-rdynamic doesn't work when using dlopen from static binary


Working on embedded device (ARM, uClibc), I have a static executable which statically linked with different libraries, and have dynamic loading feature using dlopen.

set(EXTERNAL_LIBS "-lpthread -lpcap -lcurl -ldl")    
target_link_libraries(myApp -static ${EXTERNAL_LIBS})

When loading simple plugin everything works fine.

void plugin::execute() {
std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;

When adding string variable:

void plugin::execute() {
std::string test = "hello world from thing";
std::cout << test << std::endl;

I get:

"can't resolve symbol '_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_'"

I've tried adding -rdynamic as suggested here:
dlopen a dynamic library from a static library, when the dynamic library uses symbols of the static one
by adding:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic")

But it still doesn't work.

The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)

What am I missing here??

Added simplified output of the build process:

Compiling object files

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -std=gnu++98  -o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test1.cpp.o   -c /work/src/test1.cpp
arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc -fPIC -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test2.cpp.o -c /work/src/test2.cpp

Linking CXX static library

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ar qc libstaticlib.a  CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test1.cpp.o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test2.cpp.o
arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ranlib libstaticlib.a

Compiling myApp

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++   -fPIE   -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/main.cpp.o -c /work/src/main.cpp

Linking CXX executable

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++   -rdynamic CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/main.cpp.o  -o myapp  -L/work/lib -Wl,-rpath,/work/lib -rdynamic -static libstaticlib.a -lpthread -lpcap -lcurl -ldl

Compiling plugin

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/plugin.dir/plugin/plugin.cpp.o -c /work/src/plugins/plugin/plugin.cpp

Linking CXX shared library ../libplugin.so

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -shared -Wl,-soname,libplugin.so -o ../libplugin.so CMakeFiles/plugin.dir/plugin/plugin.cpp.o  -L/work/lib

output of readelf -s myapp | grep ...:

 0021ce74    68 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

share|improve this question

  • "The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)". Please add as evidence the actual output of readelf --dyn-syms myapp | grep _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 15:54

  • readelf --dyn-syms myapp have no output (maybe because myapp is static?) nm gives the following: 0021ce74 W ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 16:27

  • nm is showing you the global symbol table. nm -D will show the dynamic symbol table, and it will not be there. It's not being exported for dynamic linkage, despite -rdynamic, but without your code or an Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that's as far as I can get, sorry.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 18:28

  • Figured it, and learned something. See updated answer.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:11


Working on embedded device (ARM, uClibc), I have a static executable which statically linked with different libraries, and have dynamic loading feature using dlopen.

set(EXTERNAL_LIBS "-lpthread -lpcap -lcurl -ldl")    
target_link_libraries(myApp -static ${EXTERNAL_LIBS})

When loading simple plugin everything works fine.

void plugin::execute() {
std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;

When adding string variable:

void plugin::execute() {
std::string test = "hello world from thing";
std::cout << test << std::endl;

I get:

"can't resolve symbol '_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_'"

I've tried adding -rdynamic as suggested here:
dlopen a dynamic library from a static library, when the dynamic library uses symbols of the static one
by adding:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic")

But it still doesn't work.

The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)

What am I missing here??

Added simplified output of the build process:

Compiling object files

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -std=gnu++98  -o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test1.cpp.o   -c /work/src/test1.cpp
arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc -fPIC -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test2.cpp.o -c /work/src/test2.cpp

Linking CXX static library

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ar qc libstaticlib.a  CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test1.cpp.o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test2.cpp.o
arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ranlib libstaticlib.a

Compiling myApp

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++   -fPIE   -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/main.cpp.o -c /work/src/main.cpp

Linking CXX executable

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++   -rdynamic CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/main.cpp.o  -o myapp  -L/work/lib -Wl,-rpath,/work/lib -rdynamic -static libstaticlib.a -lpthread -lpcap -lcurl -ldl

Compiling plugin

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/plugin.dir/plugin/plugin.cpp.o -c /work/src/plugins/plugin/plugin.cpp

Linking CXX shared library ../libplugin.so

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -shared -Wl,-soname,libplugin.so -o ../libplugin.so CMakeFiles/plugin.dir/plugin/plugin.cpp.o  -L/work/lib

output of readelf -s myapp | grep ...:

 0021ce74    68 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

share|improve this question

  • "The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)". Please add as evidence the actual output of readelf --dyn-syms myapp | grep _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 15:54

  • readelf --dyn-syms myapp have no output (maybe because myapp is static?) nm gives the following: 0021ce74 W ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 16:27

  • nm is showing you the global symbol table. nm -D will show the dynamic symbol table, and it will not be there. It's not being exported for dynamic linkage, despite -rdynamic, but without your code or an Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that's as far as I can get, sorry.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 18:28

  • Figured it, and learned something. See updated answer.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:11





Working on embedded device (ARM, uClibc), I have a static executable which statically linked with different libraries, and have dynamic loading feature using dlopen.

set(EXTERNAL_LIBS "-lpthread -lpcap -lcurl -ldl")    
target_link_libraries(myApp -static ${EXTERNAL_LIBS})

When loading simple plugin everything works fine.

void plugin::execute() {
std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;

When adding string variable:

void plugin::execute() {
std::string test = "hello world from thing";
std::cout << test << std::endl;

I get:

"can't resolve symbol '_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_'"

I've tried adding -rdynamic as suggested here:
dlopen a dynamic library from a static library, when the dynamic library uses symbols of the static one
by adding:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic")

But it still doesn't work.

The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)

What am I missing here??

Added simplified output of the build process:

Compiling object files

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -std=gnu++98  -o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test1.cpp.o   -c /work/src/test1.cpp
arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc -fPIC -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test2.cpp.o -c /work/src/test2.cpp

Linking CXX static library

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ar qc libstaticlib.a  CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test1.cpp.o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test2.cpp.o
arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ranlib libstaticlib.a

Compiling myApp

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++   -fPIE   -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/main.cpp.o -c /work/src/main.cpp

Linking CXX executable

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++   -rdynamic CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/main.cpp.o  -o myapp  -L/work/lib -Wl,-rpath,/work/lib -rdynamic -static libstaticlib.a -lpthread -lpcap -lcurl -ldl

Compiling plugin

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/plugin.dir/plugin/plugin.cpp.o -c /work/src/plugins/plugin/plugin.cpp

Linking CXX shared library ../libplugin.so

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -shared -Wl,-soname,libplugin.so -o ../libplugin.so CMakeFiles/plugin.dir/plugin/plugin.cpp.o  -L/work/lib

output of readelf -s myapp | grep ...:

 0021ce74    68 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

share|improve this question

Working on embedded device (ARM, uClibc), I have a static executable which statically linked with different libraries, and have dynamic loading feature using dlopen.

set(EXTERNAL_LIBS "-lpthread -lpcap -lcurl -ldl")    
target_link_libraries(myApp -static ${EXTERNAL_LIBS})

When loading simple plugin everything works fine.

void plugin::execute() {
std::cout << "hello world" << std::endl;

When adding string variable:

void plugin::execute() {
std::string test = "hello world from thing";
std::cout << test << std::endl;

I get:

"can't resolve symbol '_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_'"

I've tried adding -rdynamic as suggested here:
dlopen a dynamic library from a static library, when the dynamic library uses symbols of the static one
by adding:

set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic")

But it still doesn't work.

The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)

What am I missing here??

Added simplified output of the build process:

Compiling object files

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -std=gnu++98  -o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test1.cpp.o   -c /work/src/test1.cpp
arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-gcc -fPIC -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test2.cpp.o -c /work/src/test2.cpp

Linking CXX static library

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ar qc libstaticlib.a  CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test1.cpp.o CMakeFiles/libstaticlib.dir/test2.cpp.o
arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-ranlib libstaticlib.a

Compiling myApp

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++   -fPIE   -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/main.cpp.o -c /work/src/main.cpp

Linking CXX executable

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++   -rdynamic CMakeFiles/myapp.dir/main.cpp.o  -o myapp  -L/work/lib -Wl,-rpath,/work/lib -rdynamic -static libstaticlib.a -lpthread -lpcap -lcurl -ldl

Compiling plugin

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -std=gnu++98 -o CMakeFiles/plugin.dir/plugin/plugin.cpp.o -c /work/src/plugins/plugin/plugin.cpp

Linking CXX shared library ../libplugin.so

arm-linux-uclibcgnueabi-g++  -fPIC   -shared -Wl,-soname,libplugin.so -o ../libplugin.so CMakeFiles/plugin.dir/plugin/plugin.cpp.o  -L/work/lib

output of readelf -s myapp | grep ...:

 0021ce74    68 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT    2 _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

c++ static-libraries dynamic-linking dynamic-loading

share|improve this question

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share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Nov 22 '18 at 16:36


asked Nov 22 '18 at 12:26




  • "The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)". Please add as evidence the actual output of readelf --dyn-syms myapp | grep _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 15:54

  • readelf --dyn-syms myapp have no output (maybe because myapp is static?) nm gives the following: 0021ce74 W ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 16:27

  • nm is showing you the global symbol table. nm -D will show the dynamic symbol table, and it will not be there. It's not being exported for dynamic linkage, despite -rdynamic, but without your code or an Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that's as far as I can get, sorry.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 18:28

  • Figured it, and learned something. See updated answer.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:11

  • "The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)". Please add as evidence the actual output of readelf --dyn-syms myapp | grep _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 15:54

  • readelf --dyn-syms myapp have no output (maybe because myapp is static?) nm gives the following: 0021ce74 W ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 16:27

  • nm is showing you the global symbol table. nm -D will show the dynamic symbol table, and it will not be there. It's not being exported for dynamic linkage, despite -rdynamic, but without your code or an Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that's as far as I can get, sorry.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 18:28

  • Figured it, and learned something. See updated answer.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:11

"The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)". Please add as evidence the actual output of readelf --dyn-syms myapp | grep _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 15:54

"The missing symbol DOES exists in the static binary (verified using nm)". Please add as evidence the actual output of readelf --dyn-syms myapp | grep _ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3_

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 15:54

readelf --dyn-syms myapp have no output (maybe because myapp is static?) nm gives the following: 0021ce74 W ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3

– MukiD
Nov 22 '18 at 16:27

readelf --dyn-syms myapp have no output (maybe because myapp is static?) nm gives the following: 0021ce74 W ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1EPKcRKS3

– MukiD
Nov 22 '18 at 16:27

nm is showing you the global symbol table. nm -D will show the dynamic symbol table, and it will not be there. It's not being exported for dynamic linkage, despite -rdynamic, but without your code or an Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that's as far as I can get, sorry.

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 18:28

nm is showing you the global symbol table. nm -D will show the dynamic symbol table, and it will not be there. It's not being exported for dynamic linkage, despite -rdynamic, but without your code or an Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example that's as far as I can get, sorry.

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 18:28

Figured it, and learned something. See updated answer.

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 19:11

Figured it, and learned something. See updated answer.

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 19:11

1 Answer





-rdynamic is a GCC linkage option. So you can pass it directly to
GCC when it invokes the linker (ld). The effect of -rdynamic is to
make GCC pass --export-dynamic in its invocation of ld, as you may see
in the GCC manual: 3.14 Options for Linking

--export-dynamic is not a GCC option, but is an ld option. You
can tell GCC to pass this option when it invokes ld by passing -Wl,--export-dynamic
to GCC.

So your GCC options:

-rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic

do the same thing twice: -rdynamic would be enough.

But the setting:


will not cause GCC to pass -rdynamic when it invokes the linker.

That is because CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS sets the options that will be passed to
each C++ compilation. Since no linkage happens in compilation, linkage
options are ignored and have no effect. Linkage options should be set in


But even then...

the title of your question will remain true, because -rdynamic doesn't work from a static binary, period.

From the linker man page


When creating a dynamically linked executable, using the -E option or the
--export-dynamic option causes the linker to add all symbols to the dynamic symbol table.

My emphasis. And you are not creating a dynamically linked executable, because you
are linking -static. There will be no dynamic symbol table to which all symbols
could be added.

Here's an elementary demonstration.


int foo() {
return 0;

int main()
return foo();

Compile and link normally:

$ gcc main.c

Dynamic symbol table:

$ nm -D a.out 
w __cxa_finalize
w __gmon_start__
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
U __libc_start_main

Compile and link -rdynamic; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -rdynamic main.c
$ nm -D a.out
0000000000201010 B __bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
0000000000201000 D __data_start
0000000000201000 W data_start
0000000000201010 D _edata
0000000000201018 B _end
0000000000000884 T _fini
00000000000007ea T foo
w __gmon_start__
00000000000006a0 T _init
0000000000000890 R _IO_stdin_used
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
0000000000000880 T __libc_csu_fini
0000000000000810 T __libc_csu_init
U __libc_start_main
00000000000007f5 T main
00000000000006e0 T _start

More symbols now, including main and foo.

Compile and link -static; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

And finally:

$ gcc -rdynamic -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

You just cannot link a program statically if you want a plugin to reference symbols that it defines.

share|improve this answer

  • It's still not working, same error.

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:30

  • @MukiD :( You better clean and rebuild your project from scratch with make VERBOSE=1, then edit you post to show the complete output of that so we can see what's really going on.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:34

  • Thanks for the demonstration. you have some idea for a workaround? I'm using static binary to avoid dependencies issues over different platforms

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:22

  • @MukiD I see no workaround I'm afraid.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 20:03

  • Is it possible to make a single shared lib of all "myApp" dependencies, including uclibc? And link myApp against it dynamically?

    – MukiD
    Nov 23 '18 at 6:17

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1 Answer




1 Answer











-rdynamic is a GCC linkage option. So you can pass it directly to
GCC when it invokes the linker (ld). The effect of -rdynamic is to
make GCC pass --export-dynamic in its invocation of ld, as you may see
in the GCC manual: 3.14 Options for Linking

--export-dynamic is not a GCC option, but is an ld option. You
can tell GCC to pass this option when it invokes ld by passing -Wl,--export-dynamic
to GCC.

So your GCC options:

-rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic

do the same thing twice: -rdynamic would be enough.

But the setting:


will not cause GCC to pass -rdynamic when it invokes the linker.

That is because CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS sets the options that will be passed to
each C++ compilation. Since no linkage happens in compilation, linkage
options are ignored and have no effect. Linkage options should be set in


But even then...

the title of your question will remain true, because -rdynamic doesn't work from a static binary, period.

From the linker man page


When creating a dynamically linked executable, using the -E option or the
--export-dynamic option causes the linker to add all symbols to the dynamic symbol table.

My emphasis. And you are not creating a dynamically linked executable, because you
are linking -static. There will be no dynamic symbol table to which all symbols
could be added.

Here's an elementary demonstration.


int foo() {
return 0;

int main()
return foo();

Compile and link normally:

$ gcc main.c

Dynamic symbol table:

$ nm -D a.out 
w __cxa_finalize
w __gmon_start__
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
U __libc_start_main

Compile and link -rdynamic; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -rdynamic main.c
$ nm -D a.out
0000000000201010 B __bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
0000000000201000 D __data_start
0000000000201000 W data_start
0000000000201010 D _edata
0000000000201018 B _end
0000000000000884 T _fini
00000000000007ea T foo
w __gmon_start__
00000000000006a0 T _init
0000000000000890 R _IO_stdin_used
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
0000000000000880 T __libc_csu_fini
0000000000000810 T __libc_csu_init
U __libc_start_main
00000000000007f5 T main
00000000000006e0 T _start

More symbols now, including main and foo.

Compile and link -static; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

And finally:

$ gcc -rdynamic -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

You just cannot link a program statically if you want a plugin to reference symbols that it defines.

share|improve this answer

  • It's still not working, same error.

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:30

  • @MukiD :( You better clean and rebuild your project from scratch with make VERBOSE=1, then edit you post to show the complete output of that so we can see what's really going on.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:34

  • Thanks for the demonstration. you have some idea for a workaround? I'm using static binary to avoid dependencies issues over different platforms

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:22

  • @MukiD I see no workaround I'm afraid.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 20:03

  • Is it possible to make a single shared lib of all "myApp" dependencies, including uclibc? And link myApp against it dynamically?

    – MukiD
    Nov 23 '18 at 6:17


-rdynamic is a GCC linkage option. So you can pass it directly to
GCC when it invokes the linker (ld). The effect of -rdynamic is to
make GCC pass --export-dynamic in its invocation of ld, as you may see
in the GCC manual: 3.14 Options for Linking

--export-dynamic is not a GCC option, but is an ld option. You
can tell GCC to pass this option when it invokes ld by passing -Wl,--export-dynamic
to GCC.

So your GCC options:

-rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic

do the same thing twice: -rdynamic would be enough.

But the setting:


will not cause GCC to pass -rdynamic when it invokes the linker.

That is because CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS sets the options that will be passed to
each C++ compilation. Since no linkage happens in compilation, linkage
options are ignored and have no effect. Linkage options should be set in


But even then...

the title of your question will remain true, because -rdynamic doesn't work from a static binary, period.

From the linker man page


When creating a dynamically linked executable, using the -E option or the
--export-dynamic option causes the linker to add all symbols to the dynamic symbol table.

My emphasis. And you are not creating a dynamically linked executable, because you
are linking -static. There will be no dynamic symbol table to which all symbols
could be added.

Here's an elementary demonstration.


int foo() {
return 0;

int main()
return foo();

Compile and link normally:

$ gcc main.c

Dynamic symbol table:

$ nm -D a.out 
w __cxa_finalize
w __gmon_start__
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
U __libc_start_main

Compile and link -rdynamic; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -rdynamic main.c
$ nm -D a.out
0000000000201010 B __bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
0000000000201000 D __data_start
0000000000201000 W data_start
0000000000201010 D _edata
0000000000201018 B _end
0000000000000884 T _fini
00000000000007ea T foo
w __gmon_start__
00000000000006a0 T _init
0000000000000890 R _IO_stdin_used
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
0000000000000880 T __libc_csu_fini
0000000000000810 T __libc_csu_init
U __libc_start_main
00000000000007f5 T main
00000000000006e0 T _start

More symbols now, including main and foo.

Compile and link -static; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

And finally:

$ gcc -rdynamic -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

You just cannot link a program statically if you want a plugin to reference symbols that it defines.

share|improve this answer

  • It's still not working, same error.

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:30

  • @MukiD :( You better clean and rebuild your project from scratch with make VERBOSE=1, then edit you post to show the complete output of that so we can see what's really going on.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:34

  • Thanks for the demonstration. you have some idea for a workaround? I'm using static binary to avoid dependencies issues over different platforms

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:22

  • @MukiD I see no workaround I'm afraid.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 20:03

  • Is it possible to make a single shared lib of all "myApp" dependencies, including uclibc? And link myApp against it dynamically?

    – MukiD
    Nov 23 '18 at 6:17




-rdynamic is a GCC linkage option. So you can pass it directly to
GCC when it invokes the linker (ld). The effect of -rdynamic is to
make GCC pass --export-dynamic in its invocation of ld, as you may see
in the GCC manual: 3.14 Options for Linking

--export-dynamic is not a GCC option, but is an ld option. You
can tell GCC to pass this option when it invokes ld by passing -Wl,--export-dynamic
to GCC.

So your GCC options:

-rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic

do the same thing twice: -rdynamic would be enough.

But the setting:


will not cause GCC to pass -rdynamic when it invokes the linker.

That is because CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS sets the options that will be passed to
each C++ compilation. Since no linkage happens in compilation, linkage
options are ignored and have no effect. Linkage options should be set in


But even then...

the title of your question will remain true, because -rdynamic doesn't work from a static binary, period.

From the linker man page


When creating a dynamically linked executable, using the -E option or the
--export-dynamic option causes the linker to add all symbols to the dynamic symbol table.

My emphasis. And you are not creating a dynamically linked executable, because you
are linking -static. There will be no dynamic symbol table to which all symbols
could be added.

Here's an elementary demonstration.


int foo() {
return 0;

int main()
return foo();

Compile and link normally:

$ gcc main.c

Dynamic symbol table:

$ nm -D a.out 
w __cxa_finalize
w __gmon_start__
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
U __libc_start_main

Compile and link -rdynamic; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -rdynamic main.c
$ nm -D a.out
0000000000201010 B __bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
0000000000201000 D __data_start
0000000000201000 W data_start
0000000000201010 D _edata
0000000000201018 B _end
0000000000000884 T _fini
00000000000007ea T foo
w __gmon_start__
00000000000006a0 T _init
0000000000000890 R _IO_stdin_used
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
0000000000000880 T __libc_csu_fini
0000000000000810 T __libc_csu_init
U __libc_start_main
00000000000007f5 T main
00000000000006e0 T _start

More symbols now, including main and foo.

Compile and link -static; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

And finally:

$ gcc -rdynamic -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

You just cannot link a program statically if you want a plugin to reference symbols that it defines.

share|improve this answer

-rdynamic is a GCC linkage option. So you can pass it directly to
GCC when it invokes the linker (ld). The effect of -rdynamic is to
make GCC pass --export-dynamic in its invocation of ld, as you may see
in the GCC manual: 3.14 Options for Linking

--export-dynamic is not a GCC option, but is an ld option. You
can tell GCC to pass this option when it invokes ld by passing -Wl,--export-dynamic
to GCC.

So your GCC options:

-rdynamic  -Wl,-export-dynamic

do the same thing twice: -rdynamic would be enough.

But the setting:


will not cause GCC to pass -rdynamic when it invokes the linker.

That is because CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS sets the options that will be passed to
each C++ compilation. Since no linkage happens in compilation, linkage
options are ignored and have no effect. Linkage options should be set in


But even then...

the title of your question will remain true, because -rdynamic doesn't work from a static binary, period.

From the linker man page


When creating a dynamically linked executable, using the -E option or the
--export-dynamic option causes the linker to add all symbols to the dynamic symbol table.

My emphasis. And you are not creating a dynamically linked executable, because you
are linking -static. There will be no dynamic symbol table to which all symbols
could be added.

Here's an elementary demonstration.


int foo() {
return 0;

int main()
return foo();

Compile and link normally:

$ gcc main.c

Dynamic symbol table:

$ nm -D a.out 
w __cxa_finalize
w __gmon_start__
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
U __libc_start_main

Compile and link -rdynamic; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -rdynamic main.c
$ nm -D a.out
0000000000201010 B __bss_start
w __cxa_finalize
0000000000201000 D __data_start
0000000000201000 W data_start
0000000000201010 D _edata
0000000000201018 B _end
0000000000000884 T _fini
00000000000007ea T foo
w __gmon_start__
00000000000006a0 T _init
0000000000000890 R _IO_stdin_used
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
0000000000000880 T __libc_csu_fini
0000000000000810 T __libc_csu_init
U __libc_start_main
00000000000007f5 T main
00000000000006e0 T _start

More symbols now, including main and foo.

Compile and link -static; see dynamic symbol table:

$ gcc -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

And finally:

$ gcc -rdynamic -static main.c
$ nm -D a.out
nm: a.out: no symbols

You just cannot link a program statically if you want a plugin to reference symbols that it defines.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

edited Nov 22 '18 at 19:18

answered Nov 22 '18 at 14:01

Mike KinghanMike Kinghan



  • It's still not working, same error.

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:30

  • @MukiD :( You better clean and rebuild your project from scratch with make VERBOSE=1, then edit you post to show the complete output of that so we can see what's really going on.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:34

  • Thanks for the demonstration. you have some idea for a workaround? I'm using static binary to avoid dependencies issues over different platforms

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:22

  • @MukiD I see no workaround I'm afraid.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 20:03

  • Is it possible to make a single shared lib of all "myApp" dependencies, including uclibc? And link myApp against it dynamically?

    – MukiD
    Nov 23 '18 at 6:17

  • It's still not working, same error.

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:30

  • @MukiD :( You better clean and rebuild your project from scratch with make VERBOSE=1, then edit you post to show the complete output of that so we can see what's really going on.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 14:34

  • Thanks for the demonstration. you have some idea for a workaround? I'm using static binary to avoid dependencies issues over different platforms

    – MukiD
    Nov 22 '18 at 19:22

  • @MukiD I see no workaround I'm afraid.

    – Mike Kinghan
    Nov 22 '18 at 20:03

  • Is it possible to make a single shared lib of all "myApp" dependencies, including uclibc? And link myApp against it dynamically?

    – MukiD
    Nov 23 '18 at 6:17

It's still not working, same error.

– MukiD
Nov 22 '18 at 14:30

It's still not working, same error.

– MukiD
Nov 22 '18 at 14:30

@MukiD :( You better clean and rebuild your project from scratch with make VERBOSE=1, then edit you post to show the complete output of that so we can see what's really going on.

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 14:34

@MukiD :( You better clean and rebuild your project from scratch with make VERBOSE=1, then edit you post to show the complete output of that so we can see what's really going on.

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 14:34

Thanks for the demonstration. you have some idea for a workaround? I'm using static binary to avoid dependencies issues over different platforms

– MukiD
Nov 22 '18 at 19:22

Thanks for the demonstration. you have some idea for a workaround? I'm using static binary to avoid dependencies issues over different platforms

– MukiD
Nov 22 '18 at 19:22

@MukiD I see no workaround I'm afraid.

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 20:03

@MukiD I see no workaround I'm afraid.

– Mike Kinghan
Nov 22 '18 at 20:03

Is it possible to make a single shared lib of all "myApp" dependencies, including uclibc? And link myApp against it dynamically?

– MukiD
Nov 23 '18 at 6:17

Is it possible to make a single shared lib of all "myApp" dependencies, including uclibc? And link myApp against it dynamically?

– MukiD
Nov 23 '18 at 6:17

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