Retrieve data from eBird API and create multi-level hierarchy of locations


As you may know, I like birds. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a tool called eBird where you can submit records of the birds you identified. I recently learned they have an API that I can query, yay! Before this I was just hitting pages and parsing source code.

I've never really queried an API before.

Oh and I normally use late binding, but for this you need these (additional) references

  • Microsoft HTML Object Library

  • Microsoft Internet Controls

  • Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1

  • Microsoft Scripting Runtime


I have two modules - one to get the data from the API and one to create a hierarchy of that data. I used my Comb Sort Multi-dimensional Array on Key (which can be reviewed there instead of here, if need be).

Module PopulateLocations.bas

Option Explicit

Const DELIMITER As String = "},{"

'| */ Documentation for Regions
'| For this API regionType can be subnational2, subnational1, or country (ISO3166)
'| I will refer to subnational1 as majorRegion and subnational2 as minorRegion /*

Public Sub PopulateEbirdRegions()
Const minorRegionBaseURL As String = ""
Const majorRegionBaseURL As String = ""
Dim countryArray As Variant
Dim majorArray As Variant
Dim minorArray As Variant
countryArray = RetrieveCountries
majorArray = GetRegions(majorRegionBaseURL, countryArray, MajorSheet)
minorArray = GetRegions(minorRegionBaseURL, majorArray, MinorSheet, True)

CreateHierarchy.CreateHierarchy countryArray, majorArray, minorArray
End Sub

Private Function RetrieveCountries() As Variant
Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
Dim responseText As String
Dim response As Variant

responseText = SendHttpRequest(COUNTRY_URL)
response = Split(responseText, DELIMITER)

Dim countryArray() As String
ReDim countryArray(LBound(response) To UBound(response), 1 To 2)
Dim index As Long
For index = LBound(response) To UBound(response)
countryArray(index, 1) = ExtractCode(response(index))
countryArray(index, 2) = ExtractName(response(index))

countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

WriteToSheet countryArray, countrySheet, "Country Code", "Country"
RetrieveCountries = countryArray
End Function

Private Function GetRegions(ByVal baseRegionURL As String, ByVal sourceArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet, Optional ByVal isMinor As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim fileType As String
fileType = ".json"

Dim subNationalValue As String
Dim responseText As String
Dim targetURL As String
Dim index As Long
index = 1
Dim resultIndex As Long
resultIndex = index

Dim resultArray() As String
ReDim resultArray(LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray), 1 To 2)

For index = LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray)
subNationalValue = sourceArray(index, 1)
targetURL = baseRegionURL & subNationalValue & fileType
responseText = SendHttpRequest(targetURL)

If isMinor Then
If Not responseText = "" Then
resultArray(resultIndex, 1) = subNationalValue
resultArray(resultIndex, 2) = responseText
resultIndex = resultIndex + 1
End If
resultArray(index, 1) = sourceArray(index, 1)
resultArray(index, 2) = responseText
End If

GetRegions = CleanSource(resultArray, targetSheet)
End Function

Private Function CleanSource(ByVal sourceArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Variant
Const FIRST_HEADER As String = "Region Code"
Const SECOND_HEADER As String = "Region Name"
Dim cleanIndex As Long
cleanIndex = 1
Dim index As Long
Dim sourceIndex As Long
Dim response As Variant
Dim cleanArray() As String
ReDim cleanArray(1 To 10000, 1 To 2) 'I would like to not hard-code this, but it's not variable in itself, but variable across queries

For sourceIndex = LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray)
If sourceArray(sourceIndex, 2) <> "" Then
response = Split(sourceArray(sourceIndex, 2), DELIMITER)
For index = LBound(response) To UBound(response)
cleanArray(cleanIndex, 1) = ExtractCode(response(index))
cleanArray(cleanIndex, 2) = ExtractName(response(index))
cleanIndex = cleanIndex + 1
End If

Dim returnArray() As String
ReDim returnArray(1 To cleanIndex - 1, 1 To 2)
For index = 1 To UBound(returnArray)
returnArray(index, 1) = cleanArray(index, 1)
returnArray(index, 2) = cleanArray(index, 2)

WriteToSheet returnArray, targetSheet, FIRST_HEADER, SECOND_HEADER
CleanSource = returnArray
End Function

Private Function SendHttpRequest(ByVal targetURL As String) As String
Const API_KEY As String = ""
Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
Dim httpRequest As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Set httpRequest = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
httpRequest.Open "GET", targetURL
httpRequest.setRequestHeader API_REQUEST_HEADER, API_KEY
SendHttpRequest = httpRequest.responseText
End Function

Private Function ExtractCode(ByVal targetString As String) As String
ExtractCode = Mid$(targetString, InStr(1, targetString, "code") + 7, InStr((InStr(1, targetString, "code") + 7), targetString, ",") - InStr(1, targetString, "code") - 8)
End Function

Private Function ExtractName(ByVal targetString As String) As String
ExtractName = Mid$(targetString, InStrRev(targetString, ":") + 2, Len(targetString) - InStrRev(targetString, ":") - 2)
End Function

Private Sub WriteToSheet(ByVal valueArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet, ByVal firstHeader As String, ByVal secondHeader As String)
Const FIND_STRING As String = "}"
targetSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = firstHeader
targetSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = secondHeader
CombSortArray valueArray, 2
Dim printRange As Range
Set printRange = targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Cells(2, 1), targetSheet.Cells(UBound(valueArray) + 2, 2))
printRange.Value = valueArray
printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString

End Sub

Private Sub CombSortArray(ByRef dataArray As Variant, Optional ByVal numberOfColumns As Long = 1, Optional ByVal sortKeyColumn As Long = 1, Optional ByVal sortAscending As Boolean = True)
Const SHRINK As Double = 1.3
Dim initialSize As Long
initialSize = UBound(dataArray, 1)
Dim gap As Long
gap = initialSize
Dim index As Long
Dim isSorted As Boolean

Do While gap > 1 And Not isSorted
gap = Int(gap / SHRINK)
If gap > 1 Then
isSorted = False
gap = 1
isSorted = True
End If
index = 1
Do While index + gap <= initialSize
If sortAscending Then
If dataArray(index, sortKeyColumn) > dataArray(index + gap, sortKeyColumn) Then
SwapElements dataArray, numberOfColumns, index, index + gap
isSorted = False
End If
If dataArray(index, sortKeyColumn) < dataArray(index + gap, sortKeyColumn) Then
SwapElements dataArray, numberOfColumns, index, index + gap
isSorted = False
End If
End If
index = index + 1

End Sub
Private Sub SwapElements(ByRef dataArray As Variant, ByVal numberOfColumns As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal j As Long)
Dim temporaryHolder As Variant
Dim index As Long
For index = 1 To numberOfColumns
temporaryHolder = dataArray(i, index)
dataArray(i, index) = dataArray(j, index)
dataArray(j, index) = temporaryHolder
End Sub

Then this module passes the arrays to

Module CreateHierarchy.bas

Option Explicit
Public Sub CreateHierarchy(ByVal countries As Variant, ByVal majorRegions As Variant, ByVal minorRegions As Variant)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim countryIndex As Long
Dim majorIndex As Long
Dim minorIndex As Long
Dim currentRow As Long
currentRow = 2
Dim country As String
Dim region As String
Dim subRegion As String
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = HierarchyTest

minorIndex = 2
majorIndex = 2

For countryIndex = LBound(countries) + 1 To UBound(countries)
If Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1)) _
Or Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3)) _
Or Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 5)) Then
currentRow = currentRow + 1
End If

country = countries(countryIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1).Value = country
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 2).Value = countries(countryIndex, 2)
For majorIndex = majorIndex To UBound(majorRegions)
region = Left$(majorRegions(majorIndex, 1), 2)

If StrComp(country, region, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
region = majorRegions(majorIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3).Value = region
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 4).Value = majorRegions(majorIndex, 2)

For minorIndex = minorIndex To UBound(minorRegions)
subRegion = Left$(minorRegions(minorIndex, 1), Len(region))
If StrComp(region, subRegion, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 5).Value = minorRegions(minorIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 6).Value = minorRegions(minorIndex, 2)
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ElseIf StrComp(region, subRegion, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
GoTo skip
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ElseIf StrComp(country, region, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
GoTo jump
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1


Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I'm not at all happy with this hierarchy procedure, but it does its job. I'm sure there's a more clever way to do it, but I'm embarrassed about how long it took me to write this junk. If you point out I have three for loops with two ifs in them and make fun of me - I deserve it.

Substitute Code

Because I doubt you have an API key, I've made the raw data available and you can alter the Hierarchy module so it doesn't require arguments to execute:

Public Sub CreateHierarchy()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim countries As Variant
Dim majorRegions As Variant
Dim minorRegions As Variant
countries = RetrieveData(countrySheet)
majorRegions = RetrieveData(MajorSheet)
minorRegions = RetrieveData(MinorSheet)


End Sub

Private Function RetrieveData(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = targetSheet.Cells(targetSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim dataRange As Range
Set dataRange = targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Cells(1, 1), targetSheet.Cells(lastRow, 2))
RetrieveData = dataRange
End Function

Example return text from SendHTTPRequest

This is (some of) the raw data I get and parse, in case there's a better way to do that -


[{"code":"AF","name":"Afghanistan"},{"code":"AL","name":"Albania"},{"code":"DZ","name":"Algeria"},{"code":"AS","name":"American Samoa"},{"code":"AD","name":"Andorra"},{"code":"AO","name":"Angola"},{"code":"AI","name":"Anguilla"},{"code":"AQ","name":"Antarctica"},{"code":"AG","name":"Antigua and Barbuda"},{"code":"AR","name":"Argentina"},{"code":"AM","name":"Armenia"},{"code":"AW","name":"Aruba"},{"code":"AC","name":"Ashmore and Cartier Islands"},{"code":"ZM","name":"Zambia"},{"code":"ZW","name":"Zimbabwe"}]

Major Region

[{"code":"AF-BDS","name":"Badakhshan"},{"code":"AF-BDG","name":"Badghis"},{"code":"AF-BGL","name":"Baghlan"},{"code":"AF-BAL","name":"Balkh"},{"code":"AF-BAM","name":"Bamian"},{"code":"AF-DAY","name":"Daykondi"},{"code":"AF-FRA","name":"Farah"},{"code":"AF-FYB","name":"Faryab"},{"code":"AF-GHA","name":"Ghazni"},{"code":"AF-GHO","name":"Ghowr"},{"code":"AF-HEL","name":"Helmand"},{"code":"AF-HER","name":"Herat"},{"code":"AF-JOW","name":"Jowzjan"},{"code":"AF-KAB","name":"Kabol"},{"code":"AF-KAN","name":"Kandahar"},{"code":"AF-KAP","name":"Kapisa"},{"code":"AF-KHO","name":"Khowst"},{"code":"AF-KNR","name":"Konar"},{"code":"AF-KDZ","name":"Kondoz"},{"code":"AF-LAG","name":"Laghman"},{"code":"AF-LOW","name":"Lowgar"},{"code":"AF-NAN","name":"Nangarhar"},{"code":"AF-NIM","name":"Nimruz"},{"code":"AF-NUR","name":"Nurestan"},{"code":"AF-ORU","name":"Oruzgan"},{"code":"AF-PIA","name":"Paktia"},{"code":"AF-PKA","name":"Paktika"},{"code":"AF-PAN","name":"Panjshir"},{"code":"AF-PAR","name":"Parwan"},{"code":"AF-SAM","name":"Samangan"},{"code":"AF-SAR","name":"Sar-e Pol"},{"code":"AF-TAK","name":"Takhar"},{"code":"AF-WAR","name":"Wardak"},{"code":"AF-ZAB","name":"Zabol"}]

Minor Region

[{"code":"AR-B-AA","name":"Adolfo Alsina"},{"code":"AR-B-AC","name":"Adolfo Gonzales Chaves"},{"code":"AR-B-AL","name":"Alberti"},{"code":"AR-B-AB","name":"Almirante Brown"},{"code":"AR-B-AM","name":"Ameghino"},{"code":"AR-B-BM","name":"Arrecifes"},{"code":"AR-B-AV","name":"Avellaneda"},{"code":"AR-B-AY","name":"Ayacucho"},{"code":"AR-B-AZ","name":"Azul"},{"code":"AR-B-BB","name":"Bahía Blanca"},{"code":"AR-B-BC","name":"Balcarce"},{"code":"AR-B-BD","name":"Baradero"},{"code":"AR-B-BJ","name":"Benito Juárez"},{"code":"AR-B-BZ","name":"Berazategui"},{"code":"AR-B-BS","name":"Berisso"},{"code":"AR-B-BO","name":"Bolívar"},{"code":"AR-B-BG","name":"Bragado"},{"code":"AR-B-BR","name":"Brandsen"},{"code":"AR-B-CM","name":"Campana"},{"code":"AR-B-CS","name":"Capitán Sarmiento"},{"code":"AR-B-CC","name":"Carlos Casares"},{"code":"AR-B-CT","name":"Carlos Tejedor"},{"code":"AR-B-CA","name":"Carmen de Areco"},{"code":"AR-B-CI","name":"Castelli"},{"code":"AR-B-CL","name":"Cañuelas"},{"code":"AR-B-CB","name":"Chacabuco"},{"code":"AR-B-CH","name":"Chascomús"},{"code":"AR-B-CV","name":"Chivilcoy"},{"code":"AR-B-CO","name":"Colón"},{"code":"AR-B-CD","name":"Coronel Dorrego"},{"code":"AR-B-CP","name":"Coronel Pringles"},{"code":"AR-B-CE","name":"Coronel Suárez"},{"code":"AR-B-CR","name":"Coronel de Marina Leonardo Rosales"},{"code":"AR-B-DA","name":"Daireaux"},{"code":"AR-B-DO","name":"Dolores"},{"code":"AR-B-EN","name":"Ensenada"},{"code":"AR-B-ES","name":"Escobar"},{"code":"AR-B-EB","name":"Esteban Echeverría"},{"code":"AR-B-EC","name":"Exaltación de la Cruz"},{"code":"AR-B-FC","name":"Florencio Varela"},{"code":"AR-B-GD","name":"General Alvarado"},{"code":"AR-B-GA","name":"General Alvear"},{"code":"AR-B-GE","name":"General Arenales"},{"code":"AR-B-GB","name":"General Belgrano"},{"code":"AR-B-GG","name":"General Guido"},{"code":"AR-B-GJ","name":"General Juan Madariaga"},{"code":"AR-B-GM","name":"General La Madrid"},{"code":"AR-B-GH","name":"General Las Heras"},{"code":"AR-B-GL","name":"General Lavalle"},{"code":"AR-B-GZ","name":"General Paz"},{"code":"AR-B-GI","name":"General Pinto"},{"code":"AR-B-GP","name":"General Pueyrredón"},{"code":"AR-B-GR","name":"General Rodríguez"},{"code":"AR-B-GN","name":"General San Martín"},{"code":"AR-B-GS","name":"General Sarmiento"},{"code":"AR-B-GT","name":"General Viamonte"},{"code":"AR-B-GV","name":"General Villegas"},{"code":"AR-B-GU","name":"Guaminí"},{"code":"AR-B-HY","name":"Hipólito Yrigoyen"},{"code":"AR-B-JU","name":"Junín"},{"code":"AR-B-LC","name":"La Costa"},{"code":"AR-B-LM","name":"La Matanza"},{"code":"AR-B-LT","name":"La Plata"},{"code":"AR-B-LS","name":"Lanús"},{"code":"AR-B-LR","name":"Laprida"},{"code":"AR-B-LF","name":"Las Flores"},{"code":"AR-B-LA","name":"Leandro N. Alem"},{"code":"AR-B-LI","name":"Lincoln"},{"code":"AR-B-LO","name":"Lobería"},{"code":"AR-B-LB","name":"Lobos"},{"code":"AR-B-LZ","name":"Lomas de Zamora"},{"code":"AR-B-LU","name":"Luján"},{"code":"AR-B-ML","name":"Magdalena"},{"code":"AR-B-MA","name":"Maipú"},{"code":"AR-B-MC","name":"Mar Chiquita"},{"code":"AR-B-MP","name":"Marcos Paz"},{"code":"AR-B-MD","name":"Mercedes"},{"code":"AR-B-ME","name":"Merlo"},{"code":"AR-B-MT","name":"Monte"},{"code":"AR-B-MH","name":"Monte Hermoso"},{"code":"AR-B-MR","name":"Moreno"},{"code":"AR-B-MN","name":"Morón"},{"code":"AR-B-NA","name":"Navarro"},{"code":"AR-B-NE","name":"Necochea"},{"code":"AR-B-NJ","name":"Nueve de Julio"},{"code":"AR-B-OL","name":"Olavarría"},{"code":"AR-B-PA","name":"Patagones"},{"code":"AR-B-PJ","name":"Pehuajó"},{"code":"AR-B-PE","name":"Pellegrini"},{"code":"AR-B-PG","name":"Pergamino"},{"code":"AR-B-PL","name":"Pila"},{"code":"AR-B-PX","name":"Pilar"},{"code":"AR-B-PI","name":"Pinamar"},{"code":"AR-B-PU","name":"Puán"},{"code":"AR-B-QU","name":"Quilmes"},{"code":"AR-B-RM","name":"Ramallo"},{"code":"AR-B-RU","name":"Rauch"},{"code":"AR-B-RI","name":"Rivadavia"},{"code":"AR-B-RO","name":"Rojas"},{"code":"AR-B-RP","name":"Roque Pérez"},{"code":"AR-B-SD","name":"Saavedra"},{"code":"AR-B-SL","name":"Saladillo"},{"code":"AR-B-SQ","name":"Salliqueló"},{"code":"AR-B-ST","name":"Salto"},{"code":"AR-B-SG","name":"San Andrés de Giles"},{"code":"AR-B-SA","name":"San Antonio de Areco"},{"code":"AR-B-SC","name":"San Cayetano"},{"code":"AR-B-SF","name":"San Fernando Partido"},{"code":"AR-B-SI","name":"San Isidro"},{"code":"AR-B-SN","name":"San Nicolás"},{"code":"AR-B-SP","name":"San Pedro"},{"code":"AR-B-SE","name":"San Vicente"},{"code":"AR-B-SU","name":"Suipacha"},{"code":"AR-B-TD","name":"Tandil"},{"code":"AR-B-TP","name":"Tapalqué"},{"code":"AR-B-TI","name":"Tigre"},{"code":"AR-B-TO","name":"Tordillo"},{"code":"AR-B-TQ","name":"Tornquist"},{"code":"AR-B-TR","name":"Trenque Lauquen"},{"code":"AR-B-TA","name":"Tres Arroyos"},{"code":"AR-B-TL","name":"Tres Lomas"},{"code":"AR-B-TF","name":"Tres de Febrero"},{"code":"AR-B-VM","name":"Veinticinco de Mayo"},{"code":"AR-B-VL","name":"Vicente López"},{"code":"AR-B-VG","name":"Villa Gesell"},{"code":"AR-B-VI","name":"Villarino"},{"code":"AR-B-ZA","name":"Zárate"}]

share|improve this question

  • 1

    Thanks for sharing, for I have an account there. I didn't know about an API. Definitely will give it a try. Unfortunately I am not a vba person, so no review, sorry.
    – vnp
    Jun 13 '18 at 22:15

  • I just modifies my 2nd answer to include Regions without Sub Regions. It returns 9298 records in under 17 seconds. This seems comparable to Worksheets("HierarchyTest") but it is hard to say because your data extends 9685 but has blank rows.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 21:44


As you may know, I like birds. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a tool called eBird where you can submit records of the birds you identified. I recently learned they have an API that I can query, yay! Before this I was just hitting pages and parsing source code.

I've never really queried an API before.

Oh and I normally use late binding, but for this you need these (additional) references

  • Microsoft HTML Object Library

  • Microsoft Internet Controls

  • Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1

  • Microsoft Scripting Runtime


I have two modules - one to get the data from the API and one to create a hierarchy of that data. I used my Comb Sort Multi-dimensional Array on Key (which can be reviewed there instead of here, if need be).

Module PopulateLocations.bas

Option Explicit

Const DELIMITER As String = "},{"

'| */ Documentation for Regions
'| For this API regionType can be subnational2, subnational1, or country (ISO3166)
'| I will refer to subnational1 as majorRegion and subnational2 as minorRegion /*

Public Sub PopulateEbirdRegions()
Const minorRegionBaseURL As String = ""
Const majorRegionBaseURL As String = ""
Dim countryArray As Variant
Dim majorArray As Variant
Dim minorArray As Variant
countryArray = RetrieveCountries
majorArray = GetRegions(majorRegionBaseURL, countryArray, MajorSheet)
minorArray = GetRegions(minorRegionBaseURL, majorArray, MinorSheet, True)

CreateHierarchy.CreateHierarchy countryArray, majorArray, minorArray
End Sub

Private Function RetrieveCountries() As Variant
Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
Dim responseText As String
Dim response As Variant

responseText = SendHttpRequest(COUNTRY_URL)
response = Split(responseText, DELIMITER)

Dim countryArray() As String
ReDim countryArray(LBound(response) To UBound(response), 1 To 2)
Dim index As Long
For index = LBound(response) To UBound(response)
countryArray(index, 1) = ExtractCode(response(index))
countryArray(index, 2) = ExtractName(response(index))

countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

WriteToSheet countryArray, countrySheet, "Country Code", "Country"
RetrieveCountries = countryArray
End Function

Private Function GetRegions(ByVal baseRegionURL As String, ByVal sourceArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet, Optional ByVal isMinor As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim fileType As String
fileType = ".json"

Dim subNationalValue As String
Dim responseText As String
Dim targetURL As String
Dim index As Long
index = 1
Dim resultIndex As Long
resultIndex = index

Dim resultArray() As String
ReDim resultArray(LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray), 1 To 2)

For index = LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray)
subNationalValue = sourceArray(index, 1)
targetURL = baseRegionURL & subNationalValue & fileType
responseText = SendHttpRequest(targetURL)

If isMinor Then
If Not responseText = "" Then
resultArray(resultIndex, 1) = subNationalValue
resultArray(resultIndex, 2) = responseText
resultIndex = resultIndex + 1
End If
resultArray(index, 1) = sourceArray(index, 1)
resultArray(index, 2) = responseText
End If

GetRegions = CleanSource(resultArray, targetSheet)
End Function

Private Function CleanSource(ByVal sourceArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Variant
Const FIRST_HEADER As String = "Region Code"
Const SECOND_HEADER As String = "Region Name"
Dim cleanIndex As Long
cleanIndex = 1
Dim index As Long
Dim sourceIndex As Long
Dim response As Variant
Dim cleanArray() As String
ReDim cleanArray(1 To 10000, 1 To 2) 'I would like to not hard-code this, but it's not variable in itself, but variable across queries

For sourceIndex = LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray)
If sourceArray(sourceIndex, 2) <> "" Then
response = Split(sourceArray(sourceIndex, 2), DELIMITER)
For index = LBound(response) To UBound(response)
cleanArray(cleanIndex, 1) = ExtractCode(response(index))
cleanArray(cleanIndex, 2) = ExtractName(response(index))
cleanIndex = cleanIndex + 1
End If

Dim returnArray() As String
ReDim returnArray(1 To cleanIndex - 1, 1 To 2)
For index = 1 To UBound(returnArray)
returnArray(index, 1) = cleanArray(index, 1)
returnArray(index, 2) = cleanArray(index, 2)

WriteToSheet returnArray, targetSheet, FIRST_HEADER, SECOND_HEADER
CleanSource = returnArray
End Function

Private Function SendHttpRequest(ByVal targetURL As String) As String
Const API_KEY As String = ""
Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
Dim httpRequest As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Set httpRequest = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
httpRequest.Open "GET", targetURL
httpRequest.setRequestHeader API_REQUEST_HEADER, API_KEY
SendHttpRequest = httpRequest.responseText
End Function

Private Function ExtractCode(ByVal targetString As String) As String
ExtractCode = Mid$(targetString, InStr(1, targetString, "code") + 7, InStr((InStr(1, targetString, "code") + 7), targetString, ",") - InStr(1, targetString, "code") - 8)
End Function

Private Function ExtractName(ByVal targetString As String) As String
ExtractName = Mid$(targetString, InStrRev(targetString, ":") + 2, Len(targetString) - InStrRev(targetString, ":") - 2)
End Function

Private Sub WriteToSheet(ByVal valueArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet, ByVal firstHeader As String, ByVal secondHeader As String)
Const FIND_STRING As String = "}"
targetSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = firstHeader
targetSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = secondHeader
CombSortArray valueArray, 2
Dim printRange As Range
Set printRange = targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Cells(2, 1), targetSheet.Cells(UBound(valueArray) + 2, 2))
printRange.Value = valueArray
printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString

End Sub

Private Sub CombSortArray(ByRef dataArray As Variant, Optional ByVal numberOfColumns As Long = 1, Optional ByVal sortKeyColumn As Long = 1, Optional ByVal sortAscending As Boolean = True)
Const SHRINK As Double = 1.3
Dim initialSize As Long
initialSize = UBound(dataArray, 1)
Dim gap As Long
gap = initialSize
Dim index As Long
Dim isSorted As Boolean

Do While gap > 1 And Not isSorted
gap = Int(gap / SHRINK)
If gap > 1 Then
isSorted = False
gap = 1
isSorted = True
End If
index = 1
Do While index + gap <= initialSize
If sortAscending Then
If dataArray(index, sortKeyColumn) > dataArray(index + gap, sortKeyColumn) Then
SwapElements dataArray, numberOfColumns, index, index + gap
isSorted = False
End If
If dataArray(index, sortKeyColumn) < dataArray(index + gap, sortKeyColumn) Then
SwapElements dataArray, numberOfColumns, index, index + gap
isSorted = False
End If
End If
index = index + 1

End Sub
Private Sub SwapElements(ByRef dataArray As Variant, ByVal numberOfColumns As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal j As Long)
Dim temporaryHolder As Variant
Dim index As Long
For index = 1 To numberOfColumns
temporaryHolder = dataArray(i, index)
dataArray(i, index) = dataArray(j, index)
dataArray(j, index) = temporaryHolder
End Sub

Then this module passes the arrays to

Module CreateHierarchy.bas

Option Explicit
Public Sub CreateHierarchy(ByVal countries As Variant, ByVal majorRegions As Variant, ByVal minorRegions As Variant)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim countryIndex As Long
Dim majorIndex As Long
Dim minorIndex As Long
Dim currentRow As Long
currentRow = 2
Dim country As String
Dim region As String
Dim subRegion As String
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = HierarchyTest

minorIndex = 2
majorIndex = 2

For countryIndex = LBound(countries) + 1 To UBound(countries)
If Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1)) _
Or Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3)) _
Or Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 5)) Then
currentRow = currentRow + 1
End If

country = countries(countryIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1).Value = country
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 2).Value = countries(countryIndex, 2)
For majorIndex = majorIndex To UBound(majorRegions)
region = Left$(majorRegions(majorIndex, 1), 2)

If StrComp(country, region, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
region = majorRegions(majorIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3).Value = region
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 4).Value = majorRegions(majorIndex, 2)

For minorIndex = minorIndex To UBound(minorRegions)
subRegion = Left$(minorRegions(minorIndex, 1), Len(region))
If StrComp(region, subRegion, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 5).Value = minorRegions(minorIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 6).Value = minorRegions(minorIndex, 2)
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ElseIf StrComp(region, subRegion, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
GoTo skip
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ElseIf StrComp(country, region, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
GoTo jump
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1


Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I'm not at all happy with this hierarchy procedure, but it does its job. I'm sure there's a more clever way to do it, but I'm embarrassed about how long it took me to write this junk. If you point out I have three for loops with two ifs in them and make fun of me - I deserve it.

Substitute Code

Because I doubt you have an API key, I've made the raw data available and you can alter the Hierarchy module so it doesn't require arguments to execute:

Public Sub CreateHierarchy()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim countries As Variant
Dim majorRegions As Variant
Dim minorRegions As Variant
countries = RetrieveData(countrySheet)
majorRegions = RetrieveData(MajorSheet)
minorRegions = RetrieveData(MinorSheet)


End Sub

Private Function RetrieveData(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = targetSheet.Cells(targetSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim dataRange As Range
Set dataRange = targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Cells(1, 1), targetSheet.Cells(lastRow, 2))
RetrieveData = dataRange
End Function

Example return text from SendHTTPRequest

This is (some of) the raw data I get and parse, in case there's a better way to do that -


[{"code":"AF","name":"Afghanistan"},{"code":"AL","name":"Albania"},{"code":"DZ","name":"Algeria"},{"code":"AS","name":"American Samoa"},{"code":"AD","name":"Andorra"},{"code":"AO","name":"Angola"},{"code":"AI","name":"Anguilla"},{"code":"AQ","name":"Antarctica"},{"code":"AG","name":"Antigua and Barbuda"},{"code":"AR","name":"Argentina"},{"code":"AM","name":"Armenia"},{"code":"AW","name":"Aruba"},{"code":"AC","name":"Ashmore and Cartier Islands"},{"code":"ZM","name":"Zambia"},{"code":"ZW","name":"Zimbabwe"}]

Major Region

[{"code":"AF-BDS","name":"Badakhshan"},{"code":"AF-BDG","name":"Badghis"},{"code":"AF-BGL","name":"Baghlan"},{"code":"AF-BAL","name":"Balkh"},{"code":"AF-BAM","name":"Bamian"},{"code":"AF-DAY","name":"Daykondi"},{"code":"AF-FRA","name":"Farah"},{"code":"AF-FYB","name":"Faryab"},{"code":"AF-GHA","name":"Ghazni"},{"code":"AF-GHO","name":"Ghowr"},{"code":"AF-HEL","name":"Helmand"},{"code":"AF-HER","name":"Herat"},{"code":"AF-JOW","name":"Jowzjan"},{"code":"AF-KAB","name":"Kabol"},{"code":"AF-KAN","name":"Kandahar"},{"code":"AF-KAP","name":"Kapisa"},{"code":"AF-KHO","name":"Khowst"},{"code":"AF-KNR","name":"Konar"},{"code":"AF-KDZ","name":"Kondoz"},{"code":"AF-LAG","name":"Laghman"},{"code":"AF-LOW","name":"Lowgar"},{"code":"AF-NAN","name":"Nangarhar"},{"code":"AF-NIM","name":"Nimruz"},{"code":"AF-NUR","name":"Nurestan"},{"code":"AF-ORU","name":"Oruzgan"},{"code":"AF-PIA","name":"Paktia"},{"code":"AF-PKA","name":"Paktika"},{"code":"AF-PAN","name":"Panjshir"},{"code":"AF-PAR","name":"Parwan"},{"code":"AF-SAM","name":"Samangan"},{"code":"AF-SAR","name":"Sar-e Pol"},{"code":"AF-TAK","name":"Takhar"},{"code":"AF-WAR","name":"Wardak"},{"code":"AF-ZAB","name":"Zabol"}]

Minor Region

[{"code":"AR-B-AA","name":"Adolfo Alsina"},{"code":"AR-B-AC","name":"Adolfo Gonzales Chaves"},{"code":"AR-B-AL","name":"Alberti"},{"code":"AR-B-AB","name":"Almirante Brown"},{"code":"AR-B-AM","name":"Ameghino"},{"code":"AR-B-BM","name":"Arrecifes"},{"code":"AR-B-AV","name":"Avellaneda"},{"code":"AR-B-AY","name":"Ayacucho"},{"code":"AR-B-AZ","name":"Azul"},{"code":"AR-B-BB","name":"Bahía Blanca"},{"code":"AR-B-BC","name":"Balcarce"},{"code":"AR-B-BD","name":"Baradero"},{"code":"AR-B-BJ","name":"Benito Juárez"},{"code":"AR-B-BZ","name":"Berazategui"},{"code":"AR-B-BS","name":"Berisso"},{"code":"AR-B-BO","name":"Bolívar"},{"code":"AR-B-BG","name":"Bragado"},{"code":"AR-B-BR","name":"Brandsen"},{"code":"AR-B-CM","name":"Campana"},{"code":"AR-B-CS","name":"Capitán Sarmiento"},{"code":"AR-B-CC","name":"Carlos Casares"},{"code":"AR-B-CT","name":"Carlos Tejedor"},{"code":"AR-B-CA","name":"Carmen de Areco"},{"code":"AR-B-CI","name":"Castelli"},{"code":"AR-B-CL","name":"Cañuelas"},{"code":"AR-B-CB","name":"Chacabuco"},{"code":"AR-B-CH","name":"Chascomús"},{"code":"AR-B-CV","name":"Chivilcoy"},{"code":"AR-B-CO","name":"Colón"},{"code":"AR-B-CD","name":"Coronel Dorrego"},{"code":"AR-B-CP","name":"Coronel Pringles"},{"code":"AR-B-CE","name":"Coronel Suárez"},{"code":"AR-B-CR","name":"Coronel de Marina Leonardo Rosales"},{"code":"AR-B-DA","name":"Daireaux"},{"code":"AR-B-DO","name":"Dolores"},{"code":"AR-B-EN","name":"Ensenada"},{"code":"AR-B-ES","name":"Escobar"},{"code":"AR-B-EB","name":"Esteban Echeverría"},{"code":"AR-B-EC","name":"Exaltación de la Cruz"},{"code":"AR-B-FC","name":"Florencio Varela"},{"code":"AR-B-GD","name":"General Alvarado"},{"code":"AR-B-GA","name":"General Alvear"},{"code":"AR-B-GE","name":"General Arenales"},{"code":"AR-B-GB","name":"General Belgrano"},{"code":"AR-B-GG","name":"General Guido"},{"code":"AR-B-GJ","name":"General Juan Madariaga"},{"code":"AR-B-GM","name":"General La Madrid"},{"code":"AR-B-GH","name":"General Las Heras"},{"code":"AR-B-GL","name":"General Lavalle"},{"code":"AR-B-GZ","name":"General Paz"},{"code":"AR-B-GI","name":"General Pinto"},{"code":"AR-B-GP","name":"General Pueyrredón"},{"code":"AR-B-GR","name":"General Rodríguez"},{"code":"AR-B-GN","name":"General San Martín"},{"code":"AR-B-GS","name":"General Sarmiento"},{"code":"AR-B-GT","name":"General Viamonte"},{"code":"AR-B-GV","name":"General Villegas"},{"code":"AR-B-GU","name":"Guaminí"},{"code":"AR-B-HY","name":"Hipólito Yrigoyen"},{"code":"AR-B-JU","name":"Junín"},{"code":"AR-B-LC","name":"La Costa"},{"code":"AR-B-LM","name":"La Matanza"},{"code":"AR-B-LT","name":"La Plata"},{"code":"AR-B-LS","name":"Lanús"},{"code":"AR-B-LR","name":"Laprida"},{"code":"AR-B-LF","name":"Las Flores"},{"code":"AR-B-LA","name":"Leandro N. Alem"},{"code":"AR-B-LI","name":"Lincoln"},{"code":"AR-B-LO","name":"Lobería"},{"code":"AR-B-LB","name":"Lobos"},{"code":"AR-B-LZ","name":"Lomas de Zamora"},{"code":"AR-B-LU","name":"Luján"},{"code":"AR-B-ML","name":"Magdalena"},{"code":"AR-B-MA","name":"Maipú"},{"code":"AR-B-MC","name":"Mar Chiquita"},{"code":"AR-B-MP","name":"Marcos Paz"},{"code":"AR-B-MD","name":"Mercedes"},{"code":"AR-B-ME","name":"Merlo"},{"code":"AR-B-MT","name":"Monte"},{"code":"AR-B-MH","name":"Monte Hermoso"},{"code":"AR-B-MR","name":"Moreno"},{"code":"AR-B-MN","name":"Morón"},{"code":"AR-B-NA","name":"Navarro"},{"code":"AR-B-NE","name":"Necochea"},{"code":"AR-B-NJ","name":"Nueve de Julio"},{"code":"AR-B-OL","name":"Olavarría"},{"code":"AR-B-PA","name":"Patagones"},{"code":"AR-B-PJ","name":"Pehuajó"},{"code":"AR-B-PE","name":"Pellegrini"},{"code":"AR-B-PG","name":"Pergamino"},{"code":"AR-B-PL","name":"Pila"},{"code":"AR-B-PX","name":"Pilar"},{"code":"AR-B-PI","name":"Pinamar"},{"code":"AR-B-PU","name":"Puán"},{"code":"AR-B-QU","name":"Quilmes"},{"code":"AR-B-RM","name":"Ramallo"},{"code":"AR-B-RU","name":"Rauch"},{"code":"AR-B-RI","name":"Rivadavia"},{"code":"AR-B-RO","name":"Rojas"},{"code":"AR-B-RP","name":"Roque Pérez"},{"code":"AR-B-SD","name":"Saavedra"},{"code":"AR-B-SL","name":"Saladillo"},{"code":"AR-B-SQ","name":"Salliqueló"},{"code":"AR-B-ST","name":"Salto"},{"code":"AR-B-SG","name":"San Andrés de Giles"},{"code":"AR-B-SA","name":"San Antonio de Areco"},{"code":"AR-B-SC","name":"San Cayetano"},{"code":"AR-B-SF","name":"San Fernando Partido"},{"code":"AR-B-SI","name":"San Isidro"},{"code":"AR-B-SN","name":"San Nicolás"},{"code":"AR-B-SP","name":"San Pedro"},{"code":"AR-B-SE","name":"San Vicente"},{"code":"AR-B-SU","name":"Suipacha"},{"code":"AR-B-TD","name":"Tandil"},{"code":"AR-B-TP","name":"Tapalqué"},{"code":"AR-B-TI","name":"Tigre"},{"code":"AR-B-TO","name":"Tordillo"},{"code":"AR-B-TQ","name":"Tornquist"},{"code":"AR-B-TR","name":"Trenque Lauquen"},{"code":"AR-B-TA","name":"Tres Arroyos"},{"code":"AR-B-TL","name":"Tres Lomas"},{"code":"AR-B-TF","name":"Tres de Febrero"},{"code":"AR-B-VM","name":"Veinticinco de Mayo"},{"code":"AR-B-VL","name":"Vicente López"},{"code":"AR-B-VG","name":"Villa Gesell"},{"code":"AR-B-VI","name":"Villarino"},{"code":"AR-B-ZA","name":"Zárate"}]

share|improve this question

  • 1

    Thanks for sharing, for I have an account there. I didn't know about an API. Definitely will give it a try. Unfortunately I am not a vba person, so no review, sorry.
    – vnp
    Jun 13 '18 at 22:15

  • I just modifies my 2nd answer to include Regions without Sub Regions. It returns 9298 records in under 17 seconds. This seems comparable to Worksheets("HierarchyTest") but it is hard to say because your data extends 9685 but has blank rows.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 21:44




As you may know, I like birds. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a tool called eBird where you can submit records of the birds you identified. I recently learned they have an API that I can query, yay! Before this I was just hitting pages and parsing source code.

I've never really queried an API before.

Oh and I normally use late binding, but for this you need these (additional) references

  • Microsoft HTML Object Library

  • Microsoft Internet Controls

  • Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1

  • Microsoft Scripting Runtime


I have two modules - one to get the data from the API and one to create a hierarchy of that data. I used my Comb Sort Multi-dimensional Array on Key (which can be reviewed there instead of here, if need be).

Module PopulateLocations.bas

Option Explicit

Const DELIMITER As String = "},{"

'| */ Documentation for Regions
'| For this API regionType can be subnational2, subnational1, or country (ISO3166)
'| I will refer to subnational1 as majorRegion and subnational2 as minorRegion /*

Public Sub PopulateEbirdRegions()
Const minorRegionBaseURL As String = ""
Const majorRegionBaseURL As String = ""
Dim countryArray As Variant
Dim majorArray As Variant
Dim minorArray As Variant
countryArray = RetrieveCountries
majorArray = GetRegions(majorRegionBaseURL, countryArray, MajorSheet)
minorArray = GetRegions(minorRegionBaseURL, majorArray, MinorSheet, True)

CreateHierarchy.CreateHierarchy countryArray, majorArray, minorArray
End Sub

Private Function RetrieveCountries() As Variant
Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
Dim responseText As String
Dim response As Variant

responseText = SendHttpRequest(COUNTRY_URL)
response = Split(responseText, DELIMITER)

Dim countryArray() As String
ReDim countryArray(LBound(response) To UBound(response), 1 To 2)
Dim index As Long
For index = LBound(response) To UBound(response)
countryArray(index, 1) = ExtractCode(response(index))
countryArray(index, 2) = ExtractName(response(index))

countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

WriteToSheet countryArray, countrySheet, "Country Code", "Country"
RetrieveCountries = countryArray
End Function

Private Function GetRegions(ByVal baseRegionURL As String, ByVal sourceArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet, Optional ByVal isMinor As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim fileType As String
fileType = ".json"

Dim subNationalValue As String
Dim responseText As String
Dim targetURL As String
Dim index As Long
index = 1
Dim resultIndex As Long
resultIndex = index

Dim resultArray() As String
ReDim resultArray(LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray), 1 To 2)

For index = LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray)
subNationalValue = sourceArray(index, 1)
targetURL = baseRegionURL & subNationalValue & fileType
responseText = SendHttpRequest(targetURL)

If isMinor Then
If Not responseText = "" Then
resultArray(resultIndex, 1) = subNationalValue
resultArray(resultIndex, 2) = responseText
resultIndex = resultIndex + 1
End If
resultArray(index, 1) = sourceArray(index, 1)
resultArray(index, 2) = responseText
End If

GetRegions = CleanSource(resultArray, targetSheet)
End Function

Private Function CleanSource(ByVal sourceArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Variant
Const FIRST_HEADER As String = "Region Code"
Const SECOND_HEADER As String = "Region Name"
Dim cleanIndex As Long
cleanIndex = 1
Dim index As Long
Dim sourceIndex As Long
Dim response As Variant
Dim cleanArray() As String
ReDim cleanArray(1 To 10000, 1 To 2) 'I would like to not hard-code this, but it's not variable in itself, but variable across queries

For sourceIndex = LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray)
If sourceArray(sourceIndex, 2) <> "" Then
response = Split(sourceArray(sourceIndex, 2), DELIMITER)
For index = LBound(response) To UBound(response)
cleanArray(cleanIndex, 1) = ExtractCode(response(index))
cleanArray(cleanIndex, 2) = ExtractName(response(index))
cleanIndex = cleanIndex + 1
End If

Dim returnArray() As String
ReDim returnArray(1 To cleanIndex - 1, 1 To 2)
For index = 1 To UBound(returnArray)
returnArray(index, 1) = cleanArray(index, 1)
returnArray(index, 2) = cleanArray(index, 2)

WriteToSheet returnArray, targetSheet, FIRST_HEADER, SECOND_HEADER
CleanSource = returnArray
End Function

Private Function SendHttpRequest(ByVal targetURL As String) As String
Const API_KEY As String = ""
Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
Dim httpRequest As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Set httpRequest = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
httpRequest.Open "GET", targetURL
httpRequest.setRequestHeader API_REQUEST_HEADER, API_KEY
SendHttpRequest = httpRequest.responseText
End Function

Private Function ExtractCode(ByVal targetString As String) As String
ExtractCode = Mid$(targetString, InStr(1, targetString, "code") + 7, InStr((InStr(1, targetString, "code") + 7), targetString, ",") - InStr(1, targetString, "code") - 8)
End Function

Private Function ExtractName(ByVal targetString As String) As String
ExtractName = Mid$(targetString, InStrRev(targetString, ":") + 2, Len(targetString) - InStrRev(targetString, ":") - 2)
End Function

Private Sub WriteToSheet(ByVal valueArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet, ByVal firstHeader As String, ByVal secondHeader As String)
Const FIND_STRING As String = "}"
targetSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = firstHeader
targetSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = secondHeader
CombSortArray valueArray, 2
Dim printRange As Range
Set printRange = targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Cells(2, 1), targetSheet.Cells(UBound(valueArray) + 2, 2))
printRange.Value = valueArray
printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString

End Sub

Private Sub CombSortArray(ByRef dataArray As Variant, Optional ByVal numberOfColumns As Long = 1, Optional ByVal sortKeyColumn As Long = 1, Optional ByVal sortAscending As Boolean = True)
Const SHRINK As Double = 1.3
Dim initialSize As Long
initialSize = UBound(dataArray, 1)
Dim gap As Long
gap = initialSize
Dim index As Long
Dim isSorted As Boolean

Do While gap > 1 And Not isSorted
gap = Int(gap / SHRINK)
If gap > 1 Then
isSorted = False
gap = 1
isSorted = True
End If
index = 1
Do While index + gap <= initialSize
If sortAscending Then
If dataArray(index, sortKeyColumn) > dataArray(index + gap, sortKeyColumn) Then
SwapElements dataArray, numberOfColumns, index, index + gap
isSorted = False
End If
If dataArray(index, sortKeyColumn) < dataArray(index + gap, sortKeyColumn) Then
SwapElements dataArray, numberOfColumns, index, index + gap
isSorted = False
End If
End If
index = index + 1

End Sub
Private Sub SwapElements(ByRef dataArray As Variant, ByVal numberOfColumns As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal j As Long)
Dim temporaryHolder As Variant
Dim index As Long
For index = 1 To numberOfColumns
temporaryHolder = dataArray(i, index)
dataArray(i, index) = dataArray(j, index)
dataArray(j, index) = temporaryHolder
End Sub

Then this module passes the arrays to

Module CreateHierarchy.bas

Option Explicit
Public Sub CreateHierarchy(ByVal countries As Variant, ByVal majorRegions As Variant, ByVal minorRegions As Variant)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim countryIndex As Long
Dim majorIndex As Long
Dim minorIndex As Long
Dim currentRow As Long
currentRow = 2
Dim country As String
Dim region As String
Dim subRegion As String
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = HierarchyTest

minorIndex = 2
majorIndex = 2

For countryIndex = LBound(countries) + 1 To UBound(countries)
If Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1)) _
Or Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3)) _
Or Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 5)) Then
currentRow = currentRow + 1
End If

country = countries(countryIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1).Value = country
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 2).Value = countries(countryIndex, 2)
For majorIndex = majorIndex To UBound(majorRegions)
region = Left$(majorRegions(majorIndex, 1), 2)

If StrComp(country, region, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
region = majorRegions(majorIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3).Value = region
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 4).Value = majorRegions(majorIndex, 2)

For minorIndex = minorIndex To UBound(minorRegions)
subRegion = Left$(minorRegions(minorIndex, 1), Len(region))
If StrComp(region, subRegion, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 5).Value = minorRegions(minorIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 6).Value = minorRegions(minorIndex, 2)
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ElseIf StrComp(region, subRegion, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
GoTo skip
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ElseIf StrComp(country, region, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
GoTo jump
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1


Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I'm not at all happy with this hierarchy procedure, but it does its job. I'm sure there's a more clever way to do it, but I'm embarrassed about how long it took me to write this junk. If you point out I have three for loops with two ifs in them and make fun of me - I deserve it.

Substitute Code

Because I doubt you have an API key, I've made the raw data available and you can alter the Hierarchy module so it doesn't require arguments to execute:

Public Sub CreateHierarchy()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim countries As Variant
Dim majorRegions As Variant
Dim minorRegions As Variant
countries = RetrieveData(countrySheet)
majorRegions = RetrieveData(MajorSheet)
minorRegions = RetrieveData(MinorSheet)


End Sub

Private Function RetrieveData(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = targetSheet.Cells(targetSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim dataRange As Range
Set dataRange = targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Cells(1, 1), targetSheet.Cells(lastRow, 2))
RetrieveData = dataRange
End Function

Example return text from SendHTTPRequest

This is (some of) the raw data I get and parse, in case there's a better way to do that -


[{"code":"AF","name":"Afghanistan"},{"code":"AL","name":"Albania"},{"code":"DZ","name":"Algeria"},{"code":"AS","name":"American Samoa"},{"code":"AD","name":"Andorra"},{"code":"AO","name":"Angola"},{"code":"AI","name":"Anguilla"},{"code":"AQ","name":"Antarctica"},{"code":"AG","name":"Antigua and Barbuda"},{"code":"AR","name":"Argentina"},{"code":"AM","name":"Armenia"},{"code":"AW","name":"Aruba"},{"code":"AC","name":"Ashmore and Cartier Islands"},{"code":"ZM","name":"Zambia"},{"code":"ZW","name":"Zimbabwe"}]

Major Region

[{"code":"AF-BDS","name":"Badakhshan"},{"code":"AF-BDG","name":"Badghis"},{"code":"AF-BGL","name":"Baghlan"},{"code":"AF-BAL","name":"Balkh"},{"code":"AF-BAM","name":"Bamian"},{"code":"AF-DAY","name":"Daykondi"},{"code":"AF-FRA","name":"Farah"},{"code":"AF-FYB","name":"Faryab"},{"code":"AF-GHA","name":"Ghazni"},{"code":"AF-GHO","name":"Ghowr"},{"code":"AF-HEL","name":"Helmand"},{"code":"AF-HER","name":"Herat"},{"code":"AF-JOW","name":"Jowzjan"},{"code":"AF-KAB","name":"Kabol"},{"code":"AF-KAN","name":"Kandahar"},{"code":"AF-KAP","name":"Kapisa"},{"code":"AF-KHO","name":"Khowst"},{"code":"AF-KNR","name":"Konar"},{"code":"AF-KDZ","name":"Kondoz"},{"code":"AF-LAG","name":"Laghman"},{"code":"AF-LOW","name":"Lowgar"},{"code":"AF-NAN","name":"Nangarhar"},{"code":"AF-NIM","name":"Nimruz"},{"code":"AF-NUR","name":"Nurestan"},{"code":"AF-ORU","name":"Oruzgan"},{"code":"AF-PIA","name":"Paktia"},{"code":"AF-PKA","name":"Paktika"},{"code":"AF-PAN","name":"Panjshir"},{"code":"AF-PAR","name":"Parwan"},{"code":"AF-SAM","name":"Samangan"},{"code":"AF-SAR","name":"Sar-e Pol"},{"code":"AF-TAK","name":"Takhar"},{"code":"AF-WAR","name":"Wardak"},{"code":"AF-ZAB","name":"Zabol"}]

Minor Region

[{"code":"AR-B-AA","name":"Adolfo Alsina"},{"code":"AR-B-AC","name":"Adolfo Gonzales Chaves"},{"code":"AR-B-AL","name":"Alberti"},{"code":"AR-B-AB","name":"Almirante Brown"},{"code":"AR-B-AM","name":"Ameghino"},{"code":"AR-B-BM","name":"Arrecifes"},{"code":"AR-B-AV","name":"Avellaneda"},{"code":"AR-B-AY","name":"Ayacucho"},{"code":"AR-B-AZ","name":"Azul"},{"code":"AR-B-BB","name":"Bahía Blanca"},{"code":"AR-B-BC","name":"Balcarce"},{"code":"AR-B-BD","name":"Baradero"},{"code":"AR-B-BJ","name":"Benito Juárez"},{"code":"AR-B-BZ","name":"Berazategui"},{"code":"AR-B-BS","name":"Berisso"},{"code":"AR-B-BO","name":"Bolívar"},{"code":"AR-B-BG","name":"Bragado"},{"code":"AR-B-BR","name":"Brandsen"},{"code":"AR-B-CM","name":"Campana"},{"code":"AR-B-CS","name":"Capitán Sarmiento"},{"code":"AR-B-CC","name":"Carlos Casares"},{"code":"AR-B-CT","name":"Carlos Tejedor"},{"code":"AR-B-CA","name":"Carmen de Areco"},{"code":"AR-B-CI","name":"Castelli"},{"code":"AR-B-CL","name":"Cañuelas"},{"code":"AR-B-CB","name":"Chacabuco"},{"code":"AR-B-CH","name":"Chascomús"},{"code":"AR-B-CV","name":"Chivilcoy"},{"code":"AR-B-CO","name":"Colón"},{"code":"AR-B-CD","name":"Coronel Dorrego"},{"code":"AR-B-CP","name":"Coronel Pringles"},{"code":"AR-B-CE","name":"Coronel Suárez"},{"code":"AR-B-CR","name":"Coronel de Marina Leonardo Rosales"},{"code":"AR-B-DA","name":"Daireaux"},{"code":"AR-B-DO","name":"Dolores"},{"code":"AR-B-EN","name":"Ensenada"},{"code":"AR-B-ES","name":"Escobar"},{"code":"AR-B-EB","name":"Esteban Echeverría"},{"code":"AR-B-EC","name":"Exaltación de la Cruz"},{"code":"AR-B-FC","name":"Florencio Varela"},{"code":"AR-B-GD","name":"General Alvarado"},{"code":"AR-B-GA","name":"General Alvear"},{"code":"AR-B-GE","name":"General Arenales"},{"code":"AR-B-GB","name":"General Belgrano"},{"code":"AR-B-GG","name":"General Guido"},{"code":"AR-B-GJ","name":"General Juan Madariaga"},{"code":"AR-B-GM","name":"General La Madrid"},{"code":"AR-B-GH","name":"General Las Heras"},{"code":"AR-B-GL","name":"General Lavalle"},{"code":"AR-B-GZ","name":"General Paz"},{"code":"AR-B-GI","name":"General Pinto"},{"code":"AR-B-GP","name":"General Pueyrredón"},{"code":"AR-B-GR","name":"General Rodríguez"},{"code":"AR-B-GN","name":"General San Martín"},{"code":"AR-B-GS","name":"General Sarmiento"},{"code":"AR-B-GT","name":"General Viamonte"},{"code":"AR-B-GV","name":"General Villegas"},{"code":"AR-B-GU","name":"Guaminí"},{"code":"AR-B-HY","name":"Hipólito Yrigoyen"},{"code":"AR-B-JU","name":"Junín"},{"code":"AR-B-LC","name":"La Costa"},{"code":"AR-B-LM","name":"La Matanza"},{"code":"AR-B-LT","name":"La Plata"},{"code":"AR-B-LS","name":"Lanús"},{"code":"AR-B-LR","name":"Laprida"},{"code":"AR-B-LF","name":"Las Flores"},{"code":"AR-B-LA","name":"Leandro N. Alem"},{"code":"AR-B-LI","name":"Lincoln"},{"code":"AR-B-LO","name":"Lobería"},{"code":"AR-B-LB","name":"Lobos"},{"code":"AR-B-LZ","name":"Lomas de Zamora"},{"code":"AR-B-LU","name":"Luján"},{"code":"AR-B-ML","name":"Magdalena"},{"code":"AR-B-MA","name":"Maipú"},{"code":"AR-B-MC","name":"Mar Chiquita"},{"code":"AR-B-MP","name":"Marcos Paz"},{"code":"AR-B-MD","name":"Mercedes"},{"code":"AR-B-ME","name":"Merlo"},{"code":"AR-B-MT","name":"Monte"},{"code":"AR-B-MH","name":"Monte Hermoso"},{"code":"AR-B-MR","name":"Moreno"},{"code":"AR-B-MN","name":"Morón"},{"code":"AR-B-NA","name":"Navarro"},{"code":"AR-B-NE","name":"Necochea"},{"code":"AR-B-NJ","name":"Nueve de Julio"},{"code":"AR-B-OL","name":"Olavarría"},{"code":"AR-B-PA","name":"Patagones"},{"code":"AR-B-PJ","name":"Pehuajó"},{"code":"AR-B-PE","name":"Pellegrini"},{"code":"AR-B-PG","name":"Pergamino"},{"code":"AR-B-PL","name":"Pila"},{"code":"AR-B-PX","name":"Pilar"},{"code":"AR-B-PI","name":"Pinamar"},{"code":"AR-B-PU","name":"Puán"},{"code":"AR-B-QU","name":"Quilmes"},{"code":"AR-B-RM","name":"Ramallo"},{"code":"AR-B-RU","name":"Rauch"},{"code":"AR-B-RI","name":"Rivadavia"},{"code":"AR-B-RO","name":"Rojas"},{"code":"AR-B-RP","name":"Roque Pérez"},{"code":"AR-B-SD","name":"Saavedra"},{"code":"AR-B-SL","name":"Saladillo"},{"code":"AR-B-SQ","name":"Salliqueló"},{"code":"AR-B-ST","name":"Salto"},{"code":"AR-B-SG","name":"San Andrés de Giles"},{"code":"AR-B-SA","name":"San Antonio de Areco"},{"code":"AR-B-SC","name":"San Cayetano"},{"code":"AR-B-SF","name":"San Fernando Partido"},{"code":"AR-B-SI","name":"San Isidro"},{"code":"AR-B-SN","name":"San Nicolás"},{"code":"AR-B-SP","name":"San Pedro"},{"code":"AR-B-SE","name":"San Vicente"},{"code":"AR-B-SU","name":"Suipacha"},{"code":"AR-B-TD","name":"Tandil"},{"code":"AR-B-TP","name":"Tapalqué"},{"code":"AR-B-TI","name":"Tigre"},{"code":"AR-B-TO","name":"Tordillo"},{"code":"AR-B-TQ","name":"Tornquist"},{"code":"AR-B-TR","name":"Trenque Lauquen"},{"code":"AR-B-TA","name":"Tres Arroyos"},{"code":"AR-B-TL","name":"Tres Lomas"},{"code":"AR-B-TF","name":"Tres de Febrero"},{"code":"AR-B-VM","name":"Veinticinco de Mayo"},{"code":"AR-B-VL","name":"Vicente López"},{"code":"AR-B-VG","name":"Villa Gesell"},{"code":"AR-B-VI","name":"Villarino"},{"code":"AR-B-ZA","name":"Zárate"}]

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As you may know, I like birds. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has a tool called eBird where you can submit records of the birds you identified. I recently learned they have an API that I can query, yay! Before this I was just hitting pages and parsing source code.

I've never really queried an API before.

Oh and I normally use late binding, but for this you need these (additional) references

  • Microsoft HTML Object Library

  • Microsoft Internet Controls

  • Microsoft WinHTTP Services, version 5.1

  • Microsoft Scripting Runtime


I have two modules - one to get the data from the API and one to create a hierarchy of that data. I used my Comb Sort Multi-dimensional Array on Key (which can be reviewed there instead of here, if need be).

Module PopulateLocations.bas

Option Explicit

Const DELIMITER As String = "},{"

'| */ Documentation for Regions
'| For this API regionType can be subnational2, subnational1, or country (ISO3166)
'| I will refer to subnational1 as majorRegion and subnational2 as minorRegion /*

Public Sub PopulateEbirdRegions()
Const minorRegionBaseURL As String = ""
Const majorRegionBaseURL As String = ""
Dim countryArray As Variant
Dim majorArray As Variant
Dim minorArray As Variant
countryArray = RetrieveCountries
majorArray = GetRegions(majorRegionBaseURL, countryArray, MajorSheet)
minorArray = GetRegions(minorRegionBaseURL, majorArray, MinorSheet, True)

CreateHierarchy.CreateHierarchy countryArray, majorArray, minorArray
End Sub

Private Function RetrieveCountries() As Variant
Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
Dim responseText As String
Dim response As Variant

responseText = SendHttpRequest(COUNTRY_URL)
response = Split(responseText, DELIMITER)

Dim countryArray() As String
ReDim countryArray(LBound(response) To UBound(response), 1 To 2)
Dim index As Long
For index = LBound(response) To UBound(response)
countryArray(index, 1) = ExtractCode(response(index))
countryArray(index, 2) = ExtractName(response(index))

countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

WriteToSheet countryArray, countrySheet, "Country Code", "Country"
RetrieveCountries = countryArray
End Function

Private Function GetRegions(ByVal baseRegionURL As String, ByVal sourceArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet, Optional ByVal isMinor As Boolean = False) As Variant
Dim fileType As String
fileType = ".json"

Dim subNationalValue As String
Dim responseText As String
Dim targetURL As String
Dim index As Long
index = 1
Dim resultIndex As Long
resultIndex = index

Dim resultArray() As String
ReDim resultArray(LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray), 1 To 2)

For index = LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray)
subNationalValue = sourceArray(index, 1)
targetURL = baseRegionURL & subNationalValue & fileType
responseText = SendHttpRequest(targetURL)

If isMinor Then
If Not responseText = "" Then
resultArray(resultIndex, 1) = subNationalValue
resultArray(resultIndex, 2) = responseText
resultIndex = resultIndex + 1
End If
resultArray(index, 1) = sourceArray(index, 1)
resultArray(index, 2) = responseText
End If

GetRegions = CleanSource(resultArray, targetSheet)
End Function

Private Function CleanSource(ByVal sourceArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Variant
Const FIRST_HEADER As String = "Region Code"
Const SECOND_HEADER As String = "Region Name"
Dim cleanIndex As Long
cleanIndex = 1
Dim index As Long
Dim sourceIndex As Long
Dim response As Variant
Dim cleanArray() As String
ReDim cleanArray(1 To 10000, 1 To 2) 'I would like to not hard-code this, but it's not variable in itself, but variable across queries

For sourceIndex = LBound(sourceArray) To UBound(sourceArray)
If sourceArray(sourceIndex, 2) <> "" Then
response = Split(sourceArray(sourceIndex, 2), DELIMITER)
For index = LBound(response) To UBound(response)
cleanArray(cleanIndex, 1) = ExtractCode(response(index))
cleanArray(cleanIndex, 2) = ExtractName(response(index))
cleanIndex = cleanIndex + 1
End If

Dim returnArray() As String
ReDim returnArray(1 To cleanIndex - 1, 1 To 2)
For index = 1 To UBound(returnArray)
returnArray(index, 1) = cleanArray(index, 1)
returnArray(index, 2) = cleanArray(index, 2)

WriteToSheet returnArray, targetSheet, FIRST_HEADER, SECOND_HEADER
CleanSource = returnArray
End Function

Private Function SendHttpRequest(ByVal targetURL As String) As String
Const API_KEY As String = ""
Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
Dim httpRequest As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Set httpRequest = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
httpRequest.Open "GET", targetURL
httpRequest.setRequestHeader API_REQUEST_HEADER, API_KEY
SendHttpRequest = httpRequest.responseText
End Function

Private Function ExtractCode(ByVal targetString As String) As String
ExtractCode = Mid$(targetString, InStr(1, targetString, "code") + 7, InStr((InStr(1, targetString, "code") + 7), targetString, ",") - InStr(1, targetString, "code") - 8)
End Function

Private Function ExtractName(ByVal targetString As String) As String
ExtractName = Mid$(targetString, InStrRev(targetString, ":") + 2, Len(targetString) - InStrRev(targetString, ":") - 2)
End Function

Private Sub WriteToSheet(ByVal valueArray As Variant, ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet, ByVal firstHeader As String, ByVal secondHeader As String)
Const FIND_STRING As String = "}"
targetSheet.Cells(1, 1).Value = firstHeader
targetSheet.Cells(1, 2).Value = secondHeader
CombSortArray valueArray, 2
Dim printRange As Range
Set printRange = targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Cells(2, 1), targetSheet.Cells(UBound(valueArray) + 2, 2))
printRange.Value = valueArray
printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString

End Sub

Private Sub CombSortArray(ByRef dataArray As Variant, Optional ByVal numberOfColumns As Long = 1, Optional ByVal sortKeyColumn As Long = 1, Optional ByVal sortAscending As Boolean = True)
Const SHRINK As Double = 1.3
Dim initialSize As Long
initialSize = UBound(dataArray, 1)
Dim gap As Long
gap = initialSize
Dim index As Long
Dim isSorted As Boolean

Do While gap > 1 And Not isSorted
gap = Int(gap / SHRINK)
If gap > 1 Then
isSorted = False
gap = 1
isSorted = True
End If
index = 1
Do While index + gap <= initialSize
If sortAscending Then
If dataArray(index, sortKeyColumn) > dataArray(index + gap, sortKeyColumn) Then
SwapElements dataArray, numberOfColumns, index, index + gap
isSorted = False
End If
If dataArray(index, sortKeyColumn) < dataArray(index + gap, sortKeyColumn) Then
SwapElements dataArray, numberOfColumns, index, index + gap
isSorted = False
End If
End If
index = index + 1

End Sub
Private Sub SwapElements(ByRef dataArray As Variant, ByVal numberOfColumns As Long, ByVal i As Long, ByVal j As Long)
Dim temporaryHolder As Variant
Dim index As Long
For index = 1 To numberOfColumns
temporaryHolder = dataArray(i, index)
dataArray(i, index) = dataArray(j, index)
dataArray(j, index) = temporaryHolder
End Sub

Then this module passes the arrays to

Module CreateHierarchy.bas

Option Explicit
Public Sub CreateHierarchy(ByVal countries As Variant, ByVal majorRegions As Variant, ByVal minorRegions As Variant)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim countryIndex As Long
Dim majorIndex As Long
Dim minorIndex As Long
Dim currentRow As Long
currentRow = 2
Dim country As String
Dim region As String
Dim subRegion As String
Dim targetSheet As Worksheet
Set targetSheet = HierarchyTest

minorIndex = 2
majorIndex = 2

For countryIndex = LBound(countries) + 1 To UBound(countries)
If Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1)) _
Or Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3)) _
Or Not IsEmpty(targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 5)) Then
currentRow = currentRow + 1
End If

country = countries(countryIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 1).Value = country
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 2).Value = countries(countryIndex, 2)
For majorIndex = majorIndex To UBound(majorRegions)
region = Left$(majorRegions(majorIndex, 1), 2)

If StrComp(country, region, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
region = majorRegions(majorIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 3).Value = region
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 4).Value = majorRegions(majorIndex, 2)

For minorIndex = minorIndex To UBound(minorRegions)
subRegion = Left$(minorRegions(minorIndex, 1), Len(region))
If StrComp(region, subRegion, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 5).Value = minorRegions(minorIndex, 1)
targetSheet.Cells(currentRow, 6).Value = minorRegions(minorIndex, 2)
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ElseIf StrComp(region, subRegion, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
GoTo skip
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1
ElseIf StrComp(country, region, vbTextCompare) = -1 Then
GoTo jump
End If
currentRow = currentRow + 1


Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

I'm not at all happy with this hierarchy procedure, but it does its job. I'm sure there's a more clever way to do it, but I'm embarrassed about how long it took me to write this junk. If you point out I have three for loops with two ifs in them and make fun of me - I deserve it.

Substitute Code

Because I doubt you have an API key, I've made the raw data available and you can alter the Hierarchy module so it doesn't require arguments to execute:

Public Sub CreateHierarchy()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

Dim countries As Variant
Dim majorRegions As Variant
Dim minorRegions As Variant
countries = RetrieveData(countrySheet)
majorRegions = RetrieveData(MajorSheet)
minorRegions = RetrieveData(MinorSheet)


End Sub

Private Function RetrieveData(ByVal targetSheet As Worksheet) As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = targetSheet.Cells(targetSheet.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim dataRange As Range
Set dataRange = targetSheet.Range(targetSheet.Cells(1, 1), targetSheet.Cells(lastRow, 2))
RetrieveData = dataRange
End Function

Example return text from SendHTTPRequest

This is (some of) the raw data I get and parse, in case there's a better way to do that -


[{"code":"AF","name":"Afghanistan"},{"code":"AL","name":"Albania"},{"code":"DZ","name":"Algeria"},{"code":"AS","name":"American Samoa"},{"code":"AD","name":"Andorra"},{"code":"AO","name":"Angola"},{"code":"AI","name":"Anguilla"},{"code":"AQ","name":"Antarctica"},{"code":"AG","name":"Antigua and Barbuda"},{"code":"AR","name":"Argentina"},{"code":"AM","name":"Armenia"},{"code":"AW","name":"Aruba"},{"code":"AC","name":"Ashmore and Cartier Islands"},{"code":"ZM","name":"Zambia"},{"code":"ZW","name":"Zimbabwe"}]

Major Region

[{"code":"AF-BDS","name":"Badakhshan"},{"code":"AF-BDG","name":"Badghis"},{"code":"AF-BGL","name":"Baghlan"},{"code":"AF-BAL","name":"Balkh"},{"code":"AF-BAM","name":"Bamian"},{"code":"AF-DAY","name":"Daykondi"},{"code":"AF-FRA","name":"Farah"},{"code":"AF-FYB","name":"Faryab"},{"code":"AF-GHA","name":"Ghazni"},{"code":"AF-GHO","name":"Ghowr"},{"code":"AF-HEL","name":"Helmand"},{"code":"AF-HER","name":"Herat"},{"code":"AF-JOW","name":"Jowzjan"},{"code":"AF-KAB","name":"Kabol"},{"code":"AF-KAN","name":"Kandahar"},{"code":"AF-KAP","name":"Kapisa"},{"code":"AF-KHO","name":"Khowst"},{"code":"AF-KNR","name":"Konar"},{"code":"AF-KDZ","name":"Kondoz"},{"code":"AF-LAG","name":"Laghman"},{"code":"AF-LOW","name":"Lowgar"},{"code":"AF-NAN","name":"Nangarhar"},{"code":"AF-NIM","name":"Nimruz"},{"code":"AF-NUR","name":"Nurestan"},{"code":"AF-ORU","name":"Oruzgan"},{"code":"AF-PIA","name":"Paktia"},{"code":"AF-PKA","name":"Paktika"},{"code":"AF-PAN","name":"Panjshir"},{"code":"AF-PAR","name":"Parwan"},{"code":"AF-SAM","name":"Samangan"},{"code":"AF-SAR","name":"Sar-e Pol"},{"code":"AF-TAK","name":"Takhar"},{"code":"AF-WAR","name":"Wardak"},{"code":"AF-ZAB","name":"Zabol"}]

Minor Region

[{"code":"AR-B-AA","name":"Adolfo Alsina"},{"code":"AR-B-AC","name":"Adolfo Gonzales Chaves"},{"code":"AR-B-AL","name":"Alberti"},{"code":"AR-B-AB","name":"Almirante Brown"},{"code":"AR-B-AM","name":"Ameghino"},{"code":"AR-B-BM","name":"Arrecifes"},{"code":"AR-B-AV","name":"Avellaneda"},{"code":"AR-B-AY","name":"Ayacucho"},{"code":"AR-B-AZ","name":"Azul"},{"code":"AR-B-BB","name":"Bahía Blanca"},{"code":"AR-B-BC","name":"Balcarce"},{"code":"AR-B-BD","name":"Baradero"},{"code":"AR-B-BJ","name":"Benito Juárez"},{"code":"AR-B-BZ","name":"Berazategui"},{"code":"AR-B-BS","name":"Berisso"},{"code":"AR-B-BO","name":"Bolívar"},{"code":"AR-B-BG","name":"Bragado"},{"code":"AR-B-BR","name":"Brandsen"},{"code":"AR-B-CM","name":"Campana"},{"code":"AR-B-CS","name":"Capitán Sarmiento"},{"code":"AR-B-CC","name":"Carlos Casares"},{"code":"AR-B-CT","name":"Carlos Tejedor"},{"code":"AR-B-CA","name":"Carmen de Areco"},{"code":"AR-B-CI","name":"Castelli"},{"code":"AR-B-CL","name":"Cañuelas"},{"code":"AR-B-CB","name":"Chacabuco"},{"code":"AR-B-CH","name":"Chascomús"},{"code":"AR-B-CV","name":"Chivilcoy"},{"code":"AR-B-CO","name":"Colón"},{"code":"AR-B-CD","name":"Coronel Dorrego"},{"code":"AR-B-CP","name":"Coronel Pringles"},{"code":"AR-B-CE","name":"Coronel Suárez"},{"code":"AR-B-CR","name":"Coronel de Marina Leonardo Rosales"},{"code":"AR-B-DA","name":"Daireaux"},{"code":"AR-B-DO","name":"Dolores"},{"code":"AR-B-EN","name":"Ensenada"},{"code":"AR-B-ES","name":"Escobar"},{"code":"AR-B-EB","name":"Esteban Echeverría"},{"code":"AR-B-EC","name":"Exaltación de la Cruz"},{"code":"AR-B-FC","name":"Florencio Varela"},{"code":"AR-B-GD","name":"General Alvarado"},{"code":"AR-B-GA","name":"General Alvear"},{"code":"AR-B-GE","name":"General Arenales"},{"code":"AR-B-GB","name":"General Belgrano"},{"code":"AR-B-GG","name":"General Guido"},{"code":"AR-B-GJ","name":"General Juan Madariaga"},{"code":"AR-B-GM","name":"General La Madrid"},{"code":"AR-B-GH","name":"General Las Heras"},{"code":"AR-B-GL","name":"General Lavalle"},{"code":"AR-B-GZ","name":"General Paz"},{"code":"AR-B-GI","name":"General Pinto"},{"code":"AR-B-GP","name":"General Pueyrredón"},{"code":"AR-B-GR","name":"General Rodríguez"},{"code":"AR-B-GN","name":"General San Martín"},{"code":"AR-B-GS","name":"General Sarmiento"},{"code":"AR-B-GT","name":"General Viamonte"},{"code":"AR-B-GV","name":"General Villegas"},{"code":"AR-B-GU","name":"Guaminí"},{"code":"AR-B-HY","name":"Hipólito Yrigoyen"},{"code":"AR-B-JU","name":"Junín"},{"code":"AR-B-LC","name":"La Costa"},{"code":"AR-B-LM","name":"La Matanza"},{"code":"AR-B-LT","name":"La Plata"},{"code":"AR-B-LS","name":"Lanús"},{"code":"AR-B-LR","name":"Laprida"},{"code":"AR-B-LF","name":"Las Flores"},{"code":"AR-B-LA","name":"Leandro N. Alem"},{"code":"AR-B-LI","name":"Lincoln"},{"code":"AR-B-LO","name":"Lobería"},{"code":"AR-B-LB","name":"Lobos"},{"code":"AR-B-LZ","name":"Lomas de Zamora"},{"code":"AR-B-LU","name":"Luján"},{"code":"AR-B-ML","name":"Magdalena"},{"code":"AR-B-MA","name":"Maipú"},{"code":"AR-B-MC","name":"Mar Chiquita"},{"code":"AR-B-MP","name":"Marcos Paz"},{"code":"AR-B-MD","name":"Mercedes"},{"code":"AR-B-ME","name":"Merlo"},{"code":"AR-B-MT","name":"Monte"},{"code":"AR-B-MH","name":"Monte Hermoso"},{"code":"AR-B-MR","name":"Moreno"},{"code":"AR-B-MN","name":"Morón"},{"code":"AR-B-NA","name":"Navarro"},{"code":"AR-B-NE","name":"Necochea"},{"code":"AR-B-NJ","name":"Nueve de Julio"},{"code":"AR-B-OL","name":"Olavarría"},{"code":"AR-B-PA","name":"Patagones"},{"code":"AR-B-PJ","name":"Pehuajó"},{"code":"AR-B-PE","name":"Pellegrini"},{"code":"AR-B-PG","name":"Pergamino"},{"code":"AR-B-PL","name":"Pila"},{"code":"AR-B-PX","name":"Pilar"},{"code":"AR-B-PI","name":"Pinamar"},{"code":"AR-B-PU","name":"Puán"},{"code":"AR-B-QU","name":"Quilmes"},{"code":"AR-B-RM","name":"Ramallo"},{"code":"AR-B-RU","name":"Rauch"},{"code":"AR-B-RI","name":"Rivadavia"},{"code":"AR-B-RO","name":"Rojas"},{"code":"AR-B-RP","name":"Roque Pérez"},{"code":"AR-B-SD","name":"Saavedra"},{"code":"AR-B-SL","name":"Saladillo"},{"code":"AR-B-SQ","name":"Salliqueló"},{"code":"AR-B-ST","name":"Salto"},{"code":"AR-B-SG","name":"San Andrés de Giles"},{"code":"AR-B-SA","name":"San Antonio de Areco"},{"code":"AR-B-SC","name":"San Cayetano"},{"code":"AR-B-SF","name":"San Fernando Partido"},{"code":"AR-B-SI","name":"San Isidro"},{"code":"AR-B-SN","name":"San Nicolás"},{"code":"AR-B-SP","name":"San Pedro"},{"code":"AR-B-SE","name":"San Vicente"},{"code":"AR-B-SU","name":"Suipacha"},{"code":"AR-B-TD","name":"Tandil"},{"code":"AR-B-TP","name":"Tapalqué"},{"code":"AR-B-TI","name":"Tigre"},{"code":"AR-B-TO","name":"Tordillo"},{"code":"AR-B-TQ","name":"Tornquist"},{"code":"AR-B-TR","name":"Trenque Lauquen"},{"code":"AR-B-TA","name":"Tres Arroyos"},{"code":"AR-B-TL","name":"Tres Lomas"},{"code":"AR-B-TF","name":"Tres de Febrero"},{"code":"AR-B-VM","name":"Veinticinco de Mayo"},{"code":"AR-B-VL","name":"Vicente López"},{"code":"AR-B-VG","name":"Villa Gesell"},{"code":"AR-B-VI","name":"Villarino"},{"code":"AR-B-ZA","name":"Zárate"}]

vba excel api

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edited Jun 13 '18 at 23:18

asked Jun 13 '18 at 22:01




  • 1

    Thanks for sharing, for I have an account there. I didn't know about an API. Definitely will give it a try. Unfortunately I am not a vba person, so no review, sorry.
    – vnp
    Jun 13 '18 at 22:15

  • I just modifies my 2nd answer to include Regions without Sub Regions. It returns 9298 records in under 17 seconds. This seems comparable to Worksheets("HierarchyTest") but it is hard to say because your data extends 9685 but has blank rows.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 21:44

  • 1

    Thanks for sharing, for I have an account there. I didn't know about an API. Definitely will give it a try. Unfortunately I am not a vba person, so no review, sorry.
    – vnp
    Jun 13 '18 at 22:15

  • I just modifies my 2nd answer to include Regions without Sub Regions. It returns 9298 records in under 17 seconds. This seems comparable to Worksheets("HierarchyTest") but it is hard to say because your data extends 9685 but has blank rows.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 21:44



Thanks for sharing, for I have an account there. I didn't know about an API. Definitely will give it a try. Unfortunately I am not a vba person, so no review, sorry.
– vnp
Jun 13 '18 at 22:15

Thanks for sharing, for I have an account there. I didn't know about an API. Definitely will give it a try. Unfortunately I am not a vba person, so no review, sorry.
– vnp
Jun 13 '18 at 22:15

I just modifies my 2nd answer to include Regions without Sub Regions. It returns 9298 records in under 17 seconds. This seems comparable to Worksheets("HierarchyTest") but it is hard to say because your data extends 9685 but has blank rows.
– TinMan
Jun 20 '18 at 21:44

I just modifies my 2nd answer to include Regions without Sub Regions. It returns 9298 records in under 17 seconds. This seems comparable to Worksheets("HierarchyTest") but it is hard to say because your data extends 9685 but has blank rows.
– TinMan
Jun 20 '18 at 21:44

3 Answers





The OP has got the web scraping very close. But there are a couple of things that need to be tweaked.


Case in point WriteToSheet. RetrieveCountries pass a Base 0 array to it and CleanSource passes a Base 1 array. There seems to be no attempt to adjust for the differences. It is causing the target ranges for both and to be 1 row larger then the data array. This is causing the #N/A in the last row of both the MinorSheet and the MajorSheet.

The cells should also be cleared before the data in added.

Here is an easy fix:

Set printRange = targetSheet.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(valueArray) - LBound(valueArray) + 1, 2)

This line tells me that the technique for parsing the JSON is incomplete:

printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString


Here is another attempt to jerry-rig the code because the parsing isn't quite right.

countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

Adjusting the last element in an array after the value has been assigned to it, feels ... I don't know tacky??

I would probably strinp the ends of the responseText first.

 responseText = Mid(responseText,4,len(responseText)-6)

IMO. writing a Function to process the JSON responseText and a Sub to merge arrays would greatly simplify the code.

Function JSONCodeNameToArray(responseText As String)  as Variant()

Sub MergeJSONArrays(Arr1 as Variant(), Arr2 As Variant())

I think that it would be even easier to pass a Dictionary with the responseText. This would make adding the "Sub Regions" really simple.

Sub AddJSON(ByRef responseText As String, ByRef Dic As Object)



I am not going to examine this class but instead am going to show an easier way to create the hierarchy using sequel. To simplify writing the SQL I pasted the worksheets from ebird.xlsm into an Access database. I then used the query designer to write and test the sql. The query can also be modify to ran against ebird.xlsm. You will have to enclose the worksheet names followed by $ in brackets(e.g [SubNat2Sheet$] .

SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat1Sheet.[Region Name]
FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat1Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code],2)
SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat2Sheet.[Region Name]
FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat2Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code],2)

EBird Hierarchy Demo

share|improve this answer

  • @Raystafarian Thanks. I updated my answer to show how to create the hierarchy using sql.
    – TinMan
    Jun 16 '18 at 2:14

  • @Raystafarian I went ahead signed up and got an API Key. The csv format really simplifies the code. Here is my test code: Ebird Hierarchy.txt. I think that it will help you as you develop your project. Thanks for sharing the API and your code.
    – TinMan
    Jun 16 '18 at 10:32

  • That's excellent of you - thanks! The next stage is pulling data again but making charts with it.
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 17 '18 at 1:07

  • Incredible improvement - 62 seconds. Incredible.
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 17 '18 at 4:10

  • @Raystafarian thanks. The performance gain comes from only making a 2nd http request when needed. If you change the field data types to adVarChar and specify the field size (e.g. .Append COUNTRYNAME, adVarChar, 50), you will be able to sort the recordset. I would .UpdateBatch, .Sort and then .Movefirst. Example: .Sort = "[" & COUNTRYNAME & "] ASC, [" & REGIONCODE & "]"
    – TinMan
    Jun 17 '18 at 5:34


My first answer was a review of the OP's post. This answer is an alternate approach.

The my first solution and OP's approach took about 775 seconds to make 3936 synchronized WinHttp.WinHttpRequest requests. Using asynchronous MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP requests with a callback class completes the same 3936 requests to 16 seconds.

Results Image


Public Sub UpdateRegions()
Dim StartTime As Long: StartTime = Timer
Dim Target As Range
Dim Controller As EBirdController
Set Controller = New EBirdController

While Not Controller.ReadyStateComplete

With Worksheets("Results")
With .Range("A1").Resize(1, 6)
.Value = Array("Contry Code", "Country", "Region Code", "Region", "Sub Region Code", "Sub Region")
.Font.Bold = True
.Interior.Color = 6299648
.Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
End With
Set Target = Controller.CopyToRange(.Range("A2"))

.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("B"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("D"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
.Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("F"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
With .Sort
.SetRange Target.Resize(Target.Rows.Count + 1).Offset(-1)
.Header = xlYes
.MatchCase = False
.Orientation = xlTopToBottom
.SortMethod = xlPinYin
End With
End With
MsgBox "Run Time in Seconds: " & Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
End Sub


Option Explicit
Private Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
Private Const REGION_BASE_URL As String = ""
Private Const MAX_CONNECTIONS As Long = 50
Private Type Members
CompletedRequestsList As Object
OpenRequestsList As Object
RequestStack As Object
End Type
Private m As Members

Private Enum DataFields
dfCode = 1
End Enum

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set m.CompletedRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set m.OpenRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
Set m.RequestStack = CreateObject("System.Collections.Stack")
End Sub

Private Function getRequestData(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest) As String()
Dim values() As String, results() As String
Dim index As Long, r As Long
values = Split(Request.getResponseText, Chr(10))

If UBound(values) > 1 Then ReDim results(1 To UBound(values) - 1, 1 To 2) Else ReDim results(0 To 0, 1 To 2)
For r = 1 To UBound(values) - 1
index = InStr(values(r), ",")
results(r, dfCode) = Left(values(r), index - 1)
results(r, dfName) = Right(values(r), Len(values(r)) - index)

getRequestData = results
End Function

Public Sub Initialize()
End Sub

Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest)
Dim data() As String
Dim index As Long, r As Long
Dim URL As String
m.OpenRequestsList.Remove Request.URL
data = getRequestData(Request)

If UBound(data) = 0 Then 'And Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "2*"
m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
For r = 1 To UBound(data)
If Request.URL = COUNTRY_URL Then
URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "1/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
AddRequest URL, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
ElseIf Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "1/*" Then
URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "2/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
AddRequest URL, Request.countryCode,, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
End If
End If
Set Request = Nothing
End Sub

Private Sub AddRequest(URL As String, Optional countryCode As String, Optional country As String, Optional regionCode As String, Optional region As String)
Dim Request As New EBirdRegionalRequest
With Request
.countryCode = countryCode
.country = country
.regionCode = regionCode
.region = region
End With
m.RequestStack.Push Request
End Sub

Private Sub ProcessRequestStack()
Dim Request As EBirdRegionalRequest
If m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Then Stop
Do Until m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Or m.RequestStack.Count = 0
Set Request = m.RequestStack.Pop
m.OpenRequestsList.Add Request.URL
Request.setCallback Me
End Sub

Public Function CopyToRange(Target As Range) As Range
Dim results() As Variant
If m.CompletedRequestsList.Count > 0 Then
results = m.CompletedRequestsList.ToArray
results = Application.Transpose(results)
results = Application.Transpose(results)
Set Target = Target.Resize(UBound(results), UBound(results, 2))
Target.Value = results
End If
Set CopyToRange = Target
End Function

Public Property Get ReadyStateComplete() As Boolean
ReadyStateComplete = m.OpenRequestsList.Count = 0 And m.RequestStack.Count = 0
End Property


Option Explicit
Private Const API_KEY As String = "Sign up and get your own"
Private Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
Private Type Members
Controller As EBirdController
responseText As String
XMLHttpReq As Object
End Type
Private m As Members

Public country As String
Public countryCode As String
Public region As String
Public regionCode As String
Public subRegion As String
Public subregionCode As String
Public URL As String

Function getResponseText() As String
getResponseText = m.XMLHttpReq.responseText
End Function

Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler()
Attribute ReadyStateChangeHandler.VB_UserMemId = 0
If m.XMLHttpReq.readyState = 4 Then
m.Controller.ReadyStateChangeHandler Me
End If
End Sub

Public Sub setCallback(Controller As EBirdController)
Set m.Controller = Controller
Set m.XMLHttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
With m.XMLHttpReq
.onreadystatechange = Me
.Open "GET", URL, True
End With
End Sub


Max Connections

There is no noticeable difference between having 50 or 100 open connections at one time. Increasing MAX_CONNECTIONS to 250 causes the code not to complete. For some reason this increases the callback time and causes a number of requests not to be returned to the Controller.


I update the code to late binding. This is no longer a need for any "External Library References".

share|improve this answer

  • A second answer that's faster? I will try this, thank you. I've never worked "Async" before
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:05

  • @Raystafarian RegoinRS As EbirdReginalRequest is legacy code please remove that line. I had issues with the recordset accepting some characters so I converted it to an array. I update my answer.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:28

  • Here is a download link: EBird Asnc.xlsm. You'll need to add your API key.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:33

  • Sorry, that code is not needed ethier. I added that to try and figure out why having too many open connections prevents the code from completing.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:53

  • That was the only thing different - I wonder why my copies didn't work. Either way this is superb!
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:55


Looks like a very interesting approach, thanks for sharing. Given the multitude of updates and edits: is there any "plain vanilla" summary for your code to handle multiple requests at a time? A lean overview with the essential code would be highly appreciated.

share|improve this answer

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    3 Answers




    3 Answers











    The OP has got the web scraping very close. But there are a couple of things that need to be tweaked.


    Case in point WriteToSheet. RetrieveCountries pass a Base 0 array to it and CleanSource passes a Base 1 array. There seems to be no attempt to adjust for the differences. It is causing the target ranges for both and to be 1 row larger then the data array. This is causing the #N/A in the last row of both the MinorSheet and the MajorSheet.

    The cells should also be cleared before the data in added.

    Here is an easy fix:

    Set printRange = targetSheet.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(valueArray) - LBound(valueArray) + 1, 2)

    This line tells me that the technique for parsing the JSON is incomplete:

    printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString


    Here is another attempt to jerry-rig the code because the parsing isn't quite right.

    countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

    Adjusting the last element in an array after the value has been assigned to it, feels ... I don't know tacky??

    I would probably strinp the ends of the responseText first.

     responseText = Mid(responseText,4,len(responseText)-6)

    IMO. writing a Function to process the JSON responseText and a Sub to merge arrays would greatly simplify the code.

    Function JSONCodeNameToArray(responseText As String)  as Variant()

    Sub MergeJSONArrays(Arr1 as Variant(), Arr2 As Variant())

    I think that it would be even easier to pass a Dictionary with the responseText. This would make adding the "Sub Regions" really simple.

    Sub AddJSON(ByRef responseText As String, ByRef Dic As Object)



    I am not going to examine this class but instead am going to show an easier way to create the hierarchy using sequel. To simplify writing the SQL I pasted the worksheets from ebird.xlsm into an Access database. I then used the query designer to write and test the sql. The query can also be modify to ran against ebird.xlsm. You will have to enclose the worksheet names followed by $ in brackets(e.g [SubNat2Sheet$] .

    SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat1Sheet.[Region Name]
    FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat1Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code],2)
    SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat2Sheet.[Region Name]
    FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat2Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code],2)

    EBird Hierarchy Demo

    share|improve this answer

    • @Raystafarian Thanks. I updated my answer to show how to create the hierarchy using sql.
      – TinMan
      Jun 16 '18 at 2:14

    • @Raystafarian I went ahead signed up and got an API Key. The csv format really simplifies the code. Here is my test code: Ebird Hierarchy.txt. I think that it will help you as you develop your project. Thanks for sharing the API and your code.
      – TinMan
      Jun 16 '18 at 10:32

    • That's excellent of you - thanks! The next stage is pulling data again but making charts with it.
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 17 '18 at 1:07

    • Incredible improvement - 62 seconds. Incredible.
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 17 '18 at 4:10

    • @Raystafarian thanks. The performance gain comes from only making a 2nd http request when needed. If you change the field data types to adVarChar and specify the field size (e.g. .Append COUNTRYNAME, adVarChar, 50), you will be able to sort the recordset. I would .UpdateBatch, .Sort and then .Movefirst. Example: .Sort = "[" & COUNTRYNAME & "] ASC, [" & REGIONCODE & "]"
      – TinMan
      Jun 17 '18 at 5:34


    The OP has got the web scraping very close. But there are a couple of things that need to be tweaked.


    Case in point WriteToSheet. RetrieveCountries pass a Base 0 array to it and CleanSource passes a Base 1 array. There seems to be no attempt to adjust for the differences. It is causing the target ranges for both and to be 1 row larger then the data array. This is causing the #N/A in the last row of both the MinorSheet and the MajorSheet.

    The cells should also be cleared before the data in added.

    Here is an easy fix:

    Set printRange = targetSheet.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(valueArray) - LBound(valueArray) + 1, 2)

    This line tells me that the technique for parsing the JSON is incomplete:

    printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString


    Here is another attempt to jerry-rig the code because the parsing isn't quite right.

    countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

    Adjusting the last element in an array after the value has been assigned to it, feels ... I don't know tacky??

    I would probably strinp the ends of the responseText first.

     responseText = Mid(responseText,4,len(responseText)-6)

    IMO. writing a Function to process the JSON responseText and a Sub to merge arrays would greatly simplify the code.

    Function JSONCodeNameToArray(responseText As String)  as Variant()

    Sub MergeJSONArrays(Arr1 as Variant(), Arr2 As Variant())

    I think that it would be even easier to pass a Dictionary with the responseText. This would make adding the "Sub Regions" really simple.

    Sub AddJSON(ByRef responseText As String, ByRef Dic As Object)



    I am not going to examine this class but instead am going to show an easier way to create the hierarchy using sequel. To simplify writing the SQL I pasted the worksheets from ebird.xlsm into an Access database. I then used the query designer to write and test the sql. The query can also be modify to ran against ebird.xlsm. You will have to enclose the worksheet names followed by $ in brackets(e.g [SubNat2Sheet$] .

    SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat1Sheet.[Region Name]
    FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat1Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code],2)
    SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat2Sheet.[Region Name]
    FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat2Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code],2)

    EBird Hierarchy Demo

    share|improve this answer

    • @Raystafarian Thanks. I updated my answer to show how to create the hierarchy using sql.
      – TinMan
      Jun 16 '18 at 2:14

    • @Raystafarian I went ahead signed up and got an API Key. The csv format really simplifies the code. Here is my test code: Ebird Hierarchy.txt. I think that it will help you as you develop your project. Thanks for sharing the API and your code.
      – TinMan
      Jun 16 '18 at 10:32

    • That's excellent of you - thanks! The next stage is pulling data again but making charts with it.
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 17 '18 at 1:07

    • Incredible improvement - 62 seconds. Incredible.
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 17 '18 at 4:10

    • @Raystafarian thanks. The performance gain comes from only making a 2nd http request when needed. If you change the field data types to adVarChar and specify the field size (e.g. .Append COUNTRYNAME, adVarChar, 50), you will be able to sort the recordset. I would .UpdateBatch, .Sort and then .Movefirst. Example: .Sort = "[" & COUNTRYNAME & "] ASC, [" & REGIONCODE & "]"
      – TinMan
      Jun 17 '18 at 5:34




    The OP has got the web scraping very close. But there are a couple of things that need to be tweaked.


    Case in point WriteToSheet. RetrieveCountries pass a Base 0 array to it and CleanSource passes a Base 1 array. There seems to be no attempt to adjust for the differences. It is causing the target ranges for both and to be 1 row larger then the data array. This is causing the #N/A in the last row of both the MinorSheet and the MajorSheet.

    The cells should also be cleared before the data in added.

    Here is an easy fix:

    Set printRange = targetSheet.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(valueArray) - LBound(valueArray) + 1, 2)

    This line tells me that the technique for parsing the JSON is incomplete:

    printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString


    Here is another attempt to jerry-rig the code because the parsing isn't quite right.

    countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

    Adjusting the last element in an array after the value has been assigned to it, feels ... I don't know tacky??

    I would probably strinp the ends of the responseText first.

     responseText = Mid(responseText,4,len(responseText)-6)

    IMO. writing a Function to process the JSON responseText and a Sub to merge arrays would greatly simplify the code.

    Function JSONCodeNameToArray(responseText As String)  as Variant()

    Sub MergeJSONArrays(Arr1 as Variant(), Arr2 As Variant())

    I think that it would be even easier to pass a Dictionary with the responseText. This would make adding the "Sub Regions" really simple.

    Sub AddJSON(ByRef responseText As String, ByRef Dic As Object)



    I am not going to examine this class but instead am going to show an easier way to create the hierarchy using sequel. To simplify writing the SQL I pasted the worksheets from ebird.xlsm into an Access database. I then used the query designer to write and test the sql. The query can also be modify to ran against ebird.xlsm. You will have to enclose the worksheet names followed by $ in brackets(e.g [SubNat2Sheet$] .

    SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat1Sheet.[Region Name]
    FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat1Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code],2)
    SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat2Sheet.[Region Name]
    FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat2Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code],2)

    EBird Hierarchy Demo

    share|improve this answer

    The OP has got the web scraping very close. But there are a couple of things that need to be tweaked.


    Case in point WriteToSheet. RetrieveCountries pass a Base 0 array to it and CleanSource passes a Base 1 array. There seems to be no attempt to adjust for the differences. It is causing the target ranges for both and to be 1 row larger then the data array. This is causing the #N/A in the last row of both the MinorSheet and the MajorSheet.

    The cells should also be cleared before the data in added.

    Here is an easy fix:

    Set printRange = targetSheet.Range("A2").Resize(UBound(valueArray) - LBound(valueArray) + 1, 2)

    This line tells me that the technique for parsing the JSON is incomplete:

    printRange.Replace What:=Chr$(34) & FIND_STRING, Replacement:=vbNullString


    Here is another attempt to jerry-rig the code because the parsing isn't quite right.

    countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2) = Left$(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2), Len(countryArray(UBound(countryArray), 2)) - 2)

    Adjusting the last element in an array after the value has been assigned to it, feels ... I don't know tacky??

    I would probably strinp the ends of the responseText first.

     responseText = Mid(responseText,4,len(responseText)-6)

    IMO. writing a Function to process the JSON responseText and a Sub to merge arrays would greatly simplify the code.

    Function JSONCodeNameToArray(responseText As String)  as Variant()

    Sub MergeJSONArrays(Arr1 as Variant(), Arr2 As Variant())

    I think that it would be even easier to pass a Dictionary with the responseText. This would make adding the "Sub Regions" really simple.

    Sub AddJSON(ByRef responseText As String, ByRef Dic As Object)



    I am not going to examine this class but instead am going to show an easier way to create the hierarchy using sequel. To simplify writing the SQL I pasted the worksheets from ebird.xlsm into an Access database. I then used the query designer to write and test the sql. The query can also be modify to ran against ebird.xlsm. You will have to enclose the worksheet names followed by $ in brackets(e.g [SubNat2Sheet$] .

    SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat1Sheet.[Region Name]
    FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat1Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat1Sheet.[Region Code],2)
    SELECT countrySheet.[Country Code], countrySheet.Country, SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code], SubNat2Sheet.[Region Name]
    FROM countrySheet INNER JOIN SubNat2Sheet ON countrySheet.[Country Code] = Left(SubNat2Sheet.[Region Code],2)

    EBird Hierarchy Demo

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited Jun 16 '18 at 2:12

    answered Jun 15 '18 at 11:08




    • @Raystafarian Thanks. I updated my answer to show how to create the hierarchy using sql.
      – TinMan
      Jun 16 '18 at 2:14

    • @Raystafarian I went ahead signed up and got an API Key. The csv format really simplifies the code. Here is my test code: Ebird Hierarchy.txt. I think that it will help you as you develop your project. Thanks for sharing the API and your code.
      – TinMan
      Jun 16 '18 at 10:32

    • That's excellent of you - thanks! The next stage is pulling data again but making charts with it.
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 17 '18 at 1:07

    • Incredible improvement - 62 seconds. Incredible.
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 17 '18 at 4:10

    • @Raystafarian thanks. The performance gain comes from only making a 2nd http request when needed. If you change the field data types to adVarChar and specify the field size (e.g. .Append COUNTRYNAME, adVarChar, 50), you will be able to sort the recordset. I would .UpdateBatch, .Sort and then .Movefirst. Example: .Sort = "[" & COUNTRYNAME & "] ASC, [" & REGIONCODE & "]"
      – TinMan
      Jun 17 '18 at 5:34

    • @Raystafarian Thanks. I updated my answer to show how to create the hierarchy using sql.
      – TinMan
      Jun 16 '18 at 2:14

    • @Raystafarian I went ahead signed up and got an API Key. The csv format really simplifies the code. Here is my test code: Ebird Hierarchy.txt. I think that it will help you as you develop your project. Thanks for sharing the API and your code.
      – TinMan
      Jun 16 '18 at 10:32

    • That's excellent of you - thanks! The next stage is pulling data again but making charts with it.
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 17 '18 at 1:07

    • Incredible improvement - 62 seconds. Incredible.
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 17 '18 at 4:10

    • @Raystafarian thanks. The performance gain comes from only making a 2nd http request when needed. If you change the field data types to adVarChar and specify the field size (e.g. .Append COUNTRYNAME, adVarChar, 50), you will be able to sort the recordset. I would .UpdateBatch, .Sort and then .Movefirst. Example: .Sort = "[" & COUNTRYNAME & "] ASC, [" & REGIONCODE & "]"
      – TinMan
      Jun 17 '18 at 5:34

    @Raystafarian Thanks. I updated my answer to show how to create the hierarchy using sql.
    – TinMan
    Jun 16 '18 at 2:14

    @Raystafarian Thanks. I updated my answer to show how to create the hierarchy using sql.
    – TinMan
    Jun 16 '18 at 2:14

    @Raystafarian I went ahead signed up and got an API Key. The csv format really simplifies the code. Here is my test code: Ebird Hierarchy.txt. I think that it will help you as you develop your project. Thanks for sharing the API and your code.
    – TinMan
    Jun 16 '18 at 10:32

    @Raystafarian I went ahead signed up and got an API Key. The csv format really simplifies the code. Here is my test code: Ebird Hierarchy.txt. I think that it will help you as you develop your project. Thanks for sharing the API and your code.
    – TinMan
    Jun 16 '18 at 10:32

    That's excellent of you - thanks! The next stage is pulling data again but making charts with it.
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 17 '18 at 1:07

    That's excellent of you - thanks! The next stage is pulling data again but making charts with it.
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 17 '18 at 1:07

    Incredible improvement - 62 seconds. Incredible.
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 17 '18 at 4:10

    Incredible improvement - 62 seconds. Incredible.
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 17 '18 at 4:10

    @Raystafarian thanks. The performance gain comes from only making a 2nd http request when needed. If you change the field data types to adVarChar and specify the field size (e.g. .Append COUNTRYNAME, adVarChar, 50), you will be able to sort the recordset. I would .UpdateBatch, .Sort and then .Movefirst. Example: .Sort = "[" & COUNTRYNAME & "] ASC, [" & REGIONCODE & "]"
    – TinMan
    Jun 17 '18 at 5:34

    @Raystafarian thanks. The performance gain comes from only making a 2nd http request when needed. If you change the field data types to adVarChar and specify the field size (e.g. .Append COUNTRYNAME, adVarChar, 50), you will be able to sort the recordset. I would .UpdateBatch, .Sort and then .Movefirst. Example: .Sort = "[" & COUNTRYNAME & "] ASC, [" & REGIONCODE & "]"
    – TinMan
    Jun 17 '18 at 5:34


    My first answer was a review of the OP's post. This answer is an alternate approach.

    The my first solution and OP's approach took about 775 seconds to make 3936 synchronized WinHttp.WinHttpRequest requests. Using asynchronous MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP requests with a callback class completes the same 3936 requests to 16 seconds.

    Results Image


    Public Sub UpdateRegions()
    Dim StartTime As Long: StartTime = Timer
    Dim Target As Range
    Dim Controller As EBirdController
    Set Controller = New EBirdController

    While Not Controller.ReadyStateComplete

    With Worksheets("Results")
    With .Range("A1").Resize(1, 6)
    .Value = Array("Contry Code", "Country", "Region Code", "Region", "Sub Region Code", "Sub Region")
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Interior.Color = 6299648
    .Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
    End With
    Set Target = Controller.CopyToRange(.Range("A2"))

    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("B"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("D"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("F"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    With .Sort
    .SetRange Target.Resize(Target.Rows.Count + 1).Offset(-1)
    .Header = xlYes
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    End With
    MsgBox "Run Time in Seconds: " & Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
    End Sub


    Option Explicit
    Private Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
    Private Const REGION_BASE_URL As String = ""
    Private Const MAX_CONNECTIONS As Long = 50
    Private Type Members
    CompletedRequestsList As Object
    OpenRequestsList As Object
    RequestStack As Object
    End Type
    Private m As Members

    Private Enum DataFields
    dfCode = 1
    End Enum

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set m.CompletedRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set m.OpenRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set m.RequestStack = CreateObject("System.Collections.Stack")
    End Sub

    Private Function getRequestData(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest) As String()
    Dim values() As String, results() As String
    Dim index As Long, r As Long
    values = Split(Request.getResponseText, Chr(10))

    If UBound(values) > 1 Then ReDim results(1 To UBound(values) - 1, 1 To 2) Else ReDim results(0 To 0, 1 To 2)
    For r = 1 To UBound(values) - 1
    index = InStr(values(r), ",")
    results(r, dfCode) = Left(values(r), index - 1)
    results(r, dfName) = Right(values(r), Len(values(r)) - index)

    getRequestData = results
    End Function

    Public Sub Initialize()
    AddRequest COUNTRY_URL
    End Sub

    Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest)
    Dim data() As String
    Dim index As Long, r As Long
    Dim URL As String
    m.OpenRequestsList.Remove Request.URL
    data = getRequestData(Request)

    If UBound(data) = 0 Then 'And Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "2*"
    m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
    For r = 1 To UBound(data)
    If Request.URL = COUNTRY_URL Then
    URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "1/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
    AddRequest URL, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
    ElseIf Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "1/*" Then
    URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "2/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
    AddRequest URL, Request.countryCode,, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
    m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
    End If
    End If
    Set Request = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddRequest(URL As String, Optional countryCode As String, Optional country As String, Optional regionCode As String, Optional region As String)
    Dim Request As New EBirdRegionalRequest
    With Request
    .URL = URL
    .countryCode = countryCode
    .country = country
    .regionCode = regionCode
    .region = region
    End With
    m.RequestStack.Push Request
    End Sub

    Private Sub ProcessRequestStack()
    Dim Request As EBirdRegionalRequest
    If m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Then Stop
    Do Until m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Or m.RequestStack.Count = 0
    Set Request = m.RequestStack.Pop
    m.OpenRequestsList.Add Request.URL
    Request.setCallback Me
    End Sub

    Public Function CopyToRange(Target As Range) As Range
    Dim results() As Variant
    If m.CompletedRequestsList.Count > 0 Then
    results = m.CompletedRequestsList.ToArray
    results = Application.Transpose(results)
    results = Application.Transpose(results)
    Set Target = Target.Resize(UBound(results), UBound(results, 2))
    Target.Value = results
    End If
    Set CopyToRange = Target
    End Function

    Public Property Get ReadyStateComplete() As Boolean
    ReadyStateComplete = m.OpenRequestsList.Count = 0 And m.RequestStack.Count = 0
    End Property


    Option Explicit
    Private Const API_KEY As String = "Sign up and get your own"
    Private Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
    Private Type Members
    Controller As EBirdController
    responseText As String
    XMLHttpReq As Object
    End Type
    Private m As Members

    Public country As String
    Public countryCode As String
    Public region As String
    Public regionCode As String
    Public subRegion As String
    Public subregionCode As String
    Public URL As String

    Function getResponseText() As String
    getResponseText = m.XMLHttpReq.responseText
    End Function

    Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler()
    Attribute ReadyStateChangeHandler.VB_UserMemId = 0
    If m.XMLHttpReq.readyState = 4 Then
    m.Controller.ReadyStateChangeHandler Me
    End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub setCallback(Controller As EBirdController)
    Set m.Controller = Controller
    Set m.XMLHttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    With m.XMLHttpReq
    .onreadystatechange = Me
    .Open "GET", URL, True
    .setRequestHeader API_REQUEST_HEADER, API_KEY
    End With
    End Sub


    Max Connections

    There is no noticeable difference between having 50 or 100 open connections at one time. Increasing MAX_CONNECTIONS to 250 causes the code not to complete. For some reason this increases the callback time and causes a number of requests not to be returned to the Controller.


    I update the code to late binding. This is no longer a need for any "External Library References".

    share|improve this answer

    • A second answer that's faster? I will try this, thank you. I've never worked "Async" before
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:05

    • @Raystafarian RegoinRS As EbirdReginalRequest is legacy code please remove that line. I had issues with the recordset accepting some characters so I converted it to an array. I update my answer.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:28

    • Here is a download link: EBird Asnc.xlsm. You'll need to add your API key.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:33

    • Sorry, that code is not needed ethier. I added that to try and figure out why having too many open connections prevents the code from completing.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:53

    • That was the only thing different - I wonder why my copies didn't work. Either way this is superb!
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:55


    My first answer was a review of the OP's post. This answer is an alternate approach.

    The my first solution and OP's approach took about 775 seconds to make 3936 synchronized WinHttp.WinHttpRequest requests. Using asynchronous MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP requests with a callback class completes the same 3936 requests to 16 seconds.

    Results Image


    Public Sub UpdateRegions()
    Dim StartTime As Long: StartTime = Timer
    Dim Target As Range
    Dim Controller As EBirdController
    Set Controller = New EBirdController

    While Not Controller.ReadyStateComplete

    With Worksheets("Results")
    With .Range("A1").Resize(1, 6)
    .Value = Array("Contry Code", "Country", "Region Code", "Region", "Sub Region Code", "Sub Region")
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Interior.Color = 6299648
    .Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
    End With
    Set Target = Controller.CopyToRange(.Range("A2"))

    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("B"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("D"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("F"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    With .Sort
    .SetRange Target.Resize(Target.Rows.Count + 1).Offset(-1)
    .Header = xlYes
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    End With
    MsgBox "Run Time in Seconds: " & Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
    End Sub


    Option Explicit
    Private Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
    Private Const REGION_BASE_URL As String = ""
    Private Const MAX_CONNECTIONS As Long = 50
    Private Type Members
    CompletedRequestsList As Object
    OpenRequestsList As Object
    RequestStack As Object
    End Type
    Private m As Members

    Private Enum DataFields
    dfCode = 1
    End Enum

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set m.CompletedRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set m.OpenRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set m.RequestStack = CreateObject("System.Collections.Stack")
    End Sub

    Private Function getRequestData(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest) As String()
    Dim values() As String, results() As String
    Dim index As Long, r As Long
    values = Split(Request.getResponseText, Chr(10))

    If UBound(values) > 1 Then ReDim results(1 To UBound(values) - 1, 1 To 2) Else ReDim results(0 To 0, 1 To 2)
    For r = 1 To UBound(values) - 1
    index = InStr(values(r), ",")
    results(r, dfCode) = Left(values(r), index - 1)
    results(r, dfName) = Right(values(r), Len(values(r)) - index)

    getRequestData = results
    End Function

    Public Sub Initialize()
    AddRequest COUNTRY_URL
    End Sub

    Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest)
    Dim data() As String
    Dim index As Long, r As Long
    Dim URL As String
    m.OpenRequestsList.Remove Request.URL
    data = getRequestData(Request)

    If UBound(data) = 0 Then 'And Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "2*"
    m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
    For r = 1 To UBound(data)
    If Request.URL = COUNTRY_URL Then
    URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "1/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
    AddRequest URL, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
    ElseIf Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "1/*" Then
    URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "2/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
    AddRequest URL, Request.countryCode,, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
    m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
    End If
    End If
    Set Request = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddRequest(URL As String, Optional countryCode As String, Optional country As String, Optional regionCode As String, Optional region As String)
    Dim Request As New EBirdRegionalRequest
    With Request
    .URL = URL
    .countryCode = countryCode
    .country = country
    .regionCode = regionCode
    .region = region
    End With
    m.RequestStack.Push Request
    End Sub

    Private Sub ProcessRequestStack()
    Dim Request As EBirdRegionalRequest
    If m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Then Stop
    Do Until m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Or m.RequestStack.Count = 0
    Set Request = m.RequestStack.Pop
    m.OpenRequestsList.Add Request.URL
    Request.setCallback Me
    End Sub

    Public Function CopyToRange(Target As Range) As Range
    Dim results() As Variant
    If m.CompletedRequestsList.Count > 0 Then
    results = m.CompletedRequestsList.ToArray
    results = Application.Transpose(results)
    results = Application.Transpose(results)
    Set Target = Target.Resize(UBound(results), UBound(results, 2))
    Target.Value = results
    End If
    Set CopyToRange = Target
    End Function

    Public Property Get ReadyStateComplete() As Boolean
    ReadyStateComplete = m.OpenRequestsList.Count = 0 And m.RequestStack.Count = 0
    End Property


    Option Explicit
    Private Const API_KEY As String = "Sign up and get your own"
    Private Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
    Private Type Members
    Controller As EBirdController
    responseText As String
    XMLHttpReq As Object
    End Type
    Private m As Members

    Public country As String
    Public countryCode As String
    Public region As String
    Public regionCode As String
    Public subRegion As String
    Public subregionCode As String
    Public URL As String

    Function getResponseText() As String
    getResponseText = m.XMLHttpReq.responseText
    End Function

    Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler()
    Attribute ReadyStateChangeHandler.VB_UserMemId = 0
    If m.XMLHttpReq.readyState = 4 Then
    m.Controller.ReadyStateChangeHandler Me
    End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub setCallback(Controller As EBirdController)
    Set m.Controller = Controller
    Set m.XMLHttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    With m.XMLHttpReq
    .onreadystatechange = Me
    .Open "GET", URL, True
    .setRequestHeader API_REQUEST_HEADER, API_KEY
    End With
    End Sub


    Max Connections

    There is no noticeable difference between having 50 or 100 open connections at one time. Increasing MAX_CONNECTIONS to 250 causes the code not to complete. For some reason this increases the callback time and causes a number of requests not to be returned to the Controller.


    I update the code to late binding. This is no longer a need for any "External Library References".

    share|improve this answer

    • A second answer that's faster? I will try this, thank you. I've never worked "Async" before
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:05

    • @Raystafarian RegoinRS As EbirdReginalRequest is legacy code please remove that line. I had issues with the recordset accepting some characters so I converted it to an array. I update my answer.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:28

    • Here is a download link: EBird Asnc.xlsm. You'll need to add your API key.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:33

    • Sorry, that code is not needed ethier. I added that to try and figure out why having too many open connections prevents the code from completing.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:53

    • That was the only thing different - I wonder why my copies didn't work. Either way this is superb!
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:55




    My first answer was a review of the OP's post. This answer is an alternate approach.

    The my first solution and OP's approach took about 775 seconds to make 3936 synchronized WinHttp.WinHttpRequest requests. Using asynchronous MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP requests with a callback class completes the same 3936 requests to 16 seconds.

    Results Image


    Public Sub UpdateRegions()
    Dim StartTime As Long: StartTime = Timer
    Dim Target As Range
    Dim Controller As EBirdController
    Set Controller = New EBirdController

    While Not Controller.ReadyStateComplete

    With Worksheets("Results")
    With .Range("A1").Resize(1, 6)
    .Value = Array("Contry Code", "Country", "Region Code", "Region", "Sub Region Code", "Sub Region")
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Interior.Color = 6299648
    .Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
    End With
    Set Target = Controller.CopyToRange(.Range("A2"))

    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("B"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("D"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("F"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    With .Sort
    .SetRange Target.Resize(Target.Rows.Count + 1).Offset(-1)
    .Header = xlYes
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    End With
    MsgBox "Run Time in Seconds: " & Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
    End Sub


    Option Explicit
    Private Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
    Private Const REGION_BASE_URL As String = ""
    Private Const MAX_CONNECTIONS As Long = 50
    Private Type Members
    CompletedRequestsList As Object
    OpenRequestsList As Object
    RequestStack As Object
    End Type
    Private m As Members

    Private Enum DataFields
    dfCode = 1
    End Enum

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set m.CompletedRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set m.OpenRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set m.RequestStack = CreateObject("System.Collections.Stack")
    End Sub

    Private Function getRequestData(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest) As String()
    Dim values() As String, results() As String
    Dim index As Long, r As Long
    values = Split(Request.getResponseText, Chr(10))

    If UBound(values) > 1 Then ReDim results(1 To UBound(values) - 1, 1 To 2) Else ReDim results(0 To 0, 1 To 2)
    For r = 1 To UBound(values) - 1
    index = InStr(values(r), ",")
    results(r, dfCode) = Left(values(r), index - 1)
    results(r, dfName) = Right(values(r), Len(values(r)) - index)

    getRequestData = results
    End Function

    Public Sub Initialize()
    AddRequest COUNTRY_URL
    End Sub

    Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest)
    Dim data() As String
    Dim index As Long, r As Long
    Dim URL As String
    m.OpenRequestsList.Remove Request.URL
    data = getRequestData(Request)

    If UBound(data) = 0 Then 'And Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "2*"
    m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
    For r = 1 To UBound(data)
    If Request.URL = COUNTRY_URL Then
    URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "1/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
    AddRequest URL, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
    ElseIf Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "1/*" Then
    URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "2/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
    AddRequest URL, Request.countryCode,, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
    m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
    End If
    End If
    Set Request = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddRequest(URL As String, Optional countryCode As String, Optional country As String, Optional regionCode As String, Optional region As String)
    Dim Request As New EBirdRegionalRequest
    With Request
    .URL = URL
    .countryCode = countryCode
    .country = country
    .regionCode = regionCode
    .region = region
    End With
    m.RequestStack.Push Request
    End Sub

    Private Sub ProcessRequestStack()
    Dim Request As EBirdRegionalRequest
    If m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Then Stop
    Do Until m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Or m.RequestStack.Count = 0
    Set Request = m.RequestStack.Pop
    m.OpenRequestsList.Add Request.URL
    Request.setCallback Me
    End Sub

    Public Function CopyToRange(Target As Range) As Range
    Dim results() As Variant
    If m.CompletedRequestsList.Count > 0 Then
    results = m.CompletedRequestsList.ToArray
    results = Application.Transpose(results)
    results = Application.Transpose(results)
    Set Target = Target.Resize(UBound(results), UBound(results, 2))
    Target.Value = results
    End If
    Set CopyToRange = Target
    End Function

    Public Property Get ReadyStateComplete() As Boolean
    ReadyStateComplete = m.OpenRequestsList.Count = 0 And m.RequestStack.Count = 0
    End Property


    Option Explicit
    Private Const API_KEY As String = "Sign up and get your own"
    Private Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
    Private Type Members
    Controller As EBirdController
    responseText As String
    XMLHttpReq As Object
    End Type
    Private m As Members

    Public country As String
    Public countryCode As String
    Public region As String
    Public regionCode As String
    Public subRegion As String
    Public subregionCode As String
    Public URL As String

    Function getResponseText() As String
    getResponseText = m.XMLHttpReq.responseText
    End Function

    Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler()
    Attribute ReadyStateChangeHandler.VB_UserMemId = 0
    If m.XMLHttpReq.readyState = 4 Then
    m.Controller.ReadyStateChangeHandler Me
    End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub setCallback(Controller As EBirdController)
    Set m.Controller = Controller
    Set m.XMLHttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    With m.XMLHttpReq
    .onreadystatechange = Me
    .Open "GET", URL, True
    .setRequestHeader API_REQUEST_HEADER, API_KEY
    End With
    End Sub


    Max Connections

    There is no noticeable difference between having 50 or 100 open connections at one time. Increasing MAX_CONNECTIONS to 250 causes the code not to complete. For some reason this increases the callback time and causes a number of requests not to be returned to the Controller.


    I update the code to late binding. This is no longer a need for any "External Library References".

    share|improve this answer

    My first answer was a review of the OP's post. This answer is an alternate approach.

    The my first solution and OP's approach took about 775 seconds to make 3936 synchronized WinHttp.WinHttpRequest requests. Using asynchronous MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP requests with a callback class completes the same 3936 requests to 16 seconds.

    Results Image


    Public Sub UpdateRegions()
    Dim StartTime As Long: StartTime = Timer
    Dim Target As Range
    Dim Controller As EBirdController
    Set Controller = New EBirdController

    While Not Controller.ReadyStateComplete

    With Worksheets("Results")
    With .Range("A1").Resize(1, 6)
    .Value = Array("Contry Code", "Country", "Region Code", "Region", "Sub Region Code", "Sub Region")
    .Font.Bold = True
    .Interior.Color = 6299648
    .Font.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1
    End With
    Set Target = Controller.CopyToRange(.Range("A2"))

    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("B"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("D"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    .Sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Target.Columns("F"), SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal
    With .Sort
    .SetRange Target.Resize(Target.Rows.Count + 1).Offset(-1)
    .Header = xlYes
    .MatchCase = False
    .Orientation = xlTopToBottom
    .SortMethod = xlPinYin
    End With
    End With
    MsgBox "Run Time in Seconds: " & Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
    End Sub


    Option Explicit
    Private Const COUNTRY_URL As String = ""
    Private Const REGION_BASE_URL As String = ""
    Private Const MAX_CONNECTIONS As Long = 50
    Private Type Members
    CompletedRequestsList As Object
    OpenRequestsList As Object
    RequestStack As Object
    End Type
    Private m As Members

    Private Enum DataFields
    dfCode = 1
    End Enum

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set m.CompletedRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set m.OpenRequestsList = CreateObject("System.Collections.ArrayList")
    Set m.RequestStack = CreateObject("System.Collections.Stack")
    End Sub

    Private Function getRequestData(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest) As String()
    Dim values() As String, results() As String
    Dim index As Long, r As Long
    values = Split(Request.getResponseText, Chr(10))

    If UBound(values) > 1 Then ReDim results(1 To UBound(values) - 1, 1 To 2) Else ReDim results(0 To 0, 1 To 2)
    For r = 1 To UBound(values) - 1
    index = InStr(values(r), ",")
    results(r, dfCode) = Left(values(r), index - 1)
    results(r, dfName) = Right(values(r), Len(values(r)) - index)

    getRequestData = results
    End Function

    Public Sub Initialize()
    AddRequest COUNTRY_URL
    End Sub

    Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler(Request As EBirdRegionalRequest)
    Dim data() As String
    Dim index As Long, r As Long
    Dim URL As String
    m.OpenRequestsList.Remove Request.URL
    data = getRequestData(Request)

    If UBound(data) = 0 Then 'And Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "2*"
    m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
    For r = 1 To UBound(data)
    If Request.URL = COUNTRY_URL Then
    URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "1/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
    AddRequest URL, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
    ElseIf Request.URL Like REGION_BASE_URL & "1/*" Then
    URL = REGION_BASE_URL & "2/" & data(r, dfCode) & ".csv"
    AddRequest URL, Request.countryCode,, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName)
    m.CompletedRequestsList.Add Array(Request.countryCode,, Request.regionCode, Request.region, data(r, dfCode), data(r, dfName))
    End If
    End If
    Set Request = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub AddRequest(URL As String, Optional countryCode As String, Optional country As String, Optional regionCode As String, Optional region As String)
    Dim Request As New EBirdRegionalRequest
    With Request
    .URL = URL
    .countryCode = countryCode
    .country = country
    .regionCode = regionCode
    .region = region
    End With
    m.RequestStack.Push Request
    End Sub

    Private Sub ProcessRequestStack()
    Dim Request As EBirdRegionalRequest
    If m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Then Stop
    Do Until m.OpenRequestsList.Count = MAX_CONNECTIONS Or m.RequestStack.Count = 0
    Set Request = m.RequestStack.Pop
    m.OpenRequestsList.Add Request.URL
    Request.setCallback Me
    End Sub

    Public Function CopyToRange(Target As Range) As Range
    Dim results() As Variant
    If m.CompletedRequestsList.Count > 0 Then
    results = m.CompletedRequestsList.ToArray
    results = Application.Transpose(results)
    results = Application.Transpose(results)
    Set Target = Target.Resize(UBound(results), UBound(results, 2))
    Target.Value = results
    End If
    Set CopyToRange = Target
    End Function

    Public Property Get ReadyStateComplete() As Boolean
    ReadyStateComplete = m.OpenRequestsList.Count = 0 And m.RequestStack.Count = 0
    End Property


    Option Explicit
    Private Const API_KEY As String = "Sign up and get your own"
    Private Const API_REQUEST_HEADER As String = "X-eBirdApiToken"
    Private Type Members
    Controller As EBirdController
    responseText As String
    XMLHttpReq As Object
    End Type
    Private m As Members

    Public country As String
    Public countryCode As String
    Public region As String
    Public regionCode As String
    Public subRegion As String
    Public subregionCode As String
    Public URL As String

    Function getResponseText() As String
    getResponseText = m.XMLHttpReq.responseText
    End Function

    Public Sub ReadyStateChangeHandler()
    Attribute ReadyStateChangeHandler.VB_UserMemId = 0
    If m.XMLHttpReq.readyState = 4 Then
    m.Controller.ReadyStateChangeHandler Me
    End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub setCallback(Controller As EBirdController)
    Set m.Controller = Controller
    Set m.XMLHttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
    With m.XMLHttpReq
    .onreadystatechange = Me
    .Open "GET", URL, True
    .setRequestHeader API_REQUEST_HEADER, API_KEY
    End With
    End Sub


    Max Connections

    There is no noticeable difference between having 50 or 100 open connections at one time. Increasing MAX_CONNECTIONS to 250 causes the code not to complete. For some reason this increases the callback time and causes a number of requests not to be returned to the Controller.


    I update the code to late binding. This is no longer a need for any "External Library References".

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited Jun 21 '18 at 6:06

    answered Jun 20 '18 at 20:43




    • A second answer that's faster? I will try this, thank you. I've never worked "Async" before
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:05

    • @Raystafarian RegoinRS As EbirdReginalRequest is legacy code please remove that line. I had issues with the recordset accepting some characters so I converted it to an array. I update my answer.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:28

    • Here is a download link: EBird Asnc.xlsm. You'll need to add your API key.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:33

    • Sorry, that code is not needed ethier. I added that to try and figure out why having too many open connections prevents the code from completing.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:53

    • That was the only thing different - I wonder why my copies didn't work. Either way this is superb!
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:55

    • A second answer that's faster? I will try this, thank you. I've never worked "Async" before
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:05

    • @Raystafarian RegoinRS As EbirdReginalRequest is legacy code please remove that line. I had issues with the recordset accepting some characters so I converted it to an array. I update my answer.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:28

    • Here is a download link: EBird Asnc.xlsm. You'll need to add your API key.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:33

    • Sorry, that code is not needed ethier. I added that to try and figure out why having too many open connections prevents the code from completing.
      – TinMan
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:53

    • That was the only thing different - I wonder why my copies didn't work. Either way this is superb!
      – Raystafarian
      Jun 20 '18 at 23:55

    A second answer that's faster? I will try this, thank you. I've never worked "Async" before
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:05

    A second answer that's faster? I will try this, thank you. I've never worked "Async" before
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:05

    @Raystafarian RegoinRS As EbirdReginalRequest is legacy code please remove that line. I had issues with the recordset accepting some characters so I converted it to an array. I update my answer.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:28

    @Raystafarian RegoinRS As EbirdReginalRequest is legacy code please remove that line. I had issues with the recordset accepting some characters so I converted it to an array. I update my answer.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:28

    Here is a download link: EBird Asnc.xlsm. You'll need to add your API key.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:33

    Here is a download link: EBird Asnc.xlsm. You'll need to add your API key.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:33

    Sorry, that code is not needed ethier. I added that to try and figure out why having too many open connections prevents the code from completing.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:53

    Sorry, that code is not needed ethier. I added that to try and figure out why having too many open connections prevents the code from completing.
    – TinMan
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:53

    That was the only thing different - I wonder why my copies didn't work. Either way this is superb!
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:55

    That was the only thing different - I wonder why my copies didn't work. Either way this is superb!
    – Raystafarian
    Jun 20 '18 at 23:55


    Looks like a very interesting approach, thanks for sharing. Given the multitude of updates and edits: is there any "plain vanilla" summary for your code to handle multiple requests at a time? A lean overview with the essential code would be highly appreciated.

    share|improve this answer

    New contributor

    M. S. is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
    Check out our Code of Conduct.


      Looks like a very interesting approach, thanks for sharing. Given the multitude of updates and edits: is there any "plain vanilla" summary for your code to handle multiple requests at a time? A lean overview with the essential code would be highly appreciated.

      share|improve this answer

      New contributor

      M. S. is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
      Check out our Code of Conduct.




        Looks like a very interesting approach, thanks for sharing. Given the multitude of updates and edits: is there any "plain vanilla" summary for your code to handle multiple requests at a time? A lean overview with the essential code would be highly appreciated.

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        M. S. is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.

        Looks like a very interesting approach, thanks for sharing. Given the multitude of updates and edits: is there any "plain vanilla" summary for your code to handle multiple requests at a time? A lean overview with the essential code would be highly appreciated.

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        M. S. is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        New contributor

        M. S. is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.

        answered 42 mins ago

        M. S.



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        M. S. is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        M. S. is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
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        M. S. is a new contributor to this site. Take care in asking for clarification, commenting, and answering.
        Check out our Code of Conduct.

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