SUPER BEGINNER: Check my code Printing Score is the issue



This code doesn't allow me to do anything when I added a scoring method.If someone can show me how to use a class that'd be extra helpful.

import random
import pygame
import time
import os

screenwd = 1200
screenht = 800

yellow = (255,255, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0,0,0)

carwd = 80
carht = 60

starttime = 6000

window = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwd, screenht))
pygame.display.set_caption('Spell Me')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
starttime = 6000
carim = pygame.image.load('CAR.png')
bg = pygame.image.load('BG.jpeg')

BlockA = pygame.image.load('blockA.png')
BlockB = pygame.image.load('blockB.png')
BlockC = pygame.image.load('blockC.png')
BlockD = pygame.image.load('blockD.png')
BlockE = pygame.image.load('blockE.png')
BlockCir = pygame.image.load('blockCir.png')
BlockO = pygame.image.load('blockCir copy.png')

def objecta(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockA, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectb(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockB, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectc(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockC, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectd(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockD, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objecte(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockE, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectcir(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockCir, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectO(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockO, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def car(carstartx,carstarty):
window.blit(carim, (carstartx, carstarty))

def msgwintext(text, font):
msgwinsurf = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurf, msgwinsurf.get_rect()

def msgwintexts(text, font):
msgwinsurfs = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurfs, msgwinsurfs.get_rect()

def messagedisplay(text):
Bigmsg = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 86)
msgwinsurf, msgwinrect = msgwintext(text,Bigmsg) = ((screenwd/2),(screenht/6))
window.blit(msgwinsurf, msgwinrect)




def displayscore(text):
Bigmsgs = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects = msgwintexts(text,Bigmsgs) = ((50),(50))
window.blit(msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects)




def crashed():
messagedisplay("You Have Crashed!")
global points
points = False
global Pscore
Pscore= 0

def Notime():
messagedisplay('You ran out of nTime!')

def score(goal):
displayscore("SCORE: " + goal)
window.blit(text, [0,0])

def gameloop():
carstartx = (screenwd * 0.45)
carstarty = (screenht * 0.92)

velx = 0
velp = 0
Pscore = 0
points = 0

aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
aobjectsarty = -600
aobjectvel = 22
aobjectwidth = 100
aobjectheight = 75

bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
bobjectsarty = -600
bobjectvel = 25
bobjectwidth = 100
bobjectheight = 75

cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
cobjectsarty = -600
cobjectvel = 27
cobjectwidth = 100
cobjectheight = 75

dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
dobjectsarty = -600
dobjectvel = 35
dobjectwidth = 100
dobjectheight = 75

eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
eobjectsarty = -600
eobjectvel = 32
eobjectwidth = 100
eobjectheight = 75

objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsarty = -600
objectvel = 80
objectwidth = 80
objectheight = 55

objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsartyc = -600
objectvelc = 85
objectwidthc = 80
objectheightc = 55

gameexit = False
while not gameexit:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
velx = -20
velp = 0.25
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 20
velp = 0.25
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 0
#if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
#f event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
#vely = 15
#if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = -15
#if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
#if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = 0

carstartx += velx
points += velp
#carstarty += vely
window.blit(bg, (0,0))
objecta(aobjectsartx, aobjectsarty, aobjectwidth, aobjectheight)
objectb(bobjectsartx, bobjectsarty, bobjectwidth, bobjectheight)
objectc(cobjectsartx, cobjectsarty, cobjectwidth, cobjectheight)
objectd(dobjectsartx, dobjectsarty, dobjectwidth, dobjectheight)
objecte(eobjectsartx, eobjectsarty, eobjectwidth, eobjectheight)
objectcir(objectsartx, objectsarty, objectwidth, objectheight)
objectO(objectsartxc, objectsartyc, objectwidthc, objectheightc)

aobjectsarty += aobjectvel
bobjectsarty += bobjectvel
cobjectsarty += cobjectvel
dobjectsarty += dobjectvel
eobjectsarty += eobjectvel
objectsarty += objectvel
objectsartyc += objectvelc


if carstartx > screenwd - carwd or carstartx < 5:

if aobjectsarty > screenht:
aobjectsarty = 0 - aobjectheight
aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < aobjectsarty + aobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > aobjectsartx and carstartx < aobjectsartx + aobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > aobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < aobjectsartx + aobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')
if bobjectsarty > screenht:
bobjectsarty = 0 - bobjectheight
bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < bobjectsarty + bobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > bobjectsartx and carstartx < bobjectsartx + bobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > bobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < bobjectsartx + bobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if cobjectsarty > screenht:
cobjectsarty = 0 - cobjectheight
cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < cobjectsarty + cobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > cobjectsartx and carstartx < cobjectsartx + cobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > cobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < cobjectsartx + cobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if dobjectsarty > screenht:
dobjectsarty = 0 - dobjectheight
dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < dobjectsarty + dobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > dobjectsartx and carstartx < dobjectsartx + dobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > dobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < dobjectsartx + dobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if eobjectsarty > screenht:
eobjectsarty = 0 - eobjectheight
eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < eobjectsarty + eobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > eobjectsartx and carstartx < eobjectsartx + eobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > eobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < eobjectsartx + eobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsarty > screenht:
objectsarty = 0 - objectheight
objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < objectsarty + objectheight:
print('y axis ')

if carstartx > objectsartx and carstartx < objectsartx + objectheight or carstartx + carwd > objectsartx and carstartx + carwd < objectsartx + objectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsartyc > screenht:
objectsartyc = 0 - objectheightc
objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
points = False
while not points:
goal = Pscore


screenwd = 1200
screenht = 800

yellow = (255,255, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0,0,0)

carwd = 80
carht = 60

starttime = 6000

window = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwd, screenht))
pygame.display.set_caption('Spell Me')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
starttime = 6000
carim = pygame.image.load('CAR.png')
bg = pygame.image.load('BG.jpeg')

BlockA = pygame.image.load('blockA.png')
BlockB = pygame.image.load('blockB.png')
BlockC = pygame.image.load('blockC.png')
BlockD = pygame.image.load('blockD.png')
BlockE = pygame.image.load('blockE.png')
BlockCir = pygame.image.load('blockCir.png')
BlockO = pygame.image.load('blockCir copy.png')

def objecta(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockA, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectb(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockB, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectc(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockC, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectd(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockD, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objecte(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockE, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectcir(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockCir, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectO(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockO, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def car(carstartx,carstarty):
window.blit(carim, (carstartx, carstarty))

def msgwintext(text, font):
msgwinsurf = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurf, msgwinsurf.get_rect()

def msgwintexts(text, font):
msgwinsurfs = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurfs, msgwinsurfs.get_rect()

def messagedisplay(text):
Bigmsg = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 86)
msgwinsurf, msgwinrect = msgwintext(text,Bigmsg) = ((screenwd/2),(screenht/6))
window.blit(msgwinsurf, msgwinrect)




def displayscore(text):
Bigmsgs = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects = msgwintexts(text,Bigmsgs) = ((50),(50))
window.blit(msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects)




def crashed():
messagedisplay("You Have Crashed!")
global points
points = False
global Pscore
Pscore= 0

def Notime():
messagedisplay('You ran out of nTime!')

def score(goal):
displayscore("SCORE: " + goal)
window.blit(text, [0,0])

def gameloop():
carstartx = (screenwd * 0.45)
carstarty = (screenht * 0.92)

velx = 0
velp = 0
Pscore = 0
points = 0

aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
aobjectsarty = -600
aobjectvel = 22
aobjectwidth = 100
aobjectheight = 75

bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
bobjectsarty = -600
bobjectvel = 25
bobjectwidth = 100
bobjectheight = 75

cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
cobjectsarty = -600
cobjectvel = 27
cobjectwidth = 100
cobjectheight = 75

dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
dobjectsarty = -600
dobjectvel = 35
dobjectwidth = 100
dobjectheight = 75

eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
eobjectsarty = -600
eobjectvel = 32
eobjectwidth = 100
eobjectheight = 75

objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsarty = -600
objectvel = 80
objectwidth = 80
objectheight = 55

objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsartyc = -600
objectvelc = 85
objectwidthc = 80
objectheightc = 55

gameexit = False
while not gameexit:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
velx = -20
velp = 0.25
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 20
velp = 0.25
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 0
#if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
#f event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
#vely = 15
#if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = -15
#if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
#if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = 0

carstartx += velx
points += velp
#carstarty += vely
window.blit(bg, (0,0))
objecta(aobjectsartx, aobjectsarty, aobjectwidth, aobjectheight)
objectb(bobjectsartx, bobjectsarty, bobjectwidth, bobjectheight)
objectc(cobjectsartx, cobjectsarty, cobjectwidth, cobjectheight)
objectd(dobjectsartx, dobjectsarty, dobjectwidth, dobjectheight)
objecte(eobjectsartx, eobjectsarty, eobjectwidth, eobjectheight)
objectcir(objectsartx, objectsarty, objectwidth, objectheight)
objectO(objectsartxc, objectsartyc, objectwidthc, objectheightc)

aobjectsarty += aobjectvel
bobjectsarty += bobjectvel
cobjectsarty += cobjectvel
dobjectsarty += dobjectvel
eobjectsarty += eobjectvel
objectsarty += objectvel
objectsartyc += objectvelc


if carstartx > screenwd - carwd or carstartx < 5:

if aobjectsarty > screenht:
aobjectsarty = 0 - aobjectheight
aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < aobjectsarty + aobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > aobjectsartx and carstartx < aobjectsartx + aobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > aobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < aobjectsartx + aobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')
if bobjectsarty > screenht:
bobjectsarty = 0 - bobjectheight
bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < bobjectsarty + bobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > bobjectsartx and carstartx < bobjectsartx + bobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > bobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < bobjectsartx + bobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if cobjectsarty > screenht:
cobjectsarty = 0 - cobjectheight
cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < cobjectsarty + cobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > cobjectsartx and carstartx < cobjectsartx + cobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > cobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < cobjectsartx + cobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if dobjectsarty > screenht:
dobjectsarty = 0 - dobjectheight
dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < dobjectsarty + dobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > dobjectsartx and carstartx < dobjectsartx + dobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > dobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < dobjectsartx + dobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if eobjectsarty > screenht:
eobjectsarty = 0 - eobjectheight
eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < eobjectsarty + eobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > eobjectsartx and carstartx < eobjectsartx + eobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > eobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < eobjectsartx + eobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsarty > screenht:
objectsarty = 0 - objectheight
objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < objectsarty + objectheight:
print('y axis ')

if carstartx > objectsartx and carstartx < objectsartx + objectheight or carstartx + carwd > objectsartx and carstartx + carwd < objectsartx + objectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsartyc > screenht:
objectsartyc = 0 - objectheightc
objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
points = False
while not points:
goal = Pscore



New contributor

VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    I'm sorry we don't help people write new code or fix broken code. We review working code in an effort to make it better. Once you figure out what you need to make it work bring it back and we can then provide feedback.
    – bruglesco
    4 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Oh so it’s like getting tossed into the wilderness interesting thank you. Anyone not listening to ^ contact my email
    – VisionsCreates
    1 min ago



This code doesn't allow me to do anything when I added a scoring method.If someone can show me how to use a class that'd be extra helpful.

import random
import pygame
import time
import os

screenwd = 1200
screenht = 800

yellow = (255,255, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0,0,0)

carwd = 80
carht = 60

starttime = 6000

window = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwd, screenht))
pygame.display.set_caption('Spell Me')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
starttime = 6000
carim = pygame.image.load('CAR.png')
bg = pygame.image.load('BG.jpeg')

BlockA = pygame.image.load('blockA.png')
BlockB = pygame.image.load('blockB.png')
BlockC = pygame.image.load('blockC.png')
BlockD = pygame.image.load('blockD.png')
BlockE = pygame.image.load('blockE.png')
BlockCir = pygame.image.load('blockCir.png')
BlockO = pygame.image.load('blockCir copy.png')

def objecta(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockA, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectb(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockB, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectc(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockC, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectd(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockD, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objecte(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockE, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectcir(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockCir, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectO(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockO, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def car(carstartx,carstarty):
window.blit(carim, (carstartx, carstarty))

def msgwintext(text, font):
msgwinsurf = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurf, msgwinsurf.get_rect()

def msgwintexts(text, font):
msgwinsurfs = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurfs, msgwinsurfs.get_rect()

def messagedisplay(text):
Bigmsg = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 86)
msgwinsurf, msgwinrect = msgwintext(text,Bigmsg) = ((screenwd/2),(screenht/6))
window.blit(msgwinsurf, msgwinrect)




def displayscore(text):
Bigmsgs = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects = msgwintexts(text,Bigmsgs) = ((50),(50))
window.blit(msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects)




def crashed():
messagedisplay("You Have Crashed!")
global points
points = False
global Pscore
Pscore= 0

def Notime():
messagedisplay('You ran out of nTime!')

def score(goal):
displayscore("SCORE: " + goal)
window.blit(text, [0,0])

def gameloop():
carstartx = (screenwd * 0.45)
carstarty = (screenht * 0.92)

velx = 0
velp = 0
Pscore = 0
points = 0

aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
aobjectsarty = -600
aobjectvel = 22
aobjectwidth = 100
aobjectheight = 75

bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
bobjectsarty = -600
bobjectvel = 25
bobjectwidth = 100
bobjectheight = 75

cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
cobjectsarty = -600
cobjectvel = 27
cobjectwidth = 100
cobjectheight = 75

dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
dobjectsarty = -600
dobjectvel = 35
dobjectwidth = 100
dobjectheight = 75

eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
eobjectsarty = -600
eobjectvel = 32
eobjectwidth = 100
eobjectheight = 75

objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsarty = -600
objectvel = 80
objectwidth = 80
objectheight = 55

objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsartyc = -600
objectvelc = 85
objectwidthc = 80
objectheightc = 55

gameexit = False
while not gameexit:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
velx = -20
velp = 0.25
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 20
velp = 0.25
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 0
#if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
#f event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
#vely = 15
#if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = -15
#if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
#if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = 0

carstartx += velx
points += velp
#carstarty += vely
window.blit(bg, (0,0))
objecta(aobjectsartx, aobjectsarty, aobjectwidth, aobjectheight)
objectb(bobjectsartx, bobjectsarty, bobjectwidth, bobjectheight)
objectc(cobjectsartx, cobjectsarty, cobjectwidth, cobjectheight)
objectd(dobjectsartx, dobjectsarty, dobjectwidth, dobjectheight)
objecte(eobjectsartx, eobjectsarty, eobjectwidth, eobjectheight)
objectcir(objectsartx, objectsarty, objectwidth, objectheight)
objectO(objectsartxc, objectsartyc, objectwidthc, objectheightc)

aobjectsarty += aobjectvel
bobjectsarty += bobjectvel
cobjectsarty += cobjectvel
dobjectsarty += dobjectvel
eobjectsarty += eobjectvel
objectsarty += objectvel
objectsartyc += objectvelc


if carstartx > screenwd - carwd or carstartx < 5:

if aobjectsarty > screenht:
aobjectsarty = 0 - aobjectheight
aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < aobjectsarty + aobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > aobjectsartx and carstartx < aobjectsartx + aobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > aobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < aobjectsartx + aobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')
if bobjectsarty > screenht:
bobjectsarty = 0 - bobjectheight
bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < bobjectsarty + bobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > bobjectsartx and carstartx < bobjectsartx + bobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > bobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < bobjectsartx + bobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if cobjectsarty > screenht:
cobjectsarty = 0 - cobjectheight
cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < cobjectsarty + cobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > cobjectsartx and carstartx < cobjectsartx + cobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > cobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < cobjectsartx + cobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if dobjectsarty > screenht:
dobjectsarty = 0 - dobjectheight
dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < dobjectsarty + dobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > dobjectsartx and carstartx < dobjectsartx + dobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > dobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < dobjectsartx + dobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if eobjectsarty > screenht:
eobjectsarty = 0 - eobjectheight
eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < eobjectsarty + eobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > eobjectsartx and carstartx < eobjectsartx + eobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > eobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < eobjectsartx + eobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsarty > screenht:
objectsarty = 0 - objectheight
objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < objectsarty + objectheight:
print('y axis ')

if carstartx > objectsartx and carstartx < objectsartx + objectheight or carstartx + carwd > objectsartx and carstartx + carwd < objectsartx + objectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsartyc > screenht:
objectsartyc = 0 - objectheightc
objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
points = False
while not points:
goal = Pscore


screenwd = 1200
screenht = 800

yellow = (255,255, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0,0,0)

carwd = 80
carht = 60

starttime = 6000

window = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwd, screenht))
pygame.display.set_caption('Spell Me')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
starttime = 6000
carim = pygame.image.load('CAR.png')
bg = pygame.image.load('BG.jpeg')

BlockA = pygame.image.load('blockA.png')
BlockB = pygame.image.load('blockB.png')
BlockC = pygame.image.load('blockC.png')
BlockD = pygame.image.load('blockD.png')
BlockE = pygame.image.load('blockE.png')
BlockCir = pygame.image.load('blockCir.png')
BlockO = pygame.image.load('blockCir copy.png')

def objecta(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockA, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectb(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockB, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectc(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockC, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectd(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockD, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objecte(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockE, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectcir(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockCir, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectO(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockO, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def car(carstartx,carstarty):
window.blit(carim, (carstartx, carstarty))

def msgwintext(text, font):
msgwinsurf = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurf, msgwinsurf.get_rect()

def msgwintexts(text, font):
msgwinsurfs = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurfs, msgwinsurfs.get_rect()

def messagedisplay(text):
Bigmsg = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 86)
msgwinsurf, msgwinrect = msgwintext(text,Bigmsg) = ((screenwd/2),(screenht/6))
window.blit(msgwinsurf, msgwinrect)




def displayscore(text):
Bigmsgs = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects = msgwintexts(text,Bigmsgs) = ((50),(50))
window.blit(msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects)




def crashed():
messagedisplay("You Have Crashed!")
global points
points = False
global Pscore
Pscore= 0

def Notime():
messagedisplay('You ran out of nTime!')

def score(goal):
displayscore("SCORE: " + goal)
window.blit(text, [0,0])

def gameloop():
carstartx = (screenwd * 0.45)
carstarty = (screenht * 0.92)

velx = 0
velp = 0
Pscore = 0
points = 0

aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
aobjectsarty = -600
aobjectvel = 22
aobjectwidth = 100
aobjectheight = 75

bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
bobjectsarty = -600
bobjectvel = 25
bobjectwidth = 100
bobjectheight = 75

cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
cobjectsarty = -600
cobjectvel = 27
cobjectwidth = 100
cobjectheight = 75

dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
dobjectsarty = -600
dobjectvel = 35
dobjectwidth = 100
dobjectheight = 75

eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
eobjectsarty = -600
eobjectvel = 32
eobjectwidth = 100
eobjectheight = 75

objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsarty = -600
objectvel = 80
objectwidth = 80
objectheight = 55

objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsartyc = -600
objectvelc = 85
objectwidthc = 80
objectheightc = 55

gameexit = False
while not gameexit:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
velx = -20
velp = 0.25
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 20
velp = 0.25
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 0
#if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
#f event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
#vely = 15
#if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = -15
#if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
#if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = 0

carstartx += velx
points += velp
#carstarty += vely
window.blit(bg, (0,0))
objecta(aobjectsartx, aobjectsarty, aobjectwidth, aobjectheight)
objectb(bobjectsartx, bobjectsarty, bobjectwidth, bobjectheight)
objectc(cobjectsartx, cobjectsarty, cobjectwidth, cobjectheight)
objectd(dobjectsartx, dobjectsarty, dobjectwidth, dobjectheight)
objecte(eobjectsartx, eobjectsarty, eobjectwidth, eobjectheight)
objectcir(objectsartx, objectsarty, objectwidth, objectheight)
objectO(objectsartxc, objectsartyc, objectwidthc, objectheightc)

aobjectsarty += aobjectvel
bobjectsarty += bobjectvel
cobjectsarty += cobjectvel
dobjectsarty += dobjectvel
eobjectsarty += eobjectvel
objectsarty += objectvel
objectsartyc += objectvelc


if carstartx > screenwd - carwd or carstartx < 5:

if aobjectsarty > screenht:
aobjectsarty = 0 - aobjectheight
aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < aobjectsarty + aobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > aobjectsartx and carstartx < aobjectsartx + aobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > aobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < aobjectsartx + aobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')
if bobjectsarty > screenht:
bobjectsarty = 0 - bobjectheight
bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < bobjectsarty + bobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > bobjectsartx and carstartx < bobjectsartx + bobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > bobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < bobjectsartx + bobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if cobjectsarty > screenht:
cobjectsarty = 0 - cobjectheight
cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < cobjectsarty + cobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > cobjectsartx and carstartx < cobjectsartx + cobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > cobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < cobjectsartx + cobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if dobjectsarty > screenht:
dobjectsarty = 0 - dobjectheight
dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < dobjectsarty + dobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > dobjectsartx and carstartx < dobjectsartx + dobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > dobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < dobjectsartx + dobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if eobjectsarty > screenht:
eobjectsarty = 0 - eobjectheight
eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < eobjectsarty + eobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > eobjectsartx and carstartx < eobjectsartx + eobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > eobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < eobjectsartx + eobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsarty > screenht:
objectsarty = 0 - objectheight
objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < objectsarty + objectheight:
print('y axis ')

if carstartx > objectsartx and carstartx < objectsartx + objectheight or carstartx + carwd > objectsartx and carstartx + carwd < objectsartx + objectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsartyc > screenht:
objectsartyc = 0 - objectheightc
objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
points = False
while not points:
goal = Pscore



New contributor

VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


  • $begingroup$
    I'm sorry we don't help people write new code or fix broken code. We review working code in an effort to make it better. Once you figure out what you need to make it work bring it back and we can then provide feedback.
    – bruglesco
    4 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Oh so it’s like getting tossed into the wilderness interesting thank you. Anyone not listening to ^ contact my email
    – VisionsCreates
    1 min ago





This code doesn't allow me to do anything when I added a scoring method.If someone can show me how to use a class that'd be extra helpful.

import random
import pygame
import time
import os

screenwd = 1200
screenht = 800

yellow = (255,255, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0,0,0)

carwd = 80
carht = 60

starttime = 6000

window = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwd, screenht))
pygame.display.set_caption('Spell Me')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
starttime = 6000
carim = pygame.image.load('CAR.png')
bg = pygame.image.load('BG.jpeg')

BlockA = pygame.image.load('blockA.png')
BlockB = pygame.image.load('blockB.png')
BlockC = pygame.image.load('blockC.png')
BlockD = pygame.image.load('blockD.png')
BlockE = pygame.image.load('blockE.png')
BlockCir = pygame.image.load('blockCir.png')
BlockO = pygame.image.load('blockCir copy.png')

def objecta(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockA, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectb(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockB, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectc(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockC, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectd(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockD, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objecte(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockE, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectcir(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockCir, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectO(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockO, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def car(carstartx,carstarty):
window.blit(carim, (carstartx, carstarty))

def msgwintext(text, font):
msgwinsurf = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurf, msgwinsurf.get_rect()

def msgwintexts(text, font):
msgwinsurfs = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurfs, msgwinsurfs.get_rect()

def messagedisplay(text):
Bigmsg = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 86)
msgwinsurf, msgwinrect = msgwintext(text,Bigmsg) = ((screenwd/2),(screenht/6))
window.blit(msgwinsurf, msgwinrect)




def displayscore(text):
Bigmsgs = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects = msgwintexts(text,Bigmsgs) = ((50),(50))
window.blit(msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects)




def crashed():
messagedisplay("You Have Crashed!")
global points
points = False
global Pscore
Pscore= 0

def Notime():
messagedisplay('You ran out of nTime!')

def score(goal):
displayscore("SCORE: " + goal)
window.blit(text, [0,0])

def gameloop():
carstartx = (screenwd * 0.45)
carstarty = (screenht * 0.92)

velx = 0
velp = 0
Pscore = 0
points = 0

aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
aobjectsarty = -600
aobjectvel = 22
aobjectwidth = 100
aobjectheight = 75

bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
bobjectsarty = -600
bobjectvel = 25
bobjectwidth = 100
bobjectheight = 75

cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
cobjectsarty = -600
cobjectvel = 27
cobjectwidth = 100
cobjectheight = 75

dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
dobjectsarty = -600
dobjectvel = 35
dobjectwidth = 100
dobjectheight = 75

eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
eobjectsarty = -600
eobjectvel = 32
eobjectwidth = 100
eobjectheight = 75

objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsarty = -600
objectvel = 80
objectwidth = 80
objectheight = 55

objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsartyc = -600
objectvelc = 85
objectwidthc = 80
objectheightc = 55

gameexit = False
while not gameexit:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
velx = -20
velp = 0.25
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 20
velp = 0.25
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 0
#if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
#f event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
#vely = 15
#if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = -15
#if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
#if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = 0

carstartx += velx
points += velp
#carstarty += vely
window.blit(bg, (0,0))
objecta(aobjectsartx, aobjectsarty, aobjectwidth, aobjectheight)
objectb(bobjectsartx, bobjectsarty, bobjectwidth, bobjectheight)
objectc(cobjectsartx, cobjectsarty, cobjectwidth, cobjectheight)
objectd(dobjectsartx, dobjectsarty, dobjectwidth, dobjectheight)
objecte(eobjectsartx, eobjectsarty, eobjectwidth, eobjectheight)
objectcir(objectsartx, objectsarty, objectwidth, objectheight)
objectO(objectsartxc, objectsartyc, objectwidthc, objectheightc)

aobjectsarty += aobjectvel
bobjectsarty += bobjectvel
cobjectsarty += cobjectvel
dobjectsarty += dobjectvel
eobjectsarty += eobjectvel
objectsarty += objectvel
objectsartyc += objectvelc


if carstartx > screenwd - carwd or carstartx < 5:

if aobjectsarty > screenht:
aobjectsarty = 0 - aobjectheight
aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < aobjectsarty + aobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > aobjectsartx and carstartx < aobjectsartx + aobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > aobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < aobjectsartx + aobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')
if bobjectsarty > screenht:
bobjectsarty = 0 - bobjectheight
bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < bobjectsarty + bobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > bobjectsartx and carstartx < bobjectsartx + bobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > bobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < bobjectsartx + bobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if cobjectsarty > screenht:
cobjectsarty = 0 - cobjectheight
cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < cobjectsarty + cobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > cobjectsartx and carstartx < cobjectsartx + cobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > cobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < cobjectsartx + cobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if dobjectsarty > screenht:
dobjectsarty = 0 - dobjectheight
dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < dobjectsarty + dobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > dobjectsartx and carstartx < dobjectsartx + dobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > dobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < dobjectsartx + dobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if eobjectsarty > screenht:
eobjectsarty = 0 - eobjectheight
eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < eobjectsarty + eobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > eobjectsartx and carstartx < eobjectsartx + eobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > eobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < eobjectsartx + eobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsarty > screenht:
objectsarty = 0 - objectheight
objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < objectsarty + objectheight:
print('y axis ')

if carstartx > objectsartx and carstartx < objectsartx + objectheight or carstartx + carwd > objectsartx and carstartx + carwd < objectsartx + objectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsartyc > screenht:
objectsartyc = 0 - objectheightc
objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
points = False
while not points:
goal = Pscore


screenwd = 1200
screenht = 800

yellow = (255,255, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0,0,0)

carwd = 80
carht = 60

starttime = 6000

window = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwd, screenht))
pygame.display.set_caption('Spell Me')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
starttime = 6000
carim = pygame.image.load('CAR.png')
bg = pygame.image.load('BG.jpeg')

BlockA = pygame.image.load('blockA.png')
BlockB = pygame.image.load('blockB.png')
BlockC = pygame.image.load('blockC.png')
BlockD = pygame.image.load('blockD.png')
BlockE = pygame.image.load('blockE.png')
BlockCir = pygame.image.load('blockCir.png')
BlockO = pygame.image.load('blockCir copy.png')

def objecta(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockA, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectb(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockB, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectc(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockC, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectd(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockD, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objecte(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockE, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectcir(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockCir, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectO(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockO, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def car(carstartx,carstarty):
window.blit(carim, (carstartx, carstarty))

def msgwintext(text, font):
msgwinsurf = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurf, msgwinsurf.get_rect()

def msgwintexts(text, font):
msgwinsurfs = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurfs, msgwinsurfs.get_rect()

def messagedisplay(text):
Bigmsg = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 86)
msgwinsurf, msgwinrect = msgwintext(text,Bigmsg) = ((screenwd/2),(screenht/6))
window.blit(msgwinsurf, msgwinrect)




def displayscore(text):
Bigmsgs = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects = msgwintexts(text,Bigmsgs) = ((50),(50))
window.blit(msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects)




def crashed():
messagedisplay("You Have Crashed!")
global points
points = False
global Pscore
Pscore= 0

def Notime():
messagedisplay('You ran out of nTime!')

def score(goal):
displayscore("SCORE: " + goal)
window.blit(text, [0,0])

def gameloop():
carstartx = (screenwd * 0.45)
carstarty = (screenht * 0.92)

velx = 0
velp = 0
Pscore = 0
points = 0

aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
aobjectsarty = -600
aobjectvel = 22
aobjectwidth = 100
aobjectheight = 75

bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
bobjectsarty = -600
bobjectvel = 25
bobjectwidth = 100
bobjectheight = 75

cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
cobjectsarty = -600
cobjectvel = 27
cobjectwidth = 100
cobjectheight = 75

dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
dobjectsarty = -600
dobjectvel = 35
dobjectwidth = 100
dobjectheight = 75

eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
eobjectsarty = -600
eobjectvel = 32
eobjectwidth = 100
eobjectheight = 75

objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsarty = -600
objectvel = 80
objectwidth = 80
objectheight = 55

objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsartyc = -600
objectvelc = 85
objectwidthc = 80
objectheightc = 55

gameexit = False
while not gameexit:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
velx = -20
velp = 0.25
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 20
velp = 0.25
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 0
#if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
#f event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
#vely = 15
#if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = -15
#if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
#if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = 0

carstartx += velx
points += velp
#carstarty += vely
window.blit(bg, (0,0))
objecta(aobjectsartx, aobjectsarty, aobjectwidth, aobjectheight)
objectb(bobjectsartx, bobjectsarty, bobjectwidth, bobjectheight)
objectc(cobjectsartx, cobjectsarty, cobjectwidth, cobjectheight)
objectd(dobjectsartx, dobjectsarty, dobjectwidth, dobjectheight)
objecte(eobjectsartx, eobjectsarty, eobjectwidth, eobjectheight)
objectcir(objectsartx, objectsarty, objectwidth, objectheight)
objectO(objectsartxc, objectsartyc, objectwidthc, objectheightc)

aobjectsarty += aobjectvel
bobjectsarty += bobjectvel
cobjectsarty += cobjectvel
dobjectsarty += dobjectvel
eobjectsarty += eobjectvel
objectsarty += objectvel
objectsartyc += objectvelc


if carstartx > screenwd - carwd or carstartx < 5:

if aobjectsarty > screenht:
aobjectsarty = 0 - aobjectheight
aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < aobjectsarty + aobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > aobjectsartx and carstartx < aobjectsartx + aobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > aobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < aobjectsartx + aobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')
if bobjectsarty > screenht:
bobjectsarty = 0 - bobjectheight
bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < bobjectsarty + bobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > bobjectsartx and carstartx < bobjectsartx + bobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > bobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < bobjectsartx + bobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if cobjectsarty > screenht:
cobjectsarty = 0 - cobjectheight
cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < cobjectsarty + cobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > cobjectsartx and carstartx < cobjectsartx + cobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > cobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < cobjectsartx + cobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if dobjectsarty > screenht:
dobjectsarty = 0 - dobjectheight
dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < dobjectsarty + dobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > dobjectsartx and carstartx < dobjectsartx + dobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > dobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < dobjectsartx + dobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if eobjectsarty > screenht:
eobjectsarty = 0 - eobjectheight
eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < eobjectsarty + eobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > eobjectsartx and carstartx < eobjectsartx + eobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > eobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < eobjectsartx + eobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsarty > screenht:
objectsarty = 0 - objectheight
objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < objectsarty + objectheight:
print('y axis ')

if carstartx > objectsartx and carstartx < objectsartx + objectheight or carstartx + carwd > objectsartx and carstartx + carwd < objectsartx + objectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsartyc > screenht:
objectsartyc = 0 - objectheightc
objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
points = False
while not points:
goal = Pscore



New contributor

VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.


This code doesn't allow me to do anything when I added a scoring method.If someone can show me how to use a class that'd be extra helpful.

import random
import pygame
import time
import os

screenwd = 1200
screenht = 800

yellow = (255,255, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0,0,0)

carwd = 80
carht = 60

starttime = 6000

window = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwd, screenht))
pygame.display.set_caption('Spell Me')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
starttime = 6000
carim = pygame.image.load('CAR.png')
bg = pygame.image.load('BG.jpeg')

BlockA = pygame.image.load('blockA.png')
BlockB = pygame.image.load('blockB.png')
BlockC = pygame.image.load('blockC.png')
BlockD = pygame.image.load('blockD.png')
BlockE = pygame.image.load('blockE.png')
BlockCir = pygame.image.load('blockCir.png')
BlockO = pygame.image.load('blockCir copy.png')

def objecta(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockA, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectb(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockB, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectc(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockC, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectd(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockD, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objecte(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockE, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectcir(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockCir, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectO(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockO, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def car(carstartx,carstarty):
window.blit(carim, (carstartx, carstarty))

def msgwintext(text, font):
msgwinsurf = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurf, msgwinsurf.get_rect()

def msgwintexts(text, font):
msgwinsurfs = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurfs, msgwinsurfs.get_rect()

def messagedisplay(text):
Bigmsg = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 86)
msgwinsurf, msgwinrect = msgwintext(text,Bigmsg) = ((screenwd/2),(screenht/6))
window.blit(msgwinsurf, msgwinrect)




def displayscore(text):
Bigmsgs = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects = msgwintexts(text,Bigmsgs) = ((50),(50))
window.blit(msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects)




def crashed():
messagedisplay("You Have Crashed!")
global points
points = False
global Pscore
Pscore= 0

def Notime():
messagedisplay('You ran out of nTime!')

def score(goal):
displayscore("SCORE: " + goal)
window.blit(text, [0,0])

def gameloop():
carstartx = (screenwd * 0.45)
carstarty = (screenht * 0.92)

velx = 0
velp = 0
Pscore = 0
points = 0

aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
aobjectsarty = -600
aobjectvel = 22
aobjectwidth = 100
aobjectheight = 75

bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
bobjectsarty = -600
bobjectvel = 25
bobjectwidth = 100
bobjectheight = 75

cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
cobjectsarty = -600
cobjectvel = 27
cobjectwidth = 100
cobjectheight = 75

dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
dobjectsarty = -600
dobjectvel = 35
dobjectwidth = 100
dobjectheight = 75

eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
eobjectsarty = -600
eobjectvel = 32
eobjectwidth = 100
eobjectheight = 75

objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsarty = -600
objectvel = 80
objectwidth = 80
objectheight = 55

objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsartyc = -600
objectvelc = 85
objectwidthc = 80
objectheightc = 55

gameexit = False
while not gameexit:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
velx = -20
velp = 0.25
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 20
velp = 0.25
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 0
#if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
#f event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
#vely = 15
#if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = -15
#if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
#if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = 0

carstartx += velx
points += velp
#carstarty += vely
window.blit(bg, (0,0))
objecta(aobjectsartx, aobjectsarty, aobjectwidth, aobjectheight)
objectb(bobjectsartx, bobjectsarty, bobjectwidth, bobjectheight)
objectc(cobjectsartx, cobjectsarty, cobjectwidth, cobjectheight)
objectd(dobjectsartx, dobjectsarty, dobjectwidth, dobjectheight)
objecte(eobjectsartx, eobjectsarty, eobjectwidth, eobjectheight)
objectcir(objectsartx, objectsarty, objectwidth, objectheight)
objectO(objectsartxc, objectsartyc, objectwidthc, objectheightc)

aobjectsarty += aobjectvel
bobjectsarty += bobjectvel
cobjectsarty += cobjectvel
dobjectsarty += dobjectvel
eobjectsarty += eobjectvel
objectsarty += objectvel
objectsartyc += objectvelc


if carstartx > screenwd - carwd or carstartx < 5:

if aobjectsarty > screenht:
aobjectsarty = 0 - aobjectheight
aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < aobjectsarty + aobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > aobjectsartx and carstartx < aobjectsartx + aobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > aobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < aobjectsartx + aobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')
if bobjectsarty > screenht:
bobjectsarty = 0 - bobjectheight
bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < bobjectsarty + bobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > bobjectsartx and carstartx < bobjectsartx + bobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > bobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < bobjectsartx + bobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if cobjectsarty > screenht:
cobjectsarty = 0 - cobjectheight
cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < cobjectsarty + cobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > cobjectsartx and carstartx < cobjectsartx + cobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > cobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < cobjectsartx + cobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if dobjectsarty > screenht:
dobjectsarty = 0 - dobjectheight
dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < dobjectsarty + dobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > dobjectsartx and carstartx < dobjectsartx + dobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > dobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < dobjectsartx + dobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if eobjectsarty > screenht:
eobjectsarty = 0 - eobjectheight
eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < eobjectsarty + eobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > eobjectsartx and carstartx < eobjectsartx + eobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > eobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < eobjectsartx + eobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsarty > screenht:
objectsarty = 0 - objectheight
objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < objectsarty + objectheight:
print('y axis ')

if carstartx > objectsartx and carstartx < objectsartx + objectheight or carstartx + carwd > objectsartx and carstartx + carwd < objectsartx + objectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsartyc > screenht:
objectsartyc = 0 - objectheightc
objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
points = False
while not points:
goal = Pscore


screenwd = 1200
screenht = 800

yellow = (255,255, 0)
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0,0,0)

carwd = 80
carht = 60

starttime = 6000

window = pygame.display.set_mode((screenwd, screenht))
pygame.display.set_caption('Spell Me')
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
starttime = 6000
carim = pygame.image.load('CAR.png')
bg = pygame.image.load('BG.jpeg')

BlockA = pygame.image.load('blockA.png')
BlockB = pygame.image.load('blockB.png')
BlockC = pygame.image.load('blockC.png')
BlockD = pygame.image.load('blockD.png')
BlockE = pygame.image.load('blockE.png')
BlockCir = pygame.image.load('blockCir.png')
BlockO = pygame.image.load('blockCir copy.png')

def objecta(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockA, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectb(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockB, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectc(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockC, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectd(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockD, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objecte(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockE, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectcir(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockCir, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def objectO(objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht):
window.blit(BlockO, (objectx, objecty, objectwd, objectht))

def car(carstartx,carstarty):
window.blit(carim, (carstartx, carstarty))

def msgwintext(text, font):
msgwinsurf = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurf, msgwinsurf.get_rect()

def msgwintexts(text, font):
msgwinsurfs = font.render(text, True, black)
return msgwinsurfs, msgwinsurfs.get_rect()

def messagedisplay(text):
Bigmsg = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 86)
msgwinsurf, msgwinrect = msgwintext(text,Bigmsg) = ((screenwd/2),(screenht/6))
window.blit(msgwinsurf, msgwinrect)




def displayscore(text):
Bigmsgs = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 18)
msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects = msgwintexts(text,Bigmsgs) = ((50),(50))
window.blit(msgwinsurfs, msgwinrects)




def crashed():
messagedisplay("You Have Crashed!")
global points
points = False
global Pscore
Pscore= 0

def Notime():
messagedisplay('You ran out of nTime!')

def score(goal):
displayscore("SCORE: " + goal)
window.blit(text, [0,0])

def gameloop():
carstartx = (screenwd * 0.45)
carstarty = (screenht * 0.92)

velx = 0
velp = 0
Pscore = 0
points = 0

aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
aobjectsarty = -600
aobjectvel = 22
aobjectwidth = 100
aobjectheight = 75

bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
bobjectsarty = -600
bobjectvel = 25
bobjectwidth = 100
bobjectheight = 75

cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
cobjectsarty = -600
cobjectvel = 27
cobjectwidth = 100
cobjectheight = 75

dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
dobjectsarty = -600
dobjectvel = 35
dobjectwidth = 100
dobjectheight = 75

eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
eobjectsarty = -600
eobjectvel = 32
eobjectwidth = 100
eobjectheight = 75

objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsarty = -600
objectvel = 80
objectwidth = 80
objectheight = 55

objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
objectsartyc = -600
objectvelc = 85
objectwidthc = 80
objectheightc = 55

gameexit = False
while not gameexit:

for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
if event.type == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
velx = -20
velp = 0.25
if event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 20
velp = 0.25
if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == pygame.K_LEFT or event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
velx = 0
#if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
#f event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
#vely = 15
#if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = -15
#if event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
#if event.key == pygame.K_DOWN or event.key == pygame.K_UP:
#vely = 0

carstartx += velx
points += velp
#carstarty += vely
window.blit(bg, (0,0))
objecta(aobjectsartx, aobjectsarty, aobjectwidth, aobjectheight)
objectb(bobjectsartx, bobjectsarty, bobjectwidth, bobjectheight)
objectc(cobjectsartx, cobjectsarty, cobjectwidth, cobjectheight)
objectd(dobjectsartx, dobjectsarty, dobjectwidth, dobjectheight)
objecte(eobjectsartx, eobjectsarty, eobjectwidth, eobjectheight)
objectcir(objectsartx, objectsarty, objectwidth, objectheight)
objectO(objectsartxc, objectsartyc, objectwidthc, objectheightc)

aobjectsarty += aobjectvel
bobjectsarty += bobjectvel
cobjectsarty += cobjectvel
dobjectsarty += dobjectvel
eobjectsarty += eobjectvel
objectsarty += objectvel
objectsartyc += objectvelc


if carstartx > screenwd - carwd or carstartx < 5:

if aobjectsarty > screenht:
aobjectsarty = 0 - aobjectheight
aobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < aobjectsarty + aobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > aobjectsartx and carstartx < aobjectsartx + aobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > aobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < aobjectsartx + aobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')
if bobjectsarty > screenht:
bobjectsarty = 0 - bobjectheight
bobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < bobjectsarty + bobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > bobjectsartx and carstartx < bobjectsartx + bobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > bobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < bobjectsartx + bobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if cobjectsarty > screenht:
cobjectsarty = 0 - cobjectheight
cobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < cobjectsarty + cobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > cobjectsartx and carstartx < cobjectsartx + cobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > cobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < cobjectsartx + cobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if dobjectsarty > screenht:
dobjectsarty = 0 - dobjectheight
dobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < dobjectsarty + dobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > dobjectsartx and carstartx < dobjectsartx + dobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > dobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < dobjectsartx + dobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if eobjectsarty > screenht:
eobjectsarty = 0 - eobjectheight
eobjectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < eobjectsarty + eobjectheight:
print('y axis crossover')
Pscore += 1
if carstartx > eobjectsartx and carstartx < eobjectsartx + eobjectheight or carstartx + carwd > eobjectsartx and carstartx + carwd < eobjectsartx + eobjectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsarty > screenht:
objectsarty = 0 - objectheight
objectsartx = random.randrange(0, screenwd)

if carstarty < objectsarty + objectheight:
print('y axis ')

if carstartx > objectsartx and carstartx < objectsartx + objectheight or carstartx + carwd > objectsartx and carstartx + carwd < objectsartx + objectwidth:
print('x axis crossover')

if objectsartyc > screenht:
objectsartyc = 0 - objectheightc
objectsartxc = random.randrange(0, screenwd)
points = False
while not points:
goal = Pscore


python pygame


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VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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asked 7 mins ago




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VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

VisionsCreates is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
Check out our Code of Conduct.

  • $begingroup$
    I'm sorry we don't help people write new code or fix broken code. We review working code in an effort to make it better. Once you figure out what you need to make it work bring it back and we can then provide feedback.
    – bruglesco
    4 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Oh so it’s like getting tossed into the wilderness interesting thank you. Anyone not listening to ^ contact my email
    – VisionsCreates
    1 min ago

  • $begingroup$
    I'm sorry we don't help people write new code or fix broken code. We review working code in an effort to make it better. Once you figure out what you need to make it work bring it back and we can then provide feedback.
    – bruglesco
    4 mins ago

  • $begingroup$
    Oh so it’s like getting tossed into the wilderness interesting thank you. Anyone not listening to ^ contact my email
    – VisionsCreates
    1 min ago

I'm sorry we don't help people write new code or fix broken code. We review working code in an effort to make it better. Once you figure out what you need to make it work bring it back and we can then provide feedback.
– bruglesco
4 mins ago

I'm sorry we don't help people write new code or fix broken code. We review working code in an effort to make it better. Once you figure out what you need to make it work bring it back and we can then provide feedback.
– bruglesco
4 mins ago

Oh so it’s like getting tossed into the wilderness interesting thank you. Anyone not listening to ^ contact my email
– VisionsCreates
1 min ago

Oh so it’s like getting tossed into the wilderness interesting thank you. Anyone not listening to ^ contact my email
– VisionsCreates
1 min ago





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