */
      case DASM_IMM_D: ofs += 4; break;
      case DASM_IMM_S: CK(((n+128)&-256) == 0, RANGE_I); goto ob;
      case DASM_IMM_B: CK((n&-256) == 0, RANGE_I); ob: ofs++; break;
      case DASM_VREG: CK((n&-8) == 0 && (n != 4 || (*p&1) == 0), RANGE_VREG);
      mrm = 4;
      } else {
      int * pl, n;
      switch (action) {
      case DASM_REL_LG:
      case DASM_IMM_LG:
      n = *p++; pl = D->lglabels + n;
      /* Bkwd rel or global. */
      if (n <= 246) { CK(n>=10||*pl<0, RANGE_LG); CKPL(lg, LG); goto putrel; }
      pl -= 246; n = *pl;
      if (n < 0) n = 0; /* Start new chain for fwd rel if label exists. */
      goto linkrel;
      case DASM_REL_PC:
      case DASM_IMM_PC: pl = D->pclabels + va_arg(ap, int); CKPL(pc, PC);
      n = *pl;
      if (n < 0) /* Label exists. Get label pos and store it. */
      b[pos] = -n;

      else {
      b[pos] = n; /* Else link to rel chain, anchored at label. */
      *pl = pos;
      ofs += 4; /* Maximum offset needed. */
      if (action == DASM_REL_LG || action == DASM_REL_PC)
      b[pos++] = ofs; /* Store pass1 offset estimate. */
      case DASM_LABEL_LG: pl = D->lglabels + *p++; CKPL(lg, LG); goto putlabel;
      case DASM_LABEL_PC: pl = D->pclabels + va_arg(ap, int); CKPL(pc, PC);
      n = *pl; /* n > 0: Collapse rel chain and replace with label pos. */
      while (n > 0) { int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n); n = *pb; *pb = pos; }
      *pl = -pos; /* Label exists now. */
      b[pos++] = ofs; /* Store pass1 offset estimate. */
      case DASM_ALIGN:
      case DASM_ESC: p++; ofs++; break;
      case DASM_MARK: mrm = p[-2]; break;
      case DASM_SECTION:
      case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
      sec->pos = pos;
      sec->ofs = ofs;
      #undef CK

      /* Pass 2: Link sections, shrink branches/aligns, fix label offsets. */
      int dasm_link(Dst_DECL, size_t * szp) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      int secnum;
      int ofs = 0;
      #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
      *szp = 0;
      if (D->status != DASM_S_OK) return D->status;
      int pc;
      for (pc = 0; pc*sizeof(int) < D->pcsize; pc++)
      if (D->pclabels[pc] > 0) return DASM_S_UNDEF_PC|pc;
      /* Handle globals not defined in this translation unit. */
      int idx;
      for (idx = 10; idx*sizeof(int) < D->lgsize; idx++) {
      int n = D->lglabels[idx];
      /* Undefined label: Collapse rel chain and replace with marker (< 0). */
      while (n > 0) { int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n); n = *pb; *pb = -idx; }
      /* Combine all code sections. No support for data sections (yet). */
      for (secnum = 0; secnum < D->maxsection; secnum++) {
      dasm_Section * sec = D->sections + secnum;
      int * b = sec->rbuf;
      int pos = DASM_SEC2POS(secnum);
      int lastpos = sec->pos;
      while (pos != lastpos) {
      dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + b[pos++];
      while (1) {
      int op, action = *p++;
      switch (action) {
      case DASM_REL_LG: p++; op = p[-3]; goto rel_pc;
      case DASM_REL_PC: op = p[-2]; rel_pc: {
      int shrink = op == 0xe9 ? 3 : ((op&0xf0) == 0x80 ? 4 : 0);
      if (shrink) { /* Shrinkable branch opcode? */
      int lofs, lpos = b[pos];
      if (lpos < 0) goto noshrink; /* Ext global? */
      lofs = *DASM_POS2PTR(D, lpos);
      if (lpos > pos) { /* Fwd label: add cumulative section offsets. */
      int i;
      for (i = secnum; i < DASM_POS2SEC(lpos); i++)
      lofs += D->sections[i].ofs;
      } else {
      lofs -= ofs; /* Bkwd label: unfix offset. */
      lofs -= b[pos+1]; /* Short branch ok? */
      if (lofs >= -128-shrink && lofs <= 127) ofs -= shrink; /* Yes. */
      else noshrink: shrink = 0; /* No, cannot shrink op. */
      b[pos+1] = shrink;
      pos += 2;
      case DASM_SPACE: case DASM_IMM_LG: case DASM_VREG: p++;
      case DASM_DISP: case DASM_IMM_S: case DASM_IMM_B: case DASM_IMM_W:
      case DASM_IMM_D: case DASM_IMM_WB: case DASM_IMM_DB:
      case DASM_SETLABEL: case DASM_REL_A: case DASM_IMM_PC: pos++; break;
      case DASM_LABEL_LG: p++;
      case DASM_LABEL_PC: b[pos++] += ofs; break; /* Fix label offset. */
      case DASM_ALIGN: ofs -= (b[pos++]+ofs)&*p++; break; /* Adjust ofs. */
      case DASM_EXTERN: p += 2; break;
      case DASM_ESC: p++; break;
      case DASM_MARK: break;
      case DASM_SECTION: case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
      stop: (void)0;
      ofs += sec->ofs; /* Next section starts right after current section. */
      D->codesize = ofs; /* Total size of all code sections */
      *szp = ofs;
      return DASM_S_OK;

      #define dasmb(x) *cp++ = (unsigned char)(x)
      #define dasmw(x)
      do { *((unsigned short *)cp) = (unsigned short)(x); cp+=2; } while (0)
      #define dasmd(x)
      do { *((unsigned int *)cp) = (unsigned int)(x); cp+=4; } while (0)
      #define dasmw(x) do { dasmb(x); dasmb((x)>>8); } while (0)
      #define dasmd(x) do { dasmw(x); dasmw((x)>>16); } while (0)

      /* Pass 3: Encode sections. */
      int dasm_encode(Dst_DECL, void * buffer) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      unsigned char * base = (unsigned char *)buffer;
      unsigned char * cp = base;
      int secnum;
      /* Encode all code sections. No support for data sections (yet). */
      for (secnum = 0; secnum < D->maxsection; secnum++) {
      dasm_Section * sec = D->sections + secnum;
      int * b = sec->buf;
      int * endb = sec->rbuf + sec->pos;
      while (b != endb) {
      dasm_ActList p = D->actionlist + *b++;
      unsigned char * mark = NULL;
      while (1) {
      int action = *p++;
      int n = (action >= DASM_DISP && action <= DASM_ALIGN) ? *b++ : 0;
      switch (action) {
      case DASM_DISP: if (!mark) mark = cp; {
      unsigned char * mm = mark;
      if (*p != DASM_IMM_DB && *p != DASM_IMM_WB) mark = NULL;
      if (n == 0) {
      int mrm = mm[-1]&7;
      if (mrm == 4) mrm = mm[0]&7;
      if (mrm != 5) { mm[-1] -= 0x80; break; }
      if (((n+128) & -256) != 0) goto wd;
      else mm[-1] -= 0x40;
      case DASM_IMM_S: case DASM_IMM_B: wb: dasmb(n); break;
      case DASM_IMM_DB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) {
      if (!mark) mark = cp; mark[-2] += 2; mark = NULL; goto wb;
      } else mark = NULL;
      case DASM_IMM_D: wd: dasmd(n); break;
      case DASM_IMM_WB: if (((n+128)&-256) == 0) goto db;
      else mark = NULL;
      case DASM_IMM_W: dasmw(n); break;
      case DASM_VREG: { int t = *p++; if (t >= 2) n<<=3; cp[-1] |= n; break; }
      case DASM_REL_LG: p++;
      if (n >= 0) goto rel_pc;
      b++; n = (int)(ptrdiff_t)D->globals[-n];
      case DASM_REL_A: rel_a: n -= (int)(ptrdiff_t)(cp+4); goto wd; /* !x64 */
      case DASM_REL_PC: rel_pc: {
      int shrink = *b++;
      int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n);
      if (*pb < 0) { n = pb[1]; goto rel_a; }
      n = *pb - ((int)(cp-base) + 4-shrink);
      if (shrink == 0) goto wd;
      if (shrink == 4) { cp--; cp[-1] = *cp-0x10; } else cp[-1] = 0xeb;
      goto wb;
      case DASM_IMM_LG:
      if (n < 0) { n = (int)(ptrdiff_t)D->globals[-n]; goto wd; }
      case DASM_IMM_PC: {
      int * pb = DASM_POS2PTR(D, n);
      n = *pb < 0 ? pb[1] : (*pb + (int)(ptrdiff_t)base);
      goto wd;
      case DASM_LABEL_LG: {
      int idx = *p++;
      if (idx >= 10)
      D->globals[idx] = (void *)(base + (*p == DASM_SETLABEL ? *b : n));
      case DASM_LABEL_PC: case DASM_SETLABEL: break;
      case DASM_SPACE: { int fill = *p++; while (n--) *cp++ = fill; break; }
      case DASM_ALIGN:
      n = *p++;
      while (((cp-base) & n)) *cp++ = 0x90; /* nop */
      case DASM_EXTERN: n = DASM_EXTERN(Dst, cp, p[1], *p); p += 2; goto wd;
      case DASM_MARK: mark = cp; break;
      case DASM_ESC: action = *p++;
      default: *cp++ = action; break;
      case DASM_SECTION: case DASM_STOP: goto stop;
      stop: (void)0;
      if (base + D->codesize != cp) /* Check for phase errors. */
      return DASM_S_PHASE;
      return DASM_S_OK;

      int dasm_getpclabel(Dst_DECL, unsigned int pc) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      if (pc*sizeof(int) < D->pcsize) {
      int pos = D->pclabels[pc];
      if (pos < 0) return *DASM_POS2PTR(D, -pos);
      if (pos > 0) return -1; /* Undefined. */
      return -2; /* Unused or out of range. */

      #ifdef DASM_CHECKS
      /* Optional sanity checker to call between isolated encoding steps. */
      int dasm_checkstep(Dst_DECL, int secmatch) {
      dasm_State * D = Dst_REF;
      if (D->status == DASM_S_OK) {
      int i;
      for (i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
      if (D->lglabels[i] > 0) { D->status = DASM_S_UNDEF_L|i; break; }
      D->lglabels[i] = 0;
      if (D->status == DASM_S_OK && secmatch >= 0 &&
      D->section != &D->sections[secmatch])
      D->status = DASM_S_MATCH_SEC|(int)(D->section-D->sections);
      return D->status;

      extern void * jit_buf;
      extern size_t jit_sz;
      extern int npc;

      enum { IN_GLOBAL = 0, IN_FUNC };
      enum { BLOCK_LOOP = 1, BLOCK_FUNC };
      enum { V_LOCAL, V_GLOBAL };
      enum { T_INT, T_STRING, T_DOUBLE };

      typedef struct {
      int address, args, espBgn;
      char name[0xFF];
      } func_t;

      typedef struct {
      char name[32];
      unsigned int id;
      int type;
      int loctype;
      } var_t;

      typedef struct {
      char val[128];
      int nline;
      } token_t;

      struct {
      token_t * tok_t;
      int size, pos;
      } tok_t;

      struct {
      unsigned int * addr;
      int count;
      } brks_t, rets_t;

      int error(char *, ...);
      int lex(char *);
      int32_t skip(char * s);
      void asmexpr();
      int isassign();
      int assignment();
      int expression(int, int);
      int (*parser())(int *, void **);
      char * getstr();
      func_t * getfn(char *);
      var_t * getvar(char *);
      void cmpexpr();
      static unsigned int w;

      struct {
      uint32_t addr[0xff];
      int count;
      } memory;

      static void setxor() {
      w = 1234 + (getpid() ^ 0xFFBA9285);

      void init() {
      tok_t.pos = 0;
      tok_t.size = 0xfff;
      tok_t.tok_t = calloc(sizeof(token_t), tok_t.size);
      brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);
      rets_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

      static void freeadd() {
      if (memory.count > 0) {
      for (--memory.count; memory.count >= 0; --memory.count)
      free((void *)memory.addr[memory.count]);
      memory.count = 0;

      void dispose() {
      munmap(jit_buf, jit_sz);

      static void put_i32(int32_t n) {
      printf("%d", n);

      static void put_str(int32_t * n) {
      printf("%s", (char *) n);

      static void put_ln() {

      static void add_mem(int32_t addr) {
      memory.addr[memory.count++] = addr;

      static int xor128() {
      static uint32_t x = 123456789, y = 362436069, z = 521288629;
      uint32_t t;
      t = x ^ (x << 11);
      x = y; y = z; z = w;
      w = (w ^ (w >> 19)) ^ (t ^ (t >> 8));
      return ((int32_t) w < 0) ? -(int32_t) w : (int32_t) w;

      static void * funcTable = {
      put_i32, /* 0 */ put_str, /* 4 */ put_ln, /* 8 */ malloc, /* 12 */
      xor128, /* 16 */ printf, /* 20 */ add_mem, /* 24 */ usleep, /* 28 */
      read, /* 32 */ fprintf, /* 36 */ write, /* 40 */ fgets, /* 44 */
      free, /* 48 */ freeadd, /* 52 */ exit, /* 56 */ abort, /* 60 */
      close /* 72 */

      int32_t lex(char * code) {
      int32_t codeSize = strlen(code), line = 1, i = 0;
      int is_crlf = 0;
      for (; i < codeSize; i++) {
      if (tok_t.size <= i)
      tok_t.tok_t = realloc(tok_t.tok_t, (tok_t.size += 512 * sizeof(token_t)));
      if (isdigit(code[i])) {
      for (; isdigit(code[i]); i++)
      strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      } else if (isalpha(code[i])) {
      char * str = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
      for (; isalpha(code[i]) || isdigit(code[i]) || code[i] == '_'; i++)
      *str++ = code[i];
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      } else if (code[i] == ' ' || code[i] == 't') {
      } else if (code[i] == '#') {
      for (i++; code[i] != 'n'; i++) line++;
      } else if (code[i] == '"') {
      strcpy(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, """);
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].nline = line;
      for (i++; code[i] != '"' && code[i] != ''; i++)
      strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      if (code[i] == '')
      error("%d: expected expression '"'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      } else if (code[i] == 'n' || (is_crlf = (code[i] == 'r' && code[i + 1] == 'n'))) {
      i += is_crlf;
      strcpy(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, ";");
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line++;
      } else {
      strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[i]), 1);
      if (code[i + 1] == '=' || (code[i] == '+' && code[i + 1] == '+') || (code[i] == '-' && code[i + 1] == '-'))
      strncat(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, &(code[++i]), 1);
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline = line;
      tok_t.size = tok_t.pos - 1;
      return 0;

      static int execute(char * source) {
      int (*jit_main)(int *, void **);
      jit_main = parser();
      jit_main(0, funcTable);
      return 0;

      enum {

      static const unsigned char euboeaactions[269] = {

      dasm_State * d;

      static dasm_State ** Dst = &d;

      void * euboealabels[L__MAX];
      void * jit_buf;

      size_t jit_sz;
      int npc;
      static int main_address, mainFunc;

      struct {
      var_t var[0xFF];
      int count;
      int data[0xFF];
      } gvar_t;

      struct {
      var_t var[0xFF][0xFF];
      int count, size[0xFF];
      } lvar_t;

      struct {
      char * text[0xff];
      int * addr;
      int count;
      } str_t;

      struct {
      func_t func[0xff];
      int count, inside, now;
      } fnc_t;

      void initjit() {
      dasm_init(&d, 1);
      dasm_setupglobal(&d, euboealabels, L__MAX);
      dasm_setup(&d, euboeaactions);

      void * deinitjit() {
      dasm_link(&d, &jit_sz);
      jit_buf = mmap(0, jit_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0);
      dasm_encode(&d, jit_buf);
      mprotect(jit_buf, jit_sz, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE | PROT_EXEC);
      return jit_buf;

      char * getstr() {
      str_t.text[str_t.count] = calloc(sizeof(char), strlen(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val) + 1);
      strcpy(str_t.text[str_t.count], tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val);
      return str_t.text[str_t.count++];

      var_t * getvar(char * name) {
      int i = 0;
      for (; i < lvar_t.count; i++) {
      if (!strcmp(name, lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][i].name))
      return &lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][i];
      for (i = 0; i < gvar_t.count; i++) {
      if (!strcmp(name, gvar_t.var[i].name))
      return &gvar_t.var[i];
      return NULL;

      static var_t * appvar(char * name, int type) {
      if (fnc_t.inside == IN_FUNC) {
      int32_t sz = 1 + ++lvar_t.size[fnc_t.now];
      strcpy(lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].name, name);
      lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].type = type;
      lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].id = sz;
      lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count].loctype = V_LOCAL;
      return &lvar_t.var[fnc_t.now][lvar_t.count++];
      } else if (fnc_t.inside == IN_GLOBAL) {
      strcpy(gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].name, name);
      gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].type = type;
      gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].loctype = V_GLOBAL;
      gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count].id = (int)&gvar_t.data[gvar_t.count];
      return &gvar_t.var[gvar_t.count++];
      return NULL;

      func_t * getfn(char * name) {
      int i = 0;
      for (; i < fnc_t.count; i++) {
      if (!strcmp(fnc_t.func[i].name, name))
      return &fnc_t.func[i];
      return NULL;

      static func_t * appfn(char * name, int address, int espBgn, int args) {
      fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].address = address;
      fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].espBgn = espBgn;
      fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].args = args;
      strcpy(fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count].name, name);
      return &fnc_t.func[fnc_t.count++];

      static int32_t mkbrk() {
      uint32_t lbl = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 0, lbl);
      brks_t.addr = realloc(brks_t.addr, 4 * (brks_t.count + 1));
      brks_t.addr[brks_t.count] = lbl;
      return brks_t.count++;

      static int32_t mkret() {
      int lbl = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 0, lbl);
      rets_t.addr = realloc(rets_t.addr, 4 * (rets_t.count + 1));
      if (rets_t.addr == NULL) error("no enough memory");
      rets_t.addr[rets_t.count] = lbl;
      return rets_t.count++;

      int32_t skip(char * s) {
      if (!strcmp(s, tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val)) {
      return 1;
      return 0;

      int32_t error(char * errs, ...) {
      va_list args;
      va_start(args, errs);
      printf("error: ");
      vprintf(errs, args);
      return 0;

      static int eval(int pos, int status) {
      while (tok_t.pos < tok_t.size)
      if (expression(pos, status)) return 1;
      return 0;

      static var_t * mkvar() {
      int32_t npos = tok_t.pos;
      if (isalpha(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0])) {
      if (skip(":")) {
      if (skip("int")) {
      return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_INT);
      if (skip("string")) {
      return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_STRING);
      if (skip("double")) {
      return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_DOUBLE);
      } else {
      return appvar(tok_t.tok_t[npos].val, T_INT);
      } else error("%d: can't declare variable", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      return NULL;

      static int chkstmt() {
      uint32_t end = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
      return eval(end, 0);

      static int whilestmt() {
      uint32_t loopBgn = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, loopBgn);
      uint32_t stepBgn[2], stepOn = 0;
      if (skip(",")) {
      stepOn = 1;
      stepBgn[0] = tok_t.pos;
      for (; tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0] != ';'; tok_t.pos++);
      uint32_t end = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
      if (skip(":")) expression(0, BLOCK_LOOP);
      else eval(0, BLOCK_LOOP);
      if (stepOn) {
      stepBgn[1] = tok_t.pos;
      tok_t.pos = stepBgn[0];
      if (isassign()) assignment();
      tok_t.pos = stepBgn[1];
      dasm_put(Dst, 18, loopBgn, end);
      for (--brks_t.count; brks_t.count >= 0; brks_t.count--)
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, brks_t.addr[brks_t.count]);
      brks_t.count = 0;
      return 0;

      static int32_t fnstmt() {
      int32_t argsc = 0;
      int i = 0;
      char * funcName = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val;
      fnc_t.now++; fnc_t.inside = IN_FUNC;
      if (skip("(")) {
      do {
      } while (skip(","));
      if (!skip(")"))
      error("%d: expecting ')'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      int func_addr = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      int func_esp = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      appfn(funcName, func_addr, func_esp, argsc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 23, func_addr, func_esp);
      for (; i < argsc; i++)
      dasm_put(Dst, 36, ((argsc - i - 1) * sizeof(int32_t) + 8), - (i + 2)*4);
      eval(0, BLOCK_FUNC);
      for (--rets_t.count; rets_t.count >= 0; --rets_t.count)
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, rets_t.addr[rets_t.count]);
      rets_t.count = 0;
      dasm_put(Dst, 43);
      return 0;

      int expression(int pos, int status) {
      int isputs = 0;
      if (skip("$")) {
      if (isassign()) assignment();
      } else if (skip("def"))
      else if (fnc_t.inside == IN_GLOBAL &&
      strcmp("def", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val) &&
      strcmp("$", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val) &&
      (tok_t.pos+1 == tok_t.size || strcmp(";", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos+1].val))) {
      fnc_t.inside = IN_FUNC;
      mainFunc = ++fnc_t.now;
      int main_esp = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      appfn("main", main_address, main_esp, 0);
      dasm_put(Dst, 46, main_address, main_esp, 12);
      eval(0, 0);
      dasm_put(Dst, 43);
      fnc_t.inside = IN_GLOBAL;
      } else if (isassign())
      else if ((isputs = skip("puts")) || skip("output")) {
      do {
      int isstring = 0;
      if (skip(""")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 62, getstr());
      isstring = 1;
      } else
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      if (isstring)
      dasm_put(Dst, 67, 4);

      dasm_put(Dst, 72);
      dasm_put(Dst, 76);
      } while (skip(","));
      if (isputs)
      dasm_put(Dst, 67, 0x8);
      } else if (skip("printf")) {
      if (skip("""))
      dasm_put(Dst, 80, getstr());
      if (skip(",")) {
      uint32_t a = 4;
      do {
      dasm_put(Dst, 86, a);
      a += 4;
      } while (skip(","));
      dasm_put(Dst, 67, 0x14);
      } else if (skip("for")) {
      if (!skip(","))
      error("%d: expecting ','", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      } else if (skip("while"))
      else if (skip("return"))
      else if (skip("if"))
      else if (skip("else")) {
      int32_t end = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 18, end, pos);
      eval(end, 0);
      return 1;
      } else if (skip("elsif")) {
      int32_t endif = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 18, endif, pos);
      uint32_t end = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 4, end);
      eval(end, 0);
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, endif);
      return 1;
      } else if (skip("break"))
      else if (skip("end")) {
      if (status == 0)
      dasm_put(Dst, 16, pos);

      else if (status == BLOCK_FUNC) fnc_t.inside = IN_GLOBAL;
      return 1;
      } else if (!skip(";")) cmpexpr();
      return 0;

      static char * repescape(char * str) {
      char escape[14][3] = {
      "\a", "a", "\r", "r", "\f", "f",
      "\n", "n", "\t", "t", "\b", "b",
      "\q", """
      int32_t i = 0;
      for (; i < 12; i += 2) {
      char * pos;
      while ((pos = strstr(str, escape[i])) != NULL) {
      *pos = escape[i + 1][0];
      memmove(pos + 1, pos + 2, strlen(pos + 2) + 1);
      return str;

      int (*parser())(int *, void **) {
      int i;
      uint8_t * buf;
      tok_t.pos = 0;
      str_t.addr = calloc(0xFF, sizeof(int32_t));
      main_address = npc++;
      dasm_growpc(&d, npc);
      dasm_put(Dst, 92, main_address);
      eval(0, 0);
      for (i = 0; i < str_t.count; ++i)
      buf = (uint8_t *)deinitjit();
      for (i = 0; i < fnc_t.count; i++)
      *(int *)(buf + dasm_getpclabel(&d, fnc_t.func[i].espBgn) - 4) = (lvar_t.size[i+1] + 6)*4;
      return ((int (*)(int *, void **))euboealabels[L_START]);

      int32_t isassign() {
      char * val = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos + 1].val;
      if (!strcmp(val, "=") || !strcmp(val, "++") || !strcmp(val, "--")) return 1;
      if (!strcmp(val, "[")) {
      int32_t i = tok_t.pos + 2, t = 1;
      while (t) {
      val = tok_t.tok_t[i].val;
      if (!strcmp(val, "[")) t++;
      if (!strcmp(val, "]")) t--;
      if (!strcmp(val, ";"))
      error("%d: invalid expression", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      if (!strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[i].val, "=")) return 1;
      } else if (!strcmp(val, ":") && !strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos + 3].val, "="))
      return 1;
      return 0;

      int32_t assignment() {
      var_t * v = getvar(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val);
      int32_t inc = 0, dec = 0, declare = 0;
      if (v == NULL) {
      v = mkvar();
      int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);
      if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL) {
      if (skip("[")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      if (skip("]") && skip("=")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 98, - siz*v->id);
      if (v->type == T_INT)
      dasm_put(Dst, 103);

      dasm_put(Dst, 107);
      } else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
      } else
      error("%d: invalid assignment", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      } else {
      if (skip("="))
      else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 111, - siz*v->id);
      if (inc)
      dasm_put(Dst, 116);
      else if (dec)
      dasm_put(Dst, 118);
      dasm_put(Dst, 39, - siz*v->id);
      if (inc || dec)
      dasm_put(Dst, 120);
      } else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL) {
      if (declare) {
      if (skip("=")) {
      unsigned * m = (unsigned *) v->id;
      *m = atoi(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val);
      } else {
      if (skip("[")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      if (skip("]") && skip("=")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 122, v->id);
      if (v->type == T_INT)
      dasm_put(Dst, 103);

      dasm_put(Dst, 127);
      } else error("%d: invalid assignment",
      } else if (skip("=")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 131, v->id);
      } else if ((inc = skip("++")) || (dec = skip("--"))) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 134, v->id);
      if (inc)
      dasm_put(Dst, 116);
      else if (dec)
      dasm_put(Dst, 118);
      dasm_put(Dst, 131, v->id);
      if (inc || dec)
      dasm_put(Dst, 120);
      return 0;
      extern int buildstd(char *);

      static int32_t isidx() {
      return !strcmp(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val, "[");

      static void priexp() {
      if (isdigit(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0]))
      dasm_put(Dst, 62, atoi(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val));

      else if (skip("'")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 62, tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos++].val[0]);
      } else if (skip("""))
      dasm_put(Dst, 62, getstr());

      else if (isalpha(tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val[0])) {
      char * name = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
      var_t * v;
      if (isassign()) assignment();
      else {
      if (skip("[")) {
      if ((v = getvar(name)) == NULL)
      error("%d: '%s' was not declared",
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline, name);
      dasm_put(Dst, 138);
      if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL)
      dasm_put(Dst, 141, - v->id*4);

      else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL)
      dasm_put(Dst, 145, v->id);
      if (v->type == T_INT)
      dasm_put(Dst, 149);

      dasm_put(Dst, 153);
      if (!skip("]"))
      error("%d: expected expression ']'",
      } else if (skip("(")) {
      if (!buildstd(name)) {
      func_t * function = getfn(name);
      char * val = tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].val;
      int i = 0;
      if (isalpha(val[0]) || isdigit(val[0]) ||
      !strcmp(val, """) || !strcmp(val, "(")) {
      for (; i < function->args; i++) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 158, function->address, function->args * sizeof(int32_t));
      if (!skip(")"))
      error("func: %d: expected expression ')'",
      } else {
      if ((v = getvar(name)) == NULL)
      error("var: %d: '%s' was not declared",
      tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline, name);
      if (v->loctype == V_LOCAL)
      dasm_put(Dst, 164, - v->id*4);

      else if (v->loctype == V_GLOBAL)
      dasm_put(Dst, 168, v->id);
      } else if (skip("(")) {
      if (isassign()) assignment();
      else cmpexpr();
      if (!skip(")")) error("%d: expected expression ')'", tok_t.tok_t[tok_t.pos].nline);
      while (isidx()) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 138);
      dasm_put(Dst, 171);

      static void muldivexp() {
      int32_t mul = 0, div = 0;
      while ((mul = skip("*")) || (div = skip("/")) || skip("%")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 175);
      if (mul)
      dasm_put(Dst, 179);

      else if (div)
      dasm_put(Dst, 184);

      dasm_put(Dst, 191);

      static void addSubExpr() {
      int32_t add;
      while ((add = skip("+")) || skip("-")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 175);
      if (add)
      dasm_put(Dst, 200);

      dasm_put(Dst, 203);

      static void logicexp() {
      int32_t lt = 0, gt = 0, ne = 0, eql = 0, fle = 0;
      if ((lt = skip("<")) || (gt = skip(">")) || (ne = skip("!=")) ||
      (eql = skip("==")) || (fle = skip("<=")) || skip(">=")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 206);
      if (lt)
      dasm_put(Dst, 212);
      else if (gt)
      dasm_put(Dst, 216);
      else if (ne)
      dasm_put(Dst, 220);
      else if (eql)
      dasm_put(Dst, 224);
      else if (fle)
      dasm_put(Dst, 228);
      dasm_put(Dst, 232);
      dasm_put(Dst, 236);

      void cmpexpr() {
      int and = 0, or = 0;
      while ((and = skip("and") || skip("&")) ||
      (or = skip("or") || skip("|")) || (skip("xor") || skip("^"))) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 65);
      dasm_put(Dst, 175);
      if (and)
      dasm_put(Dst, 240);
      else if (or)
      dasm_put(Dst, 243);
      dasm_put(Dst, 246);

      typedef struct {
      char * name;
      int args, addr;
      } stdfn;

      static stdfn stdfuncts = {
      {"Array", 1, 12},
      {"rand", 0, 16}, {"printf", -1, 20}, {"usleep", 1, 28},
      {"fprintf", -1, 36}, {"fgets", 3, 44},
      {"free", 1, 48}, {"freeLocal", 0, 52}, {"malloc", 1, 12}, {"exit", 1, 56},
      {"abort", 0, 60}, {"read", 3, 32}, {"write", 3, 40}, {"close", 1, 64}

      int buildstd(char * name) {
      size_t i = 0;
      for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {
      if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
      if (!strcmp(name, "Array")) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 249, 12, 24);
      } else {
      if (stdfuncts[i].args == -1) {
      uint32_t a = 0;
      do {
      dasm_put(Dst, 86, a);
      a += 4;
      } while (skip(","));
      } else {
      int arg = 0;
      for (; arg < stdfuncts[i].args; arg++) {
      dasm_put(Dst, 86, arg*4);
      dasm_put(Dst, 67, stdfuncts[i].addr);
      return 1;
      return 0;

      int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
      char * src;
      FILE * fp;
      size_t ssz;
      if (argc < 2) error("no given filename");
      fp = fopen(argv[1], "rb");
      ssz = 0;
      if (!fp) {
      struct stat sbuf;
      stat(argv[1], &sbuf);
      if (S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) {
      printf("Error: %s is a directory.n", argv[1]);
      fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
      ssz = ftell(fp);
      fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
      src = calloc(sizeof(char), ssz + 2);
      fread(src, sizeof(char), ssz, fp);
      return execute(src);

      Currently I'm working on splitting the code logically into source files because it could be a bit more readable anyway. Any tips would be appreciated.

      c interpreter

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Nov 16 at 14:41

      Krzysztof Szewczyk



          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote

          Overall code is written in a uniform style - good.

          Separate Code

          There is far too much code in one file. And even that is not organized enough. This is unmanageable and increases review/maintenance effort.

          Instead group like functions into several .c files and their corresponding declarations, typedefs, etc. into several .h. files.

          Avoid defining a declaration

          #define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst hides too much. Separate the type from the object.

          Allocate to the type

          Given the below, is the right type used?

          brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

          To be certain obliges a review of declaration of brks_tbelow.

          struct {
          unsigned int * addr;
          int count;
          } brks_t, rets_t;

          And code got it wrong. C does not define unsigned and uint32_t to be the same.

          Now try allocating to the sizeof the de-referenced object. This is easier to code right, review and maintain.

          brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof *brks_t.addr, 1);

          Minor point: calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) is usually coded number-of-elements, elements-size, so the following is typical.

          brks_t.addr = calloc(1, sizeof *brks_t.addr);

          Robust code checks is the allocation succeed.

          if (brks_t.addr == NULL) {

          Avoid unnecessary casts

          // memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
          memset(D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);

          Avoid magic numbers

          dasm_put(Dst, 246) means little. Perhaps:

          #define DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME 246
          dasm_put(Dst, DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME);

          Use bool

          Since C99, C has a boolean type _Bool.

          #include <stdbool.h>

          void cmpexpr() {
          // int and = 0, or = 0;
          bool and = 0, or = 0;

          Good use of size_t and array size calculations

          size_t i = 0;
          for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {

          Think positive

          Style issue. I find avoiding negation easier to follow

          if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
          // vs.
          if (strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name) == 0) {

          I've even gone to the point of defining a helper macro. Example:

          #define streq(a,b) (strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
          if (streq(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {

          Avoid excessive long lines

          Harder to review

          int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);


          int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) :
          v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) :
          v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);

          Either way, this should be handled with auto formatting using a width much less than 136 as above.

          Organize name space

          With global functions like error(), lex(), skip(), asmexpr(), etc., it is hard to follow code and know the source of a function. Consider a few common prefixes for the several large chunks of his code. (As you did with dasm_)

          Much more

          Only so much time. Sorry.


            Your Answer

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            1 Answer




            1 Answer










            up vote
            down vote

            Overall code is written in a uniform style - good.

            Separate Code

            There is far too much code in one file. And even that is not organized enough. This is unmanageable and increases review/maintenance effort.

            Instead group like functions into several .c files and their corresponding declarations, typedefs, etc. into several .h. files.

            Avoid defining a declaration

            #define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst hides too much. Separate the type from the object.

            Allocate to the type

            Given the below, is the right type used?

            brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

            To be certain obliges a review of declaration of brks_tbelow.

            struct {
            unsigned int * addr;
            int count;
            } brks_t, rets_t;

            And code got it wrong. C does not define unsigned and uint32_t to be the same.

            Now try allocating to the sizeof the de-referenced object. This is easier to code right, review and maintain.

            brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof *brks_t.addr, 1);

            Minor point: calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) is usually coded number-of-elements, elements-size, so the following is typical.

            brks_t.addr = calloc(1, sizeof *brks_t.addr);

            Robust code checks is the allocation succeed.

            if (brks_t.addr == NULL) {

            Avoid unnecessary casts

            // memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
            memset(D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);

            Avoid magic numbers

            dasm_put(Dst, 246) means little. Perhaps:

            #define DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME 246
            dasm_put(Dst, DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME);

            Use bool

            Since C99, C has a boolean type _Bool.

            #include <stdbool.h>

            void cmpexpr() {
            // int and = 0, or = 0;
            bool and = 0, or = 0;

            Good use of size_t and array size calculations

            size_t i = 0;
            for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {

            Think positive

            Style issue. I find avoiding negation easier to follow

            if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
            // vs.
            if (strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name) == 0) {

            I've even gone to the point of defining a helper macro. Example:

            #define streq(a,b) (strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
            if (streq(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {

            Avoid excessive long lines

            Harder to review

            int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);


            int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) :
            v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) :
            v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);

            Either way, this should be handled with auto formatting using a width much less than 136 as above.

            Organize name space

            With global functions like error(), lex(), skip(), asmexpr(), etc., it is hard to follow code and know the source of a function. Consider a few common prefixes for the several large chunks of his code. (As you did with dasm_)

            Much more

            Only so much time. Sorry.


              up vote
              down vote

              Overall code is written in a uniform style - good.

              Separate Code

              There is far too much code in one file. And even that is not organized enough. This is unmanageable and increases review/maintenance effort.

              Instead group like functions into several .c files and their corresponding declarations, typedefs, etc. into several .h. files.

              Avoid defining a declaration

              #define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst hides too much. Separate the type from the object.

              Allocate to the type

              Given the below, is the right type used?

              brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

              To be certain obliges a review of declaration of brks_tbelow.

              struct {
              unsigned int * addr;
              int count;
              } brks_t, rets_t;

              And code got it wrong. C does not define unsigned and uint32_t to be the same.

              Now try allocating to the sizeof the de-referenced object. This is easier to code right, review and maintain.

              brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof *brks_t.addr, 1);

              Minor point: calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) is usually coded number-of-elements, elements-size, so the following is typical.

              brks_t.addr = calloc(1, sizeof *brks_t.addr);

              Robust code checks is the allocation succeed.

              if (brks_t.addr == NULL) {

              Avoid unnecessary casts

              // memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
              memset(D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);

              Avoid magic numbers

              dasm_put(Dst, 246) means little. Perhaps:

              #define DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME 246
              dasm_put(Dst, DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME);

              Use bool

              Since C99, C has a boolean type _Bool.

              #include <stdbool.h>

              void cmpexpr() {
              // int and = 0, or = 0;
              bool and = 0, or = 0;

              Good use of size_t and array size calculations

              size_t i = 0;
              for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {

              Think positive

              Style issue. I find avoiding negation easier to follow

              if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
              // vs.
              if (strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name) == 0) {

              I've even gone to the point of defining a helper macro. Example:

              #define streq(a,b) (strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
              if (streq(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {

              Avoid excessive long lines

              Harder to review

              int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);


              int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) :
              v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) :
              v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);

              Either way, this should be handled with auto formatting using a width much less than 136 as above.

              Organize name space

              With global functions like error(), lex(), skip(), asmexpr(), etc., it is hard to follow code and know the source of a function. Consider a few common prefixes for the several large chunks of his code. (As you did with dasm_)

              Much more

              Only so much time. Sorry.


                up vote
                down vote

                up vote
                down vote

                Overall code is written in a uniform style - good.

                Separate Code

                There is far too much code in one file. And even that is not organized enough. This is unmanageable and increases review/maintenance effort.

                Instead group like functions into several .c files and their corresponding declarations, typedefs, etc. into several .h. files.

                Avoid defining a declaration

                #define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst hides too much. Separate the type from the object.

                Allocate to the type

                Given the below, is the right type used?

                brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

                To be certain obliges a review of declaration of brks_tbelow.

                struct {
                unsigned int * addr;
                int count;
                } brks_t, rets_t;

                And code got it wrong. C does not define unsigned and uint32_t to be the same.

                Now try allocating to the sizeof the de-referenced object. This is easier to code right, review and maintain.

                brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof *brks_t.addr, 1);

                Minor point: calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) is usually coded number-of-elements, elements-size, so the following is typical.

                brks_t.addr = calloc(1, sizeof *brks_t.addr);

                Robust code checks is the allocation succeed.

                if (brks_t.addr == NULL) {

                Avoid unnecessary casts

                // memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
                memset(D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);

                Avoid magic numbers

                dasm_put(Dst, 246) means little. Perhaps:

                #define DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME 246
                dasm_put(Dst, DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME);

                Use bool

                Since C99, C has a boolean type _Bool.

                #include <stdbool.h>

                void cmpexpr() {
                // int and = 0, or = 0;
                bool and = 0, or = 0;

                Good use of size_t and array size calculations

                size_t i = 0;
                for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {

                Think positive

                Style issue. I find avoiding negation easier to follow

                if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
                // vs.
                if (strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name) == 0) {

                I've even gone to the point of defining a helper macro. Example:

                #define streq(a,b) (strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
                if (streq(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {

                Avoid excessive long lines

                Harder to review

                int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);


                int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) :
                v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) :
                v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);

                Either way, this should be handled with auto formatting using a width much less than 136 as above.

                Organize name space

                With global functions like error(), lex(), skip(), asmexpr(), etc., it is hard to follow code and know the source of a function. Consider a few common prefixes for the several large chunks of his code. (As you did with dasm_)

                Much more

                Only so much time. Sorry.


                Overall code is written in a uniform style - good.

                Separate Code

                There is far too much code in one file. And even that is not organized enough. This is unmanageable and increases review/maintenance effort.

                Instead group like functions into several .c files and their corresponding declarations, typedefs, etc. into several .h. files.

                Avoid defining a declaration

                #define Dst_DECL dasm_State **Dst hides too much. Separate the type from the object.

                Allocate to the type

                Given the below, is the right type used?

                brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof(uint32_t), 1);

                To be certain obliges a review of declaration of brks_tbelow.

                struct {
                unsigned int * addr;
                int count;
                } brks_t, rets_t;

                And code got it wrong. C does not define unsigned and uint32_t to be the same.

                Now try allocating to the sizeof the de-referenced object. This is easier to code right, review and maintain.

                brks_t.addr = calloc(sizeof *brks_t.addr, 1);

                Minor point: calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) is usually coded number-of-elements, elements-size, so the following is typical.

                brks_t.addr = calloc(1, sizeof *brks_t.addr);

                Robust code checks is the allocation succeed.

                if (brks_t.addr == NULL) {

                Avoid unnecessary casts

                // memset((void *)D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);
                memset(D->lglabels, 0, D->lgsize);

                Avoid magic numbers

                dasm_put(Dst, 246) means little. Perhaps:

                #define DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME 246
                dasm_put(Dst, DTS_MEANINGFUL_NAME);

                Use bool

                Since C99, C has a boolean type _Bool.

                #include <stdbool.h>

                void cmpexpr() {
                // int and = 0, or = 0;
                bool and = 0, or = 0;

                Good use of size_t and array size calculations

                size_t i = 0;
                for (; i < sizeof(stdfuncts) / sizeof(stdfuncts[0]); i++) {

                Think positive

                Style issue. I find avoiding negation easier to follow

                if (!strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {
                // vs.
                if (strcmp(stdfuncts[i].name, name) == 0) {

                I've even gone to the point of defining a helper macro. Example:

                #define streq(a,b) (strcmp((a), (b)) == 0)
                if (streq(stdfuncts[i].name, name)) {

                Avoid excessive long lines

                Harder to review

                int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) : v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) : v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);


                int siz = (v->type == T_INT ? sizeof(int32_t) :
                v->type == T_STRING ? sizeof(int32_t *) :
                v->type == T_DOUBLE ? sizeof(double) : 4);

                Either way, this should be handled with auto formatting using a width much less than 136 as above.

                Organize name space

                With global functions like error(), lex(), skip(), asmexpr(), etc., it is hard to follow code and know the source of a function. Consider a few common prefixes for the several large chunks of his code. (As you did with dasm_)

                Much more

                Only so much time. Sorry.




                answered 4 mins ago





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