drawing line using vertex shader & fragment shader in spritkit in swift


I need to draw a line between two spritnodes while hand is pointing from one node to another with rendering or animation.
The line drawing is working for me as I follow this link Bobjt's answer, Animate Path Drawing in SpriteKit . I have used concept of fragment shader and vertex shader here..

I have added animatestroke.fsh file and apply the following code .. But the handplayer animation and line drawing speed is mismatching some times.
my line rendering i have given increment by

strokeLengthFloat += 0.01

And handplayer duration is 1.5:

let moveTosecondObject = SKAction.move(to: handmovepoint, duration: 1.5 )

Here is my implementation code:

variable declaration

var handplayer = SKSpriteNode()
var firstObject = SKSpriteNode()
var secondObject = SKSpriteNode()
var startTrigger: Bool = false

let strokeSizeFactor = CGFloat( 2.0 )
var strokeShader: SKShader!
var strokeLengthUniform: SKUniform!
var _strokeLengthFloat: Float = 0.0
var strokeLengthKey: String!
var strokeLengthFloat: Float {
get {
return _strokeLengthFloat
set( newStrokeLengthFloat ) {
_strokeLengthFloat = newStrokeLengthFloat
strokeLengthUniform.floatValue = newStrokeLengthFloat

Loading method

   override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
handplayer = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "HandImage.png")
handplayer.size.width = handplayer.size.width * 0.5
handplayer.size.height = handplayer.size.height * 0.5
handplayer.position.x = firstObject.position

func UpdatePosition(){

//Line drawing part
strokeLengthKey = "u_current_percentage"
strokeLengthUniform = SKUniform( name: strokeLengthKey, float: 0.0 )
let uniforms: [SKUniform] = [strokeLengthUniform]
strokeShader = shaderWithFilename( "animateStroke", fileExtension: "fsh", uniforms: uniforms )
strokeLengthFloat = 0.0

let cameraNode = SKCameraNode()
self.camera = cameraNode

let lineStartPosition = CGPoint(x:firstObject.frame.origin.x+firstObject.size.width/2,y:firstObject.frame.origin.y-firstObject.size.height*0.2)

let lineEndPosition = CGPoint(x:secondObject.frame.origin.x+secondObject.size.width/2,y:secondObject.frame.origin.y+secondObject.size.height*1.2)

let path = CGMutablePath()
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: lineStartPosition.x, y: lineStartPosition.y))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: : lineEndPosition.x, y: lineEndPosition.y), transform: CGAffineTransform.identity)

let strokeWidth = 1.0 * strokeSizeFactor
let shapeNode = SKShapeNode( path: path )
shapeNode.lineWidth = strokeWidth
shapeNode.lineCap = .square
shapeNode.addChild( cameraNode )
shapeNode.strokeShader = strokeShader
self.addChild( shapeNode )


// center the camera
cameraNode.position = CGPoint( x: self.frame.size.width/2.0, y: self.frame.size.height/2.0 )

**Handplayer Rendering part**
let handmovepoint = CGPoint(x: secondObject.position.x , y: secondObject.position.y + handplayer.size.height*0.1 )

let moveTosecondObject = SKAction.move(to: handmovepoint, duration: 1.5 )
let delay = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
handplayer.run(SKAction.sequence([ delay ]), completion: {() -> Void in
self.startTrigger = true

self.handplayer.run(SKAction.sequence([ moveTosecondObject ]), completion: {() -> Void in
//self.handplayer.alpha = 0.0


//line rendering part
override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {


strokeLengthFloat += 0.01


if startTrigger == true{

if strokeLengthFloat > 1.0 {
//once line drawing completed
self.startTrigger = false

print("Line drawing ended")
self.handplayer.alpha = 0.0



animatestroke.fsh class

        void main()
if ( u_path_length == 0.0 ) {
gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); // draw blue // this is an error
} else if ( v_path_distance / u_path_length <= u_current_percentage ) {
gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // draw red
} else {
gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // draw nothing

How could i fix this: Or If Anyone have other idea for implementhing this scenario share your Idea.. Any help will be appreciated..

share|improve this question


    I need to draw a line between two spritnodes while hand is pointing from one node to another with rendering or animation.
    The line drawing is working for me as I follow this link Bobjt's answer, Animate Path Drawing in SpriteKit . I have used concept of fragment shader and vertex shader here..

    I have added animatestroke.fsh file and apply the following code .. But the handplayer animation and line drawing speed is mismatching some times.
    my line rendering i have given increment by

    strokeLengthFloat += 0.01

    And handplayer duration is 1.5:

    let moveTosecondObject = SKAction.move(to: handmovepoint, duration: 1.5 )

    Here is my implementation code:

    variable declaration

    var handplayer = SKSpriteNode()
    var firstObject = SKSpriteNode()
    var secondObject = SKSpriteNode()
    var startTrigger: Bool = false

    let strokeSizeFactor = CGFloat( 2.0 )
    var strokeShader: SKShader!
    var strokeLengthUniform: SKUniform!
    var _strokeLengthFloat: Float = 0.0
    var strokeLengthKey: String!
    var strokeLengthFloat: Float {
    get {
    return _strokeLengthFloat
    set( newStrokeLengthFloat ) {
    _strokeLengthFloat = newStrokeLengthFloat
    strokeLengthUniform.floatValue = newStrokeLengthFloat

    Loading method

       override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
    handplayer = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "HandImage.png")
    handplayer.size.width = handplayer.size.width * 0.5
    handplayer.size.height = handplayer.size.height * 0.5
    handplayer.position.x = firstObject.position

    func UpdatePosition(){

    //Line drawing part
    strokeLengthKey = "u_current_percentage"
    strokeLengthUniform = SKUniform( name: strokeLengthKey, float: 0.0 )
    let uniforms: [SKUniform] = [strokeLengthUniform]
    strokeShader = shaderWithFilename( "animateStroke", fileExtension: "fsh", uniforms: uniforms )
    strokeLengthFloat = 0.0

    let cameraNode = SKCameraNode()
    self.camera = cameraNode

    let lineStartPosition = CGPoint(x:firstObject.frame.origin.x+firstObject.size.width/2,y:firstObject.frame.origin.y-firstObject.size.height*0.2)

    let lineEndPosition = CGPoint(x:secondObject.frame.origin.x+secondObject.size.width/2,y:secondObject.frame.origin.y+secondObject.size.height*1.2)

    let path = CGMutablePath()
    path.move(to: CGPoint(x: lineStartPosition.x, y: lineStartPosition.y))
    path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: : lineEndPosition.x, y: lineEndPosition.y), transform: CGAffineTransform.identity)

    let strokeWidth = 1.0 * strokeSizeFactor
    let shapeNode = SKShapeNode( path: path )
    shapeNode.lineWidth = strokeWidth
    shapeNode.lineCap = .square
    shapeNode.addChild( cameraNode )
    shapeNode.strokeShader = strokeShader
    self.addChild( shapeNode )


    // center the camera
    cameraNode.position = CGPoint( x: self.frame.size.width/2.0, y: self.frame.size.height/2.0 )

    **Handplayer Rendering part**
    let handmovepoint = CGPoint(x: secondObject.position.x , y: secondObject.position.y + handplayer.size.height*0.1 )

    let moveTosecondObject = SKAction.move(to: handmovepoint, duration: 1.5 )
    let delay = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
    handplayer.run(SKAction.sequence([ delay ]), completion: {() -> Void in
    self.startTrigger = true

    self.handplayer.run(SKAction.sequence([ moveTosecondObject ]), completion: {() -> Void in
    //self.handplayer.alpha = 0.0


    //line rendering part
    override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {


    strokeLengthFloat += 0.01


    if startTrigger == true{

    if strokeLengthFloat > 1.0 {
    //once line drawing completed
    self.startTrigger = false

    print("Line drawing ended")
    self.handplayer.alpha = 0.0



    animatestroke.fsh class

            void main()
    if ( u_path_length == 0.0 ) {
    gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); // draw blue // this is an error
    } else if ( v_path_distance / u_path_length <= u_current_percentage ) {
    gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // draw red
    } else {
    gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // draw nothing

    How could i fix this: Or If Anyone have other idea for implementhing this scenario share your Idea.. Any help will be appreciated..

    share|improve this question





      I need to draw a line between two spritnodes while hand is pointing from one node to another with rendering or animation.
      The line drawing is working for me as I follow this link Bobjt's answer, Animate Path Drawing in SpriteKit . I have used concept of fragment shader and vertex shader here..

      I have added animatestroke.fsh file and apply the following code .. But the handplayer animation and line drawing speed is mismatching some times.
      my line rendering i have given increment by

      strokeLengthFloat += 0.01

      And handplayer duration is 1.5:

      let moveTosecondObject = SKAction.move(to: handmovepoint, duration: 1.5 )

      Here is my implementation code:

      variable declaration

      var handplayer = SKSpriteNode()
      var firstObject = SKSpriteNode()
      var secondObject = SKSpriteNode()
      var startTrigger: Bool = false

      let strokeSizeFactor = CGFloat( 2.0 )
      var strokeShader: SKShader!
      var strokeLengthUniform: SKUniform!
      var _strokeLengthFloat: Float = 0.0
      var strokeLengthKey: String!
      var strokeLengthFloat: Float {
      get {
      return _strokeLengthFloat
      set( newStrokeLengthFloat ) {
      _strokeLengthFloat = newStrokeLengthFloat
      strokeLengthUniform.floatValue = newStrokeLengthFloat

      Loading method

         override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
      handplayer = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "HandImage.png")
      handplayer.size.width = handplayer.size.width * 0.5
      handplayer.size.height = handplayer.size.height * 0.5
      handplayer.position.x = firstObject.position

      func UpdatePosition(){

      //Line drawing part
      strokeLengthKey = "u_current_percentage"
      strokeLengthUniform = SKUniform( name: strokeLengthKey, float: 0.0 )
      let uniforms: [SKUniform] = [strokeLengthUniform]
      strokeShader = shaderWithFilename( "animateStroke", fileExtension: "fsh", uniforms: uniforms )
      strokeLengthFloat = 0.0

      let cameraNode = SKCameraNode()
      self.camera = cameraNode

      let lineStartPosition = CGPoint(x:firstObject.frame.origin.x+firstObject.size.width/2,y:firstObject.frame.origin.y-firstObject.size.height*0.2)

      let lineEndPosition = CGPoint(x:secondObject.frame.origin.x+secondObject.size.width/2,y:secondObject.frame.origin.y+secondObject.size.height*1.2)

      let path = CGMutablePath()
      path.move(to: CGPoint(x: lineStartPosition.x, y: lineStartPosition.y))
      path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: : lineEndPosition.x, y: lineEndPosition.y), transform: CGAffineTransform.identity)

      let strokeWidth = 1.0 * strokeSizeFactor
      let shapeNode = SKShapeNode( path: path )
      shapeNode.lineWidth = strokeWidth
      shapeNode.lineCap = .square
      shapeNode.addChild( cameraNode )
      shapeNode.strokeShader = strokeShader
      self.addChild( shapeNode )


      // center the camera
      cameraNode.position = CGPoint( x: self.frame.size.width/2.0, y: self.frame.size.height/2.0 )

      **Handplayer Rendering part**
      let handmovepoint = CGPoint(x: secondObject.position.x , y: secondObject.position.y + handplayer.size.height*0.1 )

      let moveTosecondObject = SKAction.move(to: handmovepoint, duration: 1.5 )
      let delay = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
      handplayer.run(SKAction.sequence([ delay ]), completion: {() -> Void in
      self.startTrigger = true

      self.handplayer.run(SKAction.sequence([ moveTosecondObject ]), completion: {() -> Void in
      //self.handplayer.alpha = 0.0


      //line rendering part
      override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {


      strokeLengthFloat += 0.01


      if startTrigger == true{

      if strokeLengthFloat > 1.0 {
      //once line drawing completed
      self.startTrigger = false

      print("Line drawing ended")
      self.handplayer.alpha = 0.0



      animatestroke.fsh class

              void main()
      if ( u_path_length == 0.0 ) {
      gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); // draw blue // this is an error
      } else if ( v_path_distance / u_path_length <= u_current_percentage ) {
      gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // draw red
      } else {
      gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // draw nothing

      How could i fix this: Or If Anyone have other idea for implementhing this scenario share your Idea.. Any help will be appreciated..

      share|improve this question

      I need to draw a line between two spritnodes while hand is pointing from one node to another with rendering or animation.
      The line drawing is working for me as I follow this link Bobjt's answer, Animate Path Drawing in SpriteKit . I have used concept of fragment shader and vertex shader here..

      I have added animatestroke.fsh file and apply the following code .. But the handplayer animation and line drawing speed is mismatching some times.
      my line rendering i have given increment by

      strokeLengthFloat += 0.01

      And handplayer duration is 1.5:

      let moveTosecondObject = SKAction.move(to: handmovepoint, duration: 1.5 )

      Here is my implementation code:

      variable declaration

      var handplayer = SKSpriteNode()
      var firstObject = SKSpriteNode()
      var secondObject = SKSpriteNode()
      var startTrigger: Bool = false

      let strokeSizeFactor = CGFloat( 2.0 )
      var strokeShader: SKShader!
      var strokeLengthUniform: SKUniform!
      var _strokeLengthFloat: Float = 0.0
      var strokeLengthKey: String!
      var strokeLengthFloat: Float {
      get {
      return _strokeLengthFloat
      set( newStrokeLengthFloat ) {
      _strokeLengthFloat = newStrokeLengthFloat
      strokeLengthUniform.floatValue = newStrokeLengthFloat

      Loading method

         override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
      handplayer = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "HandImage.png")
      handplayer.size.width = handplayer.size.width * 0.5
      handplayer.size.height = handplayer.size.height * 0.5
      handplayer.position.x = firstObject.position

      func UpdatePosition(){

      //Line drawing part
      strokeLengthKey = "u_current_percentage"
      strokeLengthUniform = SKUniform( name: strokeLengthKey, float: 0.0 )
      let uniforms: [SKUniform] = [strokeLengthUniform]
      strokeShader = shaderWithFilename( "animateStroke", fileExtension: "fsh", uniforms: uniforms )
      strokeLengthFloat = 0.0

      let cameraNode = SKCameraNode()
      self.camera = cameraNode

      let lineStartPosition = CGPoint(x:firstObject.frame.origin.x+firstObject.size.width/2,y:firstObject.frame.origin.y-firstObject.size.height*0.2)

      let lineEndPosition = CGPoint(x:secondObject.frame.origin.x+secondObject.size.width/2,y:secondObject.frame.origin.y+secondObject.size.height*1.2)

      let path = CGMutablePath()
      path.move(to: CGPoint(x: lineStartPosition.x, y: lineStartPosition.y))
      path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: : lineEndPosition.x, y: lineEndPosition.y), transform: CGAffineTransform.identity)

      let strokeWidth = 1.0 * strokeSizeFactor
      let shapeNode = SKShapeNode( path: path )
      shapeNode.lineWidth = strokeWidth
      shapeNode.lineCap = .square
      shapeNode.addChild( cameraNode )
      shapeNode.strokeShader = strokeShader
      self.addChild( shapeNode )


      // center the camera
      cameraNode.position = CGPoint( x: self.frame.size.width/2.0, y: self.frame.size.height/2.0 )

      **Handplayer Rendering part**
      let handmovepoint = CGPoint(x: secondObject.position.x , y: secondObject.position.y + handplayer.size.height*0.1 )

      let moveTosecondObject = SKAction.move(to: handmovepoint, duration: 1.5 )
      let delay = SKAction.wait(forDuration: 1)
      handplayer.run(SKAction.sequence([ delay ]), completion: {() -> Void in
      self.startTrigger = true

      self.handplayer.run(SKAction.sequence([ moveTosecondObject ]), completion: {() -> Void in
      //self.handplayer.alpha = 0.0


      //line rendering part
      override func update(_ currentTime: TimeInterval) {


      strokeLengthFloat += 0.01


      if startTrigger == true{

      if strokeLengthFloat > 1.0 {
      //once line drawing completed
      self.startTrigger = false

      print("Line drawing ended")
      self.handplayer.alpha = 0.0



      animatestroke.fsh class

              void main()
      if ( u_path_length == 0.0 ) {
      gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0 ); // draw blue // this is an error
      } else if ( v_path_distance / u_path_length <= u_current_percentage ) {
      gl_FragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); // draw red
      } else {
      gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ); // draw nothing

      How could i fix this: Or If Anyone have other idea for implementhing this scenario share your Idea.. Any help will be appreciated..

      ios swift skspritenode fragment-shader vertex-shader

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 22 at 4:37

      asked Nov 21 at 5:06







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