An attempt of replacing CRITICAL_SECTION with std::mutex and std::lock_guard



I have an older class that I am working on and I'm updating it to remove "Windows" specific code. It had some "Thread Protection Code" that used CRITICAL_SECTION. I'm in the process of changing the use of CRITICAL_SECTION to use std::mutex and std::lock_guard. One thing to take note of is that my class does have static functions and this class is of a singleton type.

This is what my old code would have looked like.


#pragma once

#include "Singleton.h"

class Logger final : public Singleton {
// enum here

// private variables not of concern

CRITICAL_SECTION criticalSection_;

explicit Logger( const std::string& filename );
virtual ~Logger();

static void log( const std::string& text, LoggerType type );
static void log( const std::ostringstream& stream, LoggerType type );
static void log( const char* text, LoggerType type )


#include "Logger.h"

#include "BlockThread.h" // old class that would block threads - replacing with mutex lock_guard

#include "TextFileWriter.h" // file handler the Logger uses to write text files

// since this is a singleton type class as I only want a single logger per
// application run; here I use a static pointer to this class, the reason
// the log functions are static to begin with.
static Logger* spLogger_ = nullptr;

Logger::Logger( const std::string& filename ) :
Singleton( LOGGER ) { // Base class takes an enum type of Singleton
// variable initializations
// ...
// ------------------------

InitializeCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );
BlockThread blockThread( criticalSection ); // Enter Critical Section

// Start the log file
TextFileWriter file( filename_, false, false ); //

spLogger_ = this;

Logger::~Logger() {
spLogger_ = nullptr;

DeleteCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );

void Logger::log( const std::string& text, LoggerType type ) {
log( text.c_str(), type );

void Logger::log( const std::ostringstream& stream, LoggerType type ) {
log( stream.str().c_str(), type );

void Logger::log( const char* text, LoggerType type ) {
if ( nullptr = spLogger_ ) {
// output error message

BlockThread blockThread( spLogger->criticalSection_ ); // Enter Critical Section

std::ostringstream stream;

// setup logger's text formatting

// get the date and time

// push the date and time into the stream

// push the text message into the stream

// print stream to console

try {
TextFileWriter file (spLogger_->filename_, true, false );
file.write( stream.str() );
} catch( ... ) {
// output error message failed to write to file.

If you need to see the BlockThread class I'll show it here just incase...


#pragma once

class BlockThread final {
CRITICAL_SECTION* criticalSection_;

explicit BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection );


#include "BlockThread.h"

BlockThread::BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection ) {
criticalSection_ = &criticalSection;
EnterCriticalSection( criticalSection_ );

BlockThread::~BlockThread() {
LeaveCriticalSection( criticalSection_ );

This was how my old classes were set up.

This is my attempt to remove BlockThread class and the CRITICAL_SECTION and its related functions by replacing them with std::mutex and std::lock_guard


#pragma once

#include "Singleton.h"

#include <mutex> // added this for mutex

class Logger final : public Singleton {
// public enum

// private members

static std::mutex critical_;

// constructor, destructor and log function declarations same as above



#include "Logger.h"

static Logger* spLogger_ = nullptr;
std::mutex Logger::critical_{};

Logger::Logger( const std::string& filename ) {
// init variables

// InitializeCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ )
// BlockThread blockThread( criticalSection_ );
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(critical_ );

TextFileWriter file( filename, false, false );

spLogger_ = this;

Logger::~Logger() {
spLogger_ = nullptr;

// DeleteCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );

// Left empty don't think I have to do anything since `lock_guard`
// is destroyed once it leaves its scope...

// skip the first two log functions no difference here...

void Logger::log( const char* text, LoggerType type ) {
// check if spLogger_ is null if so print error message & return

// BlockThread blockThread( spLogger_->criticalSection_ ); // Enter Critical Section

std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( spLogger_->criticalSection_ );

// text formatting, date-time and message

// print stream to console

// try catch block same as above.

There's a set of questions that are sort of related; that's why I feel they are all important in this situation...

What I would like to know:

  • Is the replacement of my original CRITICAL_SECTION it's related functions and my original BlockThread class with std::mutex and std::lock_guard correct?

  • Will this behave in the same manner or fashion?

  • If not what would be the correct way to replace them as I'm not real familiar with std::mutex & std::lock_guard? - I'm trying to get a better grasp and understanding of how to use them properly.

  • Is there anything that I am missing, any corner cases or code smell?

  • -Note- I'm not really concerned with the commented out code as I know the original class works fine; I'm mainly concerned where I made the replacements.

  • What can I do to make this code follow modern C++ standards; to make it portable, cross-platform capable etc.


One of the major motivations for writing this question is that I have other classes in a decent size library that had previously used CRITICAL_SECTION its related functions and my old BlockThread class. Once I know how to properly replace them with std::mutex, std::lock_guard or any of their variations... Then I should easily be able to replace all thread safety features in my library.

share|improve this question




    I have an older class that I am working on and I'm updating it to remove "Windows" specific code. It had some "Thread Protection Code" that used CRITICAL_SECTION. I'm in the process of changing the use of CRITICAL_SECTION to use std::mutex and std::lock_guard. One thing to take note of is that my class does have static functions and this class is of a singleton type.

    This is what my old code would have looked like.


    #pragma once

    #include "Singleton.h"

    class Logger final : public Singleton {
    // enum here

    // private variables not of concern

    CRITICAL_SECTION criticalSection_;

    explicit Logger( const std::string& filename );
    virtual ~Logger();

    static void log( const std::string& text, LoggerType type );
    static void log( const std::ostringstream& stream, LoggerType type );
    static void log( const char* text, LoggerType type )


    #include "Logger.h"

    #include "BlockThread.h" // old class that would block threads - replacing with mutex lock_guard

    #include "TextFileWriter.h" // file handler the Logger uses to write text files

    // since this is a singleton type class as I only want a single logger per
    // application run; here I use a static pointer to this class, the reason
    // the log functions are static to begin with.
    static Logger* spLogger_ = nullptr;

    Logger::Logger( const std::string& filename ) :
    Singleton( LOGGER ) { // Base class takes an enum type of Singleton
    // variable initializations
    // ...
    // ------------------------

    InitializeCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );
    BlockThread blockThread( criticalSection ); // Enter Critical Section

    // Start the log file
    TextFileWriter file( filename_, false, false ); //

    spLogger_ = this;

    Logger::~Logger() {
    spLogger_ = nullptr;

    DeleteCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );

    void Logger::log( const std::string& text, LoggerType type ) {
    log( text.c_str(), type );

    void Logger::log( const std::ostringstream& stream, LoggerType type ) {
    log( stream.str().c_str(), type );

    void Logger::log( const char* text, LoggerType type ) {
    if ( nullptr = spLogger_ ) {
    // output error message

    BlockThread blockThread( spLogger->criticalSection_ ); // Enter Critical Section

    std::ostringstream stream;

    // setup logger's text formatting

    // get the date and time

    // push the date and time into the stream

    // push the text message into the stream

    // print stream to console

    try {
    TextFileWriter file (spLogger_->filename_, true, false );
    file.write( stream.str() );
    } catch( ... ) {
    // output error message failed to write to file.

    If you need to see the BlockThread class I'll show it here just incase...


    #pragma once

    class BlockThread final {
    CRITICAL_SECTION* criticalSection_;

    explicit BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection );


    #include "BlockThread.h"

    BlockThread::BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection ) {
    criticalSection_ = &criticalSection;
    EnterCriticalSection( criticalSection_ );

    BlockThread::~BlockThread() {
    LeaveCriticalSection( criticalSection_ );

    This was how my old classes were set up.

    This is my attempt to remove BlockThread class and the CRITICAL_SECTION and its related functions by replacing them with std::mutex and std::lock_guard


    #pragma once

    #include "Singleton.h"

    #include <mutex> // added this for mutex

    class Logger final : public Singleton {
    // public enum

    // private members

    static std::mutex critical_;

    // constructor, destructor and log function declarations same as above



    #include "Logger.h"

    static Logger* spLogger_ = nullptr;
    std::mutex Logger::critical_{};

    Logger::Logger( const std::string& filename ) {
    // init variables

    // InitializeCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ )
    // BlockThread blockThread( criticalSection_ );
    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(critical_ );

    TextFileWriter file( filename, false, false );

    spLogger_ = this;

    Logger::~Logger() {
    spLogger_ = nullptr;

    // DeleteCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );

    // Left empty don't think I have to do anything since `lock_guard`
    // is destroyed once it leaves its scope...

    // skip the first two log functions no difference here...

    void Logger::log( const char* text, LoggerType type ) {
    // check if spLogger_ is null if so print error message & return

    // BlockThread blockThread( spLogger_->criticalSection_ ); // Enter Critical Section

    std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( spLogger_->criticalSection_ );

    // text formatting, date-time and message

    // print stream to console

    // try catch block same as above.

    There's a set of questions that are sort of related; that's why I feel they are all important in this situation...

    What I would like to know:

    • Is the replacement of my original CRITICAL_SECTION it's related functions and my original BlockThread class with std::mutex and std::lock_guard correct?

    • Will this behave in the same manner or fashion?

    • If not what would be the correct way to replace them as I'm not real familiar with std::mutex & std::lock_guard? - I'm trying to get a better grasp and understanding of how to use them properly.

    • Is there anything that I am missing, any corner cases or code smell?

    • -Note- I'm not really concerned with the commented out code as I know the original class works fine; I'm mainly concerned where I made the replacements.

    • What can I do to make this code follow modern C++ standards; to make it portable, cross-platform capable etc.


    One of the major motivations for writing this question is that I have other classes in a decent size library that had previously used CRITICAL_SECTION its related functions and my old BlockThread class. Once I know how to properly replace them with std::mutex, std::lock_guard or any of their variations... Then I should easily be able to replace all thread safety features in my library.

    share|improve this question






      I have an older class that I am working on and I'm updating it to remove "Windows" specific code. It had some "Thread Protection Code" that used CRITICAL_SECTION. I'm in the process of changing the use of CRITICAL_SECTION to use std::mutex and std::lock_guard. One thing to take note of is that my class does have static functions and this class is of a singleton type.

      This is what my old code would have looked like.


      #pragma once

      #include "Singleton.h"

      class Logger final : public Singleton {
      // enum here

      // private variables not of concern

      CRITICAL_SECTION criticalSection_;

      explicit Logger( const std::string& filename );
      virtual ~Logger();

      static void log( const std::string& text, LoggerType type );
      static void log( const std::ostringstream& stream, LoggerType type );
      static void log( const char* text, LoggerType type )


      #include "Logger.h"

      #include "BlockThread.h" // old class that would block threads - replacing with mutex lock_guard

      #include "TextFileWriter.h" // file handler the Logger uses to write text files

      // since this is a singleton type class as I only want a single logger per
      // application run; here I use a static pointer to this class, the reason
      // the log functions are static to begin with.
      static Logger* spLogger_ = nullptr;

      Logger::Logger( const std::string& filename ) :
      Singleton( LOGGER ) { // Base class takes an enum type of Singleton
      // variable initializations
      // ...
      // ------------------------

      InitializeCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );
      BlockThread blockThread( criticalSection ); // Enter Critical Section

      // Start the log file
      TextFileWriter file( filename_, false, false ); //

      spLogger_ = this;

      Logger::~Logger() {
      spLogger_ = nullptr;

      DeleteCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );

      void Logger::log( const std::string& text, LoggerType type ) {
      log( text.c_str(), type );

      void Logger::log( const std::ostringstream& stream, LoggerType type ) {
      log( stream.str().c_str(), type );

      void Logger::log( const char* text, LoggerType type ) {
      if ( nullptr = spLogger_ ) {
      // output error message

      BlockThread blockThread( spLogger->criticalSection_ ); // Enter Critical Section

      std::ostringstream stream;

      // setup logger's text formatting

      // get the date and time

      // push the date and time into the stream

      // push the text message into the stream

      // print stream to console

      try {
      TextFileWriter file (spLogger_->filename_, true, false );
      file.write( stream.str() );
      } catch( ... ) {
      // output error message failed to write to file.

      If you need to see the BlockThread class I'll show it here just incase...


      #pragma once

      class BlockThread final {
      CRITICAL_SECTION* criticalSection_;

      explicit BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection );


      #include "BlockThread.h"

      BlockThread::BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection ) {
      criticalSection_ = &criticalSection;
      EnterCriticalSection( criticalSection_ );

      BlockThread::~BlockThread() {
      LeaveCriticalSection( criticalSection_ );

      This was how my old classes were set up.

      This is my attempt to remove BlockThread class and the CRITICAL_SECTION and its related functions by replacing them with std::mutex and std::lock_guard


      #pragma once

      #include "Singleton.h"

      #include <mutex> // added this for mutex

      class Logger final : public Singleton {
      // public enum

      // private members

      static std::mutex critical_;

      // constructor, destructor and log function declarations same as above



      #include "Logger.h"

      static Logger* spLogger_ = nullptr;
      std::mutex Logger::critical_{};

      Logger::Logger( const std::string& filename ) {
      // init variables

      // InitializeCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ )
      // BlockThread blockThread( criticalSection_ );
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(critical_ );

      TextFileWriter file( filename, false, false );

      spLogger_ = this;

      Logger::~Logger() {
      spLogger_ = nullptr;

      // DeleteCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );

      // Left empty don't think I have to do anything since `lock_guard`
      // is destroyed once it leaves its scope...

      // skip the first two log functions no difference here...

      void Logger::log( const char* text, LoggerType type ) {
      // check if spLogger_ is null if so print error message & return

      // BlockThread blockThread( spLogger_->criticalSection_ ); // Enter Critical Section

      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( spLogger_->criticalSection_ );

      // text formatting, date-time and message

      // print stream to console

      // try catch block same as above.

      There's a set of questions that are sort of related; that's why I feel they are all important in this situation...

      What I would like to know:

      • Is the replacement of my original CRITICAL_SECTION it's related functions and my original BlockThread class with std::mutex and std::lock_guard correct?

      • Will this behave in the same manner or fashion?

      • If not what would be the correct way to replace them as I'm not real familiar with std::mutex & std::lock_guard? - I'm trying to get a better grasp and understanding of how to use them properly.

      • Is there anything that I am missing, any corner cases or code smell?

      • -Note- I'm not really concerned with the commented out code as I know the original class works fine; I'm mainly concerned where I made the replacements.

      • What can I do to make this code follow modern C++ standards; to make it portable, cross-platform capable etc.


      One of the major motivations for writing this question is that I have other classes in a decent size library that had previously used CRITICAL_SECTION its related functions and my old BlockThread class. Once I know how to properly replace them with std::mutex, std::lock_guard or any of their variations... Then I should easily be able to replace all thread safety features in my library.

      share|improve this question


      I have an older class that I am working on and I'm updating it to remove "Windows" specific code. It had some "Thread Protection Code" that used CRITICAL_SECTION. I'm in the process of changing the use of CRITICAL_SECTION to use std::mutex and std::lock_guard. One thing to take note of is that my class does have static functions and this class is of a singleton type.

      This is what my old code would have looked like.


      #pragma once

      #include "Singleton.h"

      class Logger final : public Singleton {
      // enum here

      // private variables not of concern

      CRITICAL_SECTION criticalSection_;

      explicit Logger( const std::string& filename );
      virtual ~Logger();

      static void log( const std::string& text, LoggerType type );
      static void log( const std::ostringstream& stream, LoggerType type );
      static void log( const char* text, LoggerType type )


      #include "Logger.h"

      #include "BlockThread.h" // old class that would block threads - replacing with mutex lock_guard

      #include "TextFileWriter.h" // file handler the Logger uses to write text files

      // since this is a singleton type class as I only want a single logger per
      // application run; here I use a static pointer to this class, the reason
      // the log functions are static to begin with.
      static Logger* spLogger_ = nullptr;

      Logger::Logger( const std::string& filename ) :
      Singleton( LOGGER ) { // Base class takes an enum type of Singleton
      // variable initializations
      // ...
      // ------------------------

      InitializeCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );
      BlockThread blockThread( criticalSection ); // Enter Critical Section

      // Start the log file
      TextFileWriter file( filename_, false, false ); //

      spLogger_ = this;

      Logger::~Logger() {
      spLogger_ = nullptr;

      DeleteCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );

      void Logger::log( const std::string& text, LoggerType type ) {
      log( text.c_str(), type );

      void Logger::log( const std::ostringstream& stream, LoggerType type ) {
      log( stream.str().c_str(), type );

      void Logger::log( const char* text, LoggerType type ) {
      if ( nullptr = spLogger_ ) {
      // output error message

      BlockThread blockThread( spLogger->criticalSection_ ); // Enter Critical Section

      std::ostringstream stream;

      // setup logger's text formatting

      // get the date and time

      // push the date and time into the stream

      // push the text message into the stream

      // print stream to console

      try {
      TextFileWriter file (spLogger_->filename_, true, false );
      file.write( stream.str() );
      } catch( ... ) {
      // output error message failed to write to file.

      If you need to see the BlockThread class I'll show it here just incase...


      #pragma once

      class BlockThread final {
      CRITICAL_SECTION* criticalSection_;

      explicit BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection );


      #include "BlockThread.h"

      BlockThread::BlockThread( CRITICAL_SECTION& criticalSection ) {
      criticalSection_ = &criticalSection;
      EnterCriticalSection( criticalSection_ );

      BlockThread::~BlockThread() {
      LeaveCriticalSection( criticalSection_ );

      This was how my old classes were set up.

      This is my attempt to remove BlockThread class and the CRITICAL_SECTION and its related functions by replacing them with std::mutex and std::lock_guard


      #pragma once

      #include "Singleton.h"

      #include <mutex> // added this for mutex

      class Logger final : public Singleton {
      // public enum

      // private members

      static std::mutex critical_;

      // constructor, destructor and log function declarations same as above



      #include "Logger.h"

      static Logger* spLogger_ = nullptr;
      std::mutex Logger::critical_{};

      Logger::Logger( const std::string& filename ) {
      // init variables

      // InitializeCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ )
      // BlockThread blockThread( criticalSection_ );
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(critical_ );

      TextFileWriter file( filename, false, false );

      spLogger_ = this;

      Logger::~Logger() {
      spLogger_ = nullptr;

      // DeleteCriticalSection( &criticalSection_ );

      // Left empty don't think I have to do anything since `lock_guard`
      // is destroyed once it leaves its scope...

      // skip the first two log functions no difference here...

      void Logger::log( const char* text, LoggerType type ) {
      // check if spLogger_ is null if so print error message & return

      // BlockThread blockThread( spLogger_->criticalSection_ ); // Enter Critical Section

      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( spLogger_->criticalSection_ );

      // text formatting, date-time and message

      // print stream to console

      // try catch block same as above.

      There's a set of questions that are sort of related; that's why I feel they are all important in this situation...

      What I would like to know:

      • Is the replacement of my original CRITICAL_SECTION it's related functions and my original BlockThread class with std::mutex and std::lock_guard correct?

      • Will this behave in the same manner or fashion?

      • If not what would be the correct way to replace them as I'm not real familiar with std::mutex & std::lock_guard? - I'm trying to get a better grasp and understanding of how to use them properly.

      • Is there anything that I am missing, any corner cases or code smell?

      • -Note- I'm not really concerned with the commented out code as I know the original class works fine; I'm mainly concerned where I made the replacements.

      • What can I do to make this code follow modern C++ standards; to make it portable, cross-platform capable etc.


      One of the major motivations for writing this question is that I have other classes in a decent size library that had previously used CRITICAL_SECTION its related functions and my old BlockThread class. Once I know how to properly replace them with std::mutex, std::lock_guard or any of their variations... Then I should easily be able to replace all thread safety features in my library.

      c++ thread-safety locking

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 6 mins ago

      Francis Cugler

      asked 11 mins ago

      Francis CuglerFrancis Cugler







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