Presto worker process mysteriously killed and restarted sometime


In our presto cluster (0.212) with ~200 nodes (EC2 instances), sometime (like once per day) a few presto worker processes mysteriously restart (usually around the same time when it happens). The EC2 instances are fine and memory % metrics indicate 70% memory was used.

Does presto worker has any kind of suicide and restart logic (like restart if >= M consecutive errors in a row)? Or can presto coordinator restart worker under some situations? What else might kill a few worker process around the same time?

Here is one example of the server log that shows the restart.

2018-11-14T23:16:28.78011 2018-11-14T23:16:28.776Z  INFO    Thread-63   io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager   Life cycle stopping...
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17181 ThreadDump 4524
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 ForceSafepoint 414
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 Deoptimize 66
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 CollectForMetadataAllocation 11
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 CGC_Operation 272
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 G1IncCollectionPause 2900
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 EnableBiasedLocking 1
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 RevokeBias 6248
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 BulkRevokeBias 272
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 Exit 1
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 931 VM operations coalesced during safepoint
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17184 Maximum sync time 197 ms
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17184 Maximum vm operation time (except for Exit VM operation) 2599 ms
2018-11-14T23:16:29.52968 ./finish: line 37: kill: (3700) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:29.52969 ./finish: line 37: kill: (3702) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:31.53563 ./finish: line 40: kill: (3704) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:31.53564 ./finish: line 40: kill: (3706) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:32.25948 2018-11-14T23:16:32.257Z INFO main io.airlift.log.Logging Logging to stderr
2018-11-14T23:16:32.26034 2018-11-14T23:16:32.260Z INFO main Bootstrap Loading configuration
2018-11-14T23:16:32.33800 2018-11-14T23:16:32.337Z INFO main Bootstrap Initializing logging
2018-11-14T23:16:35.75427 2018-11-14T23:16:35.754Z INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle starting...
2018-11-14T23:16:35.75556 2018-11-14T23:16:35.755Z INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle startup complete. System ready.

If relevant, these "./finish: ..." lines in the log are related to the the /etc/service/presto/finish file below.

  1 #!/bin/bash
2 set -e
3 exec 2>&1
4 exec 3>>/var/log/runit/runit.log
6 STATSD_PREFIX="runit.presto"
7 source /etc/statsd/functions
9 function error_handler() {
10 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") Error occurred in run file at line: $1."
11 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") Line exited with status: $2"
12 incr "finish.error"
13 }
14 trap 'error_handler $LINENO $?' ERR
15 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") process=presto status=stopped exitcode=$1 waitcode=$2" >&3
16 # treat non-zero exit codes as a crash
17 # waitcode contains the signal if there's one (ex. 11 - SIGSEGV)
18 if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
19 incr "finish.crash"
20 fi
23 # ensure that we kill the entire process group.
24 # When sv force-restart runs, it will try to TERM the runit processes. If
25 # this doesn't work, it will kill (-9) the process. In case of haproxy,
26 # apache, gunicorn, etc., the master process will be killed (-9). Child processes
27 # (ie apache workers, gunicorn workers) will *not* be killed and will be
28 # around for minutes (if not hours). These child workers will keep
29 # listening on the socket, preventing the new master apache/gunicorn
30 # processes from binding to the socket. The new master process will keep
31 # crashing and be restarted by runit until the old child processes are
32 # gone.
34 # determine the process group id. it's the group id of the current (finish) proces.
35 PGID=$(ps -o pgid= $$ | grep -o [0-9]*)
36 # kill all processes, except ourself and the PGID (which is the main process)
37 kill $(pgrep -g $PGID | egrep -v "$PGID|$$" ) || true
38 sleep 2
39 # kill -9 to be sure
40 kill -9 $(pgrep -g $PGID | egrep -v "$PGID|$$" ) || true
42 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") process=presto status=finished" >&3
43 incr "finish.count"
44 timing "finish.duration"

share|improve this question

  • What's the ./finish shell script?
    – Piotr Findeisen
    Nov 21 at 9:57

  • Edited the post to show the ./finish file content.
    – danzhi
    Nov 21 at 19:26

  • There is a system that force kills the JVM when an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. This is a hard kill, so you would not get the Life cycle stopping... . That message is only printed from a JVM shutdown hook, so someone would have to send a kill signal to the process.
    – Dain Sundstrom
    Nov 22 at 23:45

  • We found that our continuous pull deployment will restart the presto server under some conditions. It is however not 100% confirmed due to missing deployment log.
    – danzhi
    Dec 10 at 17:16


In our presto cluster (0.212) with ~200 nodes (EC2 instances), sometime (like once per day) a few presto worker processes mysteriously restart (usually around the same time when it happens). The EC2 instances are fine and memory % metrics indicate 70% memory was used.

Does presto worker has any kind of suicide and restart logic (like restart if >= M consecutive errors in a row)? Or can presto coordinator restart worker under some situations? What else might kill a few worker process around the same time?

Here is one example of the server log that shows the restart.

2018-11-14T23:16:28.78011 2018-11-14T23:16:28.776Z  INFO    Thread-63   io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager   Life cycle stopping...
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17181 ThreadDump 4524
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 ForceSafepoint 414
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 Deoptimize 66
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 CollectForMetadataAllocation 11
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 CGC_Operation 272
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 G1IncCollectionPause 2900
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 EnableBiasedLocking 1
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 RevokeBias 6248
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 BulkRevokeBias 272
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 Exit 1
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 931 VM operations coalesced during safepoint
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17184 Maximum sync time 197 ms
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17184 Maximum vm operation time (except for Exit VM operation) 2599 ms
2018-11-14T23:16:29.52968 ./finish: line 37: kill: (3700) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:29.52969 ./finish: line 37: kill: (3702) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:31.53563 ./finish: line 40: kill: (3704) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:31.53564 ./finish: line 40: kill: (3706) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:32.25948 2018-11-14T23:16:32.257Z INFO main io.airlift.log.Logging Logging to stderr
2018-11-14T23:16:32.26034 2018-11-14T23:16:32.260Z INFO main Bootstrap Loading configuration
2018-11-14T23:16:32.33800 2018-11-14T23:16:32.337Z INFO main Bootstrap Initializing logging
2018-11-14T23:16:35.75427 2018-11-14T23:16:35.754Z INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle starting...
2018-11-14T23:16:35.75556 2018-11-14T23:16:35.755Z INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle startup complete. System ready.

If relevant, these "./finish: ..." lines in the log are related to the the /etc/service/presto/finish file below.

  1 #!/bin/bash
2 set -e
3 exec 2>&1
4 exec 3>>/var/log/runit/runit.log
6 STATSD_PREFIX="runit.presto"
7 source /etc/statsd/functions
9 function error_handler() {
10 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") Error occurred in run file at line: $1."
11 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") Line exited with status: $2"
12 incr "finish.error"
13 }
14 trap 'error_handler $LINENO $?' ERR
15 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") process=presto status=stopped exitcode=$1 waitcode=$2" >&3
16 # treat non-zero exit codes as a crash
17 # waitcode contains the signal if there's one (ex. 11 - SIGSEGV)
18 if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
19 incr "finish.crash"
20 fi
23 # ensure that we kill the entire process group.
24 # When sv force-restart runs, it will try to TERM the runit processes. If
25 # this doesn't work, it will kill (-9) the process. In case of haproxy,
26 # apache, gunicorn, etc., the master process will be killed (-9). Child processes
27 # (ie apache workers, gunicorn workers) will *not* be killed and will be
28 # around for minutes (if not hours). These child workers will keep
29 # listening on the socket, preventing the new master apache/gunicorn
30 # processes from binding to the socket. The new master process will keep
31 # crashing and be restarted by runit until the old child processes are
32 # gone.
34 # determine the process group id. it's the group id of the current (finish) proces.
35 PGID=$(ps -o pgid= $$ | grep -o [0-9]*)
36 # kill all processes, except ourself and the PGID (which is the main process)
37 kill $(pgrep -g $PGID | egrep -v "$PGID|$$" ) || true
38 sleep 2
39 # kill -9 to be sure
40 kill -9 $(pgrep -g $PGID | egrep -v "$PGID|$$" ) || true
42 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") process=presto status=finished" >&3
43 incr "finish.count"
44 timing "finish.duration"

share|improve this question

  • What's the ./finish shell script?
    – Piotr Findeisen
    Nov 21 at 9:57

  • Edited the post to show the ./finish file content.
    – danzhi
    Nov 21 at 19:26

  • There is a system that force kills the JVM when an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. This is a hard kill, so you would not get the Life cycle stopping... . That message is only printed from a JVM shutdown hook, so someone would have to send a kill signal to the process.
    – Dain Sundstrom
    Nov 22 at 23:45

  • We found that our continuous pull deployment will restart the presto server under some conditions. It is however not 100% confirmed due to missing deployment log.
    – danzhi
    Dec 10 at 17:16




In our presto cluster (0.212) with ~200 nodes (EC2 instances), sometime (like once per day) a few presto worker processes mysteriously restart (usually around the same time when it happens). The EC2 instances are fine and memory % metrics indicate 70% memory was used.

Does presto worker has any kind of suicide and restart logic (like restart if >= M consecutive errors in a row)? Or can presto coordinator restart worker under some situations? What else might kill a few worker process around the same time?

Here is one example of the server log that shows the restart.

2018-11-14T23:16:28.78011 2018-11-14T23:16:28.776Z  INFO    Thread-63   io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager   Life cycle stopping...
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17181 ThreadDump 4524
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 ForceSafepoint 414
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 Deoptimize 66
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 CollectForMetadataAllocation 11
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 CGC_Operation 272
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 G1IncCollectionPause 2900
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 EnableBiasedLocking 1
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 RevokeBias 6248
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 BulkRevokeBias 272
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 Exit 1
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 931 VM operations coalesced during safepoint
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17184 Maximum sync time 197 ms
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17184 Maximum vm operation time (except for Exit VM operation) 2599 ms
2018-11-14T23:16:29.52968 ./finish: line 37: kill: (3700) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:29.52969 ./finish: line 37: kill: (3702) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:31.53563 ./finish: line 40: kill: (3704) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:31.53564 ./finish: line 40: kill: (3706) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:32.25948 2018-11-14T23:16:32.257Z INFO main io.airlift.log.Logging Logging to stderr
2018-11-14T23:16:32.26034 2018-11-14T23:16:32.260Z INFO main Bootstrap Loading configuration
2018-11-14T23:16:32.33800 2018-11-14T23:16:32.337Z INFO main Bootstrap Initializing logging
2018-11-14T23:16:35.75427 2018-11-14T23:16:35.754Z INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle starting...
2018-11-14T23:16:35.75556 2018-11-14T23:16:35.755Z INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle startup complete. System ready.

If relevant, these "./finish: ..." lines in the log are related to the the /etc/service/presto/finish file below.

  1 #!/bin/bash
2 set -e
3 exec 2>&1
4 exec 3>>/var/log/runit/runit.log
6 STATSD_PREFIX="runit.presto"
7 source /etc/statsd/functions
9 function error_handler() {
10 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") Error occurred in run file at line: $1."
11 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") Line exited with status: $2"
12 incr "finish.error"
13 }
14 trap 'error_handler $LINENO $?' ERR
15 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") process=presto status=stopped exitcode=$1 waitcode=$2" >&3
16 # treat non-zero exit codes as a crash
17 # waitcode contains the signal if there's one (ex. 11 - SIGSEGV)
18 if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
19 incr "finish.crash"
20 fi
23 # ensure that we kill the entire process group.
24 # When sv force-restart runs, it will try to TERM the runit processes. If
25 # this doesn't work, it will kill (-9) the process. In case of haproxy,
26 # apache, gunicorn, etc., the master process will be killed (-9). Child processes
27 # (ie apache workers, gunicorn workers) will *not* be killed and will be
28 # around for minutes (if not hours). These child workers will keep
29 # listening on the socket, preventing the new master apache/gunicorn
30 # processes from binding to the socket. The new master process will keep
31 # crashing and be restarted by runit until the old child processes are
32 # gone.
34 # determine the process group id. it's the group id of the current (finish) proces.
35 PGID=$(ps -o pgid= $$ | grep -o [0-9]*)
36 # kill all processes, except ourself and the PGID (which is the main process)
37 kill $(pgrep -g $PGID | egrep -v "$PGID|$$" ) || true
38 sleep 2
39 # kill -9 to be sure
40 kill -9 $(pgrep -g $PGID | egrep -v "$PGID|$$" ) || true
42 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") process=presto status=finished" >&3
43 incr "finish.count"
44 timing "finish.duration"

share|improve this question

In our presto cluster (0.212) with ~200 nodes (EC2 instances), sometime (like once per day) a few presto worker processes mysteriously restart (usually around the same time when it happens). The EC2 instances are fine and memory % metrics indicate 70% memory was used.

Does presto worker has any kind of suicide and restart logic (like restart if >= M consecutive errors in a row)? Or can presto coordinator restart worker under some situations? What else might kill a few worker process around the same time?

Here is one example of the server log that shows the restart.

2018-11-14T23:16:28.78011 2018-11-14T23:16:28.776Z  INFO    Thread-63   io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager   Life cycle stopping...
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17181 ThreadDump 4524
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 ForceSafepoint 414
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 Deoptimize 66
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 CollectForMetadataAllocation 11
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 CGC_Operation 272
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17182 G1IncCollectionPause 2900
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 EnableBiasedLocking 1
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 RevokeBias 6248
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 BulkRevokeBias 272
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 Exit 1
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17183 931 VM operations coalesced during safepoint
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17184 Maximum sync time 197 ms
2018-11-14T23:16:29.17184 Maximum vm operation time (except for Exit VM operation) 2599 ms
2018-11-14T23:16:29.52968 ./finish: line 37: kill: (3700) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:29.52969 ./finish: line 37: kill: (3702) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:31.53563 ./finish: line 40: kill: (3704) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:31.53564 ./finish: line 40: kill: (3706) - No such process
2018-11-14T23:16:32.25948 2018-11-14T23:16:32.257Z INFO main io.airlift.log.Logging Logging to stderr
2018-11-14T23:16:32.26034 2018-11-14T23:16:32.260Z INFO main Bootstrap Loading configuration
2018-11-14T23:16:32.33800 2018-11-14T23:16:32.337Z INFO main Bootstrap Initializing logging
2018-11-14T23:16:35.75427 2018-11-14T23:16:35.754Z INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle starting...
2018-11-14T23:16:35.75556 2018-11-14T23:16:35.755Z INFO main io.airlift.bootstrap.LifeCycleManager Life cycle startup complete. System ready.

If relevant, these "./finish: ..." lines in the log are related to the the /etc/service/presto/finish file below.

  1 #!/bin/bash
2 set -e
3 exec 2>&1
4 exec 3>>/var/log/runit/runit.log
6 STATSD_PREFIX="runit.presto"
7 source /etc/statsd/functions
9 function error_handler() {
10 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") Error occurred in run file at line: $1."
11 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") Line exited with status: $2"
12 incr "finish.error"
13 }
14 trap 'error_handler $LINENO $?' ERR
15 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") process=presto status=stopped exitcode=$1 waitcode=$2" >&3
16 # treat non-zero exit codes as a crash
17 # waitcode contains the signal if there's one (ex. 11 - SIGSEGV)
18 if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
19 incr "finish.crash"
20 fi
23 # ensure that we kill the entire process group.
24 # When sv force-restart runs, it will try to TERM the runit processes. If
25 # this doesn't work, it will kill (-9) the process. In case of haproxy,
26 # apache, gunicorn, etc., the master process will be killed (-9). Child processes
27 # (ie apache workers, gunicorn workers) will *not* be killed and will be
28 # around for minutes (if not hours). These child workers will keep
29 # listening on the socket, preventing the new master apache/gunicorn
30 # processes from binding to the socket. The new master process will keep
31 # crashing and be restarted by runit until the old child processes are
32 # gone.
34 # determine the process group id. it's the group id of the current (finish) proces.
35 PGID=$(ps -o pgid= $$ | grep -o [0-9]*)
36 # kill all processes, except ourself and the PGID (which is the main process)
37 kill $(pgrep -g $PGID | egrep -v "$PGID|$$" ) || true
38 sleep 2
39 # kill -9 to be sure
40 kill -9 $(pgrep -g $PGID | egrep -v "$PGID|$$" ) || true
42 echo "$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%3NZ") process=presto status=finished" >&3
43 incr "finish.count"
44 timing "finish.duration"


share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 21 at 19:25

asked Nov 21 at 2:23




  • What's the ./finish shell script?
    – Piotr Findeisen
    Nov 21 at 9:57

  • Edited the post to show the ./finish file content.
    – danzhi
    Nov 21 at 19:26

  • There is a system that force kills the JVM when an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. This is a hard kill, so you would not get the Life cycle stopping... . That message is only printed from a JVM shutdown hook, so someone would have to send a kill signal to the process.
    – Dain Sundstrom
    Nov 22 at 23:45

  • We found that our continuous pull deployment will restart the presto server under some conditions. It is however not 100% confirmed due to missing deployment log.
    – danzhi
    Dec 10 at 17:16

  • What's the ./finish shell script?
    – Piotr Findeisen
    Nov 21 at 9:57

  • Edited the post to show the ./finish file content.
    – danzhi
    Nov 21 at 19:26

  • There is a system that force kills the JVM when an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. This is a hard kill, so you would not get the Life cycle stopping... . That message is only printed from a JVM shutdown hook, so someone would have to send a kill signal to the process.
    – Dain Sundstrom
    Nov 22 at 23:45

  • We found that our continuous pull deployment will restart the presto server under some conditions. It is however not 100% confirmed due to missing deployment log.
    – danzhi
    Dec 10 at 17:16

What's the ./finish shell script?
– Piotr Findeisen
Nov 21 at 9:57

What's the ./finish shell script?
– Piotr Findeisen
Nov 21 at 9:57

Edited the post to show the ./finish file content.
– danzhi
Nov 21 at 19:26

Edited the post to show the ./finish file content.
– danzhi
Nov 21 at 19:26

There is a system that force kills the JVM when an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. This is a hard kill, so you would not get the Life cycle stopping... . That message is only printed from a JVM shutdown hook, so someone would have to send a kill signal to the process.
– Dain Sundstrom
Nov 22 at 23:45

There is a system that force kills the JVM when an OutOfMemoryException is thrown. This is a hard kill, so you would not get the Life cycle stopping... . That message is only printed from a JVM shutdown hook, so someone would have to send a kill signal to the process.
– Dain Sundstrom
Nov 22 at 23:45

We found that our continuous pull deployment will restart the presto server under some conditions. It is however not 100% confirmed due to missing deployment log.
– danzhi
Dec 10 at 17:16

We found that our continuous pull deployment will restart the presto server under some conditions. It is however not 100% confirmed due to missing deployment log.
– danzhi
Dec 10 at 17:16

1 Answer





Our continuous pull deploy (salt based) restarts the presto server process under some conditions (dependency or config change). It was undesirable and unintentional and related listen_in sections have been removed.

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer











    Our continuous pull deploy (salt based) restarts the presto server process under some conditions (dependency or config change). It was undesirable and unintentional and related listen_in sections have been removed.

    share|improve this answer


      Our continuous pull deploy (salt based) restarts the presto server process under some conditions (dependency or config change). It was undesirable and unintentional and related listen_in sections have been removed.

      share|improve this answer




        Our continuous pull deploy (salt based) restarts the presto server process under some conditions (dependency or config change). It was undesirable and unintentional and related listen_in sections have been removed.

        share|improve this answer

        Our continuous pull deploy (salt based) restarts the presto server process under some conditions (dependency or config change). It was undesirable and unintentional and related listen_in sections have been removed.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Dec 14 at 19:48




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