D3 Updating stacked bar chart
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In my data there can be different number of rectangles in each stack.
Here is a picture:
When pressing the change bars layout the chart looks like this:
Since I might get bar chart stacked vertically or horizontally and different number of stacks I wasn't able use D3 stack function.
and had to do most of the calculation myself.
2 more important points:
my code is inside vuejs framework.
the variable
is 1 or 0, when it's 1 the stack is horizontal
when it's 0 the stack is vertical.
A couple of questions:
Is there a way to use the d3 stack or some other method to create this kind of chart?
I noticed that when I update the chart (in
each selected stage holds the y property, even though the data itself
(tasks) and stages in it don't hold it. How is that possible? It seems to me I have an issue but not sure.
Here is the an example of the data:
here is the code:
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export default {
name: 'TasksStackedBarChart',
props: ['tasks', 'svgWidth', 'svgHeight', 'stackedXorY'],
data() {
return {
svgMargin: { top: 20 },
barChartGroup: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
GbT: 50, // gap between tasks
stageWidth: 0,
toalStages: 0,
xPosOfTasks: ,
yScale: null,
yScaleDomainEnd: 0,
created() {
this.barChartGroup.width = this.svgWidth - this.Y_AXIS_WIDTH;
this.barChartGroup.height = this.svgHeight - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
this.barChartGroup.x = this.Y_AXIS_WIDTH;
this.barChartGroup.y = this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
this.toalStages = this.tasks.map(v => v.taskStages.length).reduce((s, v) => s + v, 0);
this.stageWidth = this.getStageWidth();
this.xPosOfTasks = this.getXPosOfTask(this.GbT, this.tasks, this.stageWidth, this.stackedXorY);
this.yScaleDomainEnd = this.getLongestTask();
this.yScale = this.getScaleForTask(this.barChartGroup.height, this.yScaleDomainEnd);
mounted() {
methods: {
getScaleForTask(rangeEnd, domainEnd) {
const calcRangeEnd = rangeEnd - this.svgMargin.top - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
return d3.scaleLinear()
.range([0, calcRangeEnd])
.domain([0, domainEnd]);
getLongestTask() {
return d3.max(this.tasks.map(t => t.taskTotalTime));
getStageWidth() { // will keep using this. to see if it's better to work like this or i should pass parameters
const numOfChartBars = this.stackedXorY ? this.toalStages : this.tasks.length;
return Math.floor((this.svgWidth - (this.GbT * (this.tasks.length + 1))) / numOfChartBars);
getPosOfStage(stage, stageIndex) {
const x = stageIndex * this.stageWidth * this.stackedXorY;
// this sets the bars at the bottom than this.yScale(s.y) moves them accordingly
const y = this.barChartGroup.height - this.yScale(stage.totalTime) - ((1 - this.stackedXorY) * this.yScale(stage.y));
return `translate(${x}, ${y})`;
getXPosOfTask(gapBetweenTasks, tasks, widthOfBar, stackedYorX) {
const newXPosOfTasks = [0]; // [gapBetweenTasks + 50];
for (let c = 0; c < tasks.length - 1; c += 1) {
const barsInTask = stackedYorX ? tasks[c].taskStages.length : 1;
const taskXPos = gapBetweenTasks + (barsInTask * widthOfBar) + newXPosOfTasks[c];
return newXPosOfTasks;
cumulativeTimeOfStages(taskStages) {
return taskStages.reduce((sums, curItem) => {
const newSum = sums[sums.length - 1] + curItem.totalTime;
return sums;
}, [0]);
reconstructedStageData(taskStages) {
const cumulativeSums = this.cumulativeTimeOfStages(taskStages);
return taskStages.map((stage, i) => ({ y: cumulativeSums[i], ...stage }));
chartBuilder() {
// clearing svg
const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
// adding Y axis
const yAxisScale = d3
.domain([this.yScaleDomainEnd, 0])
.range([0, this.svgHeight - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT - this.svgMargin.top]);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft().scale(yAxisScale);
const barChartGroup = svg
.attr('class', 'bar-chart-group')
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.barChartGroup.x},${this.barChartGroup.y})`);
const taskGroups = barChartGroup
.data(t => t)
.attr('class', (t, i) => `bar${i}`)
.attr('transform', (t, i) => `translate(${this.xPosOfTasks[i]},0)`);
const stageGroups = taskGroups
.data(t => this.reconstructedStageData(t.taskStages))
.attr('transform', (s, i) => this.getPosOfStage(s, i))
.attr('width', this.stageWidth)
.attr('height', s => this.yScale(s.totalTime))
.attr('fill', (d, i) => (i % 2 === 0 ? '#66ccff' : '#99ff66'))
.attr('style', 'stroke:rgb(150,150,150);stroke-width:2');
handleChartLayout() {
const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
this.tasks.forEach((task, taskIndex) => {
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.xPosOfTasks[taskIndex]}, 0)`)
.attr('transform', (s, i) => this.getPosOfStage(s, i))
.attr('width', this.stageWidth);
watch: {
stackedXorY() {
this.stageWidth = this.getStageWidth();
this.xPosOfTasks = this.getXPosOfTask(this.GbT, this.tasks, this.stageWidth, this.stackedXorY);
javascript ecmascript-6 data-visualization d3.js vue.js
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In my data there can be different number of rectangles in each stack.
Here is a picture:
When pressing the change bars layout the chart looks like this:
Since I might get bar chart stacked vertically or horizontally and different number of stacks I wasn't able use D3 stack function.
and had to do most of the calculation myself.
2 more important points:
my code is inside vuejs framework.
the variable
is 1 or 0, when it's 1 the stack is horizontal
when it's 0 the stack is vertical.
A couple of questions:
Is there a way to use the d3 stack or some other method to create this kind of chart?
I noticed that when I update the chart (in
each selected stage holds the y property, even though the data itself
(tasks) and stages in it don't hold it. How is that possible? It seems to me I have an issue but not sure.
Here is the an example of the data:
here is the code:
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export default {
name: 'TasksStackedBarChart',
props: ['tasks', 'svgWidth', 'svgHeight', 'stackedXorY'],
data() {
return {
svgMargin: { top: 20 },
barChartGroup: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
GbT: 50, // gap between tasks
stageWidth: 0,
toalStages: 0,
xPosOfTasks: ,
yScale: null,
yScaleDomainEnd: 0,
created() {
this.barChartGroup.width = this.svgWidth - this.Y_AXIS_WIDTH;
this.barChartGroup.height = this.svgHeight - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
this.barChartGroup.x = this.Y_AXIS_WIDTH;
this.barChartGroup.y = this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
this.toalStages = this.tasks.map(v => v.taskStages.length).reduce((s, v) => s + v, 0);
this.stageWidth = this.getStageWidth();
this.xPosOfTasks = this.getXPosOfTask(this.GbT, this.tasks, this.stageWidth, this.stackedXorY);
this.yScaleDomainEnd = this.getLongestTask();
this.yScale = this.getScaleForTask(this.barChartGroup.height, this.yScaleDomainEnd);
mounted() {
methods: {
getScaleForTask(rangeEnd, domainEnd) {
const calcRangeEnd = rangeEnd - this.svgMargin.top - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
return d3.scaleLinear()
.range([0, calcRangeEnd])
.domain([0, domainEnd]);
getLongestTask() {
return d3.max(this.tasks.map(t => t.taskTotalTime));
getStageWidth() { // will keep using this. to see if it's better to work like this or i should pass parameters
const numOfChartBars = this.stackedXorY ? this.toalStages : this.tasks.length;
return Math.floor((this.svgWidth - (this.GbT * (this.tasks.length + 1))) / numOfChartBars);
getPosOfStage(stage, stageIndex) {
const x = stageIndex * this.stageWidth * this.stackedXorY;
// this sets the bars at the bottom than this.yScale(s.y) moves them accordingly
const y = this.barChartGroup.height - this.yScale(stage.totalTime) - ((1 - this.stackedXorY) * this.yScale(stage.y));
return `translate(${x}, ${y})`;
getXPosOfTask(gapBetweenTasks, tasks, widthOfBar, stackedYorX) {
const newXPosOfTasks = [0]; // [gapBetweenTasks + 50];
for (let c = 0; c < tasks.length - 1; c += 1) {
const barsInTask = stackedYorX ? tasks[c].taskStages.length : 1;
const taskXPos = gapBetweenTasks + (barsInTask * widthOfBar) + newXPosOfTasks[c];
return newXPosOfTasks;
cumulativeTimeOfStages(taskStages) {
return taskStages.reduce((sums, curItem) => {
const newSum = sums[sums.length - 1] + curItem.totalTime;
return sums;
}, [0]);
reconstructedStageData(taskStages) {
const cumulativeSums = this.cumulativeTimeOfStages(taskStages);
return taskStages.map((stage, i) => ({ y: cumulativeSums[i], ...stage }));
chartBuilder() {
// clearing svg
const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
// adding Y axis
const yAxisScale = d3
.domain([this.yScaleDomainEnd, 0])
.range([0, this.svgHeight - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT - this.svgMargin.top]);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft().scale(yAxisScale);
const barChartGroup = svg
.attr('class', 'bar-chart-group')
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.barChartGroup.x},${this.barChartGroup.y})`);
const taskGroups = barChartGroup
.data(t => t)
.attr('class', (t, i) => `bar${i}`)
.attr('transform', (t, i) => `translate(${this.xPosOfTasks[i]},0)`);
const stageGroups = taskGroups
.data(t => this.reconstructedStageData(t.taskStages))
.attr('transform', (s, i) => this.getPosOfStage(s, i))
.attr('width', this.stageWidth)
.attr('height', s => this.yScale(s.totalTime))
.attr('fill', (d, i) => (i % 2 === 0 ? '#66ccff' : '#99ff66'))
.attr('style', 'stroke:rgb(150,150,150);stroke-width:2');
handleChartLayout() {
const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
this.tasks.forEach((task, taskIndex) => {
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.xPosOfTasks[taskIndex]}, 0)`)
.attr('transform', (s, i) => this.getPosOfStage(s, i))
.attr('width', this.stageWidth);
watch: {
stackedXorY() {
this.stageWidth = this.getStageWidth();
this.xPosOfTasks = this.getXPosOfTask(this.GbT, this.tasks, this.stageWidth, this.stackedXorY);
javascript ecmascript-6 data-visualization d3.js vue.js
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up vote
down vote
In my data there can be different number of rectangles in each stack.
Here is a picture:
When pressing the change bars layout the chart looks like this:
Since I might get bar chart stacked vertically or horizontally and different number of stacks I wasn't able use D3 stack function.
and had to do most of the calculation myself.
2 more important points:
my code is inside vuejs framework.
the variable
is 1 or 0, when it's 1 the stack is horizontal
when it's 0 the stack is vertical.
A couple of questions:
Is there a way to use the d3 stack or some other method to create this kind of chart?
I noticed that when I update the chart (in
each selected stage holds the y property, even though the data itself
(tasks) and stages in it don't hold it. How is that possible? It seems to me I have an issue but not sure.
Here is the an example of the data:
here is the code:
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export default {
name: 'TasksStackedBarChart',
props: ['tasks', 'svgWidth', 'svgHeight', 'stackedXorY'],
data() {
return {
svgMargin: { top: 20 },
barChartGroup: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
GbT: 50, // gap between tasks
stageWidth: 0,
toalStages: 0,
xPosOfTasks: ,
yScale: null,
yScaleDomainEnd: 0,
created() {
this.barChartGroup.width = this.svgWidth - this.Y_AXIS_WIDTH;
this.barChartGroup.height = this.svgHeight - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
this.barChartGroup.x = this.Y_AXIS_WIDTH;
this.barChartGroup.y = this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
this.toalStages = this.tasks.map(v => v.taskStages.length).reduce((s, v) => s + v, 0);
this.stageWidth = this.getStageWidth();
this.xPosOfTasks = this.getXPosOfTask(this.GbT, this.tasks, this.stageWidth, this.stackedXorY);
this.yScaleDomainEnd = this.getLongestTask();
this.yScale = this.getScaleForTask(this.barChartGroup.height, this.yScaleDomainEnd);
mounted() {
methods: {
getScaleForTask(rangeEnd, domainEnd) {
const calcRangeEnd = rangeEnd - this.svgMargin.top - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
return d3.scaleLinear()
.range([0, calcRangeEnd])
.domain([0, domainEnd]);
getLongestTask() {
return d3.max(this.tasks.map(t => t.taskTotalTime));
getStageWidth() { // will keep using this. to see if it's better to work like this or i should pass parameters
const numOfChartBars = this.stackedXorY ? this.toalStages : this.tasks.length;
return Math.floor((this.svgWidth - (this.GbT * (this.tasks.length + 1))) / numOfChartBars);
getPosOfStage(stage, stageIndex) {
const x = stageIndex * this.stageWidth * this.stackedXorY;
// this sets the bars at the bottom than this.yScale(s.y) moves them accordingly
const y = this.barChartGroup.height - this.yScale(stage.totalTime) - ((1 - this.stackedXorY) * this.yScale(stage.y));
return `translate(${x}, ${y})`;
getXPosOfTask(gapBetweenTasks, tasks, widthOfBar, stackedYorX) {
const newXPosOfTasks = [0]; // [gapBetweenTasks + 50];
for (let c = 0; c < tasks.length - 1; c += 1) {
const barsInTask = stackedYorX ? tasks[c].taskStages.length : 1;
const taskXPos = gapBetweenTasks + (barsInTask * widthOfBar) + newXPosOfTasks[c];
return newXPosOfTasks;
cumulativeTimeOfStages(taskStages) {
return taskStages.reduce((sums, curItem) => {
const newSum = sums[sums.length - 1] + curItem.totalTime;
return sums;
}, [0]);
reconstructedStageData(taskStages) {
const cumulativeSums = this.cumulativeTimeOfStages(taskStages);
return taskStages.map((stage, i) => ({ y: cumulativeSums[i], ...stage }));
chartBuilder() {
// clearing svg
const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
// adding Y axis
const yAxisScale = d3
.domain([this.yScaleDomainEnd, 0])
.range([0, this.svgHeight - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT - this.svgMargin.top]);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft().scale(yAxisScale);
const barChartGroup = svg
.attr('class', 'bar-chart-group')
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.barChartGroup.x},${this.barChartGroup.y})`);
const taskGroups = barChartGroup
.data(t => t)
.attr('class', (t, i) => `bar${i}`)
.attr('transform', (t, i) => `translate(${this.xPosOfTasks[i]},0)`);
const stageGroups = taskGroups
.data(t => this.reconstructedStageData(t.taskStages))
.attr('transform', (s, i) => this.getPosOfStage(s, i))
.attr('width', this.stageWidth)
.attr('height', s => this.yScale(s.totalTime))
.attr('fill', (d, i) => (i % 2 === 0 ? '#66ccff' : '#99ff66'))
.attr('style', 'stroke:rgb(150,150,150);stroke-width:2');
handleChartLayout() {
const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
this.tasks.forEach((task, taskIndex) => {
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.xPosOfTasks[taskIndex]}, 0)`)
.attr('transform', (s, i) => this.getPosOfStage(s, i))
.attr('width', this.stageWidth);
watch: {
stackedXorY() {
this.stageWidth = this.getStageWidth();
this.xPosOfTasks = this.getXPosOfTask(this.GbT, this.tasks, this.stageWidth, this.stackedXorY);
javascript ecmascript-6 data-visualization d3.js vue.js
In my data there can be different number of rectangles in each stack.
Here is a picture:
When pressing the change bars layout the chart looks like this:
Since I might get bar chart stacked vertically or horizontally and different number of stacks I wasn't able use D3 stack function.
and had to do most of the calculation myself.
2 more important points:
my code is inside vuejs framework.
the variable
is 1 or 0, when it's 1 the stack is horizontal
when it's 0 the stack is vertical.
A couple of questions:
Is there a way to use the d3 stack or some other method to create this kind of chart?
I noticed that when I update the chart (in
each selected stage holds the y property, even though the data itself
(tasks) and stages in it don't hold it. How is that possible? It seems to me I have an issue but not sure.
Here is the an example of the data:
here is the code:
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export default {
name: 'TasksStackedBarChart',
props: ['tasks', 'svgWidth', 'svgHeight', 'stackedXorY'],
data() {
return {
svgMargin: { top: 20 },
barChartGroup: {
width: 0,
height: 0,
x: 0,
y: 0,
GbT: 50, // gap between tasks
stageWidth: 0,
toalStages: 0,
xPosOfTasks: ,
yScale: null,
yScaleDomainEnd: 0,
created() {
this.barChartGroup.width = this.svgWidth - this.Y_AXIS_WIDTH;
this.barChartGroup.height = this.svgHeight - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
this.barChartGroup.x = this.Y_AXIS_WIDTH;
this.barChartGroup.y = this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
this.toalStages = this.tasks.map(v => v.taskStages.length).reduce((s, v) => s + v, 0);
this.stageWidth = this.getStageWidth();
this.xPosOfTasks = this.getXPosOfTask(this.GbT, this.tasks, this.stageWidth, this.stackedXorY);
this.yScaleDomainEnd = this.getLongestTask();
this.yScale = this.getScaleForTask(this.barChartGroup.height, this.yScaleDomainEnd);
mounted() {
methods: {
getScaleForTask(rangeEnd, domainEnd) {
const calcRangeEnd = rangeEnd - this.svgMargin.top - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT;
return d3.scaleLinear()
.range([0, calcRangeEnd])
.domain([0, domainEnd]);
getLongestTask() {
return d3.max(this.tasks.map(t => t.taskTotalTime));
getStageWidth() { // will keep using this. to see if it's better to work like this or i should pass parameters
const numOfChartBars = this.stackedXorY ? this.toalStages : this.tasks.length;
return Math.floor((this.svgWidth - (this.GbT * (this.tasks.length + 1))) / numOfChartBars);
getPosOfStage(stage, stageIndex) {
const x = stageIndex * this.stageWidth * this.stackedXorY;
// this sets the bars at the bottom than this.yScale(s.y) moves them accordingly
const y = this.barChartGroup.height - this.yScale(stage.totalTime) - ((1 - this.stackedXorY) * this.yScale(stage.y));
return `translate(${x}, ${y})`;
getXPosOfTask(gapBetweenTasks, tasks, widthOfBar, stackedYorX) {
const newXPosOfTasks = [0]; // [gapBetweenTasks + 50];
for (let c = 0; c < tasks.length - 1; c += 1) {
const barsInTask = stackedYorX ? tasks[c].taskStages.length : 1;
const taskXPos = gapBetweenTasks + (barsInTask * widthOfBar) + newXPosOfTasks[c];
return newXPosOfTasks;
cumulativeTimeOfStages(taskStages) {
return taskStages.reduce((sums, curItem) => {
const newSum = sums[sums.length - 1] + curItem.totalTime;
return sums;
}, [0]);
reconstructedStageData(taskStages) {
const cumulativeSums = this.cumulativeTimeOfStages(taskStages);
return taskStages.map((stage, i) => ({ y: cumulativeSums[i], ...stage }));
chartBuilder() {
// clearing svg
const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
// adding Y axis
const yAxisScale = d3
.domain([this.yScaleDomainEnd, 0])
.range([0, this.svgHeight - this.X_AXIS_HEIGHT - this.svgMargin.top]);
const yAxis = d3.axisLeft().scale(yAxisScale);
const barChartGroup = svg
.attr('class', 'bar-chart-group')
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.barChartGroup.x},${this.barChartGroup.y})`);
const taskGroups = barChartGroup
.data(t => t)
.attr('class', (t, i) => `bar${i}`)
.attr('transform', (t, i) => `translate(${this.xPosOfTasks[i]},0)`);
const stageGroups = taskGroups
.data(t => this.reconstructedStageData(t.taskStages))
.attr('transform', (s, i) => this.getPosOfStage(s, i))
.attr('width', this.stageWidth)
.attr('height', s => this.yScale(s.totalTime))
.attr('fill', (d, i) => (i % 2 === 0 ? '#66ccff' : '#99ff66'))
.attr('style', 'stroke:rgb(150,150,150);stroke-width:2');
handleChartLayout() {
const svg = d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks');
this.tasks.forEach((task, taskIndex) => {
.attr('transform', `translate(${this.xPosOfTasks[taskIndex]}, 0)`)
.attr('transform', (s, i) => this.getPosOfStage(s, i))
.attr('width', this.stageWidth);
watch: {
stackedXorY() {
this.stageWidth = this.getStageWidth();
this.xPosOfTasks = this.getXPosOfTask(this.GbT, this.tasks, this.stageWidth, this.stackedXorY);
javascript ecmascript-6 data-visualization d3.js vue.js
javascript ecmascript-6 data-visualization d3.js vue.js
edited 10 hours ago


Sᴀᴍ Onᴇᴌᴀ
asked Sep 29 at 16:06
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1 Answer
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Avoid the Toll cost of crossing the DOM bridge
...think of DOM as a piece of land and JavaScript (meaning ECMAScript) as another piece of land, both connected with a toll bridge
-quote from John Hrvatin, Microsoft, MIX09, in this talk Building High Performance Web Applications and Sites at 29:38, also included in the O'reilly Javascript book by Nicholas C Zakas Pg 36, also mentioned in this post
In your code I see d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks')
two times, as well as d3.selectAll('#stacked-svg-tasks')
. The last expression obviously works but the difference between .select()
and .selectAll()
is that the former uses document.querySelector()
whereas the latter uses document.querySelectorAll()
, which returns a NodeList instead of a single element - somewhat overkill for getting an element using the id attribute.
In the d3 documentation for .select()
we see the following:
If the selector is not a string, instead selects the specified node; this is useful if you already have a reference to a node1
Because you are using VueJS and have ref="stacked-svg-tasks"
on the <svg>
tag in the template, you can use $refs instead of querying the DOM each time to select that element.
So lines like this
const svg = d3.select("stacked-svg-tasks");
Could be updated like this:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs['stacked-svg-tasks']);
I would recommend switching to camelCase or at least something without the hyphens -
Then the dot notation (instead of bracket notation) can be used like below:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs.stackedSvgTasks);
Additionally, that reference svg
could be stored when the component is mounted (e.g. in the mounted method
) and re-used in other methods.
Beyond that, the code looks good. I like the use of const
by default for variables and only using let
for the iterator variable c
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1 Answer
1 Answer
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Avoid the Toll cost of crossing the DOM bridge
...think of DOM as a piece of land and JavaScript (meaning ECMAScript) as another piece of land, both connected with a toll bridge
-quote from John Hrvatin, Microsoft, MIX09, in this talk Building High Performance Web Applications and Sites at 29:38, also included in the O'reilly Javascript book by Nicholas C Zakas Pg 36, also mentioned in this post
In your code I see d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks')
two times, as well as d3.selectAll('#stacked-svg-tasks')
. The last expression obviously works but the difference between .select()
and .selectAll()
is that the former uses document.querySelector()
whereas the latter uses document.querySelectorAll()
, which returns a NodeList instead of a single element - somewhat overkill for getting an element using the id attribute.
In the d3 documentation for .select()
we see the following:
If the selector is not a string, instead selects the specified node; this is useful if you already have a reference to a node1
Because you are using VueJS and have ref="stacked-svg-tasks"
on the <svg>
tag in the template, you can use $refs instead of querying the DOM each time to select that element.
So lines like this
const svg = d3.select("stacked-svg-tasks");
Could be updated like this:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs['stacked-svg-tasks']);
I would recommend switching to camelCase or at least something without the hyphens -
Then the dot notation (instead of bracket notation) can be used like below:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs.stackedSvgTasks);
Additionally, that reference svg
could be stored when the component is mounted (e.g. in the mounted method
) and re-used in other methods.
Beyond that, the code looks good. I like the use of const
by default for variables and only using let
for the iterator variable c
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Avoid the Toll cost of crossing the DOM bridge
...think of DOM as a piece of land and JavaScript (meaning ECMAScript) as another piece of land, both connected with a toll bridge
-quote from John Hrvatin, Microsoft, MIX09, in this talk Building High Performance Web Applications and Sites at 29:38, also included in the O'reilly Javascript book by Nicholas C Zakas Pg 36, also mentioned in this post
In your code I see d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks')
two times, as well as d3.selectAll('#stacked-svg-tasks')
. The last expression obviously works but the difference between .select()
and .selectAll()
is that the former uses document.querySelector()
whereas the latter uses document.querySelectorAll()
, which returns a NodeList instead of a single element - somewhat overkill for getting an element using the id attribute.
In the d3 documentation for .select()
we see the following:
If the selector is not a string, instead selects the specified node; this is useful if you already have a reference to a node1
Because you are using VueJS and have ref="stacked-svg-tasks"
on the <svg>
tag in the template, you can use $refs instead of querying the DOM each time to select that element.
So lines like this
const svg = d3.select("stacked-svg-tasks");
Could be updated like this:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs['stacked-svg-tasks']);
I would recommend switching to camelCase or at least something without the hyphens -
Then the dot notation (instead of bracket notation) can be used like below:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs.stackedSvgTasks);
Additionally, that reference svg
could be stored when the component is mounted (e.g. in the mounted method
) and re-used in other methods.
Beyond that, the code looks good. I like the use of const
by default for variables and only using let
for the iterator variable c
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Avoid the Toll cost of crossing the DOM bridge
...think of DOM as a piece of land and JavaScript (meaning ECMAScript) as another piece of land, both connected with a toll bridge
-quote from John Hrvatin, Microsoft, MIX09, in this talk Building High Performance Web Applications and Sites at 29:38, also included in the O'reilly Javascript book by Nicholas C Zakas Pg 36, also mentioned in this post
In your code I see d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks')
two times, as well as d3.selectAll('#stacked-svg-tasks')
. The last expression obviously works but the difference between .select()
and .selectAll()
is that the former uses document.querySelector()
whereas the latter uses document.querySelectorAll()
, which returns a NodeList instead of a single element - somewhat overkill for getting an element using the id attribute.
In the d3 documentation for .select()
we see the following:
If the selector is not a string, instead selects the specified node; this is useful if you already have a reference to a node1
Because you are using VueJS and have ref="stacked-svg-tasks"
on the <svg>
tag in the template, you can use $refs instead of querying the DOM each time to select that element.
So lines like this
const svg = d3.select("stacked-svg-tasks");
Could be updated like this:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs['stacked-svg-tasks']);
I would recommend switching to camelCase or at least something without the hyphens -
Then the dot notation (instead of bracket notation) can be used like below:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs.stackedSvgTasks);
Additionally, that reference svg
could be stored when the component is mounted (e.g. in the mounted method
) and re-used in other methods.
Beyond that, the code looks good. I like the use of const
by default for variables and only using let
for the iterator variable c
Avoid the Toll cost of crossing the DOM bridge
...think of DOM as a piece of land and JavaScript (meaning ECMAScript) as another piece of land, both connected with a toll bridge
-quote from John Hrvatin, Microsoft, MIX09, in this talk Building High Performance Web Applications and Sites at 29:38, also included in the O'reilly Javascript book by Nicholas C Zakas Pg 36, also mentioned in this post
In your code I see d3.select('#stacked-svg-tasks')
two times, as well as d3.selectAll('#stacked-svg-tasks')
. The last expression obviously works but the difference between .select()
and .selectAll()
is that the former uses document.querySelector()
whereas the latter uses document.querySelectorAll()
, which returns a NodeList instead of a single element - somewhat overkill for getting an element using the id attribute.
In the d3 documentation for .select()
we see the following:
If the selector is not a string, instead selects the specified node; this is useful if you already have a reference to a node1
Because you are using VueJS and have ref="stacked-svg-tasks"
on the <svg>
tag in the template, you can use $refs instead of querying the DOM each time to select that element.
So lines like this
const svg = d3.select("stacked-svg-tasks");
Could be updated like this:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs['stacked-svg-tasks']);
I would recommend switching to camelCase or at least something without the hyphens -
Then the dot notation (instead of bracket notation) can be used like below:
const svg = d3.select(this.$refs.stackedSvgTasks);
Additionally, that reference svg
could be stored when the component is mounted (e.g. in the mounted method
) and re-used in other methods.
Beyond that, the code looks good. I like the use of const
by default for variables and only using let
for the iterator variable c
edited 9 hours ago
answered 10 hours ago


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