Color guessing code


This code is supposed to learn colors from many many data images, and then recognize color using an algorithm that I made. Eventually, I want the program to make its own algorithm.

Data input and test cases are on GitHub.

And now, the actual code:

// By Dat HA

#include "stdafx.h" // visual studio mandatory include file

#include <opencv2opencv.hpp> // open cv libraries
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

#include <Windows.h> // windows library

#include <fstream> // std libraries
#include <ios>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
return avg; // return the average

cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(cv::Scalar bgr) { // get the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue
cv::Scalar difference; // new scalar
difference[0] = bgr[0] - bgr[1]; // difference between blue and green
difference[1] = bgr[1] - bgr[2]; // difference between green and red
difference[2] = bgr[2] - bgr[0]; // difference between red and blue
return difference; // return the difference scalar

void training(std::vector<Color> &color) { // train the neural network
for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; j++) { // cycle through the colors
std::ifstream file; // new file
std::string nfname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"; // file name, contains the color name; // open text file
std::string colorName; // create string for the color name
file >> colorName; // get the string frmo text file to color name variable
file.close(); // close text file
std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData; // vector of image BGRs in a scalar format
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; i++) { // cycle through the images' data
std::string fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg"; // get the image file name
cv::Mat image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); // read the image
cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image); // get the image's average BGR value
imgData.push_back(imgBgr); // add it to vector
cv::waitKey(1); // wait a bit
Color currentColor; // create a temporary new color
currentColor.colorName = colorName; // set its name
currentColor.bgr = getAvg(imgData); // set its BGR value
currentColor.difference = getBgrDifference(currentColor.bgr); // set its difference value
color.push_back(currentColor); // add temporary color to our main color vector
std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl; // print the color name and its BGR value
std::cout << std::endl; // jump a line

double getColorAccuracy(cv::Scalar color1, cv::Scalar color2) { // get, in percentage, the ressemblance between 2 color
double accuracy = 0; // create a double for our accuracy
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // cycle throught all 3 differences
accuracy += fabs(color1[i] - color2[i]); // add them up
return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color
cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image); // get average BGR value of image
cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr); // get BGR's difference
std::vector<double> accuracy; // create a vector for accuracy, higher the better

for (int i = 0; i < color.size(); i++) // cycle through colors that we learned
accuracy.push_back((getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, color[i].difference))); // add that color's ressemblence, in percentage, to the know color

Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), std::find(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end(), *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

std::cout << imgBgr << std::endl; // print the image average BGR value
for (int i = 0; i < color.size(); i++) // cycle through the colors that we learned
std::cout << color[i].colorName << " : " << accuracy[i] << std::endl; // print color name and how accurate it is
std::cout << bestColor.colorName << std::endl << std::endl; // print out the best match
return bestColor; // return the best match color

// main
int main() {
std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl; // print code version

std::vector<Color> color; // color vector
training(color); // train neural net and store learned color in vector


getColorGuest(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR)); // get the best match color for our image
while (1);

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    This code is supposed to learn colors from many many data images, and then recognize color using an algorithm that I made. Eventually, I want the program to make its own algorithm.

    Data input and test cases are on GitHub.

    And now, the actual code:

    // By Dat HA

    #include "stdafx.h" // visual studio mandatory include file

    #include <opencv2opencv.hpp> // open cv libraries
    #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
    #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

    #include <Windows.h> // windows library

    #include <fstream> // std libraries
    #include <ios>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>

    const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
    const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
    const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
    const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

    struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
    std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
    cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
    cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
    int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
    for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
    avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
    avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
    return avg; // return the average

    cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(cv::Scalar bgr) { // get the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue
    cv::Scalar difference; // new scalar
    difference[0] = bgr[0] - bgr[1]; // difference between blue and green
    difference[1] = bgr[1] - bgr[2]; // difference between green and red
    difference[2] = bgr[2] - bgr[0]; // difference between red and blue
    return difference; // return the difference scalar

    void training(std::vector<Color> &color) { // train the neural network
    for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; j++) { // cycle through the colors
    std::ifstream file; // new file
    std::string nfname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"; // file name, contains the color name; // open text file
    std::string colorName; // create string for the color name
    file >> colorName; // get the string frmo text file to color name variable
    file.close(); // close text file
    std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData; // vector of image BGRs in a scalar format
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; i++) { // cycle through the images' data
    std::string fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg"; // get the image file name
    cv::Mat image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); // read the image
    cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image); // get the image's average BGR value
    imgData.push_back(imgBgr); // add it to vector
    cv::waitKey(1); // wait a bit
    Color currentColor; // create a temporary new color
    currentColor.colorName = colorName; // set its name
    currentColor.bgr = getAvg(imgData); // set its BGR value
    currentColor.difference = getBgrDifference(currentColor.bgr); // set its difference value
    color.push_back(currentColor); // add temporary color to our main color vector
    std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl; // print the color name and its BGR value
    std::cout << std::endl; // jump a line

    double getColorAccuracy(cv::Scalar color1, cv::Scalar color2) { // get, in percentage, the ressemblance between 2 color
    double accuracy = 0; // create a double for our accuracy
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // cycle throught all 3 differences
    accuracy += fabs(color1[i] - color2[i]); // add them up
    return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

    Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color
    cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image); // get average BGR value of image
    cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr); // get BGR's difference
    std::vector<double> accuracy; // create a vector for accuracy, higher the better

    for (int i = 0; i < color.size(); i++) // cycle through colors that we learned
    accuracy.push_back((getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, color[i].difference))); // add that color's ressemblence, in percentage, to the know color

    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), std::find(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end(), *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

    std::cout << imgBgr << std::endl; // print the image average BGR value
    for (int i = 0; i < color.size(); i++) // cycle through the colors that we learned
    std::cout << color[i].colorName << " : " << accuracy[i] << std::endl; // print color name and how accurate it is
    std::cout << bestColor.colorName << std::endl << std::endl; // print out the best match
    return bestColor; // return the best match color

    // main
    int main() {
    std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl; // print code version

    std::vector<Color> color; // color vector
    training(color); // train neural net and store learned color in vector


    getColorGuest(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR)); // get the best match color for our image
    while (1);

    share|improve this question




      This code is supposed to learn colors from many many data images, and then recognize color using an algorithm that I made. Eventually, I want the program to make its own algorithm.

      Data input and test cases are on GitHub.

      And now, the actual code:

      // By Dat HA

      #include "stdafx.h" // visual studio mandatory include file

      #include <opencv2opencv.hpp> // open cv libraries
      #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
      #include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
      #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

      #include <Windows.h> // windows library

      #include <fstream> // std libraries
      #include <ios>
      #include <iostream>
      #include <string>
      #include <vector>

      const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
      const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
      const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
      const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

      struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
      std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
      cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
      cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

      cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
      cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
      int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
      for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
      for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
      avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
      avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
      return avg; // return the average

      cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(cv::Scalar bgr) { // get the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue
      cv::Scalar difference; // new scalar
      difference[0] = bgr[0] - bgr[1]; // difference between blue and green
      difference[1] = bgr[1] - bgr[2]; // difference between green and red
      difference[2] = bgr[2] - bgr[0]; // difference between red and blue
      return difference; // return the difference scalar

      void training(std::vector<Color> &color) { // train the neural network
      for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; j++) { // cycle through the colors
      std::ifstream file; // new file
      std::string nfname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"; // file name, contains the color name; // open text file
      std::string colorName; // create string for the color name
      file >> colorName; // get the string frmo text file to color name variable
      file.close(); // close text file
      std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData; // vector of image BGRs in a scalar format
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; i++) { // cycle through the images' data
      std::string fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg"; // get the image file name
      cv::Mat image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); // read the image
      cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image); // get the image's average BGR value
      imgData.push_back(imgBgr); // add it to vector
      cv::waitKey(1); // wait a bit
      Color currentColor; // create a temporary new color
      currentColor.colorName = colorName; // set its name
      currentColor.bgr = getAvg(imgData); // set its BGR value
      currentColor.difference = getBgrDifference(currentColor.bgr); // set its difference value
      color.push_back(currentColor); // add temporary color to our main color vector
      std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl; // print the color name and its BGR value
      std::cout << std::endl; // jump a line

      double getColorAccuracy(cv::Scalar color1, cv::Scalar color2) { // get, in percentage, the ressemblance between 2 color
      double accuracy = 0; // create a double for our accuracy
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // cycle throught all 3 differences
      accuracy += fabs(color1[i] - color2[i]); // add them up
      return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

      Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color
      cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image); // get average BGR value of image
      cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr); // get BGR's difference
      std::vector<double> accuracy; // create a vector for accuracy, higher the better

      for (int i = 0; i < color.size(); i++) // cycle through colors that we learned
      accuracy.push_back((getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, color[i].difference))); // add that color's ressemblence, in percentage, to the know color

      Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), std::find(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end(), *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

      std::cout << imgBgr << std::endl; // print the image average BGR value
      for (int i = 0; i < color.size(); i++) // cycle through the colors that we learned
      std::cout << color[i].colorName << " : " << accuracy[i] << std::endl; // print color name and how accurate it is
      std::cout << bestColor.colorName << std::endl << std::endl; // print out the best match
      return bestColor; // return the best match color

      // main
      int main() {
      std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl; // print code version

      std::vector<Color> color; // color vector
      training(color); // train neural net and store learned color in vector


      getColorGuest(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR)); // get the best match color for our image
      while (1);

      share|improve this question

      This code is supposed to learn colors from many many data images, and then recognize color using an algorithm that I made. Eventually, I want the program to make its own algorithm.

      Data input and test cases are on GitHub.

      And now, the actual code:

      // By Dat HA

      #include "stdafx.h" // visual studio mandatory include file

      #include <opencv2opencv.hpp> // open cv libraries
      #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
      #include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
      #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

      #include <Windows.h> // windows library

      #include <fstream> // std libraries
      #include <ios>
      #include <iostream>
      #include <string>
      #include <vector>

      const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
      const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
      const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
      const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

      struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
      std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
      cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
      cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

      cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
      cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
      int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
      for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
      for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
      avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
      avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
      return avg; // return the average

      cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(cv::Scalar bgr) { // get the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue
      cv::Scalar difference; // new scalar
      difference[0] = bgr[0] - bgr[1]; // difference between blue and green
      difference[1] = bgr[1] - bgr[2]; // difference between green and red
      difference[2] = bgr[2] - bgr[0]; // difference between red and blue
      return difference; // return the difference scalar

      void training(std::vector<Color> &color) { // train the neural network
      for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; j++) { // cycle through the colors
      std::ifstream file; // new file
      std::string nfname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"; // file name, contains the color name; // open text file
      std::string colorName; // create string for the color name
      file >> colorName; // get the string frmo text file to color name variable
      file.close(); // close text file
      std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData; // vector of image BGRs in a scalar format
      for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; i++) { // cycle through the images' data
      std::string fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg"; // get the image file name
      cv::Mat image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR); // read the image
      cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image); // get the image's average BGR value
      imgData.push_back(imgBgr); // add it to vector
      cv::waitKey(1); // wait a bit
      Color currentColor; // create a temporary new color
      currentColor.colorName = colorName; // set its name
      currentColor.bgr = getAvg(imgData); // set its BGR value
      currentColor.difference = getBgrDifference(currentColor.bgr); // set its difference value
      color.push_back(currentColor); // add temporary color to our main color vector
      std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl; // print the color name and its BGR value
      std::cout << std::endl; // jump a line

      double getColorAccuracy(cv::Scalar color1, cv::Scalar color2) { // get, in percentage, the ressemblance between 2 color
      double accuracy = 0; // create a double for our accuracy
      for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // cycle throught all 3 differences
      accuracy += fabs(color1[i] - color2[i]); // add them up
      return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

      Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color
      cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image); // get average BGR value of image
      cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr); // get BGR's difference
      std::vector<double> accuracy; // create a vector for accuracy, higher the better

      for (int i = 0; i < color.size(); i++) // cycle through colors that we learned
      accuracy.push_back((getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, color[i].difference))); // add that color's ressemblence, in percentage, to the know color

      Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), std::find(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end(), *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

      std::cout << imgBgr << std::endl; // print the image average BGR value
      for (int i = 0; i < color.size(); i++) // cycle through the colors that we learned
      std::cout << color[i].colorName << " : " << accuracy[i] << std::endl; // print color name and how accurate it is
      std::cout << bestColor.colorName << std::endl << std::endl; // print out the best match
      return bestColor; // return the best match color

      // main
      int main() {
      std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl; // print code version

      std::vector<Color> color; // color vector
      training(color); // train neural net and store learned color in vector


      getColorGuest(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR)); // get the best match color for our image
      while (1);

      c++ ai opencv

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      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited 16 mins ago

      asked May 9 '17 at 13:15




          2 Answers





          Fix the includes

          Don't include headers you're not using. I had to remove a bunch of headers that aren't available here, simply to get your code to compile.

          I then had to include the math header for the use of fabs in getColorAccuracy() - which I then changed to std::abs, so <cmath>.

          I then had:

          #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
          #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

          #include <cmath>
          #include <fstream>
          #include <iostream>
          #include <string>
          #include <vector>

          Comments should explain the code

          Throughout the program, your comments duplicate what the code says. Good comments explain why rather than what, and most of the commentary is through good use of names. For example:

          cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
          cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
          int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
          for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
          for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
          avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
          avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
          return avg; // return the average

          We know that imgData.size() returns the size of a vector, so no need to comment that. It's much more important, for example, to explain why we loop over the RGB components in the outer loop rather than in the inner loop.

          Use range-based for on containers

          In getAvg(), we don't need to count elements if we use range-based for (and this eliminates a dubious conversion in int num = imgData.size()):

          cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
          cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
          for (auto const& img: imgData) {
          avg += img;

          double const n = imgData.size();
          return avg / n;

          Here, I've also made use of the operator overloads += and / provided by cv::Scalar to perform elementwise arithmetic without needing to loop over the RGBA components within the Scalar.

          Note also that this function can accept the vector by const reference, as we are not modifying it and do not need to copy.

          Create and open ifstream in a single step

          Instead of creating a default-constructed stream, we can start with it open, by passing the filename to its constructor:

              std::string colorName;
          std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
          file >> colorName;

          It's not necessary to explicitly call file.close(), as the destructor takes care of that for us.

          Reduce copying of Color objects

          We can use std::vector::emplace_back to construct a Color directly into the vector:


          I'll change the Color constructor to accept two arguments and compute the difference, which will eliminate the second call to getAvg() - see the complete code at the end of answer.

          A simple typo

          I think that Guest should be Guess!

          Inefficient search

          The getColorGuess() is the only function that uses C++ algorithms, but this line looks quite dubious:

          Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
          *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))];

          Having found an iterator to the maximum value, there's no need to dereference it and pass it to find to get the same iterator back again. It's functionally equivalent to

          Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
          std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end()))];

          We can do still better, though, as we can find the maximum value directly on the color vector, by telling std::max_element how to do the calculation:

          auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
          [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
          return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);
          // *it is a reference to a const Color in the vector

          Busy loop

          This is rude to any other process (and to those of us who prefer a cooler environment):

          while (1);

          This never terminates. Just remove it.

          Re-worked code

          #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
          #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

          #include <algorithm>
          #include <cmath>
          #include <fstream>
          #include <iostream>
          #include <string>
          #include <vector>

          const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
          const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
          const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
          const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

          cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr);

          struct Color {
          std::string colorName;
          cv::Scalar bgr;
          cv::Scalar difference;
          Color(std::string, cv::Scalar bgr)
          : colorName{colorName},

          cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
          cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
          for (auto const& img: imgData) {
          avg += img;

          double const n = imgData.size();
          return avg / n;

          cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr) {
          // difference between each pair of components
          return {bgr[0] - bgr[1], // difference between blue and green
          bgr[1] - bgr[2], // difference between green and red
          bgr[2] - bgr[0]}; // difference between red and blue

          std::vector<Color> training()
          std::vector<Color> color;
          for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; ++j) {
          std::string colorName;
          std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
          file >> colorName;
          std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData;
          for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; ++i) {
          std::string const fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg";
          cv::Mat const image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
          auto const mean = getAvg(imgData);
          color.emplace_back(colorName, mean);
          std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl;
          std::cout << std::endl; // blank line to separate from next color files
          return color;

          double getColorAccuracy(const cv::Scalar& color1, const cv::Scalar& color2)
          // similarity between two colors, on a scale of 0 (very different) to 1 (identical)
          double accuracy = 0;
          const auto diff = color1 - color2;
          for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
          accuracy += std::abs(diff[i]);
          return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

          const Color& getColorGuess(const std::vector<Color>& color, const cv::Mat& image)
          { // guess the color
          cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image);
          cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr);

          auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
          [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
          return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);

          std::cout << imgBgr << " matches " << it->colorName << std::endl;
          return *it;

          // main
          int main() {
          std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl;

          std::vector<Color> color = training();

          getColorGuess(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR));

          Further ideas

          • You might want to encapsulate the trained recogniser into an object.

          • Consider separating out the parts that write to std::cout so you can write a silent program that just does its job cleanly.

          share|improve this answer


            The first thing I do not get is here:

            struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
            std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
            cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
            cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

            How can three values be a scalar? how can the difference between these two be a scalar? It is obviously not your code, but it confuses me on the spot.

            Please use descriptive names. The amount time saved by typing getAvg rather than getAverage is small compared to the time you need to read them properly once more getFoo functions fly around.

            You are always passing the data by copy

            cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData)

            This is really slow and you should definitely pass it by reference or const reference depending on your need.

            Also the getAvg function should not modify your data so it should be const too. In Summary your function signature should look like this

            cv::Scalar getAverage(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData) const

            Not your library, but without words

            cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar

            Your getAverage function seems dubious. The strange part is

            cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
            cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
            for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors

            avg is a scalar of size 4 but you only iterate the first 3 elements? So why is it of size 4 when there are only 3 colors? You should either fix this or add a good explanation.

            In your training routine you are loading the image data. This should be a separate function. Generally try to encapsulate your functionality better.

            Your getColorAccuracy() function is kind of strange. You are passing a vector (scalar) and then an element to a scalar and then pushing that back into a vector. Just vectorize the whole function, so that it returns a std::vector<double>.

            Cool but seems like an overkill:

            Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), 
            accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

            Especially as max_element returns the iterator to the greatest element. So what you are doing is finding the pointer of the maximal element, dereferencing it to find that maximal element and get its pointer back. That should do it too:

            Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
            accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

            I assume you mean Guess?

            Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color

            share|improve this answer

            • The type Scalar is widely used in OpenCV for passing pixel values. It is not necessary to define the last argument if it is not going to be used.
              – Maikel
              May 9 '17 at 14:39

            • 1

              Actually, the color struct was from me. I didn't copy it from anybody.
              – Dat
              May 9 '17 at 15:35

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            2 Answers




            2 Answers











            Fix the includes

            Don't include headers you're not using. I had to remove a bunch of headers that aren't available here, simply to get your code to compile.

            I then had to include the math header for the use of fabs in getColorAccuracy() - which I then changed to std::abs, so <cmath>.

            I then had:

            #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
            #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

            #include <cmath>
            #include <fstream>
            #include <iostream>
            #include <string>
            #include <vector>

            Comments should explain the code

            Throughout the program, your comments duplicate what the code says. Good comments explain why rather than what, and most of the commentary is through good use of names. For example:

            cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
            cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
            int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
            for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
            for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
            avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
            avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
            return avg; // return the average

            We know that imgData.size() returns the size of a vector, so no need to comment that. It's much more important, for example, to explain why we loop over the RGB components in the outer loop rather than in the inner loop.

            Use range-based for on containers

            In getAvg(), we don't need to count elements if we use range-based for (and this eliminates a dubious conversion in int num = imgData.size()):

            cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
            cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
            for (auto const& img: imgData) {
            avg += img;

            double const n = imgData.size();
            return avg / n;

            Here, I've also made use of the operator overloads += and / provided by cv::Scalar to perform elementwise arithmetic without needing to loop over the RGBA components within the Scalar.

            Note also that this function can accept the vector by const reference, as we are not modifying it and do not need to copy.

            Create and open ifstream in a single step

            Instead of creating a default-constructed stream, we can start with it open, by passing the filename to its constructor:

                std::string colorName;
            std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
            file >> colorName;

            It's not necessary to explicitly call file.close(), as the destructor takes care of that for us.

            Reduce copying of Color objects

            We can use std::vector::emplace_back to construct a Color directly into the vector:


            I'll change the Color constructor to accept two arguments and compute the difference, which will eliminate the second call to getAvg() - see the complete code at the end of answer.

            A simple typo

            I think that Guest should be Guess!

            Inefficient search

            The getColorGuess() is the only function that uses C++ algorithms, but this line looks quite dubious:

            Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
            *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))];

            Having found an iterator to the maximum value, there's no need to dereference it and pass it to find to get the same iterator back again. It's functionally equivalent to

            Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
            std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end()))];

            We can do still better, though, as we can find the maximum value directly on the color vector, by telling std::max_element how to do the calculation:

            auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
            [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
            return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);
            // *it is a reference to a const Color in the vector

            Busy loop

            This is rude to any other process (and to those of us who prefer a cooler environment):

            while (1);

            This never terminates. Just remove it.

            Re-worked code

            #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
            #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

            #include <algorithm>
            #include <cmath>
            #include <fstream>
            #include <iostream>
            #include <string>
            #include <vector>

            const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
            const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
            const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
            const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

            cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr);

            struct Color {
            std::string colorName;
            cv::Scalar bgr;
            cv::Scalar difference;
            Color(std::string, cv::Scalar bgr)
            : colorName{colorName},

            cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
            cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
            for (auto const& img: imgData) {
            avg += img;

            double const n = imgData.size();
            return avg / n;

            cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr) {
            // difference between each pair of components
            return {bgr[0] - bgr[1], // difference between blue and green
            bgr[1] - bgr[2], // difference between green and red
            bgr[2] - bgr[0]}; // difference between red and blue

            std::vector<Color> training()
            std::vector<Color> color;
            for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; ++j) {
            std::string colorName;
            std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
            file >> colorName;
            std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData;
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; ++i) {
            std::string const fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg";
            cv::Mat const image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
            auto const mean = getAvg(imgData);
            color.emplace_back(colorName, mean);
            std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl;
            std::cout << std::endl; // blank line to separate from next color files
            return color;

            double getColorAccuracy(const cv::Scalar& color1, const cv::Scalar& color2)
            // similarity between two colors, on a scale of 0 (very different) to 1 (identical)
            double accuracy = 0;
            const auto diff = color1 - color2;
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
            accuracy += std::abs(diff[i]);
            return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

            const Color& getColorGuess(const std::vector<Color>& color, const cv::Mat& image)
            { // guess the color
            cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image);
            cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr);

            auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
            [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
            return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);

            std::cout << imgBgr << " matches " << it->colorName << std::endl;
            return *it;

            // main
            int main() {
            std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl;

            std::vector<Color> color = training();

            getColorGuess(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR));

            Further ideas

            • You might want to encapsulate the trained recogniser into an object.

            • Consider separating out the parts that write to std::cout so you can write a silent program that just does its job cleanly.

            share|improve this answer


              Fix the includes

              Don't include headers you're not using. I had to remove a bunch of headers that aren't available here, simply to get your code to compile.

              I then had to include the math header for the use of fabs in getColorAccuracy() - which I then changed to std::abs, so <cmath>.

              I then had:

              #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
              #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

              #include <cmath>
              #include <fstream>
              #include <iostream>
              #include <string>
              #include <vector>

              Comments should explain the code

              Throughout the program, your comments duplicate what the code says. Good comments explain why rather than what, and most of the commentary is through good use of names. For example:

              cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
              cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
              int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
              for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
              for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
              avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
              avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
              return avg; // return the average

              We know that imgData.size() returns the size of a vector, so no need to comment that. It's much more important, for example, to explain why we loop over the RGB components in the outer loop rather than in the inner loop.

              Use range-based for on containers

              In getAvg(), we don't need to count elements if we use range-based for (and this eliminates a dubious conversion in int num = imgData.size()):

              cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
              cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
              for (auto const& img: imgData) {
              avg += img;

              double const n = imgData.size();
              return avg / n;

              Here, I've also made use of the operator overloads += and / provided by cv::Scalar to perform elementwise arithmetic without needing to loop over the RGBA components within the Scalar.

              Note also that this function can accept the vector by const reference, as we are not modifying it and do not need to copy.

              Create and open ifstream in a single step

              Instead of creating a default-constructed stream, we can start with it open, by passing the filename to its constructor:

                  std::string colorName;
              std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
              file >> colorName;

              It's not necessary to explicitly call file.close(), as the destructor takes care of that for us.

              Reduce copying of Color objects

              We can use std::vector::emplace_back to construct a Color directly into the vector:


              I'll change the Color constructor to accept two arguments and compute the difference, which will eliminate the second call to getAvg() - see the complete code at the end of answer.

              A simple typo

              I think that Guest should be Guess!

              Inefficient search

              The getColorGuess() is the only function that uses C++ algorithms, but this line looks quite dubious:

              Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
              *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))];

              Having found an iterator to the maximum value, there's no need to dereference it and pass it to find to get the same iterator back again. It's functionally equivalent to

              Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
              std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end()))];

              We can do still better, though, as we can find the maximum value directly on the color vector, by telling std::max_element how to do the calculation:

              auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
              [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
              return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);
              // *it is a reference to a const Color in the vector

              Busy loop

              This is rude to any other process (and to those of us who prefer a cooler environment):

              while (1);

              This never terminates. Just remove it.

              Re-worked code

              #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
              #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

              #include <algorithm>
              #include <cmath>
              #include <fstream>
              #include <iostream>
              #include <string>
              #include <vector>

              const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
              const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
              const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
              const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

              cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr);

              struct Color {
              std::string colorName;
              cv::Scalar bgr;
              cv::Scalar difference;
              Color(std::string, cv::Scalar bgr)
              : colorName{colorName},

              cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
              cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
              for (auto const& img: imgData) {
              avg += img;

              double const n = imgData.size();
              return avg / n;

              cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr) {
              // difference between each pair of components
              return {bgr[0] - bgr[1], // difference between blue and green
              bgr[1] - bgr[2], // difference between green and red
              bgr[2] - bgr[0]}; // difference between red and blue

              std::vector<Color> training()
              std::vector<Color> color;
              for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; ++j) {
              std::string colorName;
              std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
              file >> colorName;
              std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData;
              for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; ++i) {
              std::string const fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg";
              cv::Mat const image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
              auto const mean = getAvg(imgData);
              color.emplace_back(colorName, mean);
              std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl;
              std::cout << std::endl; // blank line to separate from next color files
              return color;

              double getColorAccuracy(const cv::Scalar& color1, const cv::Scalar& color2)
              // similarity between two colors, on a scale of 0 (very different) to 1 (identical)
              double accuracy = 0;
              const auto diff = color1 - color2;
              for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
              accuracy += std::abs(diff[i]);
              return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

              const Color& getColorGuess(const std::vector<Color>& color, const cv::Mat& image)
              { // guess the color
              cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image);
              cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr);

              auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
              [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
              return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);

              std::cout << imgBgr << " matches " << it->colorName << std::endl;
              return *it;

              // main
              int main() {
              std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl;

              std::vector<Color> color = training();

              getColorGuess(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR));

              Further ideas

              • You might want to encapsulate the trained recogniser into an object.

              • Consider separating out the parts that write to std::cout so you can write a silent program that just does its job cleanly.

              share|improve this answer




                Fix the includes

                Don't include headers you're not using. I had to remove a bunch of headers that aren't available here, simply to get your code to compile.

                I then had to include the math header for the use of fabs in getColorAccuracy() - which I then changed to std::abs, so <cmath>.

                I then had:

                #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
                #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

                #include <cmath>
                #include <fstream>
                #include <iostream>
                #include <string>
                #include <vector>

                Comments should explain the code

                Throughout the program, your comments duplicate what the code says. Good comments explain why rather than what, and most of the commentary is through good use of names. For example:

                cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
                cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
                int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
                for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
                avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
                avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
                return avg; // return the average

                We know that imgData.size() returns the size of a vector, so no need to comment that. It's much more important, for example, to explain why we loop over the RGB components in the outer loop rather than in the inner loop.

                Use range-based for on containers

                In getAvg(), we don't need to count elements if we use range-based for (and this eliminates a dubious conversion in int num = imgData.size()):

                cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
                cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
                for (auto const& img: imgData) {
                avg += img;

                double const n = imgData.size();
                return avg / n;

                Here, I've also made use of the operator overloads += and / provided by cv::Scalar to perform elementwise arithmetic without needing to loop over the RGBA components within the Scalar.

                Note also that this function can accept the vector by const reference, as we are not modifying it and do not need to copy.

                Create and open ifstream in a single step

                Instead of creating a default-constructed stream, we can start with it open, by passing the filename to its constructor:

                    std::string colorName;
                std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
                file >> colorName;

                It's not necessary to explicitly call file.close(), as the destructor takes care of that for us.

                Reduce copying of Color objects

                We can use std::vector::emplace_back to construct a Color directly into the vector:


                I'll change the Color constructor to accept two arguments and compute the difference, which will eliminate the second call to getAvg() - see the complete code at the end of answer.

                A simple typo

                I think that Guest should be Guess!

                Inefficient search

                The getColorGuess() is the only function that uses C++ algorithms, but this line looks quite dubious:

                Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
                *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))];

                Having found an iterator to the maximum value, there's no need to dereference it and pass it to find to get the same iterator back again. It's functionally equivalent to

                Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
                std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end()))];

                We can do still better, though, as we can find the maximum value directly on the color vector, by telling std::max_element how to do the calculation:

                auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
                [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
                return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);
                // *it is a reference to a const Color in the vector

                Busy loop

                This is rude to any other process (and to those of us who prefer a cooler environment):

                while (1);

                This never terminates. Just remove it.

                Re-worked code

                #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
                #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

                #include <algorithm>
                #include <cmath>
                #include <fstream>
                #include <iostream>
                #include <string>
                #include <vector>

                const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
                const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
                const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
                const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

                cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr);

                struct Color {
                std::string colorName;
                cv::Scalar bgr;
                cv::Scalar difference;
                Color(std::string, cv::Scalar bgr)
                : colorName{colorName},

                cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
                cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
                for (auto const& img: imgData) {
                avg += img;

                double const n = imgData.size();
                return avg / n;

                cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr) {
                // difference between each pair of components
                return {bgr[0] - bgr[1], // difference between blue and green
                bgr[1] - bgr[2], // difference between green and red
                bgr[2] - bgr[0]}; // difference between red and blue

                std::vector<Color> training()
                std::vector<Color> color;
                for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; ++j) {
                std::string colorName;
                std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
                file >> colorName;
                std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData;
                for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; ++i) {
                std::string const fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg";
                cv::Mat const image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
                auto const mean = getAvg(imgData);
                color.emplace_back(colorName, mean);
                std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl;
                std::cout << std::endl; // blank line to separate from next color files
                return color;

                double getColorAccuracy(const cv::Scalar& color1, const cv::Scalar& color2)
                // similarity between two colors, on a scale of 0 (very different) to 1 (identical)
                double accuracy = 0;
                const auto diff = color1 - color2;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                accuracy += std::abs(diff[i]);
                return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

                const Color& getColorGuess(const std::vector<Color>& color, const cv::Mat& image)
                { // guess the color
                cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image);
                cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr);

                auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
                [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
                return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);

                std::cout << imgBgr << " matches " << it->colorName << std::endl;
                return *it;

                // main
                int main() {
                std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl;

                std::vector<Color> color = training();

                getColorGuess(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR));

                Further ideas

                • You might want to encapsulate the trained recogniser into an object.

                • Consider separating out the parts that write to std::cout so you can write a silent program that just does its job cleanly.

                share|improve this answer

                Fix the includes

                Don't include headers you're not using. I had to remove a bunch of headers that aren't available here, simply to get your code to compile.

                I then had to include the math header for the use of fabs in getColorAccuracy() - which I then changed to std::abs, so <cmath>.

                I then had:

                #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
                #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

                #include <cmath>
                #include <fstream>
                #include <iostream>
                #include <string>
                #include <vector>

                Comments should explain the code

                Throughout the program, your comments duplicate what the code says. Good comments explain why rather than what, and most of the commentary is through good use of names. For example:

                cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
                cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
                int num = imgData.size(); // size of vector
                for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) // cycle through the pictures
                avg[rgb] += imgData[i][rgb]; // add them up
                avg[rgb] /= num; // divide them by the total
                return avg; // return the average

                We know that imgData.size() returns the size of a vector, so no need to comment that. It's much more important, for example, to explain why we loop over the RGB components in the outer loop rather than in the inner loop.

                Use range-based for on containers

                In getAvg(), we don't need to count elements if we use range-based for (and this eliminates a dubious conversion in int num = imgData.size()):

                cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
                cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
                for (auto const& img: imgData) {
                avg += img;

                double const n = imgData.size();
                return avg / n;

                Here, I've also made use of the operator overloads += and / provided by cv::Scalar to perform elementwise arithmetic without needing to loop over the RGBA components within the Scalar.

                Note also that this function can accept the vector by const reference, as we are not modifying it and do not need to copy.

                Create and open ifstream in a single step

                Instead of creating a default-constructed stream, we can start with it open, by passing the filename to its constructor:

                    std::string colorName;
                std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
                file >> colorName;

                It's not necessary to explicitly call file.close(), as the destructor takes care of that for us.

                Reduce copying of Color objects

                We can use std::vector::emplace_back to construct a Color directly into the vector:


                I'll change the Color constructor to accept two arguments and compute the difference, which will eliminate the second call to getAvg() - see the complete code at the end of answer.

                A simple typo

                I think that Guest should be Guess!

                Inefficient search

                The getColorGuess() is the only function that uses C++ algorithms, but this line looks quite dubious:

                Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
                *std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end())))];

                Having found an iterator to the maximum value, there's no need to dereference it and pass it to find to get the same iterator back again. It's functionally equivalent to

                Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
                std::max_element(accuracy.begin(), accuracy.end()))];

                We can do still better, though, as we can find the maximum value directly on the color vector, by telling std::max_element how to do the calculation:

                auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
                [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
                return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);
                // *it is a reference to a const Color in the vector

                Busy loop

                This is rude to any other process (and to those of us who prefer a cooler environment):

                while (1);

                This never terminates. Just remove it.

                Re-worked code

                #include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
                #include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

                #include <algorithm>
                #include <cmath>
                #include <fstream>
                #include <iostream>
                #include <string>
                #include <vector>

                const int NUM_FILE = 10; // number of images per color, NUM_FILE & NUM_COLOR are temporary until I get Boost working
                const int NUM_COLOR = 7; // number of colors
                const float NUM_VERSION = 1.3; // version number
                const std::string TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER = "../TrainData/"; // training data location

                cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr);

                struct Color {
                std::string colorName;
                cv::Scalar bgr;
                cv::Scalar difference;
                Color(std::string, cv::Scalar bgr)
                : colorName{colorName},

                cv::Scalar getAvg(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData)
                cv::Scalar avg{ 0 };
                for (auto const& img: imgData) {
                avg += img;

                double const n = imgData.size();
                return avg / n;

                cv::Scalar getBgrDifference(const cv::Scalar& bgr) {
                // difference between each pair of components
                return {bgr[0] - bgr[1], // difference between blue and green
                bgr[1] - bgr[2], // difference between green and red
                bgr[2] - bgr[0]}; // difference between red and blue

                std::vector<Color> training()
                std::vector<Color> color;
                for (int j = 0; j < NUM_COLOR; ++j) {
                std::string colorName;
                std::ifstream file{TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/name.txt"};
                file >> colorName;
                std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData;
                for (int i = 0; i < NUM_FILE; ++i) {
                std::string const fname = TRAIN_DATA_FOLDER + std::to_string(j) + "/" + std::to_string(i) + ".jpg";
                cv::Mat const image = cv::imread(fname, cv::IMREAD_COLOR);
                auto const mean = getAvg(imgData);
                color.emplace_back(colorName, mean);
                std::cout << color[j].colorName << " : " << color[j].bgr << std::endl;
                std::cout << std::endl; // blank line to separate from next color files
                return color;

                double getColorAccuracy(const cv::Scalar& color1, const cv::Scalar& color2)
                // similarity between two colors, on a scale of 0 (very different) to 1 (identical)
                double accuracy = 0;
                const auto diff = color1 - color2;
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                accuracy += std::abs(diff[i]);
                return 1 - ((accuracy / 3) / 255); // divide and conquer them!, just kidding, divide and return it

                const Color& getColorGuess(const std::vector<Color>& color, const cv::Mat& image)
                { // guess the color
                cv::Scalar imgBgr = cv::mean(image);
                cv::Scalar imgDifference = getBgrDifference(imgBgr);

                auto it = std::max_element(color.begin(),
                [imgDifference](const Color& a, const Color& b) {
                return getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, a.difference) < getColorAccuracy(imgDifference, b.difference);

                std::cout << imgBgr << " matches " << it->colorName << std::endl;
                return *it;

                // main
                int main() {
                std::cout << NUM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl;

                std::vector<Color> color = training();

                getColorGuess(color, cv::imread("../TestData/yellow.jpg", cv::IMREAD_COLOR));

                Further ideas

                • You might want to encapsulate the trained recogniser into an object.

                • Consider separating out the parts that write to std::cout so you can write a silent program that just does its job cleanly.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered May 9 '17 at 16:26

                Toby Speight




                    The first thing I do not get is here:

                    struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
                    std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
                    cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
                    cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

                    How can three values be a scalar? how can the difference between these two be a scalar? It is obviously not your code, but it confuses me on the spot.

                    Please use descriptive names. The amount time saved by typing getAvg rather than getAverage is small compared to the time you need to read them properly once more getFoo functions fly around.

                    You are always passing the data by copy

                    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData)

                    This is really slow and you should definitely pass it by reference or const reference depending on your need.

                    Also the getAvg function should not modify your data so it should be const too. In Summary your function signature should look like this

                    cv::Scalar getAverage(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData) const

                    Not your library, but without words

                    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar

                    Your getAverage function seems dubious. The strange part is

                    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
                    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
                    for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors

                    avg is a scalar of size 4 but you only iterate the first 3 elements? So why is it of size 4 when there are only 3 colors? You should either fix this or add a good explanation.

                    In your training routine you are loading the image data. This should be a separate function. Generally try to encapsulate your functionality better.

                    Your getColorAccuracy() function is kind of strange. You are passing a vector (scalar) and then an element to a scalar and then pushing that back into a vector. Just vectorize the whole function, so that it returns a std::vector<double>.

                    Cool but seems like an overkill:

                    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), 
                    accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

                    Especially as max_element returns the iterator to the greatest element. So what you are doing is finding the pointer of the maximal element, dereferencing it to find that maximal element and get its pointer back. That should do it too:

                    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
                    accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

                    I assume you mean Guess?

                    Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color

                    share|improve this answer

                    • The type Scalar is widely used in OpenCV for passing pixel values. It is not necessary to define the last argument if it is not going to be used.
                      – Maikel
                      May 9 '17 at 14:39

                    • 1

                      Actually, the color struct was from me. I didn't copy it from anybody.
                      – Dat
                      May 9 '17 at 15:35


                    The first thing I do not get is here:

                    struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
                    std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
                    cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
                    cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

                    How can three values be a scalar? how can the difference between these two be a scalar? It is obviously not your code, but it confuses me on the spot.

                    Please use descriptive names. The amount time saved by typing getAvg rather than getAverage is small compared to the time you need to read them properly once more getFoo functions fly around.

                    You are always passing the data by copy

                    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData)

                    This is really slow and you should definitely pass it by reference or const reference depending on your need.

                    Also the getAvg function should not modify your data so it should be const too. In Summary your function signature should look like this

                    cv::Scalar getAverage(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData) const

                    Not your library, but without words

                    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar

                    Your getAverage function seems dubious. The strange part is

                    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
                    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
                    for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors

                    avg is a scalar of size 4 but you only iterate the first 3 elements? So why is it of size 4 when there are only 3 colors? You should either fix this or add a good explanation.

                    In your training routine you are loading the image data. This should be a separate function. Generally try to encapsulate your functionality better.

                    Your getColorAccuracy() function is kind of strange. You are passing a vector (scalar) and then an element to a scalar and then pushing that back into a vector. Just vectorize the whole function, so that it returns a std::vector<double>.

                    Cool but seems like an overkill:

                    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), 
                    accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

                    Especially as max_element returns the iterator to the greatest element. So what you are doing is finding the pointer of the maximal element, dereferencing it to find that maximal element and get its pointer back. That should do it too:

                    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
                    accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

                    I assume you mean Guess?

                    Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color

                    share|improve this answer

                    • The type Scalar is widely used in OpenCV for passing pixel values. It is not necessary to define the last argument if it is not going to be used.
                      – Maikel
                      May 9 '17 at 14:39

                    • 1

                      Actually, the color struct was from me. I didn't copy it from anybody.
                      – Dat
                      May 9 '17 at 15:35




                    The first thing I do not get is here:

                    struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
                    std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
                    cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
                    cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

                    How can three values be a scalar? how can the difference between these two be a scalar? It is obviously not your code, but it confuses me on the spot.

                    Please use descriptive names. The amount time saved by typing getAvg rather than getAverage is small compared to the time you need to read them properly once more getFoo functions fly around.

                    You are always passing the data by copy

                    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData)

                    This is really slow and you should definitely pass it by reference or const reference depending on your need.

                    Also the getAvg function should not modify your data so it should be const too. In Summary your function signature should look like this

                    cv::Scalar getAverage(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData) const

                    Not your library, but without words

                    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar

                    Your getAverage function seems dubious. The strange part is

                    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
                    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
                    for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors

                    avg is a scalar of size 4 but you only iterate the first 3 elements? So why is it of size 4 when there are only 3 colors? You should either fix this or add a good explanation.

                    In your training routine you are loading the image data. This should be a separate function. Generally try to encapsulate your functionality better.

                    Your getColorAccuracy() function is kind of strange. You are passing a vector (scalar) and then an element to a scalar and then pushing that back into a vector. Just vectorize the whole function, so that it returns a std::vector<double>.

                    Cool but seems like an overkill:

                    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), 
                    accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

                    Especially as max_element returns the iterator to the greatest element. So what you are doing is finding the pointer of the maximal element, dereferencing it to find that maximal element and get its pointer back. That should do it too:

                    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
                    accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

                    I assume you mean Guess?

                    Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color

                    share|improve this answer

                    The first thing I do not get is here:

                    struct Color { // define a new color that we learned of compare
                    std::string colorName; // name of the color, ex. red, blue
                    cv::Scalar bgr; // blue, green, and red values in that order
                    cv::Scalar difference; // what is the difference between, blue and green, green and red, and red and blue

                    How can three values be a scalar? how can the difference between these two be a scalar? It is obviously not your code, but it confuses me on the spot.

                    Please use descriptive names. The amount time saved by typing getAvg rather than getAverage is small compared to the time you need to read them properly once more getFoo functions fly around.

                    You are always passing the data by copy

                    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData)

                    This is really slow and you should definitely pass it by reference or const reference depending on your need.

                    Also the getAvg function should not modify your data so it should be const too. In Summary your function signature should look like this

                    cv::Scalar getAverage(const std::vector<cv::Scalar>& imgData) const

                    Not your library, but without words

                    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar

                    Your getAverage function seems dubious. The strange part is

                    cv::Scalar getAvg(std::vector<cv::Scalar> imgData) { // get the average BGR of a vector of images BGR value
                    cv::Scalar avg = { 0,0,0,0 }; // new scalar
                    for (int rgb = 0; rgb < 3; rgb++) { // cycle through the colors

                    avg is a scalar of size 4 but you only iterate the first 3 elements? So why is it of size 4 when there are only 3 colors? You should either fix this or add a good explanation.

                    In your training routine you are loading the image data. This should be a separate function. Generally try to encapsulate your functionality better.

                    Your getColorAccuracy() function is kind of strange. You are passing a vector (scalar) and then an element to a scalar and then pushing that back into a vector. Just vectorize the whole function, so that it returns a std::vector<double>.

                    Cool but seems like an overkill:

                    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(), 
                    accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

                    Especially as max_element returns the iterator to the greatest element. So what you are doing is finding the pointer of the maximal element, dereferencing it to find that maximal element and get its pointer back. That should do it too:

                    Color bestColor = color[std::distance(accuracy.begin(),
                    accuracy.end())))]; // get the best match color

                    I assume you mean Guess?

                    Color getColorGuest(std::vector<Color> color, cv::Mat image) { // guest the color

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    share|improve this answer

                    edited May 10 '17 at 7:36

                    Toby Speight



                    answered May 9 '17 at 14:04




                    • The type Scalar is widely used in OpenCV for passing pixel values. It is not necessary to define the last argument if it is not going to be used.
                      – Maikel
                      May 9 '17 at 14:39

                    • 1

                      Actually, the color struct was from me. I didn't copy it from anybody.
                      – Dat
                      May 9 '17 at 15:35

                    • The type Scalar is widely used in OpenCV for passing pixel values. It is not necessary to define the last argument if it is not going to be used.
                      – Maikel
                      May 9 '17 at 14:39

                    • 1

                      Actually, the color struct was from me. I didn't copy it from anybody.
                      – Dat
                      May 9 '17 at 15:35

                    The type Scalar is widely used in OpenCV for passing pixel values. It is not necessary to define the last argument if it is not going to be used.
                    – Maikel
                    May 9 '17 at 14:39

                    The type Scalar is widely used in OpenCV for passing pixel values. It is not necessary to define the last argument if it is not going to be used.
                    – Maikel
                    May 9 '17 at 14:39



                    Actually, the color struct was from me. I didn't copy it from anybody.
                    – Dat
                    May 9 '17 at 15:35

                    Actually, the color struct was from me. I didn't copy it from anybody.
                    – Dat
                    May 9 '17 at 15:35

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