Robocopy function copying unnecessary folders when using file parameter

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down vote


I am trying to figure out why my function is pulling folders within a said directory when I am only specifying a specific file to be transferred.

The folders get copied but just the folders. The files within the folders do not get transferred.

I've tried figuring this out, but just cannot quite grasp why this issue is happening. Thanks!

function robocopy-job {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Source,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Destination,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $File

$robocopycmd = "robocopy ""$source"" ""$destination"" ""$File"" /mir /bytes"
$Staging = Invoke-Expression "$robocopycmd /l"
$totalnewfiles = $Staging -match 'new file'
$totalmodified = $Staging -match 'newer'
$totalfiles = $totalnewfiles + $totalmodified
$TotalBytesarray = @()
foreach ($file in $totalfiles) {
if ($file.substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 15).trim() }
else {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 13).trim()}
$totalbytes = (($TotalBytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)

$robocopyjob = Start-Job -Name robocopy -ScriptBlock {param ($command) ; Invoke-Expression -Command $command} -ArgumentList $robocopycmd

while ($robocopyjob.State -eq 'running') {
$progress = Receive-Job -Job $robocopyjob -Keep -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($progress) {
$copiedfiles = ($progress | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'new file', 'newer')
if ($copiedfiles.count -le 0) { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count }
else { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count - 1 }
$FilesRemaining = ($totalfiles.count - $TotalFilesCopied)
$Bytesarray = @()
foreach ($Newfile in $copiedfiles) {
if ($Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 15).trim() }
else { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim() }
$bytescopied = ([int64]$Bytesarray[-1] * ($Filepercentcomplete / 100))
$totalfilebytes = [int64]$Bytesarray[-1]
$TotalBytesCopied = ((($Bytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum) - $totalfilebytes) + $bytescopied
$TotalBytesRemaining = ($totalbytes - $totalBytesCopied)
if ($copiedfiles) {
if ($copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(28).trim() }
else { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(25).trim() }
$totalfilescount = $totalfiles.count
if ($progress[-1] -match '%') { $Filepercentcomplete = $progress[-1].substring(0, 3).trim() }
else { $Filepercentcomplete = 0 }
$totalPercentcomplete = (($TotalBytesCopied / $totalbytes) * 100)
if ($totalbytes -gt 2gb) { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1gb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1gb); $bytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1mb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1mb); $bytes = 'Mbytes' }
if ($totalfilebytes -gt 1gb) { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1gb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1gb); $filebytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1mb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1mb); $filebytes = 'Mbytes' }

Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Copying files from $source to $destination, $totalfilescopied of $totalfilescount files copied" -Status "$bytescopiedprogress of $totalbytesprogress $bytes copied" -PercentComplete $totalPercentcomplete
Write-Progress -Id 2 -Activity "$currentfile" -status "$bytescopied of $totalfilebytes $filebytes" -PercentComplete $Filepercentcomplete

share|improve this question

  • By the way, this only happens when trying to copy a specific file, not an entire directory.
    – rad_
    Nov 20 at 16:23

up vote
down vote


I am trying to figure out why my function is pulling folders within a said directory when I am only specifying a specific file to be transferred.

The folders get copied but just the folders. The files within the folders do not get transferred.

I've tried figuring this out, but just cannot quite grasp why this issue is happening. Thanks!

function robocopy-job {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Source,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Destination,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $File

$robocopycmd = "robocopy ""$source"" ""$destination"" ""$File"" /mir /bytes"
$Staging = Invoke-Expression "$robocopycmd /l"
$totalnewfiles = $Staging -match 'new file'
$totalmodified = $Staging -match 'newer'
$totalfiles = $totalnewfiles + $totalmodified
$TotalBytesarray = @()
foreach ($file in $totalfiles) {
if ($file.substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 15).trim() }
else {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 13).trim()}
$totalbytes = (($TotalBytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)

$robocopyjob = Start-Job -Name robocopy -ScriptBlock {param ($command) ; Invoke-Expression -Command $command} -ArgumentList $robocopycmd

while ($robocopyjob.State -eq 'running') {
$progress = Receive-Job -Job $robocopyjob -Keep -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($progress) {
$copiedfiles = ($progress | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'new file', 'newer')
if ($copiedfiles.count -le 0) { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count }
else { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count - 1 }
$FilesRemaining = ($totalfiles.count - $TotalFilesCopied)
$Bytesarray = @()
foreach ($Newfile in $copiedfiles) {
if ($Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 15).trim() }
else { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim() }
$bytescopied = ([int64]$Bytesarray[-1] * ($Filepercentcomplete / 100))
$totalfilebytes = [int64]$Bytesarray[-1]
$TotalBytesCopied = ((($Bytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum) - $totalfilebytes) + $bytescopied
$TotalBytesRemaining = ($totalbytes - $totalBytesCopied)
if ($copiedfiles) {
if ($copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(28).trim() }
else { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(25).trim() }
$totalfilescount = $totalfiles.count
if ($progress[-1] -match '%') { $Filepercentcomplete = $progress[-1].substring(0, 3).trim() }
else { $Filepercentcomplete = 0 }
$totalPercentcomplete = (($TotalBytesCopied / $totalbytes) * 100)
if ($totalbytes -gt 2gb) { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1gb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1gb); $bytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1mb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1mb); $bytes = 'Mbytes' }
if ($totalfilebytes -gt 1gb) { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1gb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1gb); $filebytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1mb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1mb); $filebytes = 'Mbytes' }

Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Copying files from $source to $destination, $totalfilescopied of $totalfilescount files copied" -Status "$bytescopiedprogress of $totalbytesprogress $bytes copied" -PercentComplete $totalPercentcomplete
Write-Progress -Id 2 -Activity "$currentfile" -status "$bytescopied of $totalfilebytes $filebytes" -PercentComplete $Filepercentcomplete

share|improve this question

  • By the way, this only happens when trying to copy a specific file, not an entire directory.
    – rad_
    Nov 20 at 16:23

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


I am trying to figure out why my function is pulling folders within a said directory when I am only specifying a specific file to be transferred.

The folders get copied but just the folders. The files within the folders do not get transferred.

I've tried figuring this out, but just cannot quite grasp why this issue is happening. Thanks!

function robocopy-job {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Source,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Destination,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $File

$robocopycmd = "robocopy ""$source"" ""$destination"" ""$File"" /mir /bytes"
$Staging = Invoke-Expression "$robocopycmd /l"
$totalnewfiles = $Staging -match 'new file'
$totalmodified = $Staging -match 'newer'
$totalfiles = $totalnewfiles + $totalmodified
$TotalBytesarray = @()
foreach ($file in $totalfiles) {
if ($file.substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 15).trim() }
else {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 13).trim()}
$totalbytes = (($TotalBytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)

$robocopyjob = Start-Job -Name robocopy -ScriptBlock {param ($command) ; Invoke-Expression -Command $command} -ArgumentList $robocopycmd

while ($robocopyjob.State -eq 'running') {
$progress = Receive-Job -Job $robocopyjob -Keep -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($progress) {
$copiedfiles = ($progress | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'new file', 'newer')
if ($copiedfiles.count -le 0) { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count }
else { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count - 1 }
$FilesRemaining = ($totalfiles.count - $TotalFilesCopied)
$Bytesarray = @()
foreach ($Newfile in $copiedfiles) {
if ($Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 15).trim() }
else { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim() }
$bytescopied = ([int64]$Bytesarray[-1] * ($Filepercentcomplete / 100))
$totalfilebytes = [int64]$Bytesarray[-1]
$TotalBytesCopied = ((($Bytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum) - $totalfilebytes) + $bytescopied
$TotalBytesRemaining = ($totalbytes - $totalBytesCopied)
if ($copiedfiles) {
if ($copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(28).trim() }
else { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(25).trim() }
$totalfilescount = $totalfiles.count
if ($progress[-1] -match '%') { $Filepercentcomplete = $progress[-1].substring(0, 3).trim() }
else { $Filepercentcomplete = 0 }
$totalPercentcomplete = (($TotalBytesCopied / $totalbytes) * 100)
if ($totalbytes -gt 2gb) { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1gb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1gb); $bytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1mb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1mb); $bytes = 'Mbytes' }
if ($totalfilebytes -gt 1gb) { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1gb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1gb); $filebytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1mb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1mb); $filebytes = 'Mbytes' }

Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Copying files from $source to $destination, $totalfilescopied of $totalfilescount files copied" -Status "$bytescopiedprogress of $totalbytesprogress $bytes copied" -PercentComplete $totalPercentcomplete
Write-Progress -Id 2 -Activity "$currentfile" -status "$bytescopied of $totalfilebytes $filebytes" -PercentComplete $Filepercentcomplete

share|improve this question

I am trying to figure out why my function is pulling folders within a said directory when I am only specifying a specific file to be transferred.

The folders get copied but just the folders. The files within the folders do not get transferred.

I've tried figuring this out, but just cannot quite grasp why this issue is happening. Thanks!

function robocopy-job {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Source,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $Destination,

[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[string] $File

$robocopycmd = "robocopy ""$source"" ""$destination"" ""$File"" /mir /bytes"
$Staging = Invoke-Expression "$robocopycmd /l"
$totalnewfiles = $Staging -match 'new file'
$totalmodified = $Staging -match 'newer'
$totalfiles = $totalnewfiles + $totalmodified
$TotalBytesarray = @()
foreach ($file in $totalfiles) {
if ($file.substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 15).trim() }
else {$TotalBytesarray += $file.substring(13, 13).trim()}
$totalbytes = (($TotalBytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum)

$robocopyjob = Start-Job -Name robocopy -ScriptBlock {param ($command) ; Invoke-Expression -Command $command} -ArgumentList $robocopycmd

while ($robocopyjob.State -eq 'running') {
$progress = Receive-Job -Job $robocopyjob -Keep -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($progress) {
$copiedfiles = ($progress | Select-String -SimpleMatch 'new file', 'newer')
if ($copiedfiles.count -le 0) { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count }
else { $TotalFilesCopied = $copiedfiles.Count - 1 }
$FilesRemaining = ($totalfiles.count - $TotalFilesCopied)
$Bytesarray = @()
foreach ($Newfile in $copiedfiles) {
if ($Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 15).trim() }
else { $Bytesarray += $Newfile.tostring().substring(13, 13).trim() }
$bytescopied = ([int64]$Bytesarray[-1] * ($Filepercentcomplete / 100))
$totalfilebytes = [int64]$Bytesarray[-1]
$TotalBytesCopied = ((($Bytesarray | Measure-Object -Sum).sum) - $totalfilebytes) + $bytescopied
$TotalBytesRemaining = ($totalbytes - $totalBytesCopied)
if ($copiedfiles) {
if ($copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(13, 13).trim().length -eq 9) { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(28).trim() }
else { $currentfile = $copiedfiles[-1].tostring().substring(25).trim() }
$totalfilescount = $totalfiles.count
if ($progress[-1] -match '%') { $Filepercentcomplete = $progress[-1].substring(0, 3).trim() }
else { $Filepercentcomplete = 0 }
$totalPercentcomplete = (($TotalBytesCopied / $totalbytes) * 100)
if ($totalbytes -gt 2gb) { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1gb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1gb); $bytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $BytesCopiedprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalBytesCopied / 1mb); $totalbytesprogress = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalbytes / 1mb); $bytes = 'Mbytes' }
if ($totalfilebytes -gt 1gb) { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1gb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1gb); $filebytes = 'Gbytes' }
else { $totalfilebytes = "{0:N2}" -f ($totalfilebytes / 1mb); $bytescopied = "{0:N2}" -f ($bytescopied / 1mb); $filebytes = 'Mbytes' }

Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Copying files from $source to $destination, $totalfilescopied of $totalfilescount files copied" -Status "$bytescopiedprogress of $totalbytesprogress $bytes copied" -PercentComplete $totalPercentcomplete
Write-Progress -Id 2 -Activity "$currentfile" -status "$bytescopied of $totalfilebytes $filebytes" -PercentComplete $Filepercentcomplete


share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 20 at 17:16

James C.



asked Nov 20 at 15:52




  • By the way, this only happens when trying to copy a specific file, not an entire directory.
    – rad_
    Nov 20 at 16:23

  • By the way, this only happens when trying to copy a specific file, not an entire directory.
    – rad_
    Nov 20 at 16:23

By the way, this only happens when trying to copy a specific file, not an entire directory.
– rad_
Nov 20 at 16:23

By the way, this only happens when trying to copy a specific file, not an entire directory.
– rad_
Nov 20 at 16:23




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