Change variable mapped in Leaflet and Shiny according to user input


Update: I have figured out how to do this, but it only works in the HTML viewer pane in R-Studio.

The map pane works fine in the HTML viewer, but is slow and 9/10 times disconnects from the server (I imagine it times out) when deployed.

I have tried to use isolate() and actionButtons(), but this didn't help.

My repo:
(app is in navbarApp folder)

Deployed app:

The data itself is large. I use the filter feature in the reactive to filter for only the year needed and then select only the variable needed. This worked fine when the only input option was year. Might is be causing the issue, now that it also facilitates the indicator input? Should I do this in two reactive statements?

Original post:

I am new to Leaflet and Shiny, and I haven't found a suitable answer to this question, but my apologies if someone has already asked this.

I want the user to select the variable, which is then used to generate a choropleth map in my shapefile. The shapefile and map works fine when I manually insert the variable (replacing the variable map_var here with CRIMESHARE for instance) in the code. However, when I try to replace that variable with input$y, Shiny throws an era: no applicable method for 'rescale' applied to an object of class "character"

In the current code, I try to save the input$y as a variable map_var. This doesn't work. I have also tried saving the input this way in a reactive statement, but it also failed.

The reactive year input works correctly.

I am not sure I can create a reproducible example, as it involves a shape file. I appreciate any help/suggestions.

Here are the relevant parts of my code below:

Data prep

# Load libraries 


# Read in the data

crime_master <- read_rds("r_4_tidy.rds")

# Prepare two data sets
# one for the plot (not shown) and one for the map

crime_plot <- crime_master
crime_map <- crime_master %>%
mutate(YEAR = as.character(YEAR))

# Prepare the shape file for the map
# Read it in
# Project the shape file

rf_map <- readOGR(dsn = "/Users/me/Desktop/folder
/Project/RUS_adm", layer = "RUS_adm1")
rf_map <- spTransform(rf_map, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))

crime_options <- c("Road accidents" = "ROADACCIDENT",
"Victims of road accidents" = "ROADVICTIM",
"Crime share" = "CRIMESHARE",
"Murders" = "MURDER",
"Incidences of rape" = "RAPE",
"Robberies" = "ROBBERY",
"Incidences of hooliganism" = "HOOLIGANISM",
"White-collar crimes" = "ECONCRIME",
"Incidences of juvenile crime" = "JUVENILECRIME")

The UI

ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("cerulean"),


# Let users select the year to map

selectInput(inputId = "year", #internal label
label = "Year to map", #label that user sees
choices = c(crime_map$YEAR), #vector of choices for user to pick from
selected = "1990"),

# Let users select the indicator to map

selectInput(inputId = "y", # internal label
label = "Indicator to display on map", # label that user sees
choices = crime_options, # vector of choices for user to pick from
selected = crime_options[3])),


tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
tabPanel("Map an indicator",
width = "100%",
height = "500px"))))))

The server

server <- function(input, output){

# Reactive that filters the crime_map data for the user-selected year

map_subset <- reactive({
filter(crime_map, YEAR == input$year)


# Map output
# Merge the shapefile with the sub_setted map data
# Color by the selected indicator
# Set the options for the leaflet viewer
# Allow the user to drag
# Add a CartoDB base map
# Set the default view
# Set the max bounds
# Add the shapefile with labels
# Color by the coloring set up

output$map <- renderLeaflet({

map_var <- input$y

rf_map <- merge(rf_map, map_subset(), by = "ID_1", duplicateGeoms =
coloring <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues",
domain = rf_map@data$map_var)
m <- rf_map %>%
leaflet(options = leafletOptions(dragging = TRUE)) %>%
addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB") %>%
setView(lng = 37.618423, lat = 55.751244, zoom = 3) %>%
setMaxBounds(lng1 = 40, lat1 = 30, lng2 = 150, lat2 = 100) %>%
addPolygons(weight = 1,
label = ~paste0(NAME, ", ", map_var),
color = ~coloring(map_var)) %>%

# Add a legend in the bottom

pal = coloring,
values = ~map_var,
title = "title here",
opacity = 1)

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

Thank you!

share|improve this question


    Update: I have figured out how to do this, but it only works in the HTML viewer pane in R-Studio.

    The map pane works fine in the HTML viewer, but is slow and 9/10 times disconnects from the server (I imagine it times out) when deployed.

    I have tried to use isolate() and actionButtons(), but this didn't help.

    My repo:
    (app is in navbarApp folder)

    Deployed app:

    The data itself is large. I use the filter feature in the reactive to filter for only the year needed and then select only the variable needed. This worked fine when the only input option was year. Might is be causing the issue, now that it also facilitates the indicator input? Should I do this in two reactive statements?

    Original post:

    I am new to Leaflet and Shiny, and I haven't found a suitable answer to this question, but my apologies if someone has already asked this.

    I want the user to select the variable, which is then used to generate a choropleth map in my shapefile. The shapefile and map works fine when I manually insert the variable (replacing the variable map_var here with CRIMESHARE for instance) in the code. However, when I try to replace that variable with input$y, Shiny throws an era: no applicable method for 'rescale' applied to an object of class "character"

    In the current code, I try to save the input$y as a variable map_var. This doesn't work. I have also tried saving the input this way in a reactive statement, but it also failed.

    The reactive year input works correctly.

    I am not sure I can create a reproducible example, as it involves a shape file. I appreciate any help/suggestions.

    Here are the relevant parts of my code below:

    Data prep

    # Load libraries 


    # Read in the data

    crime_master <- read_rds("r_4_tidy.rds")

    # Prepare two data sets
    # one for the plot (not shown) and one for the map

    crime_plot <- crime_master
    crime_map <- crime_master %>%
    mutate(YEAR = as.character(YEAR))

    # Prepare the shape file for the map
    # Read it in
    # Project the shape file

    rf_map <- readOGR(dsn = "/Users/me/Desktop/folder
    /Project/RUS_adm", layer = "RUS_adm1")
    rf_map <- spTransform(rf_map, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))

    crime_options <- c("Road accidents" = "ROADACCIDENT",
    "Victims of road accidents" = "ROADVICTIM",
    "Crime share" = "CRIMESHARE",
    "Murders" = "MURDER",
    "Incidences of rape" = "RAPE",
    "Robberies" = "ROBBERY",
    "Incidences of hooliganism" = "HOOLIGANISM",
    "White-collar crimes" = "ECONCRIME",
    "Incidences of juvenile crime" = "JUVENILECRIME")

    The UI

    ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("cerulean"),


    # Let users select the year to map

    selectInput(inputId = "year", #internal label
    label = "Year to map", #label that user sees
    choices = c(crime_map$YEAR), #vector of choices for user to pick from
    selected = "1990"),

    # Let users select the indicator to map

    selectInput(inputId = "y", # internal label
    label = "Indicator to display on map", # label that user sees
    choices = crime_options, # vector of choices for user to pick from
    selected = crime_options[3])),


    tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
    tabPanel("Map an indicator",
    width = "100%",
    height = "500px"))))))

    The server

    server <- function(input, output){

    # Reactive that filters the crime_map data for the user-selected year

    map_subset <- reactive({
    filter(crime_map, YEAR == input$year)


    # Map output
    # Merge the shapefile with the sub_setted map data
    # Color by the selected indicator
    # Set the options for the leaflet viewer
    # Allow the user to drag
    # Add a CartoDB base map
    # Set the default view
    # Set the max bounds
    # Add the shapefile with labels
    # Color by the coloring set up

    output$map <- renderLeaflet({

    map_var <- input$y

    rf_map <- merge(rf_map, map_subset(), by = "ID_1", duplicateGeoms =
    coloring <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues",
    domain = rf_map@data$map_var)
    m <- rf_map %>%
    leaflet(options = leafletOptions(dragging = TRUE)) %>%
    addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB") %>%
    setView(lng = 37.618423, lat = 55.751244, zoom = 3) %>%
    setMaxBounds(lng1 = 40, lat1 = 30, lng2 = 150, lat2 = 100) %>%
    addPolygons(weight = 1,
    label = ~paste0(NAME, ", ", map_var),
    color = ~coloring(map_var)) %>%

    # Add a legend in the bottom

    pal = coloring,
    values = ~map_var,
    title = "title here",
    opacity = 1)

    shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

    Thank you!

    share|improve this question




      Update: I have figured out how to do this, but it only works in the HTML viewer pane in R-Studio.

      The map pane works fine in the HTML viewer, but is slow and 9/10 times disconnects from the server (I imagine it times out) when deployed.

      I have tried to use isolate() and actionButtons(), but this didn't help.

      My repo:
      (app is in navbarApp folder)

      Deployed app:

      The data itself is large. I use the filter feature in the reactive to filter for only the year needed and then select only the variable needed. This worked fine when the only input option was year. Might is be causing the issue, now that it also facilitates the indicator input? Should I do this in two reactive statements?

      Original post:

      I am new to Leaflet and Shiny, and I haven't found a suitable answer to this question, but my apologies if someone has already asked this.

      I want the user to select the variable, which is then used to generate a choropleth map in my shapefile. The shapefile and map works fine when I manually insert the variable (replacing the variable map_var here with CRIMESHARE for instance) in the code. However, when I try to replace that variable with input$y, Shiny throws an era: no applicable method for 'rescale' applied to an object of class "character"

      In the current code, I try to save the input$y as a variable map_var. This doesn't work. I have also tried saving the input this way in a reactive statement, but it also failed.

      The reactive year input works correctly.

      I am not sure I can create a reproducible example, as it involves a shape file. I appreciate any help/suggestions.

      Here are the relevant parts of my code below:

      Data prep

      # Load libraries 


      # Read in the data

      crime_master <- read_rds("r_4_tidy.rds")

      # Prepare two data sets
      # one for the plot (not shown) and one for the map

      crime_plot <- crime_master
      crime_map <- crime_master %>%
      mutate(YEAR = as.character(YEAR))

      # Prepare the shape file for the map
      # Read it in
      # Project the shape file

      rf_map <- readOGR(dsn = "/Users/me/Desktop/folder
      /Project/RUS_adm", layer = "RUS_adm1")
      rf_map <- spTransform(rf_map, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))

      crime_options <- c("Road accidents" = "ROADACCIDENT",
      "Victims of road accidents" = "ROADVICTIM",
      "Crime share" = "CRIMESHARE",
      "Murders" = "MURDER",
      "Incidences of rape" = "RAPE",
      "Robberies" = "ROBBERY",
      "Incidences of hooliganism" = "HOOLIGANISM",
      "White-collar crimes" = "ECONCRIME",
      "Incidences of juvenile crime" = "JUVENILECRIME")

      The UI

      ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("cerulean"),


      # Let users select the year to map

      selectInput(inputId = "year", #internal label
      label = "Year to map", #label that user sees
      choices = c(crime_map$YEAR), #vector of choices for user to pick from
      selected = "1990"),

      # Let users select the indicator to map

      selectInput(inputId = "y", # internal label
      label = "Indicator to display on map", # label that user sees
      choices = crime_options, # vector of choices for user to pick from
      selected = crime_options[3])),


      tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
      tabPanel("Map an indicator",
      width = "100%",
      height = "500px"))))))

      The server

      server <- function(input, output){

      # Reactive that filters the crime_map data for the user-selected year

      map_subset <- reactive({
      filter(crime_map, YEAR == input$year)


      # Map output
      # Merge the shapefile with the sub_setted map data
      # Color by the selected indicator
      # Set the options for the leaflet viewer
      # Allow the user to drag
      # Add a CartoDB base map
      # Set the default view
      # Set the max bounds
      # Add the shapefile with labels
      # Color by the coloring set up

      output$map <- renderLeaflet({

      map_var <- input$y

      rf_map <- merge(rf_map, map_subset(), by = "ID_1", duplicateGeoms =
      coloring <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues",
      domain = rf_map@data$map_var)
      m <- rf_map %>%
      leaflet(options = leafletOptions(dragging = TRUE)) %>%
      addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB") %>%
      setView(lng = 37.618423, lat = 55.751244, zoom = 3) %>%
      setMaxBounds(lng1 = 40, lat1 = 30, lng2 = 150, lat2 = 100) %>%
      addPolygons(weight = 1,
      label = ~paste0(NAME, ", ", map_var),
      color = ~coloring(map_var)) %>%

      # Add a legend in the bottom

      pal = coloring,
      values = ~map_var,
      title = "title here",
      opacity = 1)

      shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

      Thank you!

      share|improve this question

      Update: I have figured out how to do this, but it only works in the HTML viewer pane in R-Studio.

      The map pane works fine in the HTML viewer, but is slow and 9/10 times disconnects from the server (I imagine it times out) when deployed.

      I have tried to use isolate() and actionButtons(), but this didn't help.

      My repo:
      (app is in navbarApp folder)

      Deployed app:

      The data itself is large. I use the filter feature in the reactive to filter for only the year needed and then select only the variable needed. This worked fine when the only input option was year. Might is be causing the issue, now that it also facilitates the indicator input? Should I do this in two reactive statements?

      Original post:

      I am new to Leaflet and Shiny, and I haven't found a suitable answer to this question, but my apologies if someone has already asked this.

      I want the user to select the variable, which is then used to generate a choropleth map in my shapefile. The shapefile and map works fine when I manually insert the variable (replacing the variable map_var here with CRIMESHARE for instance) in the code. However, when I try to replace that variable with input$y, Shiny throws an era: no applicable method for 'rescale' applied to an object of class "character"

      In the current code, I try to save the input$y as a variable map_var. This doesn't work. I have also tried saving the input this way in a reactive statement, but it also failed.

      The reactive year input works correctly.

      I am not sure I can create a reproducible example, as it involves a shape file. I appreciate any help/suggestions.

      Here are the relevant parts of my code below:

      Data prep

      # Load libraries 


      # Read in the data

      crime_master <- read_rds("r_4_tidy.rds")

      # Prepare two data sets
      # one for the plot (not shown) and one for the map

      crime_plot <- crime_master
      crime_map <- crime_master %>%
      mutate(YEAR = as.character(YEAR))

      # Prepare the shape file for the map
      # Read it in
      # Project the shape file

      rf_map <- readOGR(dsn = "/Users/me/Desktop/folder
      /Project/RUS_adm", layer = "RUS_adm1")
      rf_map <- spTransform(rf_map, CRS("+init=epsg:4326"))

      crime_options <- c("Road accidents" = "ROADACCIDENT",
      "Victims of road accidents" = "ROADVICTIM",
      "Crime share" = "CRIMESHARE",
      "Murders" = "MURDER",
      "Incidences of rape" = "RAPE",
      "Robberies" = "ROBBERY",
      "Incidences of hooliganism" = "HOOLIGANISM",
      "White-collar crimes" = "ECONCRIME",
      "Incidences of juvenile crime" = "JUVENILECRIME")

      The UI

      ui <- fluidPage(theme = shinytheme("cerulean"),


      # Let users select the year to map

      selectInput(inputId = "year", #internal label
      label = "Year to map", #label that user sees
      choices = c(crime_map$YEAR), #vector of choices for user to pick from
      selected = "1990"),

      # Let users select the indicator to map

      selectInput(inputId = "y", # internal label
      label = "Indicator to display on map", # label that user sees
      choices = crime_options, # vector of choices for user to pick from
      selected = crime_options[3])),


      tabsetPanel(type = "tabs",
      tabPanel("Map an indicator",
      width = "100%",
      height = "500px"))))))

      The server

      server <- function(input, output){

      # Reactive that filters the crime_map data for the user-selected year

      map_subset <- reactive({
      filter(crime_map, YEAR == input$year)


      # Map output
      # Merge the shapefile with the sub_setted map data
      # Color by the selected indicator
      # Set the options for the leaflet viewer
      # Allow the user to drag
      # Add a CartoDB base map
      # Set the default view
      # Set the max bounds
      # Add the shapefile with labels
      # Color by the coloring set up

      output$map <- renderLeaflet({

      map_var <- input$y

      rf_map <- merge(rf_map, map_subset(), by = "ID_1", duplicateGeoms =
      coloring <- colorNumeric(palette = "Blues",
      domain = rf_map@data$map_var)
      m <- rf_map %>%
      leaflet(options = leafletOptions(dragging = TRUE)) %>%
      addProviderTiles(provider = "CartoDB") %>%
      setView(lng = 37.618423, lat = 55.751244, zoom = 3) %>%
      setMaxBounds(lng1 = 40, lat1 = 30, lng2 = 150, lat2 = 100) %>%
      addPolygons(weight = 1,
      label = ~paste0(NAME, ", ", map_var),
      color = ~coloring(map_var)) %>%

      # Add a legend in the bottom

      pal = coloring,
      values = ~map_var,
      title = "title here",
      opacity = 1)

      shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

      Thank you!

      r shiny leaflet

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 27 '18 at 14:35


      asked Nov 23 '18 at 0:32








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