Looking for words from a list of words in a sentence



Given a Dictionary with user_id and a list of alert_words (words and phrases too look for in an sentence) and a string content. We have to look if the alert_words appears in the content and return the list of user_ids who's alert_words appears in the content


input = { 1 : ['how are you'], 2 : ['you are'] }

content = 'hello, how are you'

output = [1]

user_id = 1 has 'how are you' while user_id = 2 has the words but not in the correct order so only user 1 is returned.


I'm using Google's pygtrie implementation of Trie data structure to achieve this. [pygtrie documentation]


  • For each word in the given sentence

  • Check if the word is a key, if yes add it to the list of user_ids

  • check if the word has a subtrie i.e. that current word is the starting of a alert_word. So add it to another set alert_phrases

  • for each word in alert_phrases we check if we can extent with the current word and do the same set of operations if it is a key/subtrie


import pygtrie
from typing import Dict, List, Set

def build_trie(realm_alert_words : Dict[int, List[int]]) -> pygtrie.StringTrie:
trie = pygtrie.StringTrie()
for user_id, words in realm_alert_words.items():
for word in words:
alert_word = trie._separator.join(word.split())
if trie.has_key(alert_word):
user_ids_for_word = trie.get(alert_word)
trie[alert_word] = set([user_id])
return trie

def get_user_ids_with_alert_words(trie : pygtrie.StringTrie, content : str) -> Set[int]:
"""Returns the list of user_id's who have alert_words present in content"""
content_words = content.split()
alert_phrases = set()
user_ids_in_messages = set()
for possible_alert_word in content_words:
#has_node returns 1(HAS_VALUE) if the exact key is found, 2(HAS_SUBTRIE) if the key is a sub trie,
# 3 if it's both 0 if it's none

alert_word_in_trie = trie.has_node(possible_alert_word)
if alert_word_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_VALUE:
user_ids = trie.get(possible_alert_word)

deep_copy_alert_phrases = set(alert_phrases)

# Check if extending the phrases with the current word in content is a subtrie or key. And
# Remove the word if it is not a subtrie as we are interested only in continuos words in the content
for alert_phrase in deep_copy_alert_phrases:
extended_alert_phrase = alert_phrase + trie._separator + possible_alert_word
alert_phrase_in_trie = trie.has_node(extended_alert_phrase)

if alert_phrase_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_VALUE:
user_ids = trie.get(extended_alert_phrase)

if alert_phrase_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_SUBTRIE:

if alert_word_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_SUBTRIE:

return user_ids_in_messages


input = {1 : ['hello'], 7 : ['this possible'], 2 : ['hello'], 3 : ['hello'], 5 : ['how are you'], 6 : ['hey']}
alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
content = 'hello how is this possible how are you doing today'
result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
assert(result == set([1, 2, 3, 5, 7]))

input = {1 : ['provisioning', 'Prod deployment'], 2 : ['test', 'Prod'], 3 : ['prod'], 4 : ['deployment'] }
alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
content = 'Hello, everyone. Prod deployment has been completed'
result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
assert(result == set([1, 2, 4]))

input = {1 : ['provisioning/log.txt'] }
alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
content = 'Hello, everyone. Errors logged at provisioning/log.txt '
result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
assert(result == set([1]))

The two methods are part of a larger classes which have some not so related code. You get a list of user_id's and their alert_words from the database and you process every message content based on the trie already build up.

This is for a chat application so frequency of running the get_user_id_with_alert_words is high when the build_trie is relatively less since it will be cached.

share|improve this question



    Given a Dictionary with user_id and a list of alert_words (words and phrases too look for in an sentence) and a string content. We have to look if the alert_words appears in the content and return the list of user_ids who's alert_words appears in the content


    input = { 1 : ['how are you'], 2 : ['you are'] }

    content = 'hello, how are you'

    output = [1]

    user_id = 1 has 'how are you' while user_id = 2 has the words but not in the correct order so only user 1 is returned.


    I'm using Google's pygtrie implementation of Trie data structure to achieve this. [pygtrie documentation]


    • For each word in the given sentence

    • Check if the word is a key, if yes add it to the list of user_ids

    • check if the word has a subtrie i.e. that current word is the starting of a alert_word. So add it to another set alert_phrases

    • for each word in alert_phrases we check if we can extent with the current word and do the same set of operations if it is a key/subtrie


    import pygtrie
    from typing import Dict, List, Set

    def build_trie(realm_alert_words : Dict[int, List[int]]) -> pygtrie.StringTrie:
    trie = pygtrie.StringTrie()
    for user_id, words in realm_alert_words.items():
    for word in words:
    alert_word = trie._separator.join(word.split())
    if trie.has_key(alert_word):
    user_ids_for_word = trie.get(alert_word)
    trie[alert_word] = set([user_id])
    return trie

    def get_user_ids_with_alert_words(trie : pygtrie.StringTrie, content : str) -> Set[int]:
    """Returns the list of user_id's who have alert_words present in content"""
    content_words = content.split()
    alert_phrases = set()
    user_ids_in_messages = set()
    for possible_alert_word in content_words:
    #has_node returns 1(HAS_VALUE) if the exact key is found, 2(HAS_SUBTRIE) if the key is a sub trie,
    # 3 if it's both 0 if it's none

    alert_word_in_trie = trie.has_node(possible_alert_word)
    if alert_word_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_VALUE:
    user_ids = trie.get(possible_alert_word)

    deep_copy_alert_phrases = set(alert_phrases)

    # Check if extending the phrases with the current word in content is a subtrie or key. And
    # Remove the word if it is not a subtrie as we are interested only in continuos words in the content
    for alert_phrase in deep_copy_alert_phrases:
    extended_alert_phrase = alert_phrase + trie._separator + possible_alert_word
    alert_phrase_in_trie = trie.has_node(extended_alert_phrase)

    if alert_phrase_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_VALUE:
    user_ids = trie.get(extended_alert_phrase)

    if alert_phrase_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_SUBTRIE:

    if alert_word_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_SUBTRIE:

    return user_ids_in_messages


    input = {1 : ['hello'], 7 : ['this possible'], 2 : ['hello'], 3 : ['hello'], 5 : ['how are you'], 6 : ['hey']}
    alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
    content = 'hello how is this possible how are you doing today'
    result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
    assert(result == set([1, 2, 3, 5, 7]))

    input = {1 : ['provisioning', 'Prod deployment'], 2 : ['test', 'Prod'], 3 : ['prod'], 4 : ['deployment'] }
    alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
    content = 'Hello, everyone. Prod deployment has been completed'
    result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
    assert(result == set([1, 2, 4]))

    input = {1 : ['provisioning/log.txt'] }
    alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
    content = 'Hello, everyone. Errors logged at provisioning/log.txt '
    result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
    assert(result == set([1]))

    The two methods are part of a larger classes which have some not so related code. You get a list of user_id's and their alert_words from the database and you process every message content based on the trie already build up.

    This is for a chat application so frequency of running the get_user_id_with_alert_words is high when the build_trie is relatively less since it will be cached.

    share|improve this question





      Given a Dictionary with user_id and a list of alert_words (words and phrases too look for in an sentence) and a string content. We have to look if the alert_words appears in the content and return the list of user_ids who's alert_words appears in the content


      input = { 1 : ['how are you'], 2 : ['you are'] }

      content = 'hello, how are you'

      output = [1]

      user_id = 1 has 'how are you' while user_id = 2 has the words but not in the correct order so only user 1 is returned.


      I'm using Google's pygtrie implementation of Trie data structure to achieve this. [pygtrie documentation]


      • For each word in the given sentence

      • Check if the word is a key, if yes add it to the list of user_ids

      • check if the word has a subtrie i.e. that current word is the starting of a alert_word. So add it to another set alert_phrases

      • for each word in alert_phrases we check if we can extent with the current word and do the same set of operations if it is a key/subtrie


      import pygtrie
      from typing import Dict, List, Set

      def build_trie(realm_alert_words : Dict[int, List[int]]) -> pygtrie.StringTrie:
      trie = pygtrie.StringTrie()
      for user_id, words in realm_alert_words.items():
      for word in words:
      alert_word = trie._separator.join(word.split())
      if trie.has_key(alert_word):
      user_ids_for_word = trie.get(alert_word)
      trie[alert_word] = set([user_id])
      return trie

      def get_user_ids_with_alert_words(trie : pygtrie.StringTrie, content : str) -> Set[int]:
      """Returns the list of user_id's who have alert_words present in content"""
      content_words = content.split()
      alert_phrases = set()
      user_ids_in_messages = set()
      for possible_alert_word in content_words:
      #has_node returns 1(HAS_VALUE) if the exact key is found, 2(HAS_SUBTRIE) if the key is a sub trie,
      # 3 if it's both 0 if it's none

      alert_word_in_trie = trie.has_node(possible_alert_word)
      if alert_word_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_VALUE:
      user_ids = trie.get(possible_alert_word)

      deep_copy_alert_phrases = set(alert_phrases)

      # Check if extending the phrases with the current word in content is a subtrie or key. And
      # Remove the word if it is not a subtrie as we are interested only in continuos words in the content
      for alert_phrase in deep_copy_alert_phrases:
      extended_alert_phrase = alert_phrase + trie._separator + possible_alert_word
      alert_phrase_in_trie = trie.has_node(extended_alert_phrase)

      if alert_phrase_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_VALUE:
      user_ids = trie.get(extended_alert_phrase)

      if alert_phrase_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_SUBTRIE:

      if alert_word_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_SUBTRIE:

      return user_ids_in_messages


      input = {1 : ['hello'], 7 : ['this possible'], 2 : ['hello'], 3 : ['hello'], 5 : ['how are you'], 6 : ['hey']}
      alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
      content = 'hello how is this possible how are you doing today'
      result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
      assert(result == set([1, 2, 3, 5, 7]))

      input = {1 : ['provisioning', 'Prod deployment'], 2 : ['test', 'Prod'], 3 : ['prod'], 4 : ['deployment'] }
      alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
      content = 'Hello, everyone. Prod deployment has been completed'
      result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
      assert(result == set([1, 2, 4]))

      input = {1 : ['provisioning/log.txt'] }
      alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
      content = 'Hello, everyone. Errors logged at provisioning/log.txt '
      result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
      assert(result == set([1]))

      The two methods are part of a larger classes which have some not so related code. You get a list of user_id's and their alert_words from the database and you process every message content based on the trie already build up.

      This is for a chat application so frequency of running the get_user_id_with_alert_words is high when the build_trie is relatively less since it will be cached.

      share|improve this question


      Given a Dictionary with user_id and a list of alert_words (words and phrases too look for in an sentence) and a string content. We have to look if the alert_words appears in the content and return the list of user_ids who's alert_words appears in the content


      input = { 1 : ['how are you'], 2 : ['you are'] }

      content = 'hello, how are you'

      output = [1]

      user_id = 1 has 'how are you' while user_id = 2 has the words but not in the correct order so only user 1 is returned.


      I'm using Google's pygtrie implementation of Trie data structure to achieve this. [pygtrie documentation]


      • For each word in the given sentence

      • Check if the word is a key, if yes add it to the list of user_ids

      • check if the word has a subtrie i.e. that current word is the starting of a alert_word. So add it to another set alert_phrases

      • for each word in alert_phrases we check if we can extent with the current word and do the same set of operations if it is a key/subtrie


      import pygtrie
      from typing import Dict, List, Set

      def build_trie(realm_alert_words : Dict[int, List[int]]) -> pygtrie.StringTrie:
      trie = pygtrie.StringTrie()
      for user_id, words in realm_alert_words.items():
      for word in words:
      alert_word = trie._separator.join(word.split())
      if trie.has_key(alert_word):
      user_ids_for_word = trie.get(alert_word)
      trie[alert_word] = set([user_id])
      return trie

      def get_user_ids_with_alert_words(trie : pygtrie.StringTrie, content : str) -> Set[int]:
      """Returns the list of user_id's who have alert_words present in content"""
      content_words = content.split()
      alert_phrases = set()
      user_ids_in_messages = set()
      for possible_alert_word in content_words:
      #has_node returns 1(HAS_VALUE) if the exact key is found, 2(HAS_SUBTRIE) if the key is a sub trie,
      # 3 if it's both 0 if it's none

      alert_word_in_trie = trie.has_node(possible_alert_word)
      if alert_word_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_VALUE:
      user_ids = trie.get(possible_alert_word)

      deep_copy_alert_phrases = set(alert_phrases)

      # Check if extending the phrases with the current word in content is a subtrie or key. And
      # Remove the word if it is not a subtrie as we are interested only in continuos words in the content
      for alert_phrase in deep_copy_alert_phrases:
      extended_alert_phrase = alert_phrase + trie._separator + possible_alert_word
      alert_phrase_in_trie = trie.has_node(extended_alert_phrase)

      if alert_phrase_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_VALUE:
      user_ids = trie.get(extended_alert_phrase)

      if alert_phrase_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_SUBTRIE:

      if alert_word_in_trie & pygtrie.Trie.HAS_SUBTRIE:

      return user_ids_in_messages


      input = {1 : ['hello'], 7 : ['this possible'], 2 : ['hello'], 3 : ['hello'], 5 : ['how are you'], 6 : ['hey']}
      alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
      content = 'hello how is this possible how are you doing today'
      result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
      assert(result == set([1, 2, 3, 5, 7]))

      input = {1 : ['provisioning', 'Prod deployment'], 2 : ['test', 'Prod'], 3 : ['prod'], 4 : ['deployment'] }
      alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
      content = 'Hello, everyone. Prod deployment has been completed'
      result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
      assert(result == set([1, 2, 4]))

      input = {1 : ['provisioning/log.txt'] }
      alert_word_trie = build_trie(input)
      content = 'Hello, everyone. Errors logged at provisioning/log.txt '
      result = get_user_ids_with_alert_words(alert_word_trie, content)
      assert(result == set([1]))

      The two methods are part of a larger classes which have some not so related code. You get a list of user_id's and their alert_words from the database and you process every message content based on the trie already build up.

      This is for a chat application so frequency of running the get_user_id_with_alert_words is high when the build_trie is relatively less since it will be cached.

      python algorithm python-3.x trie

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked 20 mins ago








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