how to download depth data from TRTH/datascope using Python REST API?


I am trying to download depth data from Tick History Market Depth/Legacy market depth using REST API from this post.

As you already know, depth data is quite large. so I would like to save the files by date. i.e. instead of having 1 giant file, I have one file for each day that contains depth data for all stocks in the list. I would also love to separate by stock and then by date as well but by date is fine for now.

How would I go about it? The following is my code. I use Python 3.6 with Pycharm by the way. And I am not really good with Python. I normally use SAS. While the code is long, there are 4 big parts:

    1. A JSON file that specifies the fields to download
2. a RequestNewToken function to get token each time
3. A function that extracts data
4. A main function that runs the above 2 functions

  1. The JSON file that specifies the fields to download

"ExtractionRequest": {
"@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryMarketDepthExtractionRequest",
"ContentFieldNames": [
"Ask Price",
"Ask Size",
"Bid Price",
"Bid Size"
"IdentifierList": {
"@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentListIdentifierList",
"Condition": {
"View": "NormalizedLL2",
"NumberOfLevels": 5,
"MessageTimeStampIn": "GmtUtc",
"ReportDateRangeType": "Range",
"QueryStartDate": "1996-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"QueryEndDate": "2018-06-06T23:59:59.999Z",
"DisplaySourceRIC": "True"

  1. Here is the code to run and get data:

> _outputFilePath="./"
> _outputFileName="TestOutput"
> _retryInterval=int(30) #value in second used by Pooling loop to check request status on the server
> _jsonFileName="TickHistoricalRequest.json"
> def RequestNewToken(username="",password=""):
> _AuthenURL = ""
> _header= {}
> _header['Prefer']='respond-async'
> _header['Content-Type']='application/json; odata.metadata=minimal'
> _data={'Credentials':{
> 'Password':password,
> 'Username':username
> }
> }
> print("Send Login request")
> resp=post(_AuthenURL,json=_data,headers=_header)
> if resp.status_code!=200:
> message="Authentication Error Status Code: "+ str(resp.status_code) +" Message:"+dumps(loads(resp.text),indent=4)
> raise Exception(str(message))
> return loads(resp.text)['value']
> def ExtractRaw(token,json_payload):
> try:
> _extractRawURL=""
> #Setup Request Header
> _header={}
> _header['Prefer']='respond-async'
> _header['Content-Type']='application/json; odata.metadata=minimal'
> _header['Accept-Charset']='UTF-8'
> _header['Authorization']='Token'+token
> #Post Http Request to DSS server using extract raw URL
> resp=post(_extractRawURL,data=None,json=json_payload,headers=_header)
> #Print Status Code return from HTTP Response
> print("Status Code="+str(resp.status_code) )
> #Raise exception with error message if the returned status is not 202 (Accepted) or 200 (Ok)
> if resp.status_code!=200:
> if resp.status_code!=202:
> message="Error: Status Code:"+str(resp.status_code)+" Message:"+resp.text
> raise Exception(message)
> #Get location from header, URL must be https so we need to change it using string replace function
> _location=str.replace(resp.headers['Location'],"http://","https://")
> print("Get Status from "+str(_location))
> _jobID=""
> #pooling loop to check request status every 2 sec.
> while True:
> resp=get(_location,headers=_header)
> _pollstatus = int(resp.status_code)
> if _pollstatus==200:
> break
> else:
> print("Status:"+str(resp.headers['Status']))
> sleep(_retryInterval) #wait for _retyInterval period and re-request the status to check if it already completed
> # Get the jobID from HTTP response
> json_resp = loads(resp.text)
> _jobID = json_resp.get('JobId')
> print("Status is completed the JobID is "+ str(_jobID)+ "n")
> # Check if the response contains Notes.If the note exists print it to console.
> if len(json_resp.get('Notes')) > 0:
> print("Notes:n======================================")
> for var in json_resp.get('Notes'):
> print(var)
> print("======================================n")
> # Request should be completed then Get the result by passing jobID to RAWExtractionResults URL
> _getResultURL = str("'"
> + _jobID + "')/$value")
> print("Retrieve result from " + _getResultURL)
> resp=get(_getResultURL,headers=_header,stream=True)
> #Write Output to file.
> outputfilepath = str(_outputFilePath + _outputFileName + str(os.getpid()) + '.csv.gz')
> if resp.status_code==200:
> with open(outputfilepath, 'wb') as f:
> f.write(
> print("Write output to "+outputfilepath+" completednn")
> print("Below is sample data from "+ outputfilepath)
> #Read data from csv.gz and shows output from dataframe head() and tail()
> df=pd.read_csv(outputfilepath,compression='gzip')
> print(df.head())
> print("....")
> print(df.tail())
> except Exception as ex:
> print("Exception occrus:", ex)
> return
> def main():
> try:
> #Request a new Token
> print("Login to DSS Server")
> _DSSUsername=input('Enter DSS Username:')
> try:
> _DSSPassword=getpass(prompt='Enter DSS Password:')
> _token=RequestNewToken(_DSSUsername,_DSSPassword)
> except GetPassWarning as e:
> print(e)
> print("Token="+_token+"n")
> #Read the HTTP request body from JSON file. So you can change the request in JSON file instead.
> queryString = {}
> with open(_jsonFileName, "r") as filehandle:
> queryString=load(filehandle,object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
> #print(queryString)
> ExtractRaw(_token,queryString)
> except Exception as e:
> print(e)
> print(__name__)
> if __name__=="__main__":
> main()

share|improve this question


    I am trying to download depth data from Tick History Market Depth/Legacy market depth using REST API from this post.

    As you already know, depth data is quite large. so I would like to save the files by date. i.e. instead of having 1 giant file, I have one file for each day that contains depth data for all stocks in the list. I would also love to separate by stock and then by date as well but by date is fine for now.

    How would I go about it? The following is my code. I use Python 3.6 with Pycharm by the way. And I am not really good with Python. I normally use SAS. While the code is long, there are 4 big parts:

        1. A JSON file that specifies the fields to download
    2. a RequestNewToken function to get token each time
    3. A function that extracts data
    4. A main function that runs the above 2 functions

    1. The JSON file that specifies the fields to download

    "ExtractionRequest": {
    "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryMarketDepthExtractionRequest",
    "ContentFieldNames": [
    "Ask Price",
    "Ask Size",
    "Bid Price",
    "Bid Size"
    "IdentifierList": {
    "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentListIdentifierList",
    "Condition": {
    "View": "NormalizedLL2",
    "NumberOfLevels": 5,
    "MessageTimeStampIn": "GmtUtc",
    "ReportDateRangeType": "Range",
    "QueryStartDate": "1996-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "QueryEndDate": "2018-06-06T23:59:59.999Z",
    "DisplaySourceRIC": "True"

    1. Here is the code to run and get data:

    > _outputFilePath="./"
    > _outputFileName="TestOutput"
    > _retryInterval=int(30) #value in second used by Pooling loop to check request status on the server
    > _jsonFileName="TickHistoricalRequest.json"
    > def RequestNewToken(username="",password=""):
    > _AuthenURL = ""
    > _header= {}
    > _header['Prefer']='respond-async'
    > _header['Content-Type']='application/json; odata.metadata=minimal'
    > _data={'Credentials':{
    > 'Password':password,
    > 'Username':username
    > }
    > }
    > print("Send Login request")
    > resp=post(_AuthenURL,json=_data,headers=_header)
    > if resp.status_code!=200:
    > message="Authentication Error Status Code: "+ str(resp.status_code) +" Message:"+dumps(loads(resp.text),indent=4)
    > raise Exception(str(message))
    > return loads(resp.text)['value']
    > def ExtractRaw(token,json_payload):
    > try:
    > _extractRawURL=""
    > #Setup Request Header
    > _header={}
    > _header['Prefer']='respond-async'
    > _header['Content-Type']='application/json; odata.metadata=minimal'
    > _header['Accept-Charset']='UTF-8'
    > _header['Authorization']='Token'+token
    > #Post Http Request to DSS server using extract raw URL
    > resp=post(_extractRawURL,data=None,json=json_payload,headers=_header)
    > #Print Status Code return from HTTP Response
    > print("Status Code="+str(resp.status_code) )
    > #Raise exception with error message if the returned status is not 202 (Accepted) or 200 (Ok)
    > if resp.status_code!=200:
    > if resp.status_code!=202:
    > message="Error: Status Code:"+str(resp.status_code)+" Message:"+resp.text
    > raise Exception(message)
    > #Get location from header, URL must be https so we need to change it using string replace function
    > _location=str.replace(resp.headers['Location'],"http://","https://")
    > print("Get Status from "+str(_location))
    > _jobID=""
    > #pooling loop to check request status every 2 sec.
    > while True:
    > resp=get(_location,headers=_header)
    > _pollstatus = int(resp.status_code)
    > if _pollstatus==200:
    > break
    > else:
    > print("Status:"+str(resp.headers['Status']))
    > sleep(_retryInterval) #wait for _retyInterval period and re-request the status to check if it already completed
    > # Get the jobID from HTTP response
    > json_resp = loads(resp.text)
    > _jobID = json_resp.get('JobId')
    > print("Status is completed the JobID is "+ str(_jobID)+ "n")
    > # Check if the response contains Notes.If the note exists print it to console.
    > if len(json_resp.get('Notes')) > 0:
    > print("Notes:n======================================")
    > for var in json_resp.get('Notes'):
    > print(var)
    > print("======================================n")
    > # Request should be completed then Get the result by passing jobID to RAWExtractionResults URL
    > _getResultURL = str("'"
    > + _jobID + "')/$value")
    > print("Retrieve result from " + _getResultURL)
    > resp=get(_getResultURL,headers=_header,stream=True)
    > #Write Output to file.
    > outputfilepath = str(_outputFilePath + _outputFileName + str(os.getpid()) + '.csv.gz')
    > if resp.status_code==200:
    > with open(outputfilepath, 'wb') as f:
    > f.write(
    > print("Write output to "+outputfilepath+" completednn")
    > print("Below is sample data from "+ outputfilepath)
    > #Read data from csv.gz and shows output from dataframe head() and tail()
    > df=pd.read_csv(outputfilepath,compression='gzip')
    > print(df.head())
    > print("....")
    > print(df.tail())
    > except Exception as ex:
    > print("Exception occrus:", ex)
    > return
    > def main():
    > try:
    > #Request a new Token
    > print("Login to DSS Server")
    > _DSSUsername=input('Enter DSS Username:')
    > try:
    > _DSSPassword=getpass(prompt='Enter DSS Password:')
    > _token=RequestNewToken(_DSSUsername,_DSSPassword)
    > except GetPassWarning as e:
    > print(e)
    > print("Token="+_token+"n")
    > #Read the HTTP request body from JSON file. So you can change the request in JSON file instead.
    > queryString = {}
    > with open(_jsonFileName, "r") as filehandle:
    > queryString=load(filehandle,object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
    > #print(queryString)
    > ExtractRaw(_token,queryString)
    > except Exception as e:
    > print(e)
    > print(__name__)
    > if __name__=="__main__":
    > main()

    share|improve this question




      I am trying to download depth data from Tick History Market Depth/Legacy market depth using REST API from this post.

      As you already know, depth data is quite large. so I would like to save the files by date. i.e. instead of having 1 giant file, I have one file for each day that contains depth data for all stocks in the list. I would also love to separate by stock and then by date as well but by date is fine for now.

      How would I go about it? The following is my code. I use Python 3.6 with Pycharm by the way. And I am not really good with Python. I normally use SAS. While the code is long, there are 4 big parts:

          1. A JSON file that specifies the fields to download
      2. a RequestNewToken function to get token each time
      3. A function that extracts data
      4. A main function that runs the above 2 functions

      1. The JSON file that specifies the fields to download

      "ExtractionRequest": {
      "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryMarketDepthExtractionRequest",
      "ContentFieldNames": [
      "Ask Price",
      "Ask Size",
      "Bid Price",
      "Bid Size"
      "IdentifierList": {
      "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentListIdentifierList",
      "Condition": {
      "View": "NormalizedLL2",
      "NumberOfLevels": 5,
      "MessageTimeStampIn": "GmtUtc",
      "ReportDateRangeType": "Range",
      "QueryStartDate": "1996-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "QueryEndDate": "2018-06-06T23:59:59.999Z",
      "DisplaySourceRIC": "True"

      1. Here is the code to run and get data:

      > _outputFilePath="./"
      > _outputFileName="TestOutput"
      > _retryInterval=int(30) #value in second used by Pooling loop to check request status on the server
      > _jsonFileName="TickHistoricalRequest.json"
      > def RequestNewToken(username="",password=""):
      > _AuthenURL = ""
      > _header= {}
      > _header['Prefer']='respond-async'
      > _header['Content-Type']='application/json; odata.metadata=minimal'
      > _data={'Credentials':{
      > 'Password':password,
      > 'Username':username
      > }
      > }
      > print("Send Login request")
      > resp=post(_AuthenURL,json=_data,headers=_header)
      > if resp.status_code!=200:
      > message="Authentication Error Status Code: "+ str(resp.status_code) +" Message:"+dumps(loads(resp.text),indent=4)
      > raise Exception(str(message))
      > return loads(resp.text)['value']
      > def ExtractRaw(token,json_payload):
      > try:
      > _extractRawURL=""
      > #Setup Request Header
      > _header={}
      > _header['Prefer']='respond-async'
      > _header['Content-Type']='application/json; odata.metadata=minimal'
      > _header['Accept-Charset']='UTF-8'
      > _header['Authorization']='Token'+token
      > #Post Http Request to DSS server using extract raw URL
      > resp=post(_extractRawURL,data=None,json=json_payload,headers=_header)
      > #Print Status Code return from HTTP Response
      > print("Status Code="+str(resp.status_code) )
      > #Raise exception with error message if the returned status is not 202 (Accepted) or 200 (Ok)
      > if resp.status_code!=200:
      > if resp.status_code!=202:
      > message="Error: Status Code:"+str(resp.status_code)+" Message:"+resp.text
      > raise Exception(message)
      > #Get location from header, URL must be https so we need to change it using string replace function
      > _location=str.replace(resp.headers['Location'],"http://","https://")
      > print("Get Status from "+str(_location))
      > _jobID=""
      > #pooling loop to check request status every 2 sec.
      > while True:
      > resp=get(_location,headers=_header)
      > _pollstatus = int(resp.status_code)
      > if _pollstatus==200:
      > break
      > else:
      > print("Status:"+str(resp.headers['Status']))
      > sleep(_retryInterval) #wait for _retyInterval period and re-request the status to check if it already completed
      > # Get the jobID from HTTP response
      > json_resp = loads(resp.text)
      > _jobID = json_resp.get('JobId')
      > print("Status is completed the JobID is "+ str(_jobID)+ "n")
      > # Check if the response contains Notes.If the note exists print it to console.
      > if len(json_resp.get('Notes')) > 0:
      > print("Notes:n======================================")
      > for var in json_resp.get('Notes'):
      > print(var)
      > print("======================================n")
      > # Request should be completed then Get the result by passing jobID to RAWExtractionResults URL
      > _getResultURL = str("'"
      > + _jobID + "')/$value")
      > print("Retrieve result from " + _getResultURL)
      > resp=get(_getResultURL,headers=_header,stream=True)
      > #Write Output to file.
      > outputfilepath = str(_outputFilePath + _outputFileName + str(os.getpid()) + '.csv.gz')
      > if resp.status_code==200:
      > with open(outputfilepath, 'wb') as f:
      > f.write(
      > print("Write output to "+outputfilepath+" completednn")
      > print("Below is sample data from "+ outputfilepath)
      > #Read data from csv.gz and shows output from dataframe head() and tail()
      > df=pd.read_csv(outputfilepath,compression='gzip')
      > print(df.head())
      > print("....")
      > print(df.tail())
      > except Exception as ex:
      > print("Exception occrus:", ex)
      > return
      > def main():
      > try:
      > #Request a new Token
      > print("Login to DSS Server")
      > _DSSUsername=input('Enter DSS Username:')
      > try:
      > _DSSPassword=getpass(prompt='Enter DSS Password:')
      > _token=RequestNewToken(_DSSUsername,_DSSPassword)
      > except GetPassWarning as e:
      > print(e)
      > print("Token="+_token+"n")
      > #Read the HTTP request body from JSON file. So you can change the request in JSON file instead.
      > queryString = {}
      > with open(_jsonFileName, "r") as filehandle:
      > queryString=load(filehandle,object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
      > #print(queryString)
      > ExtractRaw(_token,queryString)
      > except Exception as e:
      > print(e)
      > print(__name__)
      > if __name__=="__main__":
      > main()

      share|improve this question

      I am trying to download depth data from Tick History Market Depth/Legacy market depth using REST API from this post.

      As you already know, depth data is quite large. so I would like to save the files by date. i.e. instead of having 1 giant file, I have one file for each day that contains depth data for all stocks in the list. I would also love to separate by stock and then by date as well but by date is fine for now.

      How would I go about it? The following is my code. I use Python 3.6 with Pycharm by the way. And I am not really good with Python. I normally use SAS. While the code is long, there are 4 big parts:

          1. A JSON file that specifies the fields to download
      2. a RequestNewToken function to get token each time
      3. A function that extracts data
      4. A main function that runs the above 2 functions

      1. The JSON file that specifies the fields to download

      "ExtractionRequest": {
      "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.TickHistoryMarketDepthExtractionRequest",
      "ContentFieldNames": [
      "Ask Price",
      "Ask Size",
      "Bid Price",
      "Bid Size"
      "IdentifierList": {
      "@odata.type": "#ThomsonReuters.Dss.Api.Extractions.ExtractionRequests.InstrumentListIdentifierList",
      "Condition": {
      "View": "NormalizedLL2",
      "NumberOfLevels": 5,
      "MessageTimeStampIn": "GmtUtc",
      "ReportDateRangeType": "Range",
      "QueryStartDate": "1996-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
      "QueryEndDate": "2018-06-06T23:59:59.999Z",
      "DisplaySourceRIC": "True"

      1. Here is the code to run and get data:

      > _outputFilePath="./"
      > _outputFileName="TestOutput"
      > _retryInterval=int(30) #value in second used by Pooling loop to check request status on the server
      > _jsonFileName="TickHistoricalRequest.json"
      > def RequestNewToken(username="",password=""):
      > _AuthenURL = ""
      > _header= {}
      > _header['Prefer']='respond-async'
      > _header['Content-Type']='application/json; odata.metadata=minimal'
      > _data={'Credentials':{
      > 'Password':password,
      > 'Username':username
      > }
      > }
      > print("Send Login request")
      > resp=post(_AuthenURL,json=_data,headers=_header)
      > if resp.status_code!=200:
      > message="Authentication Error Status Code: "+ str(resp.status_code) +" Message:"+dumps(loads(resp.text),indent=4)
      > raise Exception(str(message))
      > return loads(resp.text)['value']
      > def ExtractRaw(token,json_payload):
      > try:
      > _extractRawURL=""
      > #Setup Request Header
      > _header={}
      > _header['Prefer']='respond-async'
      > _header['Content-Type']='application/json; odata.metadata=minimal'
      > _header['Accept-Charset']='UTF-8'
      > _header['Authorization']='Token'+token
      > #Post Http Request to DSS server using extract raw URL
      > resp=post(_extractRawURL,data=None,json=json_payload,headers=_header)
      > #Print Status Code return from HTTP Response
      > print("Status Code="+str(resp.status_code) )
      > #Raise exception with error message if the returned status is not 202 (Accepted) or 200 (Ok)
      > if resp.status_code!=200:
      > if resp.status_code!=202:
      > message="Error: Status Code:"+str(resp.status_code)+" Message:"+resp.text
      > raise Exception(message)
      > #Get location from header, URL must be https so we need to change it using string replace function
      > _location=str.replace(resp.headers['Location'],"http://","https://")
      > print("Get Status from "+str(_location))
      > _jobID=""
      > #pooling loop to check request status every 2 sec.
      > while True:
      > resp=get(_location,headers=_header)
      > _pollstatus = int(resp.status_code)
      > if _pollstatus==200:
      > break
      > else:
      > print("Status:"+str(resp.headers['Status']))
      > sleep(_retryInterval) #wait for _retyInterval period and re-request the status to check if it already completed
      > # Get the jobID from HTTP response
      > json_resp = loads(resp.text)
      > _jobID = json_resp.get('JobId')
      > print("Status is completed the JobID is "+ str(_jobID)+ "n")
      > # Check if the response contains Notes.If the note exists print it to console.
      > if len(json_resp.get('Notes')) > 0:
      > print("Notes:n======================================")
      > for var in json_resp.get('Notes'):
      > print(var)
      > print("======================================n")
      > # Request should be completed then Get the result by passing jobID to RAWExtractionResults URL
      > _getResultURL = str("'"
      > + _jobID + "')/$value")
      > print("Retrieve result from " + _getResultURL)
      > resp=get(_getResultURL,headers=_header,stream=True)
      > #Write Output to file.
      > outputfilepath = str(_outputFilePath + _outputFileName + str(os.getpid()) + '.csv.gz')
      > if resp.status_code==200:
      > with open(outputfilepath, 'wb') as f:
      > f.write(
      > print("Write output to "+outputfilepath+" completednn")
      > print("Below is sample data from "+ outputfilepath)
      > #Read data from csv.gz and shows output from dataframe head() and tail()
      > df=pd.read_csv(outputfilepath,compression='gzip')
      > print(df.head())
      > print("....")
      > print(df.tail())
      > except Exception as ex:
      > print("Exception occrus:", ex)
      > return
      > def main():
      > try:
      > #Request a new Token
      > print("Login to DSS Server")
      > _DSSUsername=input('Enter DSS Username:')
      > try:
      > _DSSPassword=getpass(prompt='Enter DSS Password:')
      > _token=RequestNewToken(_DSSUsername,_DSSPassword)
      > except GetPassWarning as e:
      > print(e)
      > print("Token="+_token+"n")
      > #Read the HTTP request body from JSON file. So you can change the request in JSON file instead.
      > queryString = {}
      > with open(_jsonFileName, "r") as filehandle:
      > queryString=load(filehandle,object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
      > #print(queryString)
      > ExtractRaw(_token,queryString)
      > except Exception as e:
      > print(e)
      > print(__name__)
      > if __name__=="__main__":
      > main()

      python json python-3.x api

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Nov 21 at 2:18







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