Uncheck checkbox onclick of its lable in Angular 5


Following my previous question: ngFor length in Angular 5

I was able to fix the error in the previous question.
Now I have a list of checkboxes in which I want to uncheck the selected checkbox by on its label click. Something like this: https://run.plnkr.co/plunks/5WkoJK/.

Below is my code


<input [(ngModel)]="searchText" placeholder="search text goes here">
<span class="filter-clear" *ngIf="searchText.length>0" (click)="clearFilter()">X</span>
<ul class="list-unstyled scrollbar">
<li *ngFor="let category of categories| filter : searchText; let i = index">
<label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
<input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.selected" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)" class="custom-control-input">
<small class="custom-control-indicator"></small>
<small class="custom-control-label">{{ category }}</small>

<div (click)="deleteCategory(category)" class="selected-game" *ngFor="let category of myarray" >


import { Component, NgModule, OnInit,  Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
import { Feeds } from '../shared/services/feeds';
import { FeedsService } from '../shared/services/feeds.service';
import { Categories } from '../shared/services/categories';
import { CategoriesService } from '../shared/services/categories.service';
import { MyService } from '../shared/services/my-service.service';
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { FilterPipe } from '../shared/pipes/category-type.pipe';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

selector: 'app-categories',
templateUrl: './categories.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./categories.component.scss']
export class CategoriesComponent implements OnInit {

categories: Categories;

feeds: Feeds;

myarray = ;

myobj = {
'categories': this.myarray

searchText = '';
selected_count = 0;

constructor(private categoriesService: CategoriesService, private myService: MyService) {

ngOnInit() {

clearFilter() {
this.searchText = '';

// Clearing All Selections
clearSelection() {
this.searchText = '';
this.categories = this.categories.filter( g => {
g.checked = false;
return true;

deleteCategory(category) {
this.searchText = '';
const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
this.categories = this.categories.filter(name => name !== category);

getCategories(): void {
this.categoriesService.getCategories().subscribe(categories => this.categories = categories);

getCategoryFeeds(myobj): void {
this.categoriesService.getfeedsByCategories(myobj).subscribe( feeds => { this.myService.change(feeds); });

check(category, event) {
if (event.target.checked) {
} else if (!event.target.checked) {
const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
if (!event.target.checked && this.myarray.length === 0) {



export class Categories {
category_name: string;
checked: false;

Once I click on any checkbox It gets added into myarray Array

I am bit confused on the deleteCategory function. When I try to click on the label on the bottom of the checkbox list. Instead of unchecking the checked checkbox it deletes the checkbox itself.

I followed this example: http://www.freakyjolly.com/angular-4-5-typescript-create-filter-list-with-check-boxes-to-select-from-list/

Its a bit different from my code. Help appreciated.

enter image description here

share|improve this question


    Following my previous question: ngFor length in Angular 5

    I was able to fix the error in the previous question.
    Now I have a list of checkboxes in which I want to uncheck the selected checkbox by on its label click. Something like this: https://run.plnkr.co/plunks/5WkoJK/.

    Below is my code


    <input [(ngModel)]="searchText" placeholder="search text goes here">
    <span class="filter-clear" *ngIf="searchText.length>0" (click)="clearFilter()">X</span>
    <ul class="list-unstyled scrollbar">
    <li *ngFor="let category of categories| filter : searchText; let i = index">
    <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
    <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.selected" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)" class="custom-control-input">
    <small class="custom-control-indicator"></small>
    <small class="custom-control-label">{{ category }}</small>

    <div (click)="deleteCategory(category)" class="selected-game" *ngFor="let category of myarray" >


    import { Component, NgModule, OnInit,  Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
    import { Feeds } from '../shared/services/feeds';
    import { FeedsService } from '../shared/services/feeds.service';
    import { Categories } from '../shared/services/categories';
    import { CategoriesService } from '../shared/services/categories.service';
    import { MyService } from '../shared/services/my-service.service';
    import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
    import { FilterPipe } from '../shared/pipes/category-type.pipe';
    import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
    import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

    selector: 'app-categories',
    templateUrl: './categories.component.html',
    styleUrls: ['./categories.component.scss']
    export class CategoriesComponent implements OnInit {

    categories: Categories;

    feeds: Feeds;

    myarray = ;

    myobj = {
    'categories': this.myarray

    searchText = '';
    selected_count = 0;

    constructor(private categoriesService: CategoriesService, private myService: MyService) {

    ngOnInit() {

    clearFilter() {
    this.searchText = '';

    // Clearing All Selections
    clearSelection() {
    this.searchText = '';
    this.categories = this.categories.filter( g => {
    g.checked = false;
    return true;

    deleteCategory(category) {
    this.searchText = '';
    const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
    this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
    this.categories = this.categories.filter(name => name !== category);

    getCategories(): void {
    this.categoriesService.getCategories().subscribe(categories => this.categories = categories);

    getCategoryFeeds(myobj): void {
    this.categoriesService.getfeedsByCategories(myobj).subscribe( feeds => { this.myService.change(feeds); });

    check(category, event) {
    if (event.target.checked) {
    } else if (!event.target.checked) {
    const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
    this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
    if (!event.target.checked && this.myarray.length === 0) {



    export class Categories {
    category_name: string;
    checked: false;

    Once I click on any checkbox It gets added into myarray Array

    I am bit confused on the deleteCategory function. When I try to click on the label on the bottom of the checkbox list. Instead of unchecking the checked checkbox it deletes the checkbox itself.

    I followed this example: http://www.freakyjolly.com/angular-4-5-typescript-create-filter-list-with-check-boxes-to-select-from-list/

    Its a bit different from my code. Help appreciated.

    enter image description here

    share|improve this question




      Following my previous question: ngFor length in Angular 5

      I was able to fix the error in the previous question.
      Now I have a list of checkboxes in which I want to uncheck the selected checkbox by on its label click. Something like this: https://run.plnkr.co/plunks/5WkoJK/.

      Below is my code


      <input [(ngModel)]="searchText" placeholder="search text goes here">
      <span class="filter-clear" *ngIf="searchText.length>0" (click)="clearFilter()">X</span>
      <ul class="list-unstyled scrollbar">
      <li *ngFor="let category of categories| filter : searchText; let i = index">
      <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.selected" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)" class="custom-control-input">
      <small class="custom-control-indicator"></small>
      <small class="custom-control-label">{{ category }}</small>

      <div (click)="deleteCategory(category)" class="selected-game" *ngFor="let category of myarray" >


      import { Component, NgModule, OnInit,  Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
      import { Feeds } from '../shared/services/feeds';
      import { FeedsService } from '../shared/services/feeds.service';
      import { Categories } from '../shared/services/categories';
      import { CategoriesService } from '../shared/services/categories.service';
      import { MyService } from '../shared/services/my-service.service';
      import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
      import { FilterPipe } from '../shared/pipes/category-type.pipe';
      import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
      import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

      selector: 'app-categories',
      templateUrl: './categories.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./categories.component.scss']
      export class CategoriesComponent implements OnInit {

      categories: Categories;

      feeds: Feeds;

      myarray = ;

      myobj = {
      'categories': this.myarray

      searchText = '';
      selected_count = 0;

      constructor(private categoriesService: CategoriesService, private myService: MyService) {

      ngOnInit() {

      clearFilter() {
      this.searchText = '';

      // Clearing All Selections
      clearSelection() {
      this.searchText = '';
      this.categories = this.categories.filter( g => {
      g.checked = false;
      return true;

      deleteCategory(category) {
      this.searchText = '';
      const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
      this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
      this.categories = this.categories.filter(name => name !== category);

      getCategories(): void {
      this.categoriesService.getCategories().subscribe(categories => this.categories = categories);

      getCategoryFeeds(myobj): void {
      this.categoriesService.getfeedsByCategories(myobj).subscribe( feeds => { this.myService.change(feeds); });

      check(category, event) {
      if (event.target.checked) {
      } else if (!event.target.checked) {
      const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
      this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
      if (!event.target.checked && this.myarray.length === 0) {



      export class Categories {
      category_name: string;
      checked: false;

      Once I click on any checkbox It gets added into myarray Array

      I am bit confused on the deleteCategory function. When I try to click on the label on the bottom of the checkbox list. Instead of unchecking the checked checkbox it deletes the checkbox itself.

      I followed this example: http://www.freakyjolly.com/angular-4-5-typescript-create-filter-list-with-check-boxes-to-select-from-list/

      Its a bit different from my code. Help appreciated.

      enter image description here

      share|improve this question

      Following my previous question: ngFor length in Angular 5

      I was able to fix the error in the previous question.
      Now I have a list of checkboxes in which I want to uncheck the selected checkbox by on its label click. Something like this: https://run.plnkr.co/plunks/5WkoJK/.

      Below is my code


      <input [(ngModel)]="searchText" placeholder="search text goes here">
      <span class="filter-clear" *ngIf="searchText.length>0" (click)="clearFilter()">X</span>
      <ul class="list-unstyled scrollbar">
      <li *ngFor="let category of categories| filter : searchText; let i = index">
      <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.selected" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)" class="custom-control-input">
      <small class="custom-control-indicator"></small>
      <small class="custom-control-label">{{ category }}</small>

      <div (click)="deleteCategory(category)" class="selected-game" *ngFor="let category of myarray" >


      import { Component, NgModule, OnInit,  Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
      import { Feeds } from '../shared/services/feeds';
      import { FeedsService } from '../shared/services/feeds.service';
      import { Categories } from '../shared/services/categories';
      import { CategoriesService } from '../shared/services/categories.service';
      import { MyService } from '../shared/services/my-service.service';
      import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
      import { FilterPipe } from '../shared/pipes/category-type.pipe';
      import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
      import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

      selector: 'app-categories',
      templateUrl: './categories.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./categories.component.scss']
      export class CategoriesComponent implements OnInit {

      categories: Categories;

      feeds: Feeds;

      myarray = ;

      myobj = {
      'categories': this.myarray

      searchText = '';
      selected_count = 0;

      constructor(private categoriesService: CategoriesService, private myService: MyService) {

      ngOnInit() {

      clearFilter() {
      this.searchText = '';

      // Clearing All Selections
      clearSelection() {
      this.searchText = '';
      this.categories = this.categories.filter( g => {
      g.checked = false;
      return true;

      deleteCategory(category) {
      this.searchText = '';
      const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
      this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
      this.categories = this.categories.filter(name => name !== category);

      getCategories(): void {
      this.categoriesService.getCategories().subscribe(categories => this.categories = categories);

      getCategoryFeeds(myobj): void {
      this.categoriesService.getfeedsByCategories(myobj).subscribe( feeds => { this.myService.change(feeds); });

      check(category, event) {
      if (event.target.checked) {
      } else if (!event.target.checked) {
      const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
      this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
      if (!event.target.checked && this.myarray.length === 0) {



      export class Categories {
      category_name: string;
      checked: false;

      Once I click on any checkbox It gets added into myarray Array

      I am bit confused on the deleteCategory function. When I try to click on the label on the bottom of the checkbox list. Instead of unchecking the checked checkbox it deletes the checkbox itself.

      I followed this example: http://www.freakyjolly.com/angular-4-5-typescript-create-filter-list-with-check-boxes-to-select-from-list/

      Its a bit different from my code. Help appreciated.

      enter image description here

      <input [(ngModel)]="searchText" placeholder="search text goes here">
      <span class="filter-clear" *ngIf="searchText.length>0" (click)="clearFilter()">X</span>
      <ul class="list-unstyled scrollbar">
      <li *ngFor="let category of categories| filter : searchText; let i = index">
      <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.selected" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)" class="custom-control-input">
      <small class="custom-control-indicator"></small>
      <small class="custom-control-label">{{ category }}</small>

      <div (click)="deleteCategory(category)" class="selected-game" *ngFor="let category of myarray" >

      <input [(ngModel)]="searchText" placeholder="search text goes here">
      <span class="filter-clear" *ngIf="searchText.length>0" (click)="clearFilter()">X</span>
      <ul class="list-unstyled scrollbar">
      <li *ngFor="let category of categories| filter : searchText; let i = index">
      <label class="custom-control custom-checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.selected" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)" class="custom-control-input">
      <small class="custom-control-indicator"></small>
      <small class="custom-control-label">{{ category }}</small>

      <div (click)="deleteCategory(category)" class="selected-game" *ngFor="let category of myarray" >

      import { Component, NgModule, OnInit,  Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
      import { Feeds } from '../shared/services/feeds';
      import { FeedsService } from '../shared/services/feeds.service';
      import { Categories } from '../shared/services/categories';
      import { CategoriesService } from '../shared/services/categories.service';
      import { MyService } from '../shared/services/my-service.service';
      import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
      import { FilterPipe } from '../shared/pipes/category-type.pipe';
      import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
      import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

      selector: 'app-categories',
      templateUrl: './categories.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./categories.component.scss']
      export class CategoriesComponent implements OnInit {

      categories: Categories;

      feeds: Feeds;

      myarray = ;

      myobj = {
      'categories': this.myarray

      searchText = '';
      selected_count = 0;

      constructor(private categoriesService: CategoriesService, private myService: MyService) {

      ngOnInit() {

      clearFilter() {
      this.searchText = '';

      // Clearing All Selections
      clearSelection() {
      this.searchText = '';
      this.categories = this.categories.filter( g => {
      g.checked = false;
      return true;

      deleteCategory(category) {
      this.searchText = '';
      const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
      this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
      this.categories = this.categories.filter(name => name !== category);

      getCategories(): void {
      this.categoriesService.getCategories().subscribe(categories => this.categories = categories);

      getCategoryFeeds(myobj): void {
      this.categoriesService.getfeedsByCategories(myobj).subscribe( feeds => { this.myService.change(feeds); });

      check(category, event) {
      if (event.target.checked) {
      } else if (!event.target.checked) {
      const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
      this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
      if (!event.target.checked && this.myarray.length === 0) {


      import { Component, NgModule, OnInit,  Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
      import { Feeds } from '../shared/services/feeds';
      import { FeedsService } from '../shared/services/feeds.service';
      import { Categories } from '../shared/services/categories';
      import { CategoriesService } from '../shared/services/categories.service';
      import { MyService } from '../shared/services/my-service.service';
      import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
      import { FilterPipe } from '../shared/pipes/category-type.pipe';
      import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
      import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

      selector: 'app-categories',
      templateUrl: './categories.component.html',
      styleUrls: ['./categories.component.scss']
      export class CategoriesComponent implements OnInit {

      categories: Categories;

      feeds: Feeds;

      myarray = ;

      myobj = {
      'categories': this.myarray

      searchText = '';
      selected_count = 0;

      constructor(private categoriesService: CategoriesService, private myService: MyService) {

      ngOnInit() {

      clearFilter() {
      this.searchText = '';

      // Clearing All Selections
      clearSelection() {
      this.searchText = '';
      this.categories = this.categories.filter( g => {
      g.checked = false;
      return true;

      deleteCategory(category) {
      this.searchText = '';
      const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
      this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
      this.categories = this.categories.filter(name => name !== category);

      getCategories(): void {
      this.categoriesService.getCategories().subscribe(categories => this.categories = categories);

      getCategoryFeeds(myobj): void {
      this.categoriesService.getfeedsByCategories(myobj).subscribe( feeds => { this.myService.change(feeds); });

      check(category, event) {
      if (event.target.checked) {
      } else if (!event.target.checked) {
      const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
      this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
      if (!event.target.checked && this.myarray.length === 0) {


      export class Categories {
      category_name: string;
      checked: false;

      export class Categories {
      category_name: string;
      checked: false;

      angular checkbox label angular5

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 21 at 2:10

      Samuel Liew



      asked Apr 3 at 15:04

      Kamlesh Katpara



          3 Answers





          You need to use [checked] property in checkbox tag. The reason to remove checkbox is cause you delete item from your array and *ngFor update.
          Or in deleteCategory you can change to catecory.selected = false

          edit add code

          change deleteCategory to

          deleteCategory(category) {
          this.searchText = '';
          const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
          this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
          this.categories = this.categories.map(name => {
          if (name === category)
          name.checked = false
          return name

          and your html to
          <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.checked" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)"

          it's work for me

          share|improve this answer

          • Can you please share an example or a plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 19:45

          • @KamleshKatpara I'm edit.
            – eran hadad
            Apr 3 at 20:35

          • it throws error ERROR TypeError: Cannot create property 'checked' on string 'Mobiles & Tablets' at eval (categories.component.ts:54)
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 21:16


          just replace below code in your example....

          <input (change)="getSelected()" type="checkbox"
          name="games" value="{{g.id}}"
          id="{{g.id}}" [(ngModel)]="g.selected"/>

          <label class="game-text" for="{{g.id}}">{{g.name}}</label>

          in above added id attribute in input and for attribute in label also replaced span with label.


          share|improve this answer

          • I already tried that it won't work with my code, I need to get the category and event in getSelected() method.
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 4:56


          Before removing make category.selected to false, instead of click event you can use ngModelChange which is always safe , and check for the reference leak b/w categories and myarray , use push or concat wisely based on your need.

          share|improve this answer

          • Can you share an example or plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 11:50

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          3 Answers




          3 Answers











          You need to use [checked] property in checkbox tag. The reason to remove checkbox is cause you delete item from your array and *ngFor update.
          Or in deleteCategory you can change to catecory.selected = false

          edit add code

          change deleteCategory to

          deleteCategory(category) {
          this.searchText = '';
          const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
          this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
          this.categories = this.categories.map(name => {
          if (name === category)
          name.checked = false
          return name

          and your html to
          <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.checked" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)"

          it's work for me

          share|improve this answer

          • Can you please share an example or a plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 19:45

          • @KamleshKatpara I'm edit.
            – eran hadad
            Apr 3 at 20:35

          • it throws error ERROR TypeError: Cannot create property 'checked' on string 'Mobiles & Tablets' at eval (categories.component.ts:54)
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 21:16


          You need to use [checked] property in checkbox tag. The reason to remove checkbox is cause you delete item from your array and *ngFor update.
          Or in deleteCategory you can change to catecory.selected = false

          edit add code

          change deleteCategory to

          deleteCategory(category) {
          this.searchText = '';
          const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
          this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
          this.categories = this.categories.map(name => {
          if (name === category)
          name.checked = false
          return name

          and your html to
          <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.checked" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)"

          it's work for me

          share|improve this answer

          • Can you please share an example or a plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 19:45

          • @KamleshKatpara I'm edit.
            – eran hadad
            Apr 3 at 20:35

          • it throws error ERROR TypeError: Cannot create property 'checked' on string 'Mobiles & Tablets' at eval (categories.component.ts:54)
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 21:16




          You need to use [checked] property in checkbox tag. The reason to remove checkbox is cause you delete item from your array and *ngFor update.
          Or in deleteCategory you can change to catecory.selected = false

          edit add code

          change deleteCategory to

          deleteCategory(category) {
          this.searchText = '';
          const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
          this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
          this.categories = this.categories.map(name => {
          if (name === category)
          name.checked = false
          return name

          and your html to
          <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.checked" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)"

          it's work for me

          share|improve this answer

          You need to use [checked] property in checkbox tag. The reason to remove checkbox is cause you delete item from your array and *ngFor update.
          Or in deleteCategory you can change to catecory.selected = false

          edit add code

          change deleteCategory to

          deleteCategory(category) {
          this.searchText = '';
          const index = this.myarray.indexOf(category);
          this.myarray.splice(index, 1);
          this.categories = this.categories.map(name => {
          if (name === category)
          name.checked = false
          return name

          and your html to
          <input type="checkbox" name="category" id="checkbox{{ i +1 }}" [(ngModel)]="category.checked" value="{{category}}" (click)="check(category, $event)"

          it's work for me

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Apr 3 at 20:34

          answered Apr 3 at 19:40

          eran hadad



          • Can you please share an example or a plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 19:45

          • @KamleshKatpara I'm edit.
            – eran hadad
            Apr 3 at 20:35

          • it throws error ERROR TypeError: Cannot create property 'checked' on string 'Mobiles & Tablets' at eval (categories.component.ts:54)
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 21:16

          • Can you please share an example or a plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 19:45

          • @KamleshKatpara I'm edit.
            – eran hadad
            Apr 3 at 20:35

          • it throws error ERROR TypeError: Cannot create property 'checked' on string 'Mobiles & Tablets' at eval (categories.component.ts:54)
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 3 at 21:16

          Can you please share an example or a plnkr ?
          – Kamlesh Katpara
          Apr 3 at 19:45

          Can you please share an example or a plnkr ?
          – Kamlesh Katpara
          Apr 3 at 19:45

          @KamleshKatpara I'm edit.
          – eran hadad
          Apr 3 at 20:35

          @KamleshKatpara I'm edit.
          – eran hadad
          Apr 3 at 20:35

          it throws error ERROR TypeError: Cannot create property 'checked' on string 'Mobiles & Tablets' at eval (categories.component.ts:54)
          – Kamlesh Katpara
          Apr 3 at 21:16

          it throws error ERROR TypeError: Cannot create property 'checked' on string 'Mobiles & Tablets' at eval (categories.component.ts:54)
          – Kamlesh Katpara
          Apr 3 at 21:16


          just replace below code in your example....

          <input (change)="getSelected()" type="checkbox"
          name="games" value="{{g.id}}"
          id="{{g.id}}" [(ngModel)]="g.selected"/>

          <label class="game-text" for="{{g.id}}">{{g.name}}</label>

          in above added id attribute in input and for attribute in label also replaced span with label.


          share|improve this answer

          • I already tried that it won't work with my code, I need to get the category and event in getSelected() method.
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 4:56


          just replace below code in your example....

          <input (change)="getSelected()" type="checkbox"
          name="games" value="{{g.id}}"
          id="{{g.id}}" [(ngModel)]="g.selected"/>

          <label class="game-text" for="{{g.id}}">{{g.name}}</label>

          in above added id attribute in input and for attribute in label also replaced span with label.


          share|improve this answer

          • I already tried that it won't work with my code, I need to get the category and event in getSelected() method.
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 4:56




          just replace below code in your example....

          <input (change)="getSelected()" type="checkbox"
          name="games" value="{{g.id}}"
          id="{{g.id}}" [(ngModel)]="g.selected"/>

          <label class="game-text" for="{{g.id}}">{{g.name}}</label>

          in above added id attribute in input and for attribute in label also replaced span with label.


          share|improve this answer

          just replace below code in your example....

          <input (change)="getSelected()" type="checkbox"
          name="games" value="{{g.id}}"
          id="{{g.id}}" [(ngModel)]="g.selected"/>

          <label class="game-text" for="{{g.id}}">{{g.name}}</label>

          in above added id attribute in input and for attribute in label also replaced span with label.


          <input (change)="getSelected()" type="checkbox"
          name="games" value="{{g.id}}"
          id="{{g.id}}" [(ngModel)]="g.selected"/>

          <label class="game-text" for="{{g.id}}">{{g.name}}</label>

          <input (change)="getSelected()" type="checkbox"
          name="games" value="{{g.id}}"
          id="{{g.id}}" [(ngModel)]="g.selected"/>

          <label class="game-text" for="{{g.id}}">{{g.name}}</label>

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Apr 4 at 4:10

          Rahulgiri Goswami



          • I already tried that it won't work with my code, I need to get the category and event in getSelected() method.
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 4:56

          • I already tried that it won't work with my code, I need to get the category and event in getSelected() method.
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 4:56

          I already tried that it won't work with my code, I need to get the category and event in getSelected() method.
          – Kamlesh Katpara
          Apr 4 at 4:56

          I already tried that it won't work with my code, I need to get the category and event in getSelected() method.
          – Kamlesh Katpara
          Apr 4 at 4:56


          Before removing make category.selected to false, instead of click event you can use ngModelChange which is always safe , and check for the reference leak b/w categories and myarray , use push or concat wisely based on your need.

          share|improve this answer

          • Can you share an example or plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 11:50


          Before removing make category.selected to false, instead of click event you can use ngModelChange which is always safe , and check for the reference leak b/w categories and myarray , use push or concat wisely based on your need.

          share|improve this answer

          • Can you share an example or plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 11:50




          Before removing make category.selected to false, instead of click event you can use ngModelChange which is always safe , and check for the reference leak b/w categories and myarray , use push or concat wisely based on your need.

          share|improve this answer

          Before removing make category.selected to false, instead of click event you can use ngModelChange which is always safe , and check for the reference leak b/w categories and myarray , use push or concat wisely based on your need.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          answered Apr 4 at 10:52

          Ashok Kumar



          • Can you share an example or plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 11:50

          • Can you share an example or plnkr ?
            – Kamlesh Katpara
            Apr 4 at 11:50

          Can you share an example or plnkr ?
          – Kamlesh Katpara
          Apr 4 at 11:50

          Can you share an example or plnkr ?
          – Kamlesh Katpara
          Apr 4 at 11:50

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