KnockoutJS doesn't bind fields that have been autocompleted


I'm using an external file where I get company data. The autocomplete works just fine, inputs get filled. But when I save the page into my database all the autocompleted fields don't get bind.

 public Save(saveorder: Boolean): void {
let order: Order = ko.toJS(OrderPage.Instance().Order);
let date = OrderPage.Instance().Order.DateAccepted;
let removefromorderlines: Array<number> = ;
OrderPage.Instance().j$.each(order.OrderLines, (index: number, orderline: OrderLine) => {
// Check if there are any orderlines that don't have a modelid
if (orderline.ArticleModelId == null) {
let previousindex: any = 0;
$.each(removefromorderlines, (index: number, orderlineindex: number) => {
order.OrderLines.splice(orderlineindex - previousindex, 1);
if (saveorder == true) {
OrderPage.Instance().ToggleDisableButton('btnSaveOrder', true);
webApi.Execute(HttpRequestType.Post, '/Order/SaveOrder', order, OrderPage.Instance().OnSaveSuccess, OrderPage.Instance().OnSaveError);

The data that is missing is inside of 'Order'. The data gets picked up as soon as I change anything about the inputs. I've tried to use "valueUpdate: 'input'" but no success so far.

This is my autocomplete code:

namespace Services {

interface kvkResult {
handelsnaam: string;
dossiernummer: number;
straat: string;
huisnummer: number;
huisnummertoevoeging: string;
postcode: string;
plaats: string;
ModelId: string;
displayname: string;
ContactPersonModelId: string;

interface Contact {
ModelId: string;
displayname: string;

export class kvkFactory
private ctlCompanyName: string;
private ctlContainerName: string;
private ctlCoc: string;
private ctlAddress: string;
private ctlAddressNumber: string;
private ctlAddressNumberSuffix: string;
private ctlZipCode: string;
private ctlTown: string;
private ctlModelId: string;
private ctlContactPersonModelId: string;

/** Function to Fetch data from kvk api
@ctlSearch: Input control for coc organisations
@ctlAutocompleteContainer: output control to display organisations result.
@ctlCocClass: output text control for Kamer voor koophandel nummer
@ctlAddressClass: output text control for address organisation
@ctlZipCodeClass: output text contorl for zip code organisation
@ctlTownClass: output text contorl for town of settlement organisation
constructor(ctlSearch: string, ctlAutocompleteContainer: string, ctlCompanyNameElement: string, ctlCocElement: string, ctlAddressElement: string, ctlAddressNumberElement: string, ctlAddressNumberSuffixElement: string, ctlZipCodeElement: string, ctlTownElement: string, ctlModelIdElement?: string, ctlContactPersonModelIdElement?: string, webapiurlforsearch?: string)
this.ctlCompanyName = ctlSearch;
this.ctlContainerName = ctlAutocompleteContainer;
this.ctlCompanyName = ctlCompanyNameElement;
this.ctlCoc = ctlCocElement;
this.ctlAddress = ctlAddressElement;
this.ctlAddressNumber = ctlAddressNumberElement;
this.ctlAddressNumberSuffix = ctlAddressNumberSuffixElement;
this.ctlZipCode = ctlZipCodeElement;
this.ctlTown = ctlTownElement;
this.ctlModelId = ctlModelIdElement;
this.ctlContactPersonModelId = ctlContactPersonModelIdElement;

$(this.ctlCompanyName).keyup(function () {
this.typingTimer = setTimeout(() => { kvkfactory.searchKvk(webapiurlforsearch); }, this.doneTypingInterval);

typingTimer: number;
datafound = (data: any): void =>
let resultobject: ResultObject<kvkResult> = data;
let companies = resultobject.Records;

$.each(companies, function (i, item) {
let entry: kvkResult = item;
$('table', kvkfactory.ctlContainerName).append("<tr class="auto-complete-item" data-modelid="" + entry.ModelId + " " data-contactpersonmodelid="" + entry.ContactPersonModelId +" "data-id="" + i + ""><td>" + entry.handelsnaam + "</td><td>" + entry.straat + " " + entry.huisnummer + "</td><td>" + entry.postcode + "</td><td>" + entry.plaats + "</td></tr>");

$(".auto-complete-item").on("click", function () {
let id: string = $(this).data("id");
let contactidnumber = 1;
let contactid: string = $(this).data('contactidnumber');
let modelid: string = $(this).data("modelid");
let contacts = companies[contactidnumber];
let organisationmodelid: string = null;
let count: number = 0;
let company: kvkResult = companies[id];
if (kvkfactory.ctlModelId != undefined && modelid!=null ) {

$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
let container = $(".auto-complete-container");

if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container...
&& container.has( === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
doneTypingInterval: number = 800;
searchKvk = (webapiurlforsearch?: string): void => {
if ($(this.ctlCompanyName).val().length >= 3) {
if (webapiurlforsearch == undefined) {
webapiurlforsearch = variables.websiteurl + "/Kvk/Getdata";
let val = $(this.ctlCompanyName).val();
webApi.Execute(HttpRequestType.Get, webapiurlforsearch, { name: val }, this.datafound, null);
} else {

let kvkfactory: Services.kvkFactory;

share|improve this question

  • How have you implemented autocomplete? With a plugin? Via a <datalist>?

    – user3297291
    Nov 22 '18 at 13:40

  • Through a simple class name. The autocomplete looks for the input names inside my html and replaces the values with the data from the autocomplete.

    – Carlove
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:38

  • If you change an input's value through code, without using knockout, you'll need to make sure knockout is updated. Knockout requires you to use a custom binding if you want to include custom input logic. If you share your autocomplete code I can show you how

    – user3297291
    Nov 22 '18 at 15:22

  • Ah, Stackoverflow didn't notify me of your comment. The autocomplete code is held inside an external file, away from the KO code.

    – Carlove
    Nov 23 '18 at 8:31

  • This answer explains how you can fix your issue. (After .val, trigger a .change to allow knockout to update its observables. Make sure to load jQuery before knockout).

    – user3297291
    Nov 23 '18 at 8:57


I'm using an external file where I get company data. The autocomplete works just fine, inputs get filled. But when I save the page into my database all the autocompleted fields don't get bind.

 public Save(saveorder: Boolean): void {
let order: Order = ko.toJS(OrderPage.Instance().Order);
let date = OrderPage.Instance().Order.DateAccepted;
let removefromorderlines: Array<number> = ;
OrderPage.Instance().j$.each(order.OrderLines, (index: number, orderline: OrderLine) => {
// Check if there are any orderlines that don't have a modelid
if (orderline.ArticleModelId == null) {
let previousindex: any = 0;
$.each(removefromorderlines, (index: number, orderlineindex: number) => {
order.OrderLines.splice(orderlineindex - previousindex, 1);
if (saveorder == true) {
OrderPage.Instance().ToggleDisableButton('btnSaveOrder', true);
webApi.Execute(HttpRequestType.Post, '/Order/SaveOrder', order, OrderPage.Instance().OnSaveSuccess, OrderPage.Instance().OnSaveError);

The data that is missing is inside of 'Order'. The data gets picked up as soon as I change anything about the inputs. I've tried to use "valueUpdate: 'input'" but no success so far.

This is my autocomplete code:

namespace Services {

interface kvkResult {
handelsnaam: string;
dossiernummer: number;
straat: string;
huisnummer: number;
huisnummertoevoeging: string;
postcode: string;
plaats: string;
ModelId: string;
displayname: string;
ContactPersonModelId: string;

interface Contact {
ModelId: string;
displayname: string;

export class kvkFactory
private ctlCompanyName: string;
private ctlContainerName: string;
private ctlCoc: string;
private ctlAddress: string;
private ctlAddressNumber: string;
private ctlAddressNumberSuffix: string;
private ctlZipCode: string;
private ctlTown: string;
private ctlModelId: string;
private ctlContactPersonModelId: string;

/** Function to Fetch data from kvk api
@ctlSearch: Input control for coc organisations
@ctlAutocompleteContainer: output control to display organisations result.
@ctlCocClass: output text control for Kamer voor koophandel nummer
@ctlAddressClass: output text control for address organisation
@ctlZipCodeClass: output text contorl for zip code organisation
@ctlTownClass: output text contorl for town of settlement organisation
constructor(ctlSearch: string, ctlAutocompleteContainer: string, ctlCompanyNameElement: string, ctlCocElement: string, ctlAddressElement: string, ctlAddressNumberElement: string, ctlAddressNumberSuffixElement: string, ctlZipCodeElement: string, ctlTownElement: string, ctlModelIdElement?: string, ctlContactPersonModelIdElement?: string, webapiurlforsearch?: string)
this.ctlCompanyName = ctlSearch;
this.ctlContainerName = ctlAutocompleteContainer;
this.ctlCompanyName = ctlCompanyNameElement;
this.ctlCoc = ctlCocElement;
this.ctlAddress = ctlAddressElement;
this.ctlAddressNumber = ctlAddressNumberElement;
this.ctlAddressNumberSuffix = ctlAddressNumberSuffixElement;
this.ctlZipCode = ctlZipCodeElement;
this.ctlTown = ctlTownElement;
this.ctlModelId = ctlModelIdElement;
this.ctlContactPersonModelId = ctlContactPersonModelIdElement;

$(this.ctlCompanyName).keyup(function () {
this.typingTimer = setTimeout(() => { kvkfactory.searchKvk(webapiurlforsearch); }, this.doneTypingInterval);

typingTimer: number;
datafound = (data: any): void =>
let resultobject: ResultObject<kvkResult> = data;
let companies = resultobject.Records;

$.each(companies, function (i, item) {
let entry: kvkResult = item;
$('table', kvkfactory.ctlContainerName).append("<tr class="auto-complete-item" data-modelid="" + entry.ModelId + " " data-contactpersonmodelid="" + entry.ContactPersonModelId +" "data-id="" + i + ""><td>" + entry.handelsnaam + "</td><td>" + entry.straat + " " + entry.huisnummer + "</td><td>" + entry.postcode + "</td><td>" + entry.plaats + "</td></tr>");

$(".auto-complete-item").on("click", function () {
let id: string = $(this).data("id");
let contactidnumber = 1;
let contactid: string = $(this).data('contactidnumber');
let modelid: string = $(this).data("modelid");
let contacts = companies[contactidnumber];
let organisationmodelid: string = null;
let count: number = 0;
let company: kvkResult = companies[id];
if (kvkfactory.ctlModelId != undefined && modelid!=null ) {

$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
let container = $(".auto-complete-container");

if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container...
&& container.has( === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
doneTypingInterval: number = 800;
searchKvk = (webapiurlforsearch?: string): void => {
if ($(this.ctlCompanyName).val().length >= 3) {
if (webapiurlforsearch == undefined) {
webapiurlforsearch = variables.websiteurl + "/Kvk/Getdata";
let val = $(this.ctlCompanyName).val();
webApi.Execute(HttpRequestType.Get, webapiurlforsearch, { name: val }, this.datafound, null);
} else {

let kvkfactory: Services.kvkFactory;

share|improve this question

  • How have you implemented autocomplete? With a plugin? Via a <datalist>?

    – user3297291
    Nov 22 '18 at 13:40

  • Through a simple class name. The autocomplete looks for the input names inside my html and replaces the values with the data from the autocomplete.

    – Carlove
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:38

  • If you change an input's value through code, without using knockout, you'll need to make sure knockout is updated. Knockout requires you to use a custom binding if you want to include custom input logic. If you share your autocomplete code I can show you how

    – user3297291
    Nov 22 '18 at 15:22

  • Ah, Stackoverflow didn't notify me of your comment. The autocomplete code is held inside an external file, away from the KO code.

    – Carlove
    Nov 23 '18 at 8:31

  • This answer explains how you can fix your issue. (After .val, trigger a .change to allow knockout to update its observables. Make sure to load jQuery before knockout).

    – user3297291
    Nov 23 '18 at 8:57




I'm using an external file where I get company data. The autocomplete works just fine, inputs get filled. But when I save the page into my database all the autocompleted fields don't get bind.

 public Save(saveorder: Boolean): void {
let order: Order = ko.toJS(OrderPage.Instance().Order);
let date = OrderPage.Instance().Order.DateAccepted;
let removefromorderlines: Array<number> = ;
OrderPage.Instance().j$.each(order.OrderLines, (index: number, orderline: OrderLine) => {
// Check if there are any orderlines that don't have a modelid
if (orderline.ArticleModelId == null) {
let previousindex: any = 0;
$.each(removefromorderlines, (index: number, orderlineindex: number) => {
order.OrderLines.splice(orderlineindex - previousindex, 1);
if (saveorder == true) {
OrderPage.Instance().ToggleDisableButton('btnSaveOrder', true);
webApi.Execute(HttpRequestType.Post, '/Order/SaveOrder', order, OrderPage.Instance().OnSaveSuccess, OrderPage.Instance().OnSaveError);

The data that is missing is inside of 'Order'. The data gets picked up as soon as I change anything about the inputs. I've tried to use "valueUpdate: 'input'" but no success so far.

This is my autocomplete code:

namespace Services {

interface kvkResult {
handelsnaam: string;
dossiernummer: number;
straat: string;
huisnummer: number;
huisnummertoevoeging: string;
postcode: string;
plaats: string;
ModelId: string;
displayname: string;
ContactPersonModelId: string;

interface Contact {
ModelId: string;
displayname: string;

export class kvkFactory
private ctlCompanyName: string;
private ctlContainerName: string;
private ctlCoc: string;
private ctlAddress: string;
private ctlAddressNumber: string;
private ctlAddressNumberSuffix: string;
private ctlZipCode: string;
private ctlTown: string;
private ctlModelId: string;
private ctlContactPersonModelId: string;

/** Function to Fetch data from kvk api
@ctlSearch: Input control for coc organisations
@ctlAutocompleteContainer: output control to display organisations result.
@ctlCocClass: output text control for Kamer voor koophandel nummer
@ctlAddressClass: output text control for address organisation
@ctlZipCodeClass: output text contorl for zip code organisation
@ctlTownClass: output text contorl for town of settlement organisation
constructor(ctlSearch: string, ctlAutocompleteContainer: string, ctlCompanyNameElement: string, ctlCocElement: string, ctlAddressElement: string, ctlAddressNumberElement: string, ctlAddressNumberSuffixElement: string, ctlZipCodeElement: string, ctlTownElement: string, ctlModelIdElement?: string, ctlContactPersonModelIdElement?: string, webapiurlforsearch?: string)
this.ctlCompanyName = ctlSearch;
this.ctlContainerName = ctlAutocompleteContainer;
this.ctlCompanyName = ctlCompanyNameElement;
this.ctlCoc = ctlCocElement;
this.ctlAddress = ctlAddressElement;
this.ctlAddressNumber = ctlAddressNumberElement;
this.ctlAddressNumberSuffix = ctlAddressNumberSuffixElement;
this.ctlZipCode = ctlZipCodeElement;
this.ctlTown = ctlTownElement;
this.ctlModelId = ctlModelIdElement;
this.ctlContactPersonModelId = ctlContactPersonModelIdElement;

$(this.ctlCompanyName).keyup(function () {
this.typingTimer = setTimeout(() => { kvkfactory.searchKvk(webapiurlforsearch); }, this.doneTypingInterval);

typingTimer: number;
datafound = (data: any): void =>
let resultobject: ResultObject<kvkResult> = data;
let companies = resultobject.Records;

$.each(companies, function (i, item) {
let entry: kvkResult = item;
$('table', kvkfactory.ctlContainerName).append("<tr class="auto-complete-item" data-modelid="" + entry.ModelId + " " data-contactpersonmodelid="" + entry.ContactPersonModelId +" "data-id="" + i + ""><td>" + entry.handelsnaam + "</td><td>" + entry.straat + " " + entry.huisnummer + "</td><td>" + entry.postcode + "</td><td>" + entry.plaats + "</td></tr>");

$(".auto-complete-item").on("click", function () {
let id: string = $(this).data("id");
let contactidnumber = 1;
let contactid: string = $(this).data('contactidnumber');
let modelid: string = $(this).data("modelid");
let contacts = companies[contactidnumber];
let organisationmodelid: string = null;
let count: number = 0;
let company: kvkResult = companies[id];
if (kvkfactory.ctlModelId != undefined && modelid!=null ) {

$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
let container = $(".auto-complete-container");

if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container...
&& container.has( === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
doneTypingInterval: number = 800;
searchKvk = (webapiurlforsearch?: string): void => {
if ($(this.ctlCompanyName).val().length >= 3) {
if (webapiurlforsearch == undefined) {
webapiurlforsearch = variables.websiteurl + "/Kvk/Getdata";
let val = $(this.ctlCompanyName).val();
webApi.Execute(HttpRequestType.Get, webapiurlforsearch, { name: val }, this.datafound, null);
} else {

let kvkfactory: Services.kvkFactory;

share|improve this question

I'm using an external file where I get company data. The autocomplete works just fine, inputs get filled. But when I save the page into my database all the autocompleted fields don't get bind.

 public Save(saveorder: Boolean): void {
let order: Order = ko.toJS(OrderPage.Instance().Order);
let date = OrderPage.Instance().Order.DateAccepted;
let removefromorderlines: Array<number> = ;
OrderPage.Instance().j$.each(order.OrderLines, (index: number, orderline: OrderLine) => {
// Check if there are any orderlines that don't have a modelid
if (orderline.ArticleModelId == null) {
let previousindex: any = 0;
$.each(removefromorderlines, (index: number, orderlineindex: number) => {
order.OrderLines.splice(orderlineindex - previousindex, 1);
if (saveorder == true) {
OrderPage.Instance().ToggleDisableButton('btnSaveOrder', true);
webApi.Execute(HttpRequestType.Post, '/Order/SaveOrder', order, OrderPage.Instance().OnSaveSuccess, OrderPage.Instance().OnSaveError);

The data that is missing is inside of 'Order'. The data gets picked up as soon as I change anything about the inputs. I've tried to use "valueUpdate: 'input'" but no success so far.

This is my autocomplete code:

namespace Services {

interface kvkResult {
handelsnaam: string;
dossiernummer: number;
straat: string;
huisnummer: number;
huisnummertoevoeging: string;
postcode: string;
plaats: string;
ModelId: string;
displayname: string;
ContactPersonModelId: string;

interface Contact {
ModelId: string;
displayname: string;

export class kvkFactory
private ctlCompanyName: string;
private ctlContainerName: string;
private ctlCoc: string;
private ctlAddress: string;
private ctlAddressNumber: string;
private ctlAddressNumberSuffix: string;
private ctlZipCode: string;
private ctlTown: string;
private ctlModelId: string;
private ctlContactPersonModelId: string;

/** Function to Fetch data from kvk api
@ctlSearch: Input control for coc organisations
@ctlAutocompleteContainer: output control to display organisations result.
@ctlCocClass: output text control for Kamer voor koophandel nummer
@ctlAddressClass: output text control for address organisation
@ctlZipCodeClass: output text contorl for zip code organisation
@ctlTownClass: output text contorl for town of settlement organisation
constructor(ctlSearch: string, ctlAutocompleteContainer: string, ctlCompanyNameElement: string, ctlCocElement: string, ctlAddressElement: string, ctlAddressNumberElement: string, ctlAddressNumberSuffixElement: string, ctlZipCodeElement: string, ctlTownElement: string, ctlModelIdElement?: string, ctlContactPersonModelIdElement?: string, webapiurlforsearch?: string)
this.ctlCompanyName = ctlSearch;
this.ctlContainerName = ctlAutocompleteContainer;
this.ctlCompanyName = ctlCompanyNameElement;
this.ctlCoc = ctlCocElement;
this.ctlAddress = ctlAddressElement;
this.ctlAddressNumber = ctlAddressNumberElement;
this.ctlAddressNumberSuffix = ctlAddressNumberSuffixElement;
this.ctlZipCode = ctlZipCodeElement;
this.ctlTown = ctlTownElement;
this.ctlModelId = ctlModelIdElement;
this.ctlContactPersonModelId = ctlContactPersonModelIdElement;

$(this.ctlCompanyName).keyup(function () {
this.typingTimer = setTimeout(() => { kvkfactory.searchKvk(webapiurlforsearch); }, this.doneTypingInterval);

typingTimer: number;
datafound = (data: any): void =>
let resultobject: ResultObject<kvkResult> = data;
let companies = resultobject.Records;

$.each(companies, function (i, item) {
let entry: kvkResult = item;
$('table', kvkfactory.ctlContainerName).append("<tr class="auto-complete-item" data-modelid="" + entry.ModelId + " " data-contactpersonmodelid="" + entry.ContactPersonModelId +" "data-id="" + i + ""><td>" + entry.handelsnaam + "</td><td>" + entry.straat + " " + entry.huisnummer + "</td><td>" + entry.postcode + "</td><td>" + entry.plaats + "</td></tr>");

$(".auto-complete-item").on("click", function () {
let id: string = $(this).data("id");
let contactidnumber = 1;
let contactid: string = $(this).data('contactidnumber');
let modelid: string = $(this).data("modelid");
let contacts = companies[contactidnumber];
let organisationmodelid: string = null;
let count: number = 0;
let company: kvkResult = companies[id];
if (kvkfactory.ctlModelId != undefined && modelid!=null ) {

$(document).mouseup(function (e) {
let container = $(".auto-complete-container");

if (! // if the target of the click isn't the container...
&& container.has( === 0) // ... nor a descendant of the container
doneTypingInterval: number = 800;
searchKvk = (webapiurlforsearch?: string): void => {
if ($(this.ctlCompanyName).val().length >= 3) {
if (webapiurlforsearch == undefined) {
webapiurlforsearch = variables.websiteurl + "/Kvk/Getdata";
let val = $(this.ctlCompanyName).val();
webApi.Execute(HttpRequestType.Get, webapiurlforsearch, { name: val }, this.datafound, null);
} else {

let kvkfactory: Services.kvkFactory;

c# knockout.js

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 23 '18 at 8:32


asked Nov 22 '18 at 13:02




  • How have you implemented autocomplete? With a plugin? Via a <datalist>?

    – user3297291
    Nov 22 '18 at 13:40

  • Through a simple class name. The autocomplete looks for the input names inside my html and replaces the values with the data from the autocomplete.

    – Carlove
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:38

  • If you change an input's value through code, without using knockout, you'll need to make sure knockout is updated. Knockout requires you to use a custom binding if you want to include custom input logic. If you share your autocomplete code I can show you how

    – user3297291
    Nov 22 '18 at 15:22

  • Ah, Stackoverflow didn't notify me of your comment. The autocomplete code is held inside an external file, away from the KO code.

    – Carlove
    Nov 23 '18 at 8:31

  • This answer explains how you can fix your issue. (After .val, trigger a .change to allow knockout to update its observables. Make sure to load jQuery before knockout).

    – user3297291
    Nov 23 '18 at 8:57

  • How have you implemented autocomplete? With a plugin? Via a <datalist>?

    – user3297291
    Nov 22 '18 at 13:40

  • Through a simple class name. The autocomplete looks for the input names inside my html and replaces the values with the data from the autocomplete.

    – Carlove
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:38

  • If you change an input's value through code, without using knockout, you'll need to make sure knockout is updated. Knockout requires you to use a custom binding if you want to include custom input logic. If you share your autocomplete code I can show you how

    – user3297291
    Nov 22 '18 at 15:22

  • Ah, Stackoverflow didn't notify me of your comment. The autocomplete code is held inside an external file, away from the KO code.

    – Carlove
    Nov 23 '18 at 8:31

  • This answer explains how you can fix your issue. (After .val, trigger a .change to allow knockout to update its observables. Make sure to load jQuery before knockout).

    – user3297291
    Nov 23 '18 at 8:57

How have you implemented autocomplete? With a plugin? Via a <datalist>?

– user3297291
Nov 22 '18 at 13:40

How have you implemented autocomplete? With a plugin? Via a <datalist>?

– user3297291
Nov 22 '18 at 13:40

Through a simple class name. The autocomplete looks for the input names inside my html and replaces the values with the data from the autocomplete.

– Carlove
Nov 22 '18 at 14:38

Through a simple class name. The autocomplete looks for the input names inside my html and replaces the values with the data from the autocomplete.

– Carlove
Nov 22 '18 at 14:38

If you change an input's value through code, without using knockout, you'll need to make sure knockout is updated. Knockout requires you to use a custom binding if you want to include custom input logic. If you share your autocomplete code I can show you how

– user3297291
Nov 22 '18 at 15:22

If you change an input's value through code, without using knockout, you'll need to make sure knockout is updated. Knockout requires you to use a custom binding if you want to include custom input logic. If you share your autocomplete code I can show you how

– user3297291
Nov 22 '18 at 15:22

Ah, Stackoverflow didn't notify me of your comment. The autocomplete code is held inside an external file, away from the KO code.

– Carlove
Nov 23 '18 at 8:31

Ah, Stackoverflow didn't notify me of your comment. The autocomplete code is held inside an external file, away from the KO code.

– Carlove
Nov 23 '18 at 8:31

This answer explains how you can fix your issue. (After .val, trigger a .change to allow knockout to update its observables. Make sure to load jQuery before knockout).

– user3297291
Nov 23 '18 at 8:57

This answer explains how you can fix your issue. (After .val, trigger a .change to allow knockout to update its observables. Make sure to load jQuery before knockout).

– user3297291
Nov 23 '18 at 8:57





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